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Address: Delivered Before "the Young Men's State Liberty Ass...

Address: Delivered Before "the Young Men's State Liberty Ass... image
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( ' Concludcd.) Who thcn 9 rcponsiblc ibr tliis cvil? Oh weni I posroescd ol'iho power to enter ilie hcnrt of ench pcrgon now ticfnre me, yen oí ccry nortlirrn (rcciiian. I wöuld brand npon ita r.musi recoces "Thoti arl llic man." Ye.-, hcarrr. thou iliat linst iiietlv hcard of the cvil nnd sin of elavery, and aach.'iritahly vc to thy SomheYn heïgh bor every word ofroproof. to thre I sa y "Tho nrt h iimn." Tliou tliHl linst lic;ird oí the woes;uid stifl'crins of the pool ainvc, til! thinc nner ii.'is been 'grcatly kindlcd ngAÍnst tlic man'' - :ind hasl i?iid, ''as tlic lyord Itvcih, ilie man thnt lias done lilis tlnng shall siircly dio: and lic shall restore the laml four-fold, becnusc iie dit', ihis ing, and bccinsf lic ha I no pi'y," to thee I hiv tliou art t'ic niun." Yfs, yc wen of ilio nonh lio boast your tlusccnt i'iom ruinan ancestois nJ rcvoluiionnry sirc., Ve nre rcponsiblu tor ie woea and miseries ot'Sliivery, íor ye can end icm. ilow? By lulkingj tulUinif, tulking! - ]y votiriL', voiing, oiing. A liitlc more ilinn ure i-'iiturics ngo, and iJI ilie civih.od woild. :y in tliiclvt-st darknesá and jgnora.nce at 1'1C e: of ilie l'oit' oí Rome. The nationa lieard ns voice as ïhc ihumleiiii[;s of i God, and impliuitly oUeycd. Ili r. v nucs wi-ro jtathered hn pyjty [iiartor of the (u!d. - Oom eveiy romlition tn lifc. Kmiu-rors ponred furlh Uicic ireasurcs - peas'inis tin ii miles, to oblain from hiin remissinu (or tiic past, and indulgonce for the future. In Itim centtreil a!l cixlcaiasticnl power, aml lij jslu-ht i líehcíts Kings and l'rinces ilïhi;litod to obey. A BÍmpJe iiiotik. witli lus cowUd hcml tvnd tig heari coni cih (rótn the convent of i'ifuuh. Ui jjray oyvs pret out Erom undec hls cowled jicad. Uit? grea lieart isstirrcd wiihin hint at the iniquuica In eycs bchold - nnd llia! 'oni;iie ot lua whivh bc lorc lud kept irreal silcnco; bens to wag- crowils gatluMcl to licnr llttl immly . tonjii - siraijihtway nn biiudred a tliousand nu-n are hear - Ifllkïng, lil'tiivg. ittlkiêig. Popts, ('ükíiii'iI-í F.mpcror.-, fCi)gíiriC lu tío tlii niüiily toógUC FTxcoinmuniciiion, bun !iment.ilcnth OEv.'déttceei .i.iiiist it. hut none ilared exccuie the dterce . - In cvery quartcr of tlicir widc domifiipns w.henr ttiis contimnl tnikJng, iilkin;'. lajking. - Protestant (.ii.-rin.iiiv,, Deiimaik.Swt dvn. Norway, Swiizerlaud, Knulund, Scotlnnd And Amonen stand now proud mo'nuinertls of ihc succc.