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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Letter From Willi...

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IIokeoi'k, Oninrio Co., ) N. y. June 2,1640. i r To S. B. Tkauw 1:1.1.. L My Dear Sir- lt is many ycars since 1 have y met witli you, face to lace, but 1 do not foige: your eaily labora', iu this State lor the onslaved. ( and I a in irequenily gratified to learn, froni the ( western papers, that you are still zoaluusly ( gngod in iho same gó'cd' cause. Your letter to l the Liborty friends in Michigan, in the Signal , of Liberty for May l'öth, I lïave careiully perus . ed, froni which 1 loarn that you differ from me, eoniewhat, in respect to the coursc which the , friends of Libeny ouglit to pursue. I do noi , wonder at this, for I havo not now to leain, loi , the firet time, that wbenever, in the progress o: , ány good cause, it bccomea ueccesary to extend . the application of the principies u'pon jvflfch the áWprise is bascd, the iiret impre&jion, upon inany miMsj is that tiew principies are abotit to be introducedjiind they arcad ihe divnriing effocts whích tbè'y apprehend would ensue. Wiien ii was fust priposcd 10 extend the total absiinence pletlge, froni distilled to feriiu-nied Iiquors, ' most universal was the misapprehensïcn, thai ven Edward C'. Delavdn thought it would bc rumous to "cn'giaft pthec principies ihan tliost1 if the Tempcranco Soc.ety," upan tho , pcrance creed. And 1 hno yet to mett witti o cinglo argument ngoiual theunivertial upplication of ÍÁÍz -ij priiuii'l's liy tho LiLurty party thai does not snbstüntnillv cirr--s;)ond wiüi the argumeuts used ügniasi '.--. 1 uxiiucuon ot' the te-totaifltde. Di8filêd .;q.Jis, it was said, wtfs the ttiaiti evil, in the conipa.-ison wiih wliich. fermonled liquors .■■lid iho possillo eviis feJBuidng from thein were too trilling to benatneil. Lel u sbolish thó "giguiitic evil" first, Baid they, and takc care of tho little evils. (if they prove to bc euch,) afterwards. VVhy divert nttention froni the onc great ljeet befóte us? Would not disputes on sucli doubtful questions as beer, and ei. dor, and wine, luiry the. Ruim ji'nii' Brandy question almosl out of sight? Would not many bccome disgusted, porplexed, and discourucd, to Boe, in the Töinpcranco Sucioty such an ;'end C6S multiplication of ita own creed, lo su-ii iiuü1?idnals and circumstances!" Would not snuh a courso "prove eininently hazardous and doiusive in the oxtrenic?" Would it not be "grasping at ihadows and losing the sulstunce'l Wc are doinga great worli and cannot come down :" Why should the woik ccaso"í Must our eocieticá ''have as ïïiany creeds, good or bad, as tliey have menibers"? The Cider man and tho antiCider man. tho beer man and the ami-beer man. the wine man, and the anti-winc man, will go along with us, now. But the introduction of the te-total test. would set idem fighting toether, like so many "Kilkenny Cats" ándalas! lor the poor inebríate, tlien! Has not the enterpi . . alrendy. been productivo of vast Itencfila? Why, then, despair, & "go down into Ecypt for help"? Why pay ony man'nor of attention to tho vns; niajjriiy of the marses, the low loalere, and brui; zere, who will cárp and cavil, and insist uon ii that theic is ncither consistency nor honosiy in our measures, so long as we ask them to help put down Ruin oud Whiskey, while tho reformers thernsclves still cling 10 the Cider and Wine? No I No ! Let us pny 110 ottention to those ob jections. Is not "shearselfishnesa the coverning principie that guides thein"7 What should we gnin by introduciug inillions üf tliem :nto our xanks? Let us cling to our "one idea" oftoial abstinence, except for medicine, from distilled ligiwrs unly. Tlius reasoned wjse and good men for a long time. Tho American Ternporance Society, with ita Edwards, its fievitt, ifs Governore and Doctor of Divinity without number, iho N. Y. State Tempérense Society, with Ui Walworth.its Deluvan, is bprnguc, iis