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Better Late tiran Kever ! 'J'HE Subscriber hu the pleasure of announcing to the Public, that he has just received from New York, ond openeda choico and well selected assortment of NEW GOODS, consisttng of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Booti and Shoes, xvhich ho vrill sell al Very Low Prices for Ready Pay in Cash, or Produce. Cash or Goods will bepaid for WOOL n any quantities. ROBERT DAV1DS0N. Ann Arbor, June 10, 1846. 6S-tf Dissoltition. npHE Partnership under the name and fírtn o J G. D. HilUV Co. having dissolved by lim itation, all persons indebted to the concern by note or account, are norified that unless thcy cali and pay or seulc the same with G. D. Hil! provious to ihe 15ih dny ol'June next. ;hey will riml the said notes and accounts in the hands ofa Juatice of the Peace for colloction. G. D. HILL & Co. Ann Arbor, May 11 1846. 2S4-f TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. R1PLEY would say to his frienda and the Jriends of Tempert nee, that he hns taken tho Temperancc Houee, lately kept by Wm. G. Wheaton, whcro he would be glad to wait upon them. Hay and Oats and Stabbling to occommodate teams. Detroit, January 1, 1646. 245tf Wholesale Oroceries. rpHE SÜBSCRIBER offers to Country híerX. ckants, the following selected stock, or. tho most favorable terms, and at the lowcst viarktt o r iets. 160 chests teas - assorted packages, 40 lihds. silgare, 180 baga coffee, '22 hhds. molasses, '20 bags pepper, _, Í5 do spice, j 60 boxes tobáceo, 150 do raiaina, 30 do loafsugar, l()fl do pipes, 120 do bar soap, 3 __j 200 do herring, 1 3 barrels sperm oil, 25 bbls. mackerrl, 50 quíntala codíjb, , i 5 tierces rice, 40 keg ginger, _ " 35 bags nuis - assorted. - ALSO- 300 barrels dye wood, 3 cases indigo, 2 barrels camphor. 10 barrels epsom sahs, 20 do madder, 300 kegs white lend. 40 barrels linseed oil, 15 do spirits turptntine. THEO. H. EATON, Wholesale Oruggist nnd Grocer, Stores, l8Jand 190 JefTerson Avenue. May "25, 1846. 267 CLOVER MACHINES. THRASH1NG MACHINES and Seperatoia made and sold by thesubecribere,at their Michino Shop, near the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP & HAV1LAND, Jan. 19. 1846. 247 tf Chattel ."Worlgagres, JUST printei and br sale a: this oífio in any qaantity. M.TrohQ4. 1R46. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT's 6TORE5 CRANE & JEWKTt'b BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. SABBATH srIOOï. BOOKS for sale PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dec. 23. 244- tf