-is of this "inlking rcvolutiou." Thrcc ccnturies have not hcmimhcd iliat usiful memher, mul what inlking did ibeil it cafi do now. Kriowlcdjio of the wocs anp cvilsof Slavery miist hc tlirow n Iron n uilt to mout'.i. The epirii of Slavery which is naw.Min at ihc lieurt of our body politie - which manifeste iiself in our unliuly lilack laws, in our wickml prcjuditc-, must he exorcised. I can only bc done by lalltiiii; - The eycs of our Southern nciyhlmrs, closed by the instniclions and exaniples of a long line of nncostors. nnd universally followed arouiul ihein. iniiflt bc opened by kind and fnithful talkinc. - Whill pereon hereso vveak. so ieeblo in mind. that he cannot aay n word for the poor slavc - not a word for the cause of hiiinnnity. What pernon so dumb that hiu tonque will not bc looeed, as he contémplales the miseries of Slnveiy. W'iiU stieli i themcj even trenibling i!J a;o sliould .iroii=n lo flre. nnd lit;jiiir nifjiicy. luirn .viili cl 'jitenco. om: b ihi:ro now bcftfH? inc r any wlicrc in this vlnIc 1 jihI (hul can ;=ay. ii" ):n.runiity hnc I lost 1" MÍK &r'Ony- nohciri h-ive t.pRsaötl ly n wludi I mi git I Uave imprrs&cd n liatrcd ol o'pp-ion - "o Slaycbold er lmve I met whom I have nol kindly and fyiihfully n-provrd for his ein. l! y mi ti.ive nol dono tm, ihcn Jgain i sny Thou :ut tho moa.",; - Thou who linsi cojHftfd to piench. to pray. to feej lor the fpnMcd -'ns hóund sviih dient" - ho haat pui I t tli t'nno hand and eovircd p i'a fililí ni' indÍMiln;d .-1 ivi i'K!nu; wn h ihy :i::itjn: whita yoslij iliy liñnd hns holpc-d to riv.;t tlistavc (eliers. Haat tlton. In ihe Court. ihe Muil, the Aissembly, by the frreslde, cca-ed lp plctd fot ' ilit! riglH Of tho SJflvo? II. is ihy latigh .f .lerision beca heniil a( tlic, ni.i'i eli.rf ol ifiy Abolilioniftt ncigljíjoi ! tliut l.mli Honnilcil 1 1I10 P'ioi slayo woiunn'a wlien t!ic waters i( ilic l'oiomnc dfowJTöd n lorovi-i ' H;ist choyu lailod n tho licli], tlu: wupj tli; Incauv. tlic workshop io apcnk ; r tlie oi;us--eil 1 ilion iliy liaii'i loo h.nli licuii ]iní)tl vilh tire work er oí iniquiiy. -)li li;t lo n I;lt- 1 incncü 10 lay - conmine no Ion:; aa liiy í-iií:iic cm niove to talk. lalk oí ilus subjCQtj iut ni 1 m IjiOfü'til tunca - ijpl 111 violcnl li.usli l.ins;u;ic, lut ín tliit liw voico wlnclt sliow:ili i!iIcoling iíiMrt, in iliti Lim! lamiliur m:mnct lncli iliy iiciliboi will lovo t.) hcaí- mluiiin t-luí ■- iiiu.irwhcn iiccc.Miy 111 tliw 6)Ul-Ít:Q( le- ici-at ilie simple siory ai j D HiW. 01 1[)piyjliBS-iIíj !lii-n!i i'tc p'-i. ! iln'; ' '!ic nimcrs leui'cn un'iitfs,niiil ic .mMili.:r yéu slnll olí aroumi, li.v Uilkípg ill teli. :nul a íenrt uow ie;uly lo pensil shail tl?K !'-'' Yol íricTnlH, milo votí ntr nulv lo i ' irspondin;: iKiion. vuur ïntknïg wil! lósc ' ' .ouei. (hilc-í vui tiilkiii-jf wiíl leu) i.' yoltlfí ,ml ..-1. i v.iiiii;., I fcál t Htl I ! I'"1' ,. nt ii vnin. Whocuilil DeliöVB.nn i" iñ; o iipWiiJld'.: So51y. wlicn l-y n.y vbte I !cc ín t .!i.mi. ílié ' ■■ : uoíun.Hium.-.ll.'! u. lówfi. Wl,,. u..u!,l crc.Ji my MUfonty n nsKíiiS pítfhy m ilie dtu.c!... ñríd rluctuiK a M-kl..-: foi íá rfpneoii Whó cín ,l,ink rtié I.o.k-ümmiv löntj dtolitfiruh B (ho uJs .H.l eViü -.1 elavefy, the dánseta i. rftrohVèfis ÖWi i 'v proíslaíio8 ■■! li " d ,„ „,„ ,i ,.. (.„„.■■.. an.lot rtéSleíoíl ■.■■■! ■r.hc!. wlic-ti I :i mu a" " Pbí'licnl power to plco.-t ríjtí li. -mi o Uíis gövernihertl .-n-l... I.i8 om,.,.l ntfliwn nhd miilioruy. t..r tho perjíctuaiifón oí il.e woe ñmi cvil. lira ih croóse öf ihc .