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Medical íoí-ëÉggs Without rrihcrewi, the minore caed cde; hether Uaínatópaiby t whni .1 el mus ■■ from Now York ...,! lyÜ-a.1olliMi. wlft n Icstudy 5 rtiisfaction .t.i thoae wh. U favo! I. ,i:oir '" '-: ""■ "K 1 sata diá I "l' J kiion. , , ís trcm.ñeni 1 ■ l J oKiain foaYnrgs ñihoi ■ '1Cf g! YPifehtk.gmr-Nrtv 1 - ■-'■]_ Wnrdwll & ftisoia, IMPOUTKKá A.V' f ...ALI : I ; S i N IIARDWAUK AN!) pUTLERY. C .No í CV '■ í-!r,v'. ' ú..r,c l'ca;I bl Ktv York. J. M. WaiihwéLI. ■ ; 1'. D" W O aró n ■"" '■t' Bnrnl as t Biñ 7 ni Tabre and P.Uei OUoryv 0 Saw, ATnarican límuaod Scrcw. Sho n I Spnrfes. Whi I ''H ■l";1, X GutSawS, Uárris. Wbods'. L)t 8! md Tuylor's ScftHes- which are oftered "i ihc 'aosi B favorable torms tór ■ ■ immo8 1 New Yuré.. I ; 'JVi-bm 'lo Vool Qvwer WE bt-2 leuo 10 ini"fi:i ur pa Crwwmñu n.!-, i'uat vve suall Le proiarcd tur ilu purchase ol 100,000 Ibs.oí a goi elcan meríbantnblo órnele, os soon as thf seasoii for omunnccs. aa w? are copneuicii iib fíttern w.ocH dcalrw, wc sha beable 10 pay ihe hmUcst pTJcfVÜïe EastcfciJ niar ket will atu.rd. Gicj'. coniplaint was piade la sessón Bmongstthe Eaelerij Debiera a.mlWarjti íacturers. n refererice lo ihe [n,or ciiditu. o. Michigan Wool- imch of it bdn in bmd ordci un. i a considerable pnÍJii beíni1 z-i:"-' We wouh! licre ta";e occasion Ij request um the utmost polas sliuuld be takon to hao ihe tlieep well washod before abearins, ihai '.he fa$ Loeks be cul oii'. and that eacji Flctce be cp.reluüy tied up with proper, wool iiiic, (cost lea to2ó ctsper ib.) hemp iwine is ihe l.esi: it will 6e found grently to thoadvímtageof W ool Gr.v. ersto pul up iheir wool in litis mr.nner. Ln washed woal ia not táórchauiable, and svill be jejected 6y mosi if noiall ofíte Wool htiyers, 11 being dillicalt lo clean. J. HOLMES & Co. WüOOW.'UU AVKN'.'E, Laincrds Diock. Dctroii, MarchSG. 1640. 2j7-tf_ CLOTH! CLOTEH ñriHE uoderaignei woald iaforiri iho i-'uliiic X iii3i ilitíy contmoe to mamuaetnre FULLEO CLOTH AND FLANNELS, at their matiaíaelj.y, n -id a halfíiuies Wesi ol Ann Arbor, oa tíic Iluron River, uear l' Uailroad. The pnce ufniniiilaciaiiir Yli:;c Flanucí w.. be 20 cents, Fullied Cloih ! ipd Cog3Ímcrc -1-í cenia per vari, or lialf t!ie cluih 1: Wool wiil niuke. Wc wjíl also eichunge CliJih for Wool 011 reasonable terms. The co!.-rs wíl! tc gray. blapk or bjyy. Ti,1 Wool b'elo'Dgiñg 10 back individual vwll bt worked by itecl? when lítete ií énough oTorf quality to inakoÖÖ t' cío ib; v.iien ibis y not ihe cns. severa! pr.r:cls of ihe qüalíTy vill Ijc v.