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illaiiic - License Cases.- In Maine( I tho wholo nunibör of indictments found s for violations of the license law since t August, 1841, is 784; cf these 985 noh 1 pros.j 142 plead guilty; 148 trials; 38 e ncquittedj 98 cohvicted; 192 now stand i continued. Ahiount of fines imposedj e 86,127. Amotlnt of' nes actürtlly paid, r $1,910; whole amount of cösts taxèd and c allowed against tho Siate, $Í3,414j44; t amount of costs repaid by the defendatits, $5,418,02. Net loss lo the State t 085,42. ( JTIassachusetts.- Amongtherna t ny provisions in our manufacturingestab= t lishments, designed torender the conditioh f of the operatives pleasant and desirable, j are excelleht bathing conveniences filted t up in the most commendable manner. - v lh the Stnrk Mili, the rooms which have just been completed, nre neat and L modious, and are supplied with all 1 sary furniture. These rooms are under a fne superintendence of a person n ed for the purposc, and are so managed thatSïo objection can be made lo them. - b We unders'and that tho Amoskeag New t Mills have similar arrangements - t chester American. . I By a recent oei of the Legislaturf, c Property of any kind rrmy be transferred, v 'conveyed by deed, or leftby will toa mariied woman, precisely as if shc were l not married : and be held by her in her t own name, and to her own use. And in t relationto all such property, shc has the s same rights and powers, and mny sue 1: nnd be sued, in her own d married. V From the single town of Barre there are annually exporled 1,200,000 palm v loaf hats. These are braided by female6 c living within a circle of 40 miles. ( CoilSlCtiCIlt. - The House passed a i reajlution on Wednesday, oppropriating $ 1000 towards Ihe erección of a monument t to the memory Capt. Nathan líale, who i was executed as a Spy in the ary War, saying with lus last breath, l ihat his only regret was, he had but one t life to give to his country. There are in Connecticut 137 cotlon s milis, 123 wollen mijl, 37 paper milis, t 323 coach and wagon faetones, and 23 ' clock ficto.-tas. Sewing sük is also t monufactured tolhe amount of 8173,000 t p:r annum. t Rl&OClC Islaitli.- The brig Sutlej, t frjni Pictou, bound to Full Rivor, struck i n cluster of rocks about thirty miles from c Newport. R. I., last SrUurdny, morning, alil immediateiy sunk. She had about 1 seventy persons on board, mostly Scotch ! thirty of whorri were lost. Those who were saved lost all they poesesáed. jcW York.- The city of N. Y. ' icceives $30.000 per annum for licenses to' sell intoxcatinj drinks and pays ! 000 in tlie sniiie time for the support of paupers, crimináis, cc. rïmdc s by the I influence oflhis trafile. At this rate of ' business how long woüld it take to make ' New York the wealthiest ciiy in the ' world? All the rümscllcrs in Bdtdvia; were brought before (he tíourl sitting in thnt villagö last week, and fined 850. One poor fellow fcomplained that the amount was too largo, and he could not siand it íle was promplly (old by the Court that there was ö'ne thing ho could stand, com-ïjiittcd until it wás paid. A cooimittee of the Convention have proposed to take from the Legislature the pöwéf óf sarictioning ba.ik sügpensious, ahd reailire theiii to take rnortg'ag'es on property for áll notes issued : and all perso'ná nftër 1855, to bo responsible for ouch notes in' their individual capacity. All perpetual tharters after that tirrie to be revoked uiid annulled. The averagó nuthber of passerigers phssing betweèn Troy and Álbany, daily, over the Troy and Greenbusli railroad, ia over one thousand, and the stock of that company is one of thé best railroad investtnents in the s!ate. At a fare öHcss tkaii ten cents a mile, the dividendá wil! average 14 per cent per annum. A promising üttlo daughter of Mr. A. Ö. Ëuell of öreece, oged about two yeárs carne to her death on Sunday evehing last, from-eating loco-foco matches. Upon being taken into the stomach they Jiroduced violent vomitings and spásrnpj which finally caus"éd her detUb.' - jRot7ester Adveriiéen A baby was baptized iri the nbw Trinity Church at New-York, last week, with water brought from the river Jordnn. The late census of the State of New York, shows that the present popülation is 2,604,495- of whom 431,000 are forcigners. The churches are ae folloWs: 782 Baptist; 256 Episcopalian} 699 Presbyterian; 271 Congregational; 1123 Methodist; 104 Roman Calholic; 260 Dutch Reformed; 112 Universalista 65 Unitarian; 15 Jows; 153 Quakers. - There are 10 colleges, 168 academies, 55 femalc seminaries, 2 Norman schools 10,708 fiommon schools, and 1560 private schools. . The number of clergymen is 4399. It is estimated that the nmount annually expended in New York city lor cigars is not le&s than $730,000. This sum is probably behind rather than above the mark.Delawarc-It is reponed that the )rnithological collection owned by the 'rince d'Essting, son of marshal Masuna, has been purchased by Df. ThomL3 Wilaonj of Newark, Del., through ïis agont fh Paris', for 37,000 francs, or ibotit $7,500. The collection contains ïearly 10,000 specimens in perfect presirvtitiorij belönging to some 40Ö0 species, md not oriíy giving each sex, but the HíFerent ages in cases wheh plumoge ïhanges. REaryland.