ínngor. WhBi W)io? 1--l.o answrrs. '-.v.r.v I -!nt know." Ai.! Rntifc! rr;íírt, wi'! tflíOW wc '" . 'i icátHl Doesnny one nsk wlnt wíll lo? I nnpwcr. i!r.rt ilic ileiífr'irtiríbnóñ l il'O l6itliLrn freemen nove r 10 placo n any ofiiicol' hóhur. trust oí protit, n Sluvcholtler or KftitolííW, nd ihis determinatibrt elfoñi tbifóVrgK ti. o halloi-box. would cliangc tlie wholocuru'tit l feèhng i" o"1 pul.licu.en. Wl.y.sit thatiho office M thePreèidehl longots, ihopèliticiil wíro puHcr af ournation. hvb kwprt mío,, i i iKë subject ol Sljveiy, or spokeii Üut t. onlogi: ■ Wliy hae they not led uson o battlc aannioi ihíploo ot' Liberíy nnd llepublicanisu.? Ttiat -M observcr of. naiurc, Job, in nnmcwhat of n Ynnkee way nnswercth - 'Uuth ihc wíld us-s bray nlien r.eliiiih gnfssi or lowetti ilic ox over lus lodder" Slavery liaiii li 1! m ite tir.nd ihe kcy lo t tic pulilic crl. Tbu aspirant Ibr l'residenial lionors has wi-II ktiown, tlint unlcss lio yuporied n iniorc.ií", lnshopus musí fsod on cnijtiy wind. He 'lioiolure hns obeyed tlic bbhúat o( Slavcry. Thon wIid wmilil oliinin ofl'icc under liui Irum thi; Cabinot, must foll.iw t li-i r leader, nnd tlms rvcry ntan wlio lina siariod m ihe mee for política] honors hns from ni rest, no -s-ity 1 iníglit :ilmo?t sny, locóme ihe oen npoli'i.-,[ lir Btóvory or the lukcwnrm friend ol bih ;riy. Chnno thc secnc - !ct it be known ili.ii s!np ol Si;tiL' could never be corniniticil m iho ciiid.ince OÍ a .SlavcliolJcr or liis Bpologíst. iul Slovory would oppear tó Qáíhonn ofl èom'c tbing ëlo UWn n l';irtr iarchal i ■stitutioii. II-niy ('lav would ünil sotno more r.poedy wny lor ir. abolnion llian "tlie inovilablc Inws f popuhition." Lt tlíó dc;i!0 go forih. tliat indeed a míe Deuv.crat. a iruS W!ng. n trun l.tbcriy tnnn. ..:ily con BU tlia Kxpctitivc olïlre ol oi:r Demo erntic Livcrnmcnt - tlmt none but truc liearted suppurtcra ot thc principies of tliai fíovcrnment. iaii jaitici,)-!lc m la administiation; íh'at iKé jítrcnm wbicii lias flcrweÖ iotb ltt táfikté l .Slnvc nt Ibc raie of n inülion a y car Ir-nn lía nationaj tn.isiiry oh;ill be etn olí- lint tbc Amb:iss;idorslii;s o i" Loml.m, Tari;:, Heiim. M:niinl. Vu-nuv,nnil St. PeierlOfyLiir no loniíf-r bcld y pra cmpiion riglit to ilieS-Mithcrncr. nnd w.imption. ir.ciirnhlc witli nny l).il.-am of Lu'f, oulíl ser'; thc lungs of Slavcry. üncii 0 "lo c tho intitroci licnttit ot voiwig. Such 'ihiical action would place 'lie pn 'Oí 01 llia 1 nion tu ibe hands of ilic fricada of uuivcrBdl l.ibcrty. Tlicn wouM Slavcry icife m úit Dis'rict oi ("oluni'ii-!, thc intuí staic lave Iratle uiMi'-P, onr pubüc tcrriloiy n.i loogé hailmr tbc niiMistrr. Slave labor woiibl Ue no lotiger pro K-ctol by uctitius an.l inr.