IJopkms, lts Jny, &c. &c and all the Statu Téihperañce Societies in tbc nation, dcJiupiVd resolutvly. tln ground: whüe only a ow;ro individuáis adven'.urcd to advocate ihcoppositc pulicy. Two iliiidj of the subscríbete of the "Genius ofTomperunco" including ncarly a'l is more prominent patrons, desertcd it, and ostnblished and patrónzed olker Temporalice papera, becausc tliut one (TUiiiiciijui and rnqddlêpornu publication w?uid not dosis" (rom throwiiig ;n applo of 'te-total" disCord (nlong with sonie sn!l more troublesoino rnissiles of abolilioniam) imo the laeos of lijóse wiic liad deterii.'iued nevcr, as long as ihuy lived, io hnibor more ihun iione idea." Bul all in viiin! The Temporáneo enterpiizi' was nbliged toput on !lttn unlc annr," before t Lould Mand. Andichy'S Snnply becausc cv2iy god cause reposes upon the basis of smne rent, comprehensivo, and uuivursally binding ■KiNcii'i.j-., Il r ia foundation, and l ceause ho ct of men, liowcyor numorous and powerful, in pr tnoto any good Cause, any larihor than i hey honor and obey the principie upoii whieh it s bascd. The teinpcranco roform whs baserl up)ii the principie tliat alt uso of alcohol Í0 üquors. lowcver dilutud, and ín huwcver small quanliies, was promolivü of inteinpurnncc. Wmc. ' tcr, nnd eider, were supjjOspd to Su Jrcc froni , hc alcoholic ingicdicnt, und ihcrefore, werc UOI ncludcd in ilie plcdgo. Thü supposition provuii . o bc a iiiistakcii onc. It w;i tounil liiat alcohol vas cpntained in wnu-, cidfef and beer. and thai ho usc of these led lo diunkennoss as well as the nc ofdistilled liquors, nor the conöcqucnccs ot in ir use could be overeóme1, until other intoxcaiing liquors, of liko chnrnc:er werc uicluded n tho pledgu. And. after these faeta becumc iiiown to the coiiimuiiity al largo, it becatne o arco for tempernnco men to continue oppoaing listilled liqnuis wlnlc il-.ty baid notliing ogainst thcr inlo-Mcaling drinUs and even coiniiiued in :'ie use of tUeñi, thenKseVvt-s. Men of üchso ;öu(d not have coiilllencc n tlieir measures, nd l);)osors weic furniehcd wiih a wcaiimi th it sould not ho nurried, until the new policy was ido] tcd. Just so, of ihc Aiiii-Slavery Rcfrm. It rests on ihu basis of iiudicnahlc humun righls - ihe siofutness of uivadin'g tliose right?, on nny ,Ossihle pretext, wiiatover. Chutiel SKivery is he mos, niarked nnd putrngoouq vtolajion oi t!iose i'ights, nnd civil governmei.t is bound to u'olish il, bccauseh s bound (o protect uil .lie .qual and rni'ieDable lightsof all men. Tho Liberty party, you sny, was orguniz :d to procuro, througli the civil governineri', the abolilton of chattel Slavery. So say I, yet [ must udd, as a historieal faet, highly crcditable to the Liberty paity, that in orgamzing for ihö nioró speciöc md pirumount object ofaboÜflnng chattol Slavcry, as the grèateat invasión of lunnaii riyhta, the L:berty party did, nevorthcJesí, soleinnly and lutinctly pledge ittelfto the protection, throngh civil govürntnéilt, of all (hecquol und inal einblc righls of all men, ihe white as wei! as the col rnd, disclainiing exphaiicnlly, the itie i of örganijzing for tho abolition of clitillct stmoefy alone. leaving other oppretbion3 uii'redrefesed. The (locumcnts of three siicceáfivc naïioual Libeny Conventions, (all that have yet beun held) indisputubly attest thie. i'o that ïfeither the jirotectivc tarifl'or the revenue larilf (and we have boih of tliem conibined) can be shown lo invade inilicn:ible riglits. lo bc oppretsive and wickod, ihe Liberty party is alrcady pledged, in reali'.y, lo tlieir abelition. Bui waiving, at piescnt, und for argumenta' sake. this rrjsipricn] faet, 1 uiii take the grouncJ üssunied by many who dilllr (rotn ino, thnt the Liberty party was orgnnized ■iolely and cxclusivel for the abolition of chattel -laveiy, just n# ihe old Teni]iorance öocietics were organized solely on the ple.lge of total absiinence frotn distilled lyjuors. VVfaat then? - The question siill returns, huw c.'tn llibt specilu ob'jecl