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medical iVolicc. rpHE underaigae.l, t.ff.-ri., h rv.c XLhWWechoolot.edcue: imtb unliumly beliovea lloWpntltf ■ ■ ' tndst safe, certam and socesfu] uietfjoij ; Diseases. hithorto incurable, are now cises. perm.nniiyer.ulicue.M.y KW' AflfiWiooaoi thespme, hcn-l, uierus., ornad .te. &c. !nvenoA-t'1-ircc.t,.t.rem,-l..s. p ilepsy, manía, parÚJy. neuralgia, bnmehit.s 1 ver and lu-ig dfccasM; sr.rlet fever. cho or black ton?t.e, croup, inRjimnfdPM ' brai, .tomadi. boweU. &c, &■ are only n ít-v of the in.inv illa. lUHt liuve be.-n strip ol theii tírrors by the timely oppHeatian ol liomuio.mtln medie im nis. ... , Wilbont [urt'.iür csny, the iimlersrgned 'oiiL Iciveit i.i ihe ffliBiedw ny, on irirfoi ihereni odios, hoihor Hoinawpatby is whaui claims ibe or not. lio wo.iM nlso state hm hn has jas.t retrne írotn New Y.rk and Philadelphia; vrih a om ptote wrtiwniof M;.L:A,Uí:NT nst írn portea from Leipsic, tfl tli:spl.ic. hete he ui. attcu-l to all calis. and .irnisíi medica l„, fe, &c al lh Uvwjttt p rices From thc clOi anj exclusive attontion he a giviny lo ihe studj and practicti oí HomtE pnlhy i') be abla to pvi satisfaction to üiso who may favor lum will their patronage. Coinuiunicnions, jvsl iiiü from patienia at a distance, wiü reeolve piomp aitentiüii. Til e wlv may wisb to pJac.Q thc-.nscives un der his tremnout for any chronio discase. oai obtfim lo.lsinsjs citlicr at hiá houso, orín oihe. placea, at lo w-n rices. P T11O3. BLACKWOOO, M. D. Hoiiupopnihist. ïprilflntl, gflth Noy. 1845 2)0-1 y Wardwell & Iíxoh, IMPORTERS A.N-D WHOLESALE DEALERS IX HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. tCTjNo 4, Cedr sireft. 'J doors-above Pcarl 61 IVew York. J. M. WaKD-.VKLI. CoURTLASD P. DlXON W. & D nrc rêceiylng a fH nnJ penernl as torfménvof English and. .Vrii Hardware consiátins i par,t of TA-U nnd Pódcet Catíery B'Mchcrs' Razors, Filos. Chtseis, Plme Irons anr Sr.v?, American BuihaníSere. Ames SIw vcU aml Surl-rs. YVm. Rowlund'a Mili and XCutSWsV'Harriár, Dl.wds'. Dermis and Taylor's Scn-thes- which are quered oti the nios favorable ter:ns for cnsh nr fcix rnouih scrr-dit. New York, V.cU. Vé 6. 2n2-6r Xo Woel Círowers. WE beg leave io infórrn our NVoul Qrrowinj friend?, that we siiall be prepared for th. purchase of 100,000 Ibs. of a gond clean merchantable nrticle, as sooi as thelseason sclling commences, es v.-e ar connected with Eastern wool dcalrrs. we sha, be able lo pay the hiUesl pricn the Eastein mar ket -.vill aflürd. Geit co!ii''''nt was made Ia ecason omoiicat the Eastern Dealers and I Manufacturers, in reference to the poor condition o Michigan Wool- much of it being in bnd orde. and a considerable portion being tinVHttked. Wo would here take occasion to request tha tho utmost pnins sliouUl be taken io have ihc shcep we!l washed before shcanns, that thc Tor Locks be cut ofT. and that each Fleece be carefnlly tied up with proper wool twine. (cost 18; tn-ió ets per lb. ) hoinp twine is thc best: it wil fco Hnind greatly to thaadvanlageof Wool Srow ersto put up their wool in tbw inanner. ,ün washed wool is not merchantnble, ond wdl L rejecïed by moslif not all ofihc Vool buyers. i being dillicult to clean. J. HOLMES & Co. WOOUWARD AVK.VUZ, Larends Biock . Dstroif, March 26, 184G. 2',7-tf wöoi! wöbz!! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ TIIEunJersined woald inform tbe pub!:that ihcy continue ló rhaiiáracrtiíe FULLEO CLOTH AND FLANNELS, at their nmnuf.ictory, two and a half miles wes of Ann Arbor, on tho Huroa River, near th Railroad. TERMS. Thepriceofmanutacturinz White Flannrl wit be 20 centa, Fuiled Clmh o7h cents and Caasi mere 41 cents per ynrd. or half the cloth th Wool will niake. We v.ill also eschange Cot. fur V..fil on rensonable tei;n9. Tho colors will be grny, black or brown. T. iv Wool yelongihe to cach individual will tv wor'ïed by ttseU when there is enouL;h of on. qualiiy to makc 6;) yards of cloth; when ibis i rnt ihe case, overal p;:r:ds of ihe same quahl will bc wotked toiiether, nnd the cloth diyiae anvin" the sevcrai owners. Wool sert by RtiI road, markcd S. W. Foster & Co., Ann Arbor withdirections, will bc attendei to in thc snm mannnras if the owtier wcre to come wiih it.The Wool will bo maiiulanlured in turn as i comes in, ns ncar as m iv be consistent wn.i fJi diiFerent quaüties of Wool. Webnve been ensaged ia tlus bnsmess seyc ryear'3. r.nd from the very general satisfactio we have 'givcn to our nun.eroua customers io the last two years, we are ineiuced to ask laree share of p'atronase with confi(ience tbat w shall meet the just e.xpc:tation ol s[0cLetters should be addressed to S. W. foste & Ca., Scïo. g w FogTER & co Scio, April 6. 1846. 260-Iy_ c 'S team Foüñdry" THE undersigned haviñg bought the cntir interest of il. & aKridge and Geo. 1 Kent in the ':S:eam Foundry," Ann Arbor will manufacture all kimis of Castings to order cn will De Happy to fumisb nny kind of Costing to the olJ customers oí Marris. Parlfidge & Co. H. fc R. Pnrtridge, & C) , and Partridge. Kon & Co., and to all others who may favor then whllaC:inH. R. IIARÏITP. E. T. VILLIMS, Ann Arbor, Dec. 20, 1840. 214-if THE bighestprice paiJ in cu:-hby (J-. F. Lew is, Exchange 15-Ur. pppoute thc Insuranco Bmk, Ddtroit. for orders on any of thc countiftsin tho Stateol MtcoO! als fot Stat securities of all kinds and uiicurrentlunds Cal De 1, lir. 1!