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New Hampshire

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The recent political rcvolution in this State is most remarkable. The Old Hunker Democrats have ruled the State for 21 }'ears. Now there isa Whig Governor, elected by the Whig, Indeqendenl and Liberty members of the Legislature : n Democratie Senator in Congress, (Mr. líale,) for six ycars elccted by the same : a Liberty Senator in Congress, (Mr. Cilley,) elected by the same; (term expires next March) aLiberty Clerk of the House ; and we presume all other vacancies will bc filled by the allied forces froni their own ranks. Col. Cilley has been a memberof the Liberty Party for several years. By them he was at one time nominaled for Congress, and at the same time by the Whigs for Governor. He kindly and respeclfully declined the last nomination, saying that he had cast in his lot with the party pledged to the overthrow of Slavery. The whig.s then nominateil Gov. Colby. But the Whig papers, with their usual meanness, now every wherc represent him as a whig senator. It is no doubt gratifying to Liberty men to hear that their candidates are elccted to high offices even in nroslavery New Hampshirc. But the price paid for the triumph - the consistency, if not the very existence of the party - must be also considered. It is a first principie ol' the Liberty party not to support proslavcry parties or men. Yet the Iwelvc Liberty Reprcsenlalives of New Ham])shire unanimously voted for Gov. Colby, a man who is in i'ull fellowship with thousands of Slavcholders, and will doubtless vote for one for President 1848, should he bc nominatcd by the AVhigs. Now, when Colby comes up for re-clection next year as a Whig candidato why may not the 10,000 Liberty voters of N. Hamsphire support him with the same consistency that the 12 Liberty Reprcsentatives did this year? The Whigs, Liberty men, and Young Democrats of Michigan and other States might form a similar alliancc, were they so disposed, and turn out of power the corrupt political party that governs us. But what would be the gain to the cause of Liberty? This promoting the cause of freedom by an alliance with pro-slavery Whigs and Democrats is rather a risky business. When the operations should be all completed, little ornothing would be gained, while much might be lost. - Wc, therefore, are not disposed grcatly to rejoiceat tho Lile.ty-Democratic-Whig triumph in New Hampshire till we see the result of it.O The bluster of ihe Western incm(cr oí Congress dees not save thetn from defcat and disgrace. How long jrñl ii be bcíorc tliey will discover thnt a Slnveocrncy rcign3 over this nation! Tlic electíonof Mr. McDiFFiS, oí S. C. lo be Chnirman of ihc Señale Committeo on Foreign Itelationa in thc place of Mr. Am.ex, of Ohio, resigned, ia excccdingly significant. Allen wna one of the most boisteroua of tho 51 4()'s, and McDuifie one of tho moderato 49's. Thc West never will have its proper iiiflucnce in thc national councils lili ite delegates can stand in tlicir places, crect and independent, and bid dufianco to thc Slavo Power. UHf Persons in want of Books of any kind. will find al Pkkky's thc Iargcst and bost assortment over oflered ut any store in Ann Arbor.