-orked together. and thc clotb dtvided amoiiL' the severul owiiers. Wööl sent by flnfl road, markod S. W. Foster & Co.: Ann Atbor, wifc dire;tion3, vill:be attendèd to in tlie sahH jnannerns if he owner %vere to como wiUi n - The Woo! wili be mariUtoctured in t'irn :ts r comes in, .13 near as my be coñsisttnt with th differeáit in litiea uf Wool. Wèhavè Boert ens-iged in ihis'tínsiuess íeve ral yeará. and from the very general - we hnve gíVcn to nur numerous eosiomei the last two yenrs, we nre tria i t" ■ large élíare óf parrortage wiih confifi) neo ti. I btialí'racet llio j'isi cxpcctntiórw o Leltersehb'uld bu ai Ircsscd to S. W . I'ostei Co., Séio. T rosTER a f.o Scio, April 6, 1 6 10. S6H-1y uS4cain I'oaiadry." rfiHK lúldersigned havhíg boiisht t!ie i. inicrest "i I!. & & lJinñáo and Gep. i' i ; thc "Sieam Fouiídry," Ann Al ..iil taantííaclure all Wnda oí Ca?)ing9 tp crriier, n I wiill-e happy t fu ni L-h an 10 the oltLcustbmVa o! Siarria, 1 H. cl.% It. Eartridge, &Co., siríd l'artn C ■}., and lo all ólhera wlío m:-y favor I wtkaca!L n. n. jmrh - E. T. WILL! ÁonÁrbor, P '- ■ _rÍ TTIIIL hi'gliesl pri o pniJ iu 6ohby (.. 1 . Lew X ift Excfiaoe MroKer, oppbáite iHc'Insttrance 6añk Detroit; for orders on any oi Qo countios in thp Staic I MidHgnn; :tUl..r i'securtic= of all kiudá and uiICurrcnt tuudtt Cali To Sporisiueu. Barrel,, doublé" and single I Shot Gun. Pistóte, Gun Locks, Gamo Baga, Shot Pouchc, KJ'g-ffó 2)8-f' 7G, Woorlward AvcniieDetroit MÍCHÜBAN LAÑO ANOTAX AGENCY. II. D. PÖST, Masón, Iaguan Counltj, Michigan. WILL atíóíd toi!o [nynvi)i ot Tmm. c. aininatio.i ol Tules, purcliase and feMo o' Lande, &.c. c Any business cntrnsiol to hini will be (ransnetcd with promp(uc8d und aecuracy - Addresa by mail. Rcfcrcnccs, (by ic.rmisí'wn. ) V. Iurlbut: Dclroif, J. C. Heartt, Broiher &. Co. I T Wilder 4? Snow, S J' Woodbury Aycry & Co. N y , R. G. Willtnme, S FIRST BOOM O ER. C M. &í T. W. ROOT's aTOKt, CRANÜ & JEWKTT'S ULOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR.- - 'f'X LDl':.: ' i-"'i;.!: í)c!:-.,i i.-.;.B i iliis i.ippo.-liiüi' i i. ;■!!.! úw [ímUIÍC 'ijcraüy, ílial lc ;üll cofñínuc tü kccp on liíiñd :i lU]i ■ iU y.f . ilc LtftIicr, j i'iü'ic'ïi.i''., ii. Siauj ■ ■ ' IK:noi;!v ; tl:cr, i ' i'1 do . Óhk ' i'i 'i Tu n !i Ijv) ' . nnd iic.... (■ i ,.:..■ !■.■. ' ■ ' : . t'i íiiícd ' líllg, 'lili : . ' -I--iUl.v.-Ct du uní Ri; o ill ktttds. As the Sirbsüi'Hiers íivo i otv rt iít TtTi n ri np llieir owii Leatlioi. ún uie prejitii'ec o si !1 ;i.s luu 'íis- ;tii l! ')tl ' 'r. ■ ni'ii i. I. MerchLnl H Ijiui n to ilicir íidvaiilagc to cal) and l [ Sil '■ ■ flj-Otfyt kii'A Iicudu'r CM.-li.ufc (1 linies ana S!;ii;.. BM)RÍ2fl & CC). Detroil, J;in. I . 'ü-ly