-'f To Sporlsnien. AGENERAfiasájri'ticnt of Casteel andlioi Barrel lliiles, doublé and single barre Shot Guns, Pistóle, Gun Locks. Game Bags. 8hot Ponches, P wder FUh,'6i Ji, 248-1 y 7Ó, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. MICHIGAN LAND AND TAX AGENCY. H. D. POST, MctSiV, lagham County, Michigan. WILL attend to the payment of Taxes, ex amination o Tules, purthase and a]e o Lands, &c. &c. Any business entrusted to him will be trsnsncted with promptnes3 and accuracy- Address by mail. . . Ref trences, (by pcrmission. ) C. Ilurlbut. Detroit, J. C. Htririt, Broificr & Co. l Tr . Wilder Ai Snow, S J' Wu.-Jbnrv, A very & Co. i fgt0 fk R. G-Vriiliarr.?, i SVBBATH SCHOOI. BOOKS f.r FERRY'S DOOK STORE. D.c.23. 2i-tf ILEA-THEK! LEATHER? LEATHER! ELDRED & CO., No. 123. JefFersop Avenue, "EKlrca's Block," Detroit, takc this opportuni'y lo inform their customer;--, nnd the public genernlly, th&t ihey still continue lo keep on hand a lu!l assorlment of Spanish Svi!c Lerahcr, Ais . Lnfe-í finí! l'ons. Cturicra' Tool?, &c. Sl!in?:!i;c:t(l o ; CoM,r ! .eailjcr, He. loc'; tanned Upper LeniLcr, CoiJcv.hi 1o O:ik ' " '; Iïorocfco .; Krcnch tnnneil Calí' Skins. i'cul tio On!c .ni'l Hernlock torl5fcd v'.o Gont Binrüugr, Hemlock tanned llnrueísuiu! Bridle Lcniher, IJei and I.i ab do Onk rt " ÍÍ 4i Wuito and Co!oicd Lining3,' Bng and Top Lenther, Printed do SkiriiiiL'. Piiiliïdeljj'.iiii nnd Ohio; Shoe Trim Russet do min, and Kit oi ;iH kimis. As the Subscribers are now mnnufneturinp: their own Leathcr, ihey are propared to sell as low asean be purchased i:i inïs market. Mrrchants and manufneturers will fmd it to their advantnge to ccill and examine our sloeH befo re purcliasing clscwiiero. CTrCash and Lcathcr èxchaiiged for Ilides and Skins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1810. 218-lyTFhirty Thotssana Persons ANNUALLY fa II victin-s to PuiutámpiUii " the United States, 'i'ii; ciu&c o) slic evil s generally overlooked. A slwn i dry cj gh, 01 c'ected 'cold, is ilie piecurs.-. Mieae an leeraed unimportaiH. INn in lbo Mile. hecnr ever. and niijht swoais iuiiow. anfl ixai.i 3a& he scenc. YVoüld y ■■;. t' Rl :.[:r)ï fok ih:-: j riL ? tie-c it is. The expenonce oí moro tinn 20 yéaff i private practico has ,rovd ira elheaej; ,ince its introduction to public notice. alibougl it has now been ollercd lui: a few months. xaalelíes been unprecedented. .'.nd i!s success be vond gestión, gieat- so muc.h 80, thitt it is de lared to be ihe greatest remcdy m vhe world. ASTHMA, oo, tat foarful and diatrèing mulndy, whtch enders life bunhec?on;c durin its corinunnic. ssubdued without difficu'ty by ihisgreat roroedj, md the suiFerer is enabied ty ita use ío oblan; ,uiet jepofe ; the ehortnees óf brèaih reuver zome, the coufch is r.Hnyrd, 'and Kcnltn nnd yiii ,ike :h: place oí despondem-j and sufTorifiS. Dr. Tülgei's pL03A0.N'IA?i, r, Ari.HK.u-rc B.-. is tin r ■ ' - ias been so eininemly euccessful in alTevn ind ciii-ins the aboVe cpmiilnints ; an'q n 1.; s lccj iseti by the physiciüna in il lare it to Iiú unrivallr:!, innsmuch ps 't docsjjQ1 listuib the bow-jls il the least by pro-.c:nö cs iveness. while all otBer remedios reci-mnicndei ar ihe iibóve disiè bcs pvjjriably sli.ut u;t il.-c bowIs, ihus .rcud-rina it occ'esaary to rtsorc to pur jaiive medicine. tteffd the following ceses, whicl) bajel evclup.ioiiel f LD üEfíÁEllSON, (.0 L ooVn aewre c . i 1 h dny ol Ju!y; :,u .vns bróughl very low by a d vhich resulted in frequent attneks .l blej rom the luhga. AUho'i he iried every.íÜiim i n tho shane of remedies whi;i "'"J ,-et ho was not benefiijted, and by llie n.on:n ■ Octobir was so much rcduccd by '-U: hai he despaired pi 1 '; One bottte,ql Fülgej i ÖIoaaoQign rewè henlih. ■RGK W. BUÍtIÍETTVo! Xcu-arK, N J., lias sunered under ihe effects of a.stven; c! br more than a Ho wns red u eed J. brink of the grave dmost. by hiscQgb and nigli' iweata. He connnenced raising blood in tin nonih of October last. He comrr.enred UsiMf he Olosaonian. ana by tl e nuddle ie was so ("ar re3toreil thal he left lor Piltsljurgl .vith every prospect of recoveiing liia Heqíílu Mrs. BEL!., íhe wife o! Robert P. JJell. o Morristown, N. J-, was drcadfuüy añlicted wit! sthma for many yeais. Her pnysicüins h:w lespairtd of relieving her. One boule of t!i( Olosaonian so far res-.ored her that she was obli to el out of her bed and dress hersdf, wliicr hehad not dono bcforo in months, and ah.O n ■iow in a lair -ny to be rflieved. Mr F. LATÍAN, 5i Pike streef, wns so bn with aPtiima that he had not slcp in lus bed fo ;cn weeks, when he commenced íhe use ol tin ereat remcdy. One bottle cured hiin, and h ün.! not bad a' return of bis complaint now mor han five m.mths. Mrs. McüAiNN. 20 "Walker slreet. was al? cured of sevcre nsthma by the üiosaouian. au ïtates that slic never Unew incdicne give suc imtnediaie and pcrm.incnt re!i f. GEORGE W. HAYS, of this city. w-asgive upby his physidan a3 incurübie. Jlia discas .vas c"iis:iH,.!ion atrl wlien hfi corniuencod usinf :he Oloinoni;:n. was 60 weak fhathe coald po ■.valk without béittg nssiMed by a friend. 'B itrict.attcntion he wa? 80 fcr rest? a fev weeltfi na to Le alie lo pursuc Iíib bnsmi JAMSS A.CKOBi:'. l'2O Na6?au streel J. J. Parscljflj )1 Ti . V. ü B2li Bteecker erreet : Jafiiea Davis, .rB Groent MTC, ; : [rs. Mül'.en, Í) Mortun street ; biv( ]] cperii nc d the . ':'i;" incAbghfibf lo'.