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Call For A State Liberty Convention

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The Cotomiilec, üppuimed by ihe Liberty AsbOfiation of Ann Arbor. to addrcstt tho Liberty Votersofiho State, relativo to calling a Sin'.e Comeotion on the 8'.h of July, would eay, tlint tho cali lias been well responded to, having met witli a more liearty receplion and general favor thaii wa ainicipated. Beiween 'iOO and 3ÜC names,froin vorioub'poruoiis ol the States, hata btun rt-iurned, and noorly every circulur las n note apponded, expressing an arden i wish ihat autli nieaeuree aa are inárcatéd by t)icnli, elioulü be aJopicJ. nüd ihat at ihe tuihcöt praciical periOii.One circular wua reuirned íroni the Western part óf itiu Stute, expressing favorable views, but suggostiliy ilio propriëty uf pustponing the cal!, alled'ing as tühsoiis tho proximiiy öl urne and placo to iho Young Meu's A. S. Convcntioi: li IJ n Juno and tlio Maïs Meeting now being liuKI in Chicago, and a meeiing to Domínate n candidato lor Congre&i in llio Western Distriets. These reasone, toethor wiih tho tulditional une. ihat, probably contrnry to tho expectations of the Coiiiinittco when tho cali was is3ucil, the fnrrneri, who comjiose tho great mnss of our puty. will bc in tho midst of their wlieiit harves', iave induccd the Cominittee to asaume tlie resp jn&ibility of deferring the prcscntniion oí the r.nlls to State Ccntrul Commiilee íor tlic presen . They will Loun bo prescntcJ with n rt.qucst iliaca convention bc called as early nsit would be prac tical!y for tho pcople to attond. By order of the Coinniitiee,