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Henry Clay's Slave

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We have publishcd to-day tlio statement reppceting Mr. Clay's fugitiva Slave, whieli cornos to us froni Ashlnnri. Lest we should he occused f gnrbling it, wc have inseried tbc documente entirn. By compnring tlio stnfoments of Richardson and of Clny 's oveisecr. It will bc seen they ngree in most poi'nts. 1. Richnrdson says he wns n slavc rtf H. Clny. and rnn away. This is oeknowlcdged. 2. That lie wns whipped for nol reiu.nine to work enrly enough on Mondny morningaftor visiting hts family. Acknowledged. i. That he had Iived wiih Clny 9 ycars, and in lliat time his mnster hnd n t given lum n hal or cnp to wenr, norn siitdi ol bed cloihcd, except one smal! blanki-t. Not denied. 4. That ihe field hands are allowanced every week in mcat and meal. This is adnmted in reference to meat. 5. The only es?ential point of disngrccmnnt is m regard to tho soverity of ihe whipping - the slave snying the nuniber of blows was 150, the overseers 16. Tlio reader w II bolievc which staiemont he pleasej. Slavea, we know are much addicicd to lying; but tho clunnctcrof thcir drivern ior ve-aciiy mul viituc is not the most exnltfd. Thosc who uaw Richardson whun hc lirst arrivcd in Ohio. say thai he wa9 wounded in the hend, as he aliedged, by a Iï?rnd3piko from ihe overseer, and his back liniHy cut wiih óie whip. Perh.ips lic ïnll.cted llreso wounds nn himsclf to ''mnko believo." The laboral attempt ai tho overscers to impeach the character of Richnrdson will not nvnil. The qiiesiion is nni, is Richardson without futilis or vices. but are his staicmenis Uur? Wedid not publiyh the statement of Atkins in the Ohio paper, becauce we doubtcd its truih in some rpppee's. It is proper to say in referenco to thn interview denied to hnve taken place betweon Mr. Clay and his overseer. that Lewis save lliat thcy did Tint sco eich oiher: bnt a note wns sent respectinghis cae from ihe overseer to Mr. C. and nn answer reiurned hy the same messengcr. - The note wpj written by the overseer' s wifc, hc being nnable lo rcad or ft rite. ;mJ by her was rcad in the hearing of the m ssengor. In regard to the dental of the whipping. Lowis says that he was whipped fiitcen orsixtcen !lows wiih n switch as statcd by lbo overpeer: and aftkuWxrps he ;is tied up and reeeivod 150 lnshes. Wiekliife'8 overseor, he says, did not h ppen to be present, but was sent for pieviously. The testimony esiablih(8 the fact ihat the VVhip without wnge? is the great stimulus to labor npplied by Mr. Clay to secure the industry of his unwiümg laborers: and demónstrales thai his slaves are not all of theni so '#fnt and sleek" but a charge of condition is desired by ihem.