-r oiañdín tiorf'étjf tfu lunijsj'and pronoBjiice it, with ono u-ord. io b ihjs greatest remedy. and the most ?peedy and cflectunl, that thoy have ever koown. Rcrfder, are you ftillering Oom the abovc disease ? Try thifl remeay. Vou wijl Dor, p.jrïaps, régrê't it. It mny orroel all rtiótö : igfee ble symptoms which strike auch error tu thc nin i. and prolone yönr ááy9. Forsaleat lö( Nisfla:i &t. one dor abovo Ann. nd at Mrs H.iys. I-39 Fulton st., tttoaklyn. Agenta for Ann Arbor. W. S. & J. W. Mny nard; E. Sampson, Ypsüanii: D. C. Wlntwood. Dexter; Pickford & Crniir. Saline: Smiih ife Tyol. Clinton; II. IJoucr. Mnnchcster; P. Farlick Sc Co., Plymouth; D. Grcgory and A. Orant. iorthville. 'Jll-Gmo rEATHERS and PAPER f! WGINGP U mav br; fonnd at alf times at tho M -m ttax Stokk.' Detrñf. W. A. RAYMOTÍl. Dor. 1r. IJ4. 24ffim DISSZCTED MAPS - An in-jtruotiAO oud omusini antii'.'.ö fr the youne. for eole al ' PERRY'S BOCKSTORE. Dcc. 23. . S'tbtf 1J. HOLMliá CC, WIIOLESALE AND RF.TAïL DEALERS IN STAPLB A.MV FAX. Y DRY GO O DS, á?jv Etrocertvi Cavp'etinjg mili HffíngMtgs, iVo. (33 VSoodward Avenue, LarnctTs Jilock, Dclroit.. j ii H.Mi.s. iV-?c York. ) S :i UOLSIES. Di ':",'. { WF. :r.ko thismeihod of Foforniin ó'ur fiii-ntl an! eustoniers ihrouyliout the State, ilwi we are siill pursuing tlie tven tei or of on ■ivi.ys. ciHi'.'ivorin fo do uur btiïjnces npon I. itid honon.bie principies. We U'OJlld .'ilto :ener otir ac!wiovlcdmen!s for the pntrörioge x ended to us iy our custumers, and would b { cave to cal] the niiontiun of the public tu o ci .veil selcx-ied itsso'rtineni of E-ccso'naMc Go di .'.liicïi are oirreii at wliolosnle ur retail nt ven loW nrico?. Om -iaciüiícs ior pm-lüi.-im; Goud u e un&n'rpáVye'd fy ány corieeïh ín il f Sïntc - ie ot the Itnr. Mr. J. Uoíoíc-.s resides n tl 5jfj . :;i ïov-a oxperirnci n V. . i:i li.'-i ft'nd ffóm lii horonli kiuAvlií'í ni" ihn ninikct, he is cm i!od 10 nv::i! !ii;::t(-if of li.c ;iiiciJOi)S ::nJ anj lt;ciine in prrceir. We c!so j uichrre from t!n fmpnrters, Manufacturer's Agous. nnd f:om th luctions, by tlie pakoge, the sínre as N. Y Ipbbew pnrehnge, iImïs sayibg il.eir profits.- "vVilli theo f;:ri!itio? we csn s;i!c!y say tlmf oi:i (Joods èfc soid ciieap for the evidence of whicl ac invite the altemion of tnc j;iibic fo nu; stock Wc hold lo tlie gfent cnidina! principie oí 't'T rrectest gooil to the uhclz mntiber," so if yoi vnntto buy Goods cieap. and bny n largc pu.n ülu ror a lii Ut tnqvey gryc us a trinl. Our stoei sas i'.v'ensive ns any in the c.iiv. rnd we an nnst.nniiy: rcofiivtng ucy ;.n.i futh Gocö dorr .. - C0,0'-0 'tb ■ '::cJ. e niiriiititj rcliint ihifl i whichnhe iiighcfei inaïlïci piic feilt bc pn;d. :. i:ol.mi:s & co. nt'o'. :■". :-. i i . ii-;!f Etí. Qo.rnèr of JtJ}' wil Bates str c i ■ Bita ni .1 i-ii Uiu MnriiKTrnn Stom whc, -.. TI e g( o!b wliicl uu v.iil umi ulero exccH( ííi n qQBfíty mu easoj ' ■ '■ ' '1::%C I iMv'y Shcctingy, Ü!ÍÜ1I;.:.:, :.grf, : Delaines, ■' - , ( 9ÍI wliho Flcnr.fcls, ■ f .';:! O! uftVi : Dnrregie, ;i.i-.cí, ;' Ho: 3roó Idoihs, G.nL'hi.irfi. -iiawis. Kii;hon. bin C.r.i,i.;io lijkís. Lnces ' Jfcc. c . Bat'ing, Góttoii Tatn. V.'ic'.ini'. Whitc Car 1 ut Wnrp, Colorcii do. i!o.. Strpw Tickinü BlencKed Cotiors of n!l quñUf!8. Fine úbbleach 1 -d Cottons. Bnrrfd. Musüns. k" &c Áho. FEATHLKS and l'AI'LR H.S ïJÏGS', Bordcnng. win'tlo'w poper, Fire boar oapers. TrovèHiig Untkcts. Firsl ntfe TKA aod COFFEE, tc. &c. And n;her anieles to" nunicroDs to niRniion Farnicrs cannut fail of fiíidin tlie Mnnhaíla 1 -'; re ifiiruble p!irc to ilo tlieir trading. N . iris will be spnrt-d in v!n!fing öïi customers nn i til are iuvíted to mil and rxoiiiine our goods be 'ore !iiíi!:ir,5 their i urchasrs. "While wc nr cqnfiJent ÍIlBt a!l w'h'o e.xnmine our stock wi 1 uv, yet we will tUe o oíTcnce, if a ler show ti" üur ffüpda, pcople d nose 10 linde elscwhere W. A. RAY.MOND. Detroit, Dec. C, -' M- Grn W II O L E S A L E & RETAIL yj. M FA BREN, BOCKSELLEfl AKD ST ATIONEB SMARTS BJ.OCK, 7 j'btV R'RSó'r a ven un, djítroit KKFI'S consinntJy fors.-.len complete nssott ;::( ; U8, ir J'Hi .'ni'! CÍSS:;il Rbolís, í and Cfdp' ró'pcr, ppih niid ru! , Q'dil!, !n!;. Sesüiifr Wnx. Ciaifry. Wrap,,rr Popefi rrint:n,' 1;.:; ( r. ut' ;:ll ü:;cs; on '-, .Vr-.vjnii ! Cnnñíoter In!;, ofvarions kinds KLANK JJ00K3, full ütid Imlí bouid, ofev jry vaiify of R,uling, Memorptvd,1'?! "('oks. &c To Meicliant?, Tcichers. nnd oiheis. buying n íj'inntiiK-H. a larr.t.1 á'astimiM i:nclc. Sabbaih School aad iüble Society Dopositor t f W HOEVER, wishes to Imy tlu-ir ootls lo good advnníngo. must not ilnnk of mnkinp hcir purclinses till (hey havn lookcd over the .omh and psices at Manhattan Stork, Detroit. VV. A. R lYMOM). Dec. 25, 18 15. 244- iin QHAWLS. Dress btuffs of nli kind Lce O Viils. Cmv.ito. Ribbon i, &c. &c. At the Manhatian Stcku, Detroit. VV. A. RAYMOND. Dec 25. 1 -■'.' 241- (im : DEALER IN FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC Hardwiurc and Cutlcry, üa. GÍnps, Carpcnterö, Cooper'o and BlacknitVenTcoia. Aisb, Man'.ictnror of Gier, in jhr No. -76, Wood-vard Avenue, DertñtV 2-ltí-Jy.. JON HAN AftAIN! Eoí fTlIE Subscribcrhns jiist fNv ""v -L feceivcd, (and is conjfE ïk aJ8101 reeeiving) Irom fíPV '$én New York on ologantvatd í ) ui 3 v-'-H sclectod assorinicnt Jewclry, docks, Wcitclics, Ate. Src. wiüüh 'c Hipada lo sel! as luto as u nnv btlïer êstabfialijnent ihíei s-ide ol Bu fin lo for rcrtí,' mv i nmong wbieti mtíy be found ihcíollow , nood aèa runent nf Cu(] Finger Rings. Gold Brenst .ir5, (.'i;ir! Chains and Keys. Silvcr Spoons. Gemían Silver Ten and Tiddc Spoons (firsi qualíty.) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tongs. Silver SoIt,'Mutard.fmd Crearn spoons, Bntter RnivéS, Sihor l'encil ('ases, Silvcr and Cprninon Thinibjes. Pil ver Spectacles, Gemían and Stccl do. Gogglea, -Clothes, Huir ond Tonth Hrnshcs, Lrher Rrushcs,. K;izo;s nnd Pocket Kniws. Fine Slicars onfl Seíssor, Kniv s nnd Forksi BrittanniaTea Potsnnd GosiOFg Fino ; Litad d Brittania and Brn?s Cnndlesticks, Shnvina hoxesand Sosps, Clnpmoii's Bií-f ItöZór Strop, Calfnnd MproccQ V.:l' tfld Cettön purae, Violins am! Bowe, Violiii and B-.ü-s Vjol Strings, Fhite?, Fifes. Clarionois. Accordeons Mono Sen!?. Steel l'ens nnd Twcrzere, l'cn cases. Smifi an Toliarco doxcfi. Ivury Uressytg Combe, Sido anc Bi'cU;;n ! Poèkoi Córiilii, Ni-fdlocnses. Siclenoee W.iter Paintp, 'l'oy Wmclies, a grent variCíj' o Doüs. irj hort ;lc greyes I varuMy bf lojs evp broiíjht to m.-irket. Fancy work bo.ves, clii! dfen's tna setts. Co!ojnc Mnir Oilí. Hniolliru Salís. Conn l''er. Tci Bolls. Thermomeiots Germán Tipo.-. Clnlilicn's Work Bnskcte, Slate nnd l'onciU. Wond Pencils. BRASS AND VVOÜl) CLOKS. &c. in fact alinost fvèrj thing to jilease t!u fancy. Lndies and Genile men, cnll and exáñriric for yours-c-lvc?. Ciocks. Wptèhea an.5 .Icwelry ropnirrd nn warrnnied on hpt noiirc. Shop at his oh stand. Dfiposité II. üeckcr's hrick Sioro. CALVIN BLTSS. N. B - Casli pnid fnr od Gold &, Silv.r. Ann Albor. N-v. fí:h.I31.r. '2X7- Sclccí SchooS. MISS J. ■ B. Smith. n&fsïèd by Misa S FiEi.r, nnnoiinccs to thc pjiblie iliat ehc i prep'orcd to rcceive yonnr índiea inio hrr scnoi in ilie brs-n:ont roinn oí the Kis?pnl Clmrrli. Tj-.íwjs. - For it' l wceUs. for Englis b'rjínctiés from s' .■'; Fréncb nuÓ LViín ene :S#exfro it'l 11 sin"! lOL'Oilicr uiih tho Kiil'Üs ■tudií??, or sepwfttcly, ,N-r epcli, Tiio seboo .vi'l be rurnishfd wiih n JPhiloéophical ñjjpnfa tus; nnd occasional leciures given on Lo Na nral Scic es. ?-Ir=;. Huphè wííl íive nstmc'ion !o all vi dcsirc it. id Musió, Drawing, Painting nnd iee Jlewnrk. Mips Smlili refera to tV.e followinggoii' Profossois VVllbrt)8] '[''i ! ronk, nnd VVlíéo 'on uf.tbe Ut.iversiry; Rey. W. S. Cniti-, v Mr. Pimons. Rtv. C. i'. Taylor, IIo:. E. Muí ly, Wtn. S. M.iynnr! Kfq, Ann Arbor. April CO. li'-'G. v 2-:f "CAÑT BKBËÏT ! TIJ E suliscribcrs would inform the Public tha they cominue to supply Uic State ol Micfti "L B. WALKER'S PATENT SJflUT .1.(ICWS1JY3ES. Tfce Iiil'u miipoors ol theso ftlatliíftea ttiat linv lieeri sol'l. nnd thesteadtly incrcasing demand fo ilit-m. a t'tié'best evidence oí tlieír real v.ilue mil oltlicir eaiiumtioij n'i ihose who huve be orne familíf r wíth thetr meiits. W Ílfsr'S Smtit Machine S5perior to other ;n the f(!lwing particulai?: I. A.s it combines the Beat ing. S-ounns.nni llioirviir Principies, it cleafis I he einmtiest ; in thc iist üiüiiner. rtainiog all the frio :on ol the wl.éa', nntl disphorKing théstnuian tiFt ;is l'.,st as tepnrated irom the uheat. "2. U is simple in cvnstruclion, oud 8 diere toro i'cssliabie to ljcor.:e tierargid.ini! costsles 'or r'.'üaiis. 3. It rui.a very UglU, and is pcrfectly sccttr irom firc. 4. It iá as durable as any other Machine i use. 5. It costs considcrably s.r.s tbin other l-.indb Thcse tmpoitaní points o' diflernce Ín ve giv en ibis Machine the preference with those wli íiave fairly tned it. Amonü a largo number.í Gentlemen in the Milling Bnsincsa who miyl ■lenanied. the followinc have ucd the Mítclríhee :i ; cert:íiel to tlieir cxccllency and superiority; i. N. üinv.u,!!, Pontiac. Mich. K. V. C 'ux. Rocliesor, do !'.. P. I)nj oi.t::. Úfispn, M. F. Fr!.k, IJi.-iruh. do II. II. COMSTOCK, Coniítock. do RcTtrcnccs may also be hi'.I to 3on'Ñ 1vcon, Auburn, Micli. V. Ihí.v, do do I). C, Rock, do JpHN Tims. Monroc, do II. PoLMVN, lo do A. Beacii. VVaterloo. do Gko. Kk-.-chim. Marshall, do N. IIkmkmviï. Onklftrid, do All ordera for Machines will be promptly ai ended to. Address E. O. & A. CR1TTFNT0N. Ann Albor. (I.owcr Town) Co. Miel Ahít. 24, 1845' 2'jr-ly "Crockery at ""holesale." Fíll:Di;illCK WETMORE. has conpjgnt' ón háríd, the t.irrrest !fr'ck in the Wrst ol L'rackvry, China, Glassirare, Look ing G Jasses nntl Piales, Britrinnin IVarc Trafs, Lamps and IVicfcing-, Plalctl Warc, China Toys, $c. fyc. Tlis stock inelii((.'s a'LtJie varictics oí ('rock ry :ni! China, fro:n (he flncít Cninn Di riñe :nd Tea Setis to t!ie most carhmo'n aru! fów priced warc - froto the richest cut plass to th ;)laiiubt glaefi ware. Pritannia (Jastors oí'cver kind. Britonnia Toa Sotts, Cofleé Pots, Te Pots, Lan-ps. Candlestitks, &c. Solar Lr.i) Lamis of every dcscription fron ;he mnst costly cut I'ürlor Lamp to the cheapes Store Iamp. All tiic above nrticlea nro importad by himse iírectly from the mannfacturers and will ho eol( it Wholesale, aslow ns at any Wholesale llouse expense? from seaboatd addpd only. A Iibernl disco uní given for cash. Mcrthants nnd others are invitr-d to callan 'wnmine the abo e a r t i c 1 1 s ni tiic oíd stand, No -.". JefTerson Avcnuo (Eluiud's BlocR.) De t ro i t . 