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An Old Story New Vamped

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Oíd Elias Keyes. formcrly íirst JuJge oFWincisor County, Vt. wás a strange composition oí íolíy and goud sensc, uf natural slircwdnes3 and wadt ot' cuJli vation. Tbe followíng st'ntence vvos pronouiiced i'pon a puur rugcd lellow foi sieuüng a pair of boots Ironi General Cuitis, n man of considerable wcalih in tlie Towa of VVindsor : - Wéli, said ilie Judge, very gravuly. beforepronouncing semence ot" Couri uudertakíng to ruui llie young viliain a leeiine. yuu are a fino fcllovv to bearraigned bclüíe a Coi:ri for sieuling. - Thev say you rc )(Hr- nu one dyubts it h luoks al you. and luw darc you, Lcing poor. have the inipudence ü) slcal a pair of loots 1 - No bou'y bul rich people have a right to take sucli thinge withoui paying ihcm! - ihey say vü'j are worthless - tliat is evidcni Trom ihe (act nu ene lias ever nsked justice to be done you; all. y unanimoua edrtsent, pronounced you ginlt) before yuu woro tred. Novt' you , being so wnríh 'cís. was a fool to steal, because you niiglit tnov you would be condemed. And you mui-i know it vas a grcH agjjravation to your ofíhrfd hnt you sioie ihe:n in .'A: largc totcn of HVt sor! - Ín tliat targe town io coínniit such au ael s most ho'nblts ! And you uot only go uito Wmdáor to s!a!, bitt you niuot ettal from thai real man, Gen. Curtís! Tilia cjps the climax of your iniquiiy. B.te wrrtcli! wliy did you not go and stea! ilc only ;:nr ot l;oo(3 vv'nicl. some poor man had, ut could gof, and ihen you would have bton lot alune: nóbody wuuld have roublí.-d ihemsclvea nbont :,i; aei! For your niquiiy in fhfeling iu ihc grem lown of Windsor. and froii) the great Gen. Curtís, tiie Couii seniunocs you to threo month's inpriaonrnent in ho County Jiil, and muy God givo you soaiehing to eat. Thos. F. Marshall, Ex. M.C. hasgone o Texas a Captain of Volunteers.The CiiiusTiAN Alliance, which iato declare war agaï Popery ín August) might iind a fit subject of contetziplation in the present posture of Christendom. - It might help them to see the beam ia their own eyes, to look abroad upon iha earth and find if sliïl and peaceful, except those portions under the sway of Christian Governments. Wafsbetveen Pagans have grown very rare. They ïave left the Devil's great work to nominal Christians, who are doing it bettër tö nis satisfaction. The ualional Chrislianity of the three foremost "defé'nders of the f&iih" is being" prescnted to the hea thens by diagrams and other illustrationa done in blood and engraven whh the bayonet. Alost Christian Britain has aö India; France nn Alg'eria; yonng evangelicai America, Mexico and ihe land of tho Seminóles. France has ofTered up lier Te Dcuvis to the God of Battlss for the fire-brandsthat suffocated the helpless Arabs in the cave of Dahra. England has offered her mitered thanksgiving to tho Author of bnttles for the "glorious victory" vouchsafed on thè' banks of tho Sullej. Americ3, aröüaïngfrom trophies r&'iued by the aid of her blood-hound allies in Florida, may have a war-wboop of gratitude to the Almighty for reddehing llic Rio Grande with Jíexican bíood áhd "revelling in the Halls of Montezuraa." The terrible butcheries ia Ihdia cannot be iniputed to Romanism proper; neithef those that may be perpetraied under tho American eagle in Mexico; and it is doulnful if the affair of Dahra would not have come off, if the Protestant Rèligidfl had been the naiional creed of France. - Here then is a soberer matter of reflection for the Christian AHio'nce ih'án tho infiuence of Papacy. So long as the re ligion they cali Protestent can be tracked around the globe by ita foot-prints of fira and blood, let them rest assured that nei ther Papaey nor Paeanism can iniuro it