bo atlninidï. Tho usj ofdistilled liquorseould not bedona uwny, bo long as we did noiliin' againwt ihe feruiented and viiious. V!iat i woll ascertained faels, and experimente, dulj pondcied, sliall icveal tö us thè iruth Chai Ui Slatery in this country cnnnoi be romuveJ .witliout removiii:; ihe t.t'icr oppressions ihatmin ister 0 it,' wliieh il wieldrt lor thal i).:ry purpvs: nul by whieh aione it could Lo stistained? The must not be substitutcd lo [the American experiment, nor British iacis fo An;ericau facts. J5e if so, that West Indi. Slavery coukl be hoh-htd without the repeai'01 ihe Briiish Corti Tarift'. Thai does not provi ihat iho American Slave power can bc ovcrthiown wiihoui the overthrow ol the Amcricar Tariil. Tho West India planter.-; never wieldci ihe Government of Great iiritnin wilh iis enor ■ nous rtvcnue. for the eupport irif West Indu Slavery, ns our Southern Slaveholders wie'd l!u federal GoveinnuMit, wilh its vast resource; (derived ihrough iho Turifi') for the support o áouihern Slavery. Tho Nnvy - the Army - of no ooilhly tise to u; but to sMs'.-iin Sluvèry; aml carry on pró-slá'verj wars - thal ooi ten lóillioits, so (uicily voied bj Congrcss the other day, to cany on the Me.xical wamnd extei:d Slaveiy, wIrto did it como fron bm froni the Ta rijf' '? And Imw ciss i cdüld i have been raioed - neaily all óf ii hom iho non slavoholding Stares? Could it l-;ivc [. n raisei Cour thirly mitlions revenue per anriuin; by i direct lax? A t.nx which would compcl ihe Souil to bear her pin of the burden. No! Noforíefoiirth part of it could betbna raiflt-d. The SouU could not, nnd the orih u oul t not, and ihen would be an end, at once, to Florida wars, Mex ienn wars - armies - navios - éíqVensive foreigí diploniacy, uttcrly uábfe'es, (eScVpi in the seryici ofSlnverynnd the other profecfed monopolie thaiinstinctively cluster around :t;iri I èustnlii it. All aristocracics, inbnopbliös, cla?3 legislotiops and special privileges, rïstfncüv'ély cliug to eacl other nnd contend tor each otht-rs "charïerei rightis'"! The Cotton spinners and Cóttfih grów era - how closelj are ihey allied to eai:h other The on? must have a tatttí for '-proeUion,"- The other must have n tanff for 'rcccnuc."- The (ormer to honrd up wealth. by the pirática tax levied on the consumer of their fabrics - thi othorto get poBsesion of a princely revenue t( wield iis support of Slavjry! Betwcen then botli, we nre bürdcncd with ihe doublé curse, ani disgraced with the doublé iniquity oí a "protec tivo" tariff, and a "revenuo" tarifT combined Continue to feed a Northern aristocraey with thi pap, and in vain do you think to curb their haugh ty and anti-republtcan aspirings to lord it ove northerri laborera, in imiiution of their ''brethre; of the South" whom tbey hold in fraternal ern brace. Continuo to yield to thta annual tnbutof iliiriy millions into ihc hands of thrSlavoholding ohgiircliy. Give ihem the ineans to wicld irmies nnd nayic8 - feel ihcm their fat miarles, 'rom President ila'vüiwatdi - allo thcm to hold ;ia fhey now do, tho power of nppoiniment. (which alijuld be held by the people) of heads of departinetits, judgcs. anibassadors, consuls. post-nits;cr8 iu overy village and hamlet - above all, leave thein the appointment, princdy emolumoni, iiiul control of tlicir OuStt'm Hóiisi officers and thcir attcndants with their boundless opportunitics for plundering the public in addition to thcir perquisites, and their almost undisputed ■ . ti t ij ï ol the eiiy votes, (decisivo commonly, ui the votos of Nïv Vork, Massachuseits, and IVnnsylvnriin) - leave the 25Í) thuusand SlavoItpJtlyra the control of all this- as we must do if the Liberty party fnils to strike itsblow til the rout of it - and Loviuihan hughs at our spears of strnw. nccounting ihcm as ho well inay. but atub,!.;. Gul Lat the Liberty party war with the ifftcüet machinen that upholiis Sluvery, let it inmaak tho lmhcrto unexplorcd niazes of poli tí - :al depravity and knavery hy mcans of which