íV m i'nc eípe8tJ o l"ui Our natumul (, t.u lun;f.r cdui:a.UM wit'i tlic p;cjnlicc of Sljvery tttiotil tlum, voilc tliruw aí"de ihc so caUcil ocuiptonvisCfl oí tlwt. onmiumon. w liten 'ti wei nevi-r ii.iu mi i.m.sii'iice rxccpt 'm t!ic lirains of the alavc riddun jurisis. and witli doeisions loiindcd :n iho naiu'al riijliis t man ns d-jc'arijil nml cstublis'ie I by ih;it tioMe iriMiuinent strikes olV the cliaitis i'iat bind die slave td denüi. Thosc things can thepeopln of no! t'i dn hy votjtrg. Au I not right dien whenlnr.y upoti you t#ls ilic risponsil'iüty ' ihc ovi's of Sliivery? Up, ; smd bc doirij if ye wo-ild sUalc oft tliis respe nsibihiy. Thou man of dvd wlio ;.)i'i fttó 'c temple ol fï.id. am! pptcading fortli thy liar.i's tp Honvcn, prnycsl loi just :uers, w 1 en the crici in iho sirecta lids üifo. lo the open ballot box, go nnd ty üy voio sustoin tby jirnyer - go and th.-u sEWt henr n voicc Rn;ciiine 8aying imio thno ''Dhhi liypocrittf" nnd the wal of the -!a! s umi in ilimc car. Yon Liberty men, ( iliif)ii.'h li.;ness, or worldly mindednesís, when ilie Idos oí November cume. slay nt homo - of you il shall bc wriiten, ;'ye s!i?.H be beatcn wiih mnny siripcs for yc knew your duiy l"t did il not." You, e'uizmu of this urcot Rcpubüc. when by your npntliy, your ncg'.oci. your pihry división'?, r.d sirife8 íibout linie iliings. slavcry ehall have rciched a point Itcyoml our control, wlen its cvi-r 1 rpU'tng tidc shall have was'ied away ihe foumlation of our bcaulifiil Repnblicin edilioe - when thn edifico shall loitcr nnd lili; whon i!ii= bit. mos ■ilorions ivpoiimoni óiaelf govcmasAt slndl hnvc ini!(d: huw efcwll ye licir thu proans thatshtdl go up Irom lite inillirtiis ol tito worlds d-nvn frod(Jo-lèw bear the reproaches of your tiiil■ iren? ■ OU, y unp r.ii'n of Mirli!',';in. to yoi: especially 1 ipi-eil. 'l'In;d:iv voarc. oi are sooh to be, hc coulK.-lli'rsof our dfslinics; yon niMst nnsm-r wIkit ilnt dcFtiny eïinll lic. Arousc mul net ;is liec'mi-ili men. Yo-i have fRsbds for somo other intpoFC than to serve as bat lei s blorlis or bar lu-r's poles, bands not maiio c.pii-ily lor kid skin sireicliers- u?c llietn ilien for som.ihini. ■ . I.-.'. Su uso thern, tbat when de.-irn'itou hal j come pon u - :i? n miicn, tl u evor shall. y't niay s-.y. "'' hnnd tree Itom ih:s lilood.-r Sti use ih-'m that wlin our rotintiy slnl' bo n ■ of tb s cvi!. :is I belicvi: H v,i!, anJ our n ilioníhnHcntcr upon i coiuse leji tiim's more ylon.mis tli-m tlio worlil halh ever sec. yu imi ciil y-)ii uínMrcn's cluliJrcn aroimil -u ítmf sny, my linm! Ii;i:Ii l"nin f'naro m lliis groni wtk. T. y.;i. oh! roman. I '.nnt. 'J'liou ui Iwa ;i hiiy to .lo. KiMiMüiil-iir líiy lio n t vww BÍVcn r.rtaonwflljíng cl-'C = lu ""-l! "u'r llu" llsil nou n-,v(!.. lindel nii.l paiit at lo seiüimcnt :,1 A á í"típi h Kaa piVen tbod lo Ice! i..r íhc u-oea oí ily fóltó-w l(' i'""Pi l'l.v , lio.irt .un! iliy tisftds lo ■.tion in finding and nplymj; a Imlm 10 ihc woin-K-d lto;ni. SB ÜXU :,!Úvü iMt lliis yitt. Ol I'O tlirm up cnl .l-in-. 11 tlfou iu..yrst n.. t v,.v uo itiit pr.vl.':;o whh-h imiiIiI nevrr vet le cc ilu'O, wik, lolkitattj fwd Jtii suro iliyn-ln wiil maUo ngln VOIIII-1,. , Wlii!. Uemocralft Lil'f'iv mcn. Nativo Amoi iivin. Woiimii. mc.híi ono lot ino i-iy, whái ,1 .hv Ii.m-H vio iwn.i.'lnl. iliy feei k-uered. M ,lmjl temiMl í.-t hfe to tt.c nar ol .Slnvrry, wlni woul.l's ilion h.ive ihy hioihci ! u-r UMtffes Thniki ittori 1. tl'ii ■ oluI ''y soul BhaH :e frea fiom lus ïeni rtipóp8ibilityí