1 v ImChancci'y- FiistCircnil Bctwecn Daniel Oaklry (.oinp'nin.írit. nnd'Kí w.irii I v ■. Vlasy Everest, María Everest ílr'on Everest", Edvvard II. Everest, jac ■ Kemp MaiyAnn Everest and MunnisKenn Ádminietrator, nnd fclizabeth Everest isíratix of Edward Everest deceaged. IN jiursiiar.ce and hv virtne ofa decreeof thi Coiiri ninde n tlii? cause I eJjoJJ scll atnuh fe attc:iin nt l)i6 Cóíirt House, in tho villngc o Ann Albor in ti:c C(;i:nty ot Wíibhtcnsu'. on th sixteentb d-y ol June ncM nt one o'clock in rh jfternoon of Raid duy the Fotfowíng (! scribe premises, nll i.hat certuin pi( ce or paicd óíjnni situóte in ilio Villñceoí Ann Ardor in thoCoun ry óT WhteíhaÁv and Stare of Michit'fin, hound odond dcícrihedas íollows, to wii: being part o lot number three in Block number one pouth o (Jurón treft, in range tiumber fotir; begiñnini it a ppinton Hurón sirc-et si'vcniy-ninp. fcet liv ,ui] a half inchos from the comer óf.Mpinstrec and Hurón street, and running thence southerlx parallel wí;h Miin street eight rods, thence east erly pnralfel with Hurón street fity-two fcet si.v inda half inciies, ib ericé northerly parnllel wilh Main street ciL'ht rods. 'o Hurón streft nnd thence westcrly on Hurón sircet fifty-two Teet six and a half inches to the place oí beginning - nfso lotp fiftren and f-ixteen in block number feur south of Hiirofi Btreet in range fi)ur according to the recorded plat of tbc sald Vijlflge. GEO. DANFORTIf, Mnster in Chjncery. Jov & Pohter, sol. forcompl't. Ann Arbor, Apr.i 35. 1846. 26'2-7w BROAD CLOTHS. Casamiercs, Veutings, Sfitinettí, Gerits. Crovats. &e. &c. cheap i tho Mamiahax Sroit:-. Deojt W. A. RAVMOÍÍD. ütc. rT, 1815. ' 2M(- Í3m"Thia excellent eou pound is lor salo by tbc rj ri'dtor'a A'cn;s. MAYNAUD.S. 863-1 j? Wilisosa's Corn Mili, (Mc'Knight's Patent.) The Piibscriber vvould herby oy 10 ilic pul lit Lhnt lic is ihiw prepari i'rn -h on short imtico, ihost vho.wiah;a" portable mili, cnpable of grinding 'JO Iwshcls ol ears of coin per hmir. or riml othcr conrsc gram lor fcecl.-rr shclled coni. (wilh a rush.) rub out elover sed, Aio. &c cnlled J. L. .McKnights patent corn criibheranri dover rubber, .Vc. Tlio subscriber is alsn preparadlo stil lewr, nnd couiuy righi8 to snid patent on liberal tonna Tho ïunchine woiks likc a clnirm, ïpplieablc to hoifü, water, or sienm power: one liorsc, it sufiicient ti perform the necessary grinding fm any farm or oiher éstabliahrnent lor home consiiTpption. but ii. oio power ia necessaiy lo d ei:'om wdrk (o :i proiit. The snbscriber has now in oporation o hi; shop ai hls Temperauce Höuso. in .laokson, f) iwohonc power, by which. with the fbrce-o ono hurse (oidy al p:etem) he d.ivts BOid machine. The advantages of ff-rdins: corn and cobb ir iliis woy is now too well understood to need re hc-irsiiijr. Sufficeit to 8.iy, thnt to ihe soulh where they i;iise corn cuy, .and wonh Prhipj lOcenispcr bushel. tfièy think it an object t' rconomifc by thiis feeding corn ond cbb menl. and thnt too wJiore jhey givo from .{ to i foi for rind'ntj ciihcr for fecd or di.-tiilnuon. One. two or three CQojpÖtónt salrsmen wnntod fj se}] riühts to snid machine in ihis SiaK nnrl Oliio, nnd to sell rights to Tlioinkin's mor licing machine in this Siate: the best now ii usc. J. T. WILTOON, Jackson, March ü; 1610. 230-6m SÍoíIccj GP. ÍIILL woüld rt'spccifi liy in'orrn u ciuzons ofnn Aibnr ém vicinny tlm iht1 lirni il (. 1). ilül & .')., h.ivintidissvlvi'1 lie vyjjl con [in ij e the hní'iiess :it tbö i ld stand ii II rükin's' Blöck, on tWc oK! nnd estaiiiisliel jjirin ciples pf the house "jsMaLI, piüwjrra and pno;.:r imv." yvill be ible tooifer to Iüs custonitrj oi or abonl tiie 'JOili d:iv of May, A SPLENUD ASSCRTMENT OF SPRING GCOD ■u :!ie lowtst. pasaibjq r;iics for Cath, Whén Wool. and nl! öthor kinds bl produce. A!l peryohs w;ui!iuu to Iny goodi will find to ihcir nuv ui!, ge to hold on their Oll Clolkrs utitil the nbóvé nnméM nssortmenl is received, a ihey wiH bc. sold at verv low rau'.. The Suhscrilif r will ajij p.'y lie hiehest mnr (eet prfcè for Ï00.U00 POUNDS OFWOOL. G. D. JIII.L. Ann Arbor, Maj IL 1846. 234-tf ËXCIIANGE HOTEL T 2C TI PEK A i CE MöIJSffi. (Directhj opposite ihe Caiaract lïolel. BY CYRUS F. SMITÍI, NIÁGARA FALLS, N. Y. Tliis TToupe is nnt of tlio Ibrppsi r!.-,ís, ,ai i wel! krjit. u;ími the 8iitne plnn hal il hris!?n ! èuevcrnl yenrs pnst, nnd nfibrda iihijIr and ver' ■ 'ornfui'tidi'e accon:niidatior:s for ííiosc stop]in,' a'. tbc F.-dls. This Ifotel is eitunied in the ple.vnmest pot of the Vill.iae. on Main Strept, nnd but n ftv minutes walk frotn ihe Cataract, Goat IIiind u the Ferty. Niágara Fails, lSífi. 2G2-Gm H-u;. Vnlkiïfis & BÉsseif , im FOIIWAIÍDING AND CO.MMlSSiOiN ..i'itOIT. A gen!. t for Ihe Tro; and Err. L'ne. Fot Prèight and Passage', appfy o Asa C. Tki'ft, } . N. CiwMr.r.nM.v, J AEenls29 Coonties Slip. N. Y. Idk, Coit & Co.,Tro Kl.MREHLV, PEA8E & Co., ) n „ . S., Buflnlo. Maik Packnorcs " Troy nnd Erie Lino." Sb Dai'y, (tMin:!nys p.vccpU (3.) l'rórri Cociitif.Slip, JY. Y., by Troy nnd Erio írotí Tcw 2.01 G:n YnliiaMc IVraii-r JPévrèv ibi TIJ 10 pul'Seribcr wüi e IJ or.reni liis nlerejt ii tli(j Water Power in the villnjgc )' Deun. ." miles west o f. Ann Albor, on the Í f irron Kivcr nonsisting of a shop stutriblc í'r blacksnijtbíng Atrnace or scyihe fhtfiöry, wiih two torgas on three tri[) hainmeia. 