he'poople are, at once, plundcrcd ard oppressed, -let thrni do this. fcarlessly, like carnest, honst, and bold men, not alruid, iu God's name. of ncountering too many dragons at once - lel them vage nnconipromiaing war with the entire sys ein of inquity thai chattelizes the black man. mei giiuds down the poor whiie man - tlicn will ! t hey honor theirhigh professions- tlicn wil! they i iOmiQead themsi'lves lo tho eonseienees of all ncii, ge in hisighti Then w:.ll ihey waik fn unalenees of hoart arid integriiy, adhering 10 the iirht, heeat sz it is riglil - and theretore adhciiiiir o alt ihe riftlit. "'Flicii s'iiil! they not be ashü'rfld, havin respoct tinto all God's Commandineuis, so lar as :hc spheic of na:ional politics ís concurucd. 'I'hc q-iestiun of Tariffor no Tariflf isno mere finan til" or 'viulhir und runt" quoatiötl - any loro thun the queslion of Suivery is a mere 'revciiue" or 'idüllar and cent qtiesüon." - Dollars eind Cents and Cnnnccs havo inuch inccd to do with ihem both, as tlioy have also vith the Temier;nicu qüesiiou and wilh all mor1 questions, for God.ineaa is prohtable unto all hinge, liovtné the pronüee of t!e lifu that now sas well ;ts of ihat whiclj s l come. I opposochaitol Sluvery becnisc il is thievish. unjist. opprcssie, and wiekod I oppose the l'ariir, whether protectivc or revenue, bec.iuse il 8thieyish, mijust, oppressive and wicked. Ido nu say that ihe one robbery 3 as enormous as he otiier, bul Í üo say that the smallest ot them a vastly grcaler and more wicked thnn most of of the larcen es puuished by our Coutuy Courts. And I niustiirst learn to weieome Dr. Tjiyljar's loctiine of choos'ng the least of two evüs, or, is ho boldly e.xpicb.scj it, "tlic lenst of two dovIs," btf.rc I caa consent to a t:u.o will eithor one of thcm. I ask civil ginernmcnt to abolish chaitel Slavery. beeauuc it is; a violutior. of inalienable human líghts. 1 oVk civil government to aboüh tlu; Custotn Ilouït) system of coinmeieial reatticlions. because it is a violation pf inalienable huiüan rights. Ëvery m:m has nn innüenable right to liiuisetf-xo hid own museles and ainews. and skill, and indusiry. and to the producís of that industry. He has consequent a God conierred right to dispose of tliose irodtiets. to cxci.ange hom. tcficll them, in coinmerec wiih any humán beiñg bn the foco of the ca. "h. This right, civil governmentshould protect, hut can ncitlicr impair or infringe, without acting ihc pait of a felón, nn invuder of human rigbie. Tiie who!e business of civil góvornm'cnf, s.iys Jeflcrson "'is to protect and preserve all our original righis unimpnired and lako none of thcm from us. The notion is wholly Uoípuníjed th.a tmn giya up n part of their rights, on entering Koeicty. for the protection of the resi". And this ngrees with the Sbnptüréaccfnjnt óf civil goyerqnient- oidained to be "ri lonor to evil düers" U ' exceuie jiulgiiunt belweeti a in in and his neighbor." And the proper business of a poliiic.-il puly like the business of the - tho associatu sovêreign - is to bring civil governmeni to the proper discharge of its lunctions - the pcrfornionco of all its diutts. A party ihat does nol attempt this, degenenitcs into a fnclioq, atui iióultl not receive t!ie support of a conscientious and goovl man, who laves all his ueighbors as himself. I have no more right, iu n politieal pariy, to wiuk nt the robbery of ihe white liiborers by n Tanir, thau I have to wink at thegreater robbery pf the cülorcn inun, by tho cliauel pystem. Look n'. the roblrery ol a "proteetlve" Tar.fl' Weallhy c;iitalisls in Lowell sty ihey ciinnol iniike my clotlung lor ine as che.ip, by thirty cents or. a dollar, as I could get them from mj . j-i il brothor in ÊnglrfnJ. And 80 I muél bc taxed, a poor nian us I am, thirty per cenl, on al the dollies I vear; lor ihc benefit of this riel man in Lowell, ihat be muy growndc.' ant ■ thai I inay grow jioyrer. Look at the toboory of a "fèyenüè TuriiT." - It t'úxca mo, for the support of the general Govi cinnii i.t, by nlnking m: pay, íay 'JO per ctin, i i yen plón'80, for llostiaimi., on all the foreigi i good I purchiise. This is levicJ by the 'Tanfl'.1 The ii))orting merehant .p it ii)to the Güsión I floüï-o. Thè'Cüatorh IIoue'c it óv.