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TEN DOLLARS REWARD ! ! I STOI.KN from thepp'sturu of the fubscribcr in G:en Oak, on the 7th inst.. a brown t Morse, rr)lddjing aizc in eood condition, n split s in c li'Hif on t!;e loi't bind le. No o'.hor mnrks v are recullecled. The abovc reard will be pnid r tf n ny p-irson whu will retu. n said horsc t.i the 8ubscriler. n K. McDONNAl.D Greerl Oak, May 11, 184(5. 273 ANlT ARBOlt THh. undersiuneJ ha ving purchused ilie intercsisofhis partner in ihe Marble .Business, would inforni iho inhnlikan's of thisand adjoming oountic8, fhnt he cnniinucs the business at ihe o IrJ gtnnd in Upper Toivn, near the Preobyierian Church. where hu wilJ mnnuraciure to order, Monuments, Gr .vc Stones Paint Slonc, Tabhts, Sfc. %c. Thnse wishing ro olitain any officie in Iiie line of busines? will find by calling ihat he has an assortment oL White and Variegatcd Mirble frotn the Knstcrn Mnrble QUirriea. which will be wrought in Muricrn siyle, and so'd at enstern prices, ad'üng transponation only. Cali nnd ge theproof. X M. ROCKWFLL. Ann Arbor, July ?, 1846. 2721y CLOCKS AND WATCHESf &3 ri"ÁHE Subácriherhas just S'Sm JL received; (and is con fí wíH stanl'y receiving) from ïii N SwNew York an elegant ard '# . ifisa Wc' sclccted aseortment Jcwclry, Clocks, IVatchcs, &6. ècc. which ho intends to sell as low as at any other establishment chis side oí BufTalo for ready pay only atnong which may be found iheiollow ■ ti': a üuod assorlincnt a Gold Ftnger Rings, Gold plnp.Wnsilcts Gunrd Clinins nnri Keys. Süver Spouns, Germán Silvet Ten nnd T.iblc Spoons (firsl ' qunlity. ) Silver nnd Germán do Súgar Tongs, Silver Salt.Mustaid nnd Cream apoons. Jiniter Knivea, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Gold Pens, ' ' Pencilè, ; Silver ond Gcrm.Tn Silver Thtmbles. Silver Apéemeles, Germán and Stcsl do. Goggles, Clotltes. Ilair aha Tooih Brushes, i Lather IJrushis; Itnr.ors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shi-nrs nnd Srisínrs, Knives and Forks, i Brltianiiin Tca Pms and CiiPtore, Plated, Bras, nri'J Brittnnia Candlesticks. Snuflcrs Si Trays. Shavinc lxcsnnd Soaps. I Chnp'riinti's Beat Raior Sircp, Calfand Morocco i Wallcts. Silk aüd Coiion pnises. V'iolins and , Bows, Violin &nd Cas Vio! Strings, Flutcp, i Fifes. Clarionets. AccordconF- Alusic Books I for the Eatuc, Mjtto Senï, Steel Pen and Tsveezere, Peu nsecs. Snii.ff&oa Tobacco boxes. l [vnry Dressing Conibi. Side and Bsck and Pock et Combe, Ncndlc casrs. Stelctloea. Water Fuints i nnd Brlisbcs, Toy VVotelics, a great vnriety oí I Dolls. in short :he renirst variety of toys ever i bronght to this mnrket, Fnncy work boxes, chil! dien's tea setts. Coloene Mnir Oils. Pniellinc Salís. Court Plasiefj Tea Bells. Thermometers. Oerman Pij.e?. Wond Pcnciis." RBASS AND VVOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fact almost every : ihing to piense tho fnncy. Lndics nnd Gcmle; men, ctII and exnniinc for yourselvcs. Ciocks. Watches and Jewelry repnired and warrnnted on short notiro. Shop at his old sinnd, opposi'o II. Betker's brick Store. CALVI.X I5LISS. 1 N Tí - '■"nsb paid for nld Gold fe Silver. AJso Pcrrifs Book Store m the same room. 1 _Ann Arbor. July Ist. 13J6. 27l-1v ' FRlNKLIN" CO LD IV A TE R II OU S E ! 1 Btks Strkkt. ovc dnor Norih of Jefkeksos ) A-isOK, DETROIT. ) 2G.1-I.V S. FINNKY. DEALER IN FCREIGN ANO DQMESTIC Hardware and Cutlcry, iiils. GIosü, Carpen terí, í"'i(i)er's nnd liinck mitli'e Tod!s. AIpo, M:iiKf;.úunvr of Co))per. ' Tin Ware. No. 70. Wooduard Avcni'é, Dei tmir. 2-lri-lv I i Ii at tel illortaes, FUST printe-l and fpr t?alc a tUis ofTice in anj : J quantnv. t rvrteri2l. I54t,