'i'hc Wa'cr i'ov.í r is 151 inclips uridor nearly ninc fc'ot hc:ih. AI o, a W'i; Ier Power in s.'iid vilhiL'e s'.iün'ient to propei fou run of tone. A iiwellini; houso wil] aljo I" 9oï 1 vvilii the Al'ove. ifdesrijd. Jor furthur par tioiilarsenquirc on the promist-s oi JACOB DOREMUS. May i'8, 1846. 2(U-tf IÍSSOllSfÍOH. 'T'ifE co-portnership hcretofore existing utidc th.e iirni of Lund vt McCuliuin. ia ihis das dissotvód by inu lïi al consent - all notes and ncci'inits dúo iöid iiim nnirt bc puid to 1). T. Mc Coilum wjlO is duly auihorized tosettle the ïanie J. II. l.U.M). D. T. MuCOLLUM. DalecJ, Ann Arbor. May 20, lb-lü. Tlie bushu'ftè will hercaftcr bc conducted b J. 11. Limd .fe Co., who ore now rerijiv : - hrge nnd extensivo a?sortment of Goods, consi-un of Dry Goode, Grocerie?. Ciockery anc' Glasswnre, Hoois and Simes. J3onnets, Pniritt and Oils, ,DruL3 pnd iVledicint-s, etc. TIn nib'ic nrc iiniied lo c:il and examine qiaiu and pnces. J II. E.UND & CO. Ann Aibor, Klay 20 IJÍÍ. 2G6 3m TO T2ÍJE rUJBliUC.-r b VAK pubscxiler wihra to injarni the1 public jL lint hft bas completed bis nevv lfrick Bujld iiig in the VíWtttjfetíf il')wll. gnú hns Ih'cl i up toaetber tviifa !'ni:s and ot,her out Uuildings. fora permanent Tá'vérn s'and. lío has now oponed tbc same )nr tbo nccommolntion of the public, and will endenvor to mak e lii.s house n quitt rtiii3 place for tbc travtller. Tlielloiiüe will bc Itept upoñ strictlv 'IVm; eranre principie?, at charges which will compare wiih the most rcisonalle, ''ihoiigh it t-houlJ demond somc pecuninry snerifice to su&(ain it." To the friends orliber(y in I pqtml riht. the "BinNty ÍJoüsk" ie now oilcred vou wiih the motto: "Liierly Tcmpcrancc." f:, f. gay. Howell, Liv. Co. April f9, 1846. LCJ-tf E. G. BURGER, Dcntisl, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. WV ROOt's STORE, CRANE & JEWETT's nt.OCK, (f ANN ARBOR. L?ff feeffs fif Enatcrn Naile, just receivod tjW and tor snip bv WÍLL1AM R. NOYES, Jr. 7G, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. i)cc is, is'ii. %nRe ad y Made Clotiiing ! ! IIALLOCK & RAYMOND, WOULD respoctfully culi the attrniion oí llieir (riend nnd ilio c-iti.i'iis oftlic Hinif .■.i crilly lo ibeirfreah & extensivo nssoriniunt o ISvíiíly l?Iadc Clo1IiiiSo iijt ni!inu;iciiir.'cl n the lutcst sivIip, íiihí bes' niunnor. eon.noiing in. pnrt f 8U" ' ''"' loiíi Dios and l'io.k Ctnts, Fino Tjveed. 'nshinuH-ite. Crotón Cnssímeré Su'mmer Qlotfi nd Merino. Bó'mBaz'hie, ChöUy, Woo'rstèd n'rid Marscilh s Vé'átB, Uliu'. Uï.-ick nnd Fnney Cíissi nefe, Tweéd Drnp;de ta, Merino, Woorsictl ind l)nlli:i!C Panlaloons. togethcr wiih a vcry nta'c Bto k f Lineo, Drilling, Cotton Sack oncl 1 weed (atá. Summcr Pnntrilooná mul Vestí; S!i.;is. Sockfe, Ihmdkorchiefs. Si'icks. &c. Jtc. Alap n vi.'iy larca s'ipply q( fryjh Broaddoihs. Cnesimercs nnd Vesting, wjiich ly ihc nuJ ol experiénccd cuitéis uii.i first rale woiku en tlicy ure prejinrcd to inatiüfncfrirc ín tho Inteststyle and biliMnuii:rr. They arn preparcd lo Bell uiiher at Wholcwilo or Retnil it priees which Hgiye suisfaciio, nrid would respectiuiíy snlicit a ■■ill frbhi thosc v'ishing tho city in winiof Réñtly .M uicCIoiliingor íiontecl gnriiicn;s iHM.ii' to oifier. ni tlieir ' Fnsl iivublc Cb.tlin: Un p-rli:iii." córner of Jcíicisoti und Wondward Avenues, Deiruit. Muy 20, ISKJ. 20ñ-3in Hats and Caps, if IN all tlieir vnrietios. nlso Cnms. Sülc nnn Girifilinm Umbrellasi Suspender?, rich SiíU íc-irís a 1 1 ti Cr:iv;.ts, S;Ik. Lihcn and Kid G!ove.. with cvi-'iy anide Iñ t!iat line can be hnd nt foii rices and! lo suil by sending your wishes by etier or by balling nt No fS. Wood wtófd Avcptie, ',i doora tiortli cMíoty's Auc ion room. Detroit. N. IJ. Ministers and Liberty men supplied nt n smal! advaneo froin cost. ice-,;.:, .I.M:S Q CIíA.N'K. FOÍTSALF. ATTOW riUCESTND EASY TERMS. TUK SubcriuBr offéra fbVrfatë'i Farm. in tlif town of Dextér. ol' 1(H acief. abtut tíi )ü iinprpvoa. Also u Fnrm ai the tnomh ül Í J..i]y Cite!; in Scio. 3 miles Irom this village, of l'lfi .-cïu?. i'O :i r ■-! i;npn( d. Also n l'artn on; milé frorri ,1I i . c ui f CÓ acres, 10.) acres inprovod. Enth oftftÖté Parths are dèsirbblj locaiid tbr rcsldi-nces; liavu aod buildings anc me all well i'.tc.I. Also tyo iln'elling house e aiid loia in this viliL-o. i;00 : "Mout Iolsot aboiit nno ncn eai-li. in tïïe iiuiri o líalo vieïhity if (hs vïll ge.- 10 oefca iimlieiL'il lam1, and ;5)neris impiúvt ofa inilo fiom fhi? viljaao. ,M.o3 -l'i's in tlie Prrshyier'ian mce'jnglionsp nv i he ir.cntioiii.l proprrtv wili b'ï sqIiI al fair pi eis nnd on a cieditol ot ihe purQjiopp rrnnV;y7Ví Vcrfv.-t. KTÍ'ÍCí! - A span ov goüo HonSKS IN PAY?.!I. NT. W 1JJ.IAM y. MAYXAFxD. A:ni Arl.or. May líh J-í. '2U4-6 HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALL OR EXCHANGE. HOUSE nnd three lois unileJ, sitimted 3( rods S. b'. cf the Academy. Sold lor hal pay d w.i, or e.cinnned lina ííirní w ith goo ouilidnS. ':hon a mi'e l'rorn a betwcjei 'nt. 40 and 43 df-g. in New F.ngl;;iid, IS'cw U r MicbiiTin. wlicre a High School n qv be obinined 3 or ( moitrtís, yenrij?. Empire f tin iwncr H. II. Cïnili.'j, ('ralisburv. Vt.. or Lo rain Mills, mid It Moivc. Ann ,' rb r. 263-3n FRANKLlF CO LD WA TE R H O USE! l-.r.