ér 10 Uu i Sl.ivohoKlcis, for the suppoil ol' pro-slavery wars i The country merehant sho huya ihe goods il ■ New York must (raytlie mnürting merehant 2! per cent rnore than lió would oihtrwise have ti l dol bceause Ac has paid this iax io ihc Si.iveoc i;iry wlurh we e:ill the Federal Goveninicnt.i So ihe coohtrv iiierchnnt nnist charge me I i per cent more for hi? goodá, to ge;t the Inx boel ngüin. II', wiikn large lainily. I luiy 100. dollar ) worth ol íhescooda. in n year, I ay $'20, fo tiie support of our tíl.ivoeíalie Govorniiniu am i the niuney góes to fiiiVt the FluiiJa Iudiuns, o i tlu: Yet I am hut a poor rna, no worth, pcihaps '3QQ in the workl. But l;e:o i my rích ncighbor. f'u'ithou: a child or a chiek' ■ Cperlinps without a wife.) but worth a nullion o two of dollars? Ifo needs (ewor gootls ttiaü 1 io Sul Biip,po8e'hè buyajusi the same üinount. Thei he paya only the s.imo tax'! In a wnid. our 3l 1 tnillions revcnuo per annum is raised by a tax ii i whieh the poor must pay os much as the ruh I while the Gavernment s wtelded by the rich, fo ■ the opreesion of the poor. From one tb two thousand persons, nppointci " by Government, are employed inconnexion witl r the New York Cu6tom House nlone. The iwi olTices of Collector of New York, und the Liv erpool corisuiate, are said to have netto(J mot ' spiece. than the ealary of the Presideivt of thi i United States!Tliere is no end 10 ihc story of llic fenáverie pcrpetrated in thi3 country under the name of civil Government; monopolies, epefcial pnv.legee and cxemptiona in all shanes - a judiciary constructcd to pervert justice ratherthan adnnnis'er il - the power of bribery placed in ihe administra tion in llic sliapc of appointments - and all :lie advocates of thcm as ciöaéty conncctcd with he S'avc Power and the si.ppori of it, ns Wine. Beerarfd Cidur. were ever connected with Rum, Whiskcy, nnd Brandy, and ilie procees ol making Irunkards! Now vvha: shall we do, friend Treadwell ? - 3háÍI wc 50 :ho "tc-lotil jiledgc" - or shall we lolil back? lsitriglu? Is it wise? IsH conlistent, to cry oul ogaibst Slavcry as a monopoy, and yct g) on, snpporting othcr monopolies 1 Fo condetnn ii as wicked.and ca!l n the Churehs ind ministry to coudemn it ns wickeJ, becanse 1 viólales inalienable rights and cruslies the poor, it'd vet -Tcjnain lotally indifferent respécfing oüt r vlolalibnsóf Uie same righis thot cru.sli oí! cr ortions of the Lord's poor? Is it a triíling r.bery tlmt niches, even in times of peace, some 0 niiili nis of dollars a year l'roir; the poorer Insscs wbich they ouglit noc to pnyl And the vails of which go 10 bijild up and defend chattel ilavery itnelf ? Yes! A Tarifl" svslem, Which. long wiih kindred exactions which a Tarili'sysem naturally fosters and produces, has reduced lie inilliuiis of the poor 111 England lo a condi1011 of actual etarvaíibn amiil the overgrown ke.ihli of thosc who hive utirigliicously filcheJ hcir carningí f rom theru? Yes! A TnrHT sys6nj ihat hus alrcudy begun to work similar cfL-cts in onrown country, wiiich tbrowa ihc masa l ihc voIl-m, in populous districís, c nniiletelv uto the power of a few capitalista, obliging ihem .0 vote tor a Tnrül', oye - nnd for Slavery, or elsc ie tiirned out of doois? Turn your oyes. I beseech yuu, .0 (Xhoda I&lniid, wLere all ibis, and more thun ill ihis hus becorne liis:ory, and ijoastfully gnzetíed in the publicjtions ihat appiove it - where the Cotion-ocnicy. invoking successful ly the Slave Powcr,and wielding the terror of tlie Uiuied States' troops, have iorcibly overturaed tlie Constiíution ol" iho pcpphe, fui c ing upon thern 11c of thcir own. nader all liiu horrors of u iniliiary despotism, the establishment of Souihern Lynch law, the BUppressiun of freo speech and a fiee