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The Oregon Treaty

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Thtclogiopliicrejiottannoancesthai ihe Pres deiu sent 10 ihe Sei:cte on Toesday last ihc ormul Oregon Tieaty. lis provisions are said to e embraueu ii fivc ameles, subsíantially as folows: Art. I. J)i;fi'iBj t'r.e boundiry - 49 c!ig. to Queen Cliarluite's boi nJ. thciiee eoutlierly bruagb the fVtraits of Fuca to ihcOcean. Art. 2. Tle navigmion of üin Columbia to be Vee during tde continusiico of tbc Channr of the -iudeou's Bay Co. It' that Charter bo renowed lim provisión aleo to bc reiiewablc. Aru 3. Tne river?, pons. 8iid harbors nonh of the 49th deg 10 be Tree to iho comuierce of oth nation.s. ■- Art. 4. Indomnity fr the Forls and Trading Stations of the Uudso.i'ts Bay Ci. boitlh of 49 deg. ond of the Americana iiorth.oi the bamc ïf ony there be. Ait 5 Jnriemnity for private property of citi7;ns or sulijects wlio nmy be oulli or nnrib ol 4D deg. if tlicy wiih 10 withm ilicir un nriiöry. TJ.c treiiy Wat signpd on .Mond?iy by Mr. juchnnan oud Mr. Pakenharñ, on bulmif ol hoir respective governn)un:e. lt wants now ony the otily confirmatios of ihe Seríate. That ody was in stsslon upon it on Titeaday, Lut is aid to Lave taken np final aciiorj. The re&ult, lowerer, is regaic'cd as to certain that niessenjcis have already been eelected bv both partiea o takc copies of the treaty to Eigi."..':u'.Rotation in ojicc, is a loco foco dogm.-.. Il is adically unsound. The ofnets ara created foi lie public good, not, in he reiuotcs; degree, for he incumbent, or for the expectnnt. If the airy, or iho porquieiíes, be adequate to the labor -fulLy adequate - for tiie public oiighi lo take i prido in pnying well. and ihe peraon pcssessing ie office is acceptable to iho community, he ought to bo kept in il, for the cjmmuni'.y taaïüt. in any way, be benetfilted by a chonga. "Where ho uses the ofnco for ony eelfish end; ie ought to be put out au a dizhoneêt man, no natter, how necessary iha emolumenis of the office msy be to him, or to his foruüy. The public is entitled, too, to besürved by one who is unsu-ptit'sd. Ii it compafa;ive!y a stnaü matter, to go from j onc lucrative office to another, even though it be so often as once a year. Ifroiation in office means snything, all the offices in the county ought to be put into, aay a ïat, and all the name of the iocofoeos within the same district, into enoiher. Say there are twenly offices to bu fiüed in the county - they would be filled by the locolocos, whose names would correspond to the office, when they wei o both drawn out. At tbo end of the year, they are all lo Th'.se who have had the oflkea. being put aside, ihe ofBces ure again put into tl.e hat, and tho old namis with the new onct, ihai have been converted to locafoco'sin, during ihe luat year, and thnt have not held any of the offices, elsewhere, are again to be drnwn out. In this way they procecd, uil all the loculocos enjoy all ihe offices. Uut lam nnswered, (iu-e will sometimes get in incompetent oflicers " You muit reeullect, hewever, that, by this objection, you adrnit, thai there are soino loccfocos who ouht not to hold office, and. therefore. the eenselessness of your dogma is more app-irent. But i: amounts to nothing substantial. at laït. - because the incumbrent would soon become cotnpeu nt hunsolf; or trade the office away to those who wei e. 'and he would make his monej Awbich seenis to be the mam business of the locolocos, out of the sale of it. This is a very effectual wav of always keeping the office filled with inorant persons, uninformed of tlwir