- Gov. Thomas adverises One hundred dollars rcward for the lelivery to him of "a neat well looking rialatto woman," who "converses with Inusual ease and accuracy for a servint:'} The Clovörnorj of course, is iri jreat nifliution; and seems dispoSed to wit the girl of ihgratiludo, as he says, vith gfeatcimplicity, 'I have no doubt that her Intenlioli is to ;o to some free state, as she left my louse without the slightest provocation nd has alwnysbeen trcatcd with kiildness nd humanity. However, the lady doubtlcss intëndsto e gone for quite a period, as hè says "she aok with her a large trimk, and a variey of clothingof the very best quality." our part, we are glad the Woman has ■buiined so good a setting out, and we ish her mucli success. A female slavc, driven to desperntion y the cruelty of her master jumped into he dock on Monday last, with the intcnion of ending her existence, rather than ubmit again to the horrible beatings she lad endured. She was rescued with ifiiculty by the by-standers, to share a orse fatu. A 3'oung man nained Laplet Carter, as deliberately murdered ín Baltimore U Saturday afternoon at the corner of Jluy and Park streels, by a man named jewis Cumings. They had a misunderítanding dbout u wotnan, when Cumings Irew a lnrge bowie knife, nnd plungcd il nto bis his udversary's left shoülder, ;md t pnssed down somo tsn inches through ho lungs and heart The assassin has ïot yet been arrested. Virginia. - A miniaturc model of a ulkey with oijly one whcel was exhibied at the late National Fair by Henry T. Hartman, ofScottsvillc, Albanj' couny, Va. From the peculiar formation of heshaftsof this vehiele it is impossible o upset,-and from its lateral motion it is iasy and pleasant to the ridei'. The shafts ise in a curve, and unite over thö back )f the horse, then part at the saddle and passing down the side rest in two steps alached to tlie saddle below, leaving the lorsc perTrclly free of encumbrance. The Lewisburgh Chroniclc states that )n ihe 22d of June three hundred and linetyone manumitted slaves of the late foHN Ra.vdolph passed through that jlace, on their way to their home in the West- -a iargo tract of land havin been )urchased in Mercer county, Ohio, for heir benefit. The arrny is headed ly an ld patriarch of 110 years. who rode on a lorse besio'e ihe yoting and heallhv, leadng them to the land of their adnption. SOQltll Ca!öÜria. - Chnrleston 8 itorally a garrisoned cily. The 'peaceul and happ)' race,' of whicf) Gov. Aien teil us, are kept in order and subjecion by a military pohce. Pass down 3road street, and you see at all hours the nrmed sentinel psacing in front of the house. Visit the market, and you ïnd thö negroes who congrégate there copt ii1 awe by a nismerous guardi On the Sabbat h, and oh all public days, a íorse patrdl fraverses every slreet ih the city. Shöltered bvan imposingstructure on thts Upper Parade Ground, a smul! specimen of a stanc"ingarmy still survives, ordidafew years ngo, lo garrison the 'citadel.' " We extract thé following frohi the Ledger of Junfe 23ct. Can it be truè? "A Giui.d SkiNTknced to Dkath. - A ittle cölórëd girl about 10 or 11 years of agë, bêlonging to Miss Ann Kelly, at Coíumbia, S. C, has been convicted of setting fireto a room in thé house of Mr. F. Ogier, of that town, and sentcneed to behungon the first Friday of August A single puper printëd ih Charleston, S. C, ofalatd date, contains auction advertisemfehts of the salèof no lèss than 349 human chattles - men, women önd childrén, field hands, séá island cotton hafids, cooks, mechanics, draymen &c. Alafeaitta.- The Legislatureof Alnbama oughl to be indicted as countenancirigirisurrection. A commitlee of nine, one from each judicial 'circuit, has receníly intíde a report setting forth the danger of a redundant slave population, in terms silch as would have catised n northern man to be demanded as a fugitive from justice,had hö sent tothe south n parriphlèt or periodldal containing such staterhente. The cofflttiittee exprCss their apprehension that Kentucky, Mnryland and Virginia will soort abolish slnverv. and that North Carolina, Tennessèe and Arkansas will follow their examplc Speaking ot Kentucky,' the committee say they have infonnation from reliablc sourees "that in a very few years at farthest, the question will be submitted te the people at the polls, and be decided bj them affirrnatively. Wo are furiher in formed ihat in anticipation of this eventthe slave