-.s Stkkf.t. v?ic dr.or Nirth "' .h.xri;i:so' Avi:nuk, ÜETKÜIT. ü;:ï-Iy s S. FI.XNF.Y. Try- Try-Xfy Aain. A V"l ivR youiiiivtí uied ono ihuudtiid.itiiddii xjL iciíiáaofj'ills: thrn.)M Df. Halsiéad'a Erisk Pilisind you wüS be lully satithod ihot ihoy nro n niich pieerable lo rvery oiherUind ns the Min' ight rid heat is preierable, lo bring foi waic nu prOnióte a lieulthy growih in voyeiables to th vhich emanntes froni ihe nxion. They mejust what is wanicd in this ccuntr; - a pül that operafes quick. ihorou;h und cns 'jnriying all iinptuiiies wiih ihcm; leuying th "lomach end bowr'? elej n ond t!i ;ir. Av.ay wil vourSLOW PItLS. tho t net LOtV-rt-feafts SI,OV, r.r'i léavö ih'csyswrh in n :-J.('.' staM Riiious ' at'.T and other iinpcd;n:criiscd!ct Vi y in pi il in ihe ■; u ni %l.n on ■ ihc-y I ( :in t iccumulqte - a.nd wi 1 jncrerae r.s i:- ns S Pilis svill rcirovf th m. It s nccrtFüry fhirefoxe io lime a bri.-k cpcmiiin - ihrit wil] ai i i i ! m: onfiANS Aorii llcir t'irpitl ftnie. a n : in pot (ís to lite blood and sa retii r.s. 'I I ( n q #11 diers! - ihestnnVnt'h gn'n sirrpgil - il.etys ein strong - ihe fkto cUar - ihe (liie goöd nd yon nrc weïl - whrn your J dííc8.wou! keepyou l:"r::: r.h mr ior noirbs - rnd iIk .iCiiiiiT } o& wül s( nd ior a Lxdor. and whn .vit 1 he do? h'e yULgixeyou n povciful c; 'hartic - rfne ibnt wü! (! yi p tro gooff. Now be yenrown dictor?, nnd líikcHoIptcd' nlilo IJrisk PH'f. nn] grndticte thcin to sui he pnticrïf'. Tpvcfk phtitn'Hgirè fmall d'No to cbildicn. 'J'hpy Mc hrirn !i yp an enñ begivén to tl.e ,rrott dclicntr - hut ihmtlio ghye !:'■ nnd ftVoticti lf the f-ysuin. DISF.ASF, ia a slpw nioriiid c.-tion. bloggín up rill t!:o stnnll vpsfels - nnd calis aloud for emedy t!i.-i svill oronse them inio nction hefor ihey bccoine too iveak lo Ie jkeptin njotton.- Péöple die for the want of i.ctior - nnd leaiin iuv :;!:;:!! oíitain a hralil.y. nniurpi r.clior - ihe prefer t::KinLi a flow medi'-ii'C - iluu iley nto Ibctor slcwly for ycars - fnd at 1; M d:e wj'lli sltsw, liñephg diseRFc- ibe nii'iiral efect oftal; mr i-'.;sv Pil'f!. Aivoy then wiih iliis theory.'- If nature svuhes to pmify i),e oii, eha e i hnrry at.húnrier sín v. t r. nnd '■■ iili i her IigUl ni n53 (;iir [ hysic) lo pui'lfy, ojennse, rnd live ! lew tnntion lu tl.p iitmr.?phoie. md nü well She does not liphtrn v ntly tho ypnr round i (hit nioiion. Then follöxv nature, w hc you are out of henlDi - hnvo n liod in yen uk uih - imügcstion - coslivenefs - H ver - col! chül.s - fever and nuf - tlyppifpiin - pófn in bnc or liiiibp - tnkon cohi - or in flikt oírl t onll r i ñny wny - relieve yaixXfctí imniediutcly by inkin the Brisk Pilis. Try thrm and you wi use no othf r. 28 Pilis íor í?5 crtiis. Sold wbótcaftle nnd retnil by .T. Owen & Cr. Detroit;' C. tübcrbaclr, S. P. Jewcn. Lwd S, lMcCoI!iiih, Ann Arbor. í3:'.7-ü:n ÍVJEW COOKIüYCÍ S.TOVÉ, f i 1 i And Stoves of all kinds. The subscriber would cali the aitemion of thc public to Woolson?s Hot Air Cooking STOVEWhich he can conñdcntly recommrnd as britif.1 dccidcdly superior to any Cooking Stcve in use. For eimpliciiy in openition - economy in ítiel. hnd for unt-i]iiallrd Eakino and Roasting qualiity. it is unrivalled, Tho now and imporfnnt improvemeni intiodnced in iis cnnstruciion beitig such ns to insure grcüt ndvantanos over all othcr kinds of Cooking Stoios. WIíXIAM R. NOYRP, Jr. 70 Woodwnr-1 Avenim, De roit. üec. 12, 18-J5. í12.BOOIÍS! BÖÖKSn At Pcrry's Book Store. JYcvt door East of the JY. York Cheap Store. TH E subscribcr hns jast opened nnd is now ready 10 peil the most cxteneive asforiment o BüOKS, BLANK BOOKS and STATION ÈRY, everofleied in Ann Albor. ITia stock consista o SCHOOL BOOKS rf nenrly every varieiy in use in tliis State- Histories, Binarnphies, Travel, Memoirg, Miscollaneouö, Rcligious nnd Claísical Booka. BfliLES nnd TESTAMENTS,' cvnry vnriciy of sizc, siyle and binding. Somo spit udidly iinished. l'RAYER BOOKS, POEMS & ANKUALS bcnutüully bonnc] for Holydoy gifte. Part-nis "nd otlieis wishing to mnkc splendid holyday preaeoia ;it smnll com, will do well to coll at Ferry's nnd innke tlicir seleclions froni a full sn c. Don't tlélny. Also, on hond [lio hirgest actortment of PAPRR ever ofl'ered wrst of Detroit; s-.ich ne Cap Flut C n), Letter, Frencli Letter, Bnnkers Post' Copyinjr, ''issue, Card Back, Envelope, and 1(J kinds of note paper, with n full nssortment of Steel Pers, Quills, Wnfers: Black, Bine, Red jnd Oopving luk; S.-md, Inkstunds. Folders' Peii Hdlclers. Piampp. Motto Senls. Gold nnd Silver W'.ifcis. India Jï ubber. Pencüs nnd Pnints Envelop, 3. and mnnv varielies of VisiiingCnrds, AL-o, GOLD PENS, an artigo combining clegopM i;h econoiny. Iïr has on hand n nood pfleciion of JtiKikR snirnble Tor Fnmily School District niv' Ti -v rebip lsbp :■■■. esss. ■ It will no! Uu !u:.- M t!io anieles ii I.ihIiik: Sumcóïl'l . .