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National Antislavery League

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In his letter to the North Western Convention, S. P. Chase Chairman ot the Ohio Liberty Committee w rites : "I meant, whtín I begun, to say á woi'd or two upon the great importance of union afriofig antislavery méri. I am fully persuaded that at this vcry moment the anti-slaverv men aré strong enough to citrr'y the country if they could only be induced tg act in concert. Oui divfsiuns are the strengti ot s}avfery. Let all that iö possiblt' bë donö to hcal tl,em. Let the gïcatest pains bt; taken to produce concört óf sentiment and r.ction amonL the friends of Liberty. Pertnit tnc to suggest whether the orgahïzation of u National Anti-Slavery League might not contribute to the furtherancc of this object, and whether your Convention might not pi'operly origínate such ah association. Perhaps a great National Convent ion of all opponents of slavery, without any distinction of party, held at some (ionvenient place, say Pittsburgh, or Philadelphia, might be the means of bringing about i such a union. I trust your Convention will considcr this subject and take some ac1 tion upon it."Dr. Brisbane, Editor of the Amörican Citizen, a Liberty papöi', is now publishing his privatediary of 1835 and 1836, for the purpose of showing the practical operation of Slavery! He was then a wealthy Slaveholder in South Carolina, and he declares he was as sincere aChristian as he is at this day. We have only room for a notice of a few days, which ma" y give an idea of the rGst í lCL7th - Came to town this evnning, and preaehed from John v. 40. 1 feil Cor simiers, and tried to preach to them Jesus Christ and him crucified. 18A. - Sold my fellow Jacob to - - , for $300. Bought trom Mr. P. a coachman, his wife Phillis (a cook,) and their infant named Jacob. Lord ! grant that these purchases muy be sanctiíied to my good and to thy glory! Dec. 28h - Sent oiF the remoinder of my negroes with ;!ie wagon, excopt a few we shall need about us. Sliould 1 be well enough, I expcct to go to town lo-morrow. and tne next day overiake the wagon by etuge. ''úlh.- Toük leave of my family, with the expectation of not returning, bul when I got lo towii, having opportuniiy, í i urchased ten negroes, viz, five men and five women, all frorn North Carolina, and prime young hands, at $450 round. On which account, as they begged me to iakp them out of the work-house at oncej I had lo return home, having no where else to put them. The Lord bless to my spiritual good and to his glory this transaction. 30M. - Met the stage at Rantoul's, and taking four of my new pü reliase wilh me, leaving the rest to walk. 1 oveftoolc my wagon at Speight's, and found J. Pi with it, whom I have directed to return and meet the negroes 1 lefton the roadi"05 Mr. Hale's resolution on Slavory passedtheN. H. House of Representativos by a vote of 127 to 92, substantially as hê proposêd it. We published it last week; It announces among other things, that Ndtt Hanipshirc "declares her firm detërn1itiation that iñthe great contest now being waged between Slavery and Freedom, her voice shiill be heard on the side of the Freo ; that she pledges her cordial syrnpathy, and withirtthc limitsof her constitutional actiori, he'r co-operation with the friends oi öivil liberty throughout the land, in every just and wéll directed effort for the suppi'essioll and ë'xtërrtlination of that terrible scoürgé oi' öur face, Human Slavery." QBefore Cassius Clay went to the Mexicnn War, he addresed some 5000 people in Lexington in explanationof hi reasdns fdr taking part in the waf. Among othcr thing liesaid: " Up to the time thöt thiS icttr rúas Icgalised by Congrcssional assümption il ! crinlinued to meet our uncomprornisirigopposition. But nowj stern necessity leaves me no alterrlative; vly country calis for help, önd t:right or wrong,' I rally to her standard. VVhatever diflerehce o: opinión rrtay have honestly or dishonestly existed between us in matters ot' civil administration, is lost in the great first law ofnations, as well os of individuní.-?) and the instincts of self-preservniion lead me to make coinmon cause iii the defentíe oi our common country ■. It was a good custom among the Atheuinnn, ihat he who advised'the repuhlic, shotild prove the fidelity of his counsel hy personal execution. So now I fall into the ranksj as a private, with my blanket and canteen, giving practical illuslration ol' that equality of privilege among men which I have ever advocated. If from the Exócutivc, or the people, I shall rcccivc profnotion, I hall unaffcclcdty be gratifica; for I regard the confidence and approbatioh of my countrymen as only less than the dottscioushess of ha ving, pariially at least, nt áll times discharged my duty to myself, to my family, to my Country, and to God."ff?" According to oür ünderstanding of the matter, the cars are to run on the Central Railroad hereaftcr on Sundáy, för the transportation of passengere, frieght, and the mail. W hen thé Company come into possession of the road, they will doubtess fbllow the example set by the State. V more efiectual method of doing away he general observance of Sunday as a day of rest could not be deviscd.