owners are preparing to send their negroes south to mnrkel." ülississippi- Jefperson Davif, Esq., a member of Congress from Mississippi, has been elécted to the Colonelcy of the Mississippi regiment of volunters, ordcrod for service in M x'co and now at their rendezvous at Vicksburg. At a race ncar Richmond, Holmes county, Mi., thfee men got into a fight; iwo ivere mortally wounded. Tho thirïl was commilted to prison to take his trial for the murder oï the deceased. Kchtticky. - Injhe embarkation of troops ot Louisville, a mutiny broke out becaUse the ofïïcers had monopolizèci the cabin and cabln farè- somo forty or lifty of them - and had required the men (several htindred in number) to live bclow; The soldiers went in a body to thb oabir, took posSesion; ahd inforriied the oflicers that thöy must all fare alike. - Gen. WüoI was sent for, buf such a demonstration was made towards him, and such hints given, that he speedily left. Ohio.- Mr. Shaw; aminister of thè Methodist Episcopal persuasión, and the presiding eider of the district, was among the seven who volunteered in Sidnèy, Ohio, last week. Hurrah for him. - Wc'll go five miles on foot to hear him preach any day. - Lima Argiis. Our frjend Salmón P. Chase, Esq., was lately interruptëd in an anti-slavery lecture at Coleraine, Hamilton Co., Ohio, by some mobocrats, who asked : "W hy don"t you go where the slaves are V' "I am wherc they are," retorted Mr. Chase, "where men oppose the iïee discussion of slaveiy, there I iind slaves." Tlie mobocrats shut up. Another case of "Love and Suicide," or rather folly and suicide, is chronicled in the Cleveland papers. A young tier man, wealthy and respectable, named Hazier, killed himself on account of being slighted by a young girl. He was found hanging in a tree with a ball hole through his head. It appears that after adjusting the rope he maimged to present the muz: zie of a gun to his mouth, and, dicharging it, his lifcless body was left swinging by the neck. An anti-slavery lecturer, named David Olïïeer, was killed on the 5th inst., while lectun'ng in Shanesville, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, by David M. Mains. The latter was drunk, and had been put out o the meeting; he returned in a short lime with a brickbat in his hand, and threw i with such viulence at tin head of O tTicer thnt hisskull was completely shatlered. I&KlÊ-rtna. - We leain that a beauti ful young lady, in Delaware county, Ia. having been compelled by her fathcr to marry a gentleman of fortune, thougl she had promised her hand to another took poison in her cofTee the morning af ter her marriage, while at brcakfast wit! her husband and parents, and expired in I less thari an hoür. The indiana State Sentinêl is loud n praise of the humanity of the Doctors ii that State. Already four hundred have applied for the privilege of e.xercising their surgical skill nmong Ihö troops rais ed mêrfej althougli but six can btí appoint ed! It suggests rather malioiously, that a regiment of Doctors sent ilmóng the Mexi cans, might do more effective service than a whole army of powder-and-bal gentry. HIÏMOÏS.- The Quincy (111.) Whig says it learns ihat the Ñauvoo Temp) bas been purchnsed by a Methodist As sociation for $150,000. This !e m[)!e wo ereclfid by the Mormons, each merriber contributing towards the expenses of it. IVlïclligaiï. - Thè Free Press pro prieto rs have put in operation one o Napièr's power presses. The first intro duced into thè State. Two men, or man and a boy, cí.n print 30 sheets in on minute. Ths popukition of Nilës, in Uiis State 1 by thë retui'ns of assessors taken a fb dayssince is 1,193. 51 of thisnumbe are colored. Mimosa at '1-he SACLT.-Wè leár i that Jas. Schoolcráft, asutler to thsU S troops, at that station, and formerly member of the Michigan Legislature was murderd at that place on the 5th inst 1 by a half breed by the name of Tanner ■ The murdërer was still it large, we , armed; but alarge part)7 was in pursui He had attempted to murder another ma . a short timé previous, and on the nigl . before had firod his own dwelíing.- Pilo OnFriday mor'ning, thelÓth of July ■ between the hours of 1 and 2, about fort ! ladies of the villagé of Utica, Michigan , secrètly assemblèd, procöedëd to il Bow l ing Alley, armed with axes, hatchetb hammèrs &c. and completely demolishet i it. They had vicwed the insidióos foe t i their dorne'stic peace for some1 time, wit ' an anxicrus and jealous ë'yö ; and havin I waitèd in vain for some legal pfoceeding i against it, determined for once to take th I law in their own hands. They Went at with much spirit and energ'y - hackcd th ) bed of thè alley - tore down the walls- ; razed the roof to the ground, and finishe - with trampling upon and breaking t piéces the roof. The building was 8 ! feet long, and this work of destructio - was accomplished in a little less than a