- s-f-urunent s señora 1 and bhtfflper'fl i;ver tef'orc offered in tliis villngr. He Ims tr.!](! n rangcmVnts in New York which wil! cnnblc him at nll times to obtain anyli'ng in hisür.e direct from New York at shorf noiice. by r.pre?.?. It will bc seen that his ín lililíes for aecuinodating liiscTisforners wiih anieles not n bnnd 6 bevond precedent, and he ia ready nnd wilünir lo do every thing rea6onablo to ninke his cstabjigli'fncnt euih en one ns nn en (iglitened and diecerninj comnumiiy ïiqiure. and he hoprs to merit ;i shrfrfi 'ifpationnj?e. Pemns wiehin? nny nrticle in In's line will do woJI to n;ill belore iHiicliüsin:; elscwherc. lf you forget the pliteo, enriiiie for BoiksÜOTÜ, Ann Aibor, Upper Villagc - 2d door East of Main street, on Iluion stiect. WM. R. PERRY. Decembf;-, 1 ].". U.'KNESS iiN CMJLDKEN. AND tlie uflering wliich the} undergo from "wonMs'' oftcn lend lo a Intal icrnunaticm, w'tiile theCAUíE is i, ever iiif-prctcd. OFcntive Sicatli. piiking ni the nose. griuding tl c teeih iluring HlesUj Btariing. in !?!i(pvih frrght ond crea rrt ing, troublesotïi.e.c.ougJi, ni;d ï verishncss, no aiiön sóm'e óf the Pïi minent Symj totns of ■he Desonce ot" worrus. A timely lire of SIIEtlMAN'S WORM LOZEXGES Will nimedirtc!y remove all these unpleafant .-vinptDins. amlrestore to perfect he.ihh. Sister linaiius, Superior pf the Cathnlic Hnlf Orphnn syluni li.vs adde'd her lesiitnony in tbcir Invor, ■n .be ihous; n 's hi( h huve gonc bc.'orf. SI. e átales iliat there aro over 100 cbiidren in tlie Asylum, nnd 'hnt iliey liave been in ihe habit of ising Slicrman's Lnzcngrs. nnd sho has alwnys ound them to be atleiided wiih the most benetiiil efiet ts. They have heen provcd to bc infalible in over 400,000 enses. CONSUMPTÍON, 'iflucnzi. Coughe, Colds. WIiooj inp: Cough, IMglhess of thel.ungsor Chest niéy bccuied. ■l. Dnvius Anihony was very loy Mom Conürnpiii n. Jon.-i!i;:n Howard, il:e eekbrsud cinpernnce liciuicr, uus udiiccd lo tlie vergeot' he grave by rnising r.lood. Rev. Mr. Dimbur, i! New Yoik, ihe Rcv. Mr. De Forett. Evmgesi in ihe Weett-ru part of tliis sime. Rcv. Seii i-t rrt w r. pi J!i tui), ihc wi.'c of Or.isnm ,-ibl!o. F.sq". in ."roiii.iui. and hundrciis of.othis. hnve betn réíieveti and cured by a proper ' SHÉRMAS CQUjGH LOZE.NCFR. nd no niiilicine bas ever bi'en more cftetiuili n he relief 'of these diseases, or which ran bo ecpmmeuded with more eoi fidence. They a :ay all itching or irriiation, tender ihecongh en■V, proiroeexpcctorriion. remove the muse, nwd puiduee the most happy and lasting tflècts. Il EA DA CHE. 'nlpitaiion óf the Heart, Lowness of F5rit8, Jeu sicki 'css, Despondcnc-', FaintncfS Cholic "fpaéms, Crortps of the Stoniacb. Sun:;iicr or 'iuwul C'omplairrs. also alt ihe disressjnfl ft) m'p; ■ .ii - :.ti.-:i :: roin In ■ h iiir, or a niohiofdieiiatinn me quitkly ai-d enrirtly rehfved by ising. Slli:il.M.rfí CA MI'HOR LOZFNGFP. Phe'y nel speedily nnd relieve in o ery short - nee of time, giving tone and vigor to theayai'in. nnd enniile a person usii?g ilieni to uiuicrgcf ;ieat mental or bodily fatigue. RHEl'.MATfSM, Wei!; Hack. puin and w calmeas in the Breasí. ■;icU. Linibs and other pnrts of the body are pë'èdily nnd efiJeürilly rolieved by ÊHFItIA.VS POOR MÁfí-S PLASTEK, wh;ch .s:son!y lA et nis. nnd is within ihe reach of II. So grcofjias beconve the repytjiioivóf, thia nicle, that one miilionwiil nor begin to gupply !■'■ niinanl deniand. Ii is ncknou ïedged to Ie he bcstsirengihening Piasier in theworld. b'ËWAÏlE OF IMPOSITION. Dr. Shcniirtii's PoöT Man's Pi„s:er u& his namo wntj diici!ii..ns primed on ihe bnek ol the Plas■ i. ;.iul a lij J'ir .-ia i'erii) "' "lc Doctcr's writicn name under the direc:ions. IVouenihera are 'rnuine, or lo he relied on. SliPinian's VVarenouse f s No. 106 Nssqii st. New York. V. S. 8s J. W. MAYiAIiD, Agenta for nn Arbor. 24G Cheap Hardware Storo. THE Siili,fi:bcr tnkrs ihis method 10 inform liiá ■ !'l Cllc "i! ei, n : .1 ... ,.', ,f. c,,,neiny that he siiil o i;i iniir .■ o ! ■ . ■ ncrnl ■ítííuriiiieiit óf För ij n HARDWARE, ( . y, & Als,), .-pike. roi: . H-rreSbo ails. Glpss, Sheet iron, . i..u. Sheet and ■'{■ir Leod, Zyic, Bright and AjieaJü Wjre, JVIoIrtssea Ci;!ita and Fa'seèiiè, iIll Sawa. Cross C'nt Smvs. IJnnd nnd Wood Sa we, Back and Key liyle Snws, Anvils, Viere, Beüows.Adz.-s.Coop91 'm 'l ooi. , Diawing Kriives, Spoke Shavcs, rap Borer?, Cosí Kicel Augur, Common Au-í'ts, Augur I í i f t .=■ . iloüovv Auguis, Steel and Iron Squares, G round Piaster, Water Limo, Ci iridiónos, Polash.Caldrnnnnil SugarXeUle, Cable, Log. Trace and Halter Chains. Brood, M.-ind and Ñarrow Axcs, Spirit and Plurnb Levèisj logeihcr wiih a general nssortment of Hollew Ware. whieh will bc so!d low for Cash or pproved. credit at J'3, Jeílerson Avenue. Eldrpd's IJlock. R. MARVIN. Detroir. Jan. löih, 18-16. 248-ly BOOTS AID SBÏÖKS, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GÏÏaSv & CO., 1VH0LKSALE AXD ItKTAIL DKAT.RltS fN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Corn.Tr of Jcffcrson and Wovduaid Avcmtes, Detroit. AC. M'GR.AW & CO. wnnld reipeclftlHy inform the' Wcrchants of Michigan, thot tlry have opened a WHOLESALE BOOT AM; S'fiOE STORE, in the rooms over iheir Retail Store, Smart's Corner. Their long acquiintance with the Sime business, and the kinds ot'shoes that ure nceded in thiy Slnte, will enable them to furnish merchanis wilh euch shoes is they need. on better icrms ihnn Miey enn buy in ihc New York niarket, ds all their goods are boughl from first hnnds, nnd particular nttention ia pmd to the selcciion of sizes. Deiróit, Iti46. 1 V CLOVER MACHINES. TÍÍRASHhVG MACHINES nnd Seperoton made tujd sold by ihrir Ma"liine Shop, near the Paper Mili, J.ower-Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP & HAV1LAND, Jan. 10. 184Í. 217 tf Cïiattcl Iflortgaeg, JUST printe'i and for sale at this office in any . qunntity. .March-2-l, 1S4G.