prcas, llie brenLing up oí peaceíul religious woibhip on the Sabbath. and the draggin of pious ministers and Clnisiians 10 prisun, for no crinicbut th;it of adhering to tho lawful government, and sending some of the first and best men in the State into exilo, o no charge but for thftl of having cast un obsivziovs cote. ! is it best to be so rigklly "men of onc idea" as lo reflect thnt tho inilhons ofour pooier white htborors who have witnestjed and known (il nol aciually snllered) all :his, have somo right and occasion 10 ask us whether wc go against Tarffi s well as CnATTKi.iioD - agninst ihe oppression f vIl'Uc nien as well asoí black men, befare they Sjist us to power? la it quite fuir to t.-uint lliem viih selfishness. becatise they wisih piotection for liciusclvcs as wtll as the colorcd people? "VVhile ve clainicd "the right of suff.age" for thc latter. id it becomc us to bo neutral respecting ihat inr.c right in the foriner? Can we vindeute our consisteney betler tliau we could under the oíd Temperance pledgc? You nicntion ihe Anfi-Mason?! Tíuir error wai thevery one I am oJ)0ing. Thcy undr.rtook lo be "nien of one idea." They only - posjd Masoury and let Slavcry alone! The consequente was.thoy did noihing except in threc or fbúrStatea, and therefure they left the NatrónI Government in the hands of Mosonry and Slavory fclill! Whal iiitle they did gnin ihey lost. because, thcir determination te hnve but one spy cific object, made it impossible for ihein to remuin i üistíiict uarty, and they were conse(iently absoibed in this State, by ihe very swcpariy his nosv coiuiíieiivcd iho obsorption of the Liboiiy l'arty - a work which notlimg bul ihc occnpuncy of a broader grou' d con prevent Do you fear ihe Ioís of so ñtotiy Tanll' un 11" Beware of "going down into Kgypt for bélp'l Tlie troublo is, wo have ln;en going down ihere. and 011 to ihe "pláin of Ono,1' loo long! Wc liave CKurlcd the conservators of aristocratie abus us lohg cnough. '-Egypt is nspear upon whiih. ií a man lean, it will pierce his hand. " Uavt wu not (nuid it so? One duy thcy niob us - the nexi they wheedlc us out of onr votes. Now iheyassail us witli thcir Girland forgeries, anc anón they offer to do up our r.r.tislfivery work lor us, il" we will only go for a 'J'anff! NmoIcnilis uf all our troublts and postados spring out of our cringingservUiíy to the advocates o monopolies a:id Tari (Ta ! Let us have done wit) (hem. I dí hoi sny t lint no truc men are in fa vor oía Tarill", bnt I do sny tlmse of thcsn re, vuiniíiír iruo, will h.ivo lo get rid ol" their Tarií iiotions, as maiiy ol ibera are ulrcady doing. - This they should be houesíly told - and told ton. ihat th;:t k 11110 "idolatrous love of silvcr am gold" thai yuur letter eo truly describes, lies a tlie bóttom of it all! Thcy may not be sensible i' it, but it is truc.' Let us indeed '.'earrièsïl; reprpye this spirit. Fai'iiful uc the woundá öf friend.'.' W' iien we preach agniost iuonlina! woildlwiesí, let our spfdjicfitions show that w mean sbnVcihing besldea "wqrjUtluic3s in '':. nb flrmt!" AVhen any inen, be ihcy cpitbn-grtíw ers, or wool-growcrs, or woo! í-piuiít-rs, or cotton-spinneis. or tax payers gol so 'ucoilJlij' and idolize Silvcr and Gold" so much ts t 'wiifli a boiiDiy oq ilu'ir producís, to increase thei wcülih, an unjust (;i,n on the p or tlüit they ini jjrow richer - when, [n addlt.itd) t this, they wis the naitonal icvcnut! lo be 6 eoílected as U takii as mucli í'iom thu pocir as Irom the rich vvheii tln.s vvjsjh cí covjtouwie3 1 íds expreseioi ,1; ilie baliói box. nrjd 13 cnlbiccd by tho stronL arm of power - when in tlus wiiy tlie eoloret poor aio kopt ín bondiL0 by an unrighioua ta; ■ ni the tchitfi poor - hi-n indeed have wc a;i exemplificatiop, of worldlinessand idulatry ol gold deiuniuliug siudy! Agoinst sur.h qxhibitions ü woildliuoas kt the Church ínter bej waruinga the púlpjt (3 ihiitidnr.--, a:J the voters, a; th( b.illot búx, record tiieir otero reloes. Tlien tb Ligón will ;..!!.