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The Amende Honorable

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Two weeks since wepublished the.following: The chnnges of political papers arö often mu'h more frequent thnn those of ihe tnoon. The Advertiser thtis hils otfihe organ öf Democrncy iu this Statc VVe dare s.iy the compliment migbi bc returned vvith ecjiial jiistice. We regard the F ree Press und Advertiser ns a püir of brothers, very niuch .altko in somc things: "CirANors of tiík Moo.v. - Whti the British Orpgon pfopooiliöu was first nnnonnced, tho Frce Press snid ihat "war would certainly bo prefcrnble to sr dis honorable a treaty." Wh-n il;o President and Srnnte nccepted it, tho Frce Press said lbo Lartne wore :'jut nnd liberal." Vho!i(Jov. Cnsis' viie ngaiñst it can)c out, iho Pfee Pres enicred its ':prolest ogninst nliy trf-niv which siirreildsred a port ion " of Ort-gur. Whnt next?" The Free Press feels much nggi icved at llus: considers us as "under-wriiing" ai.d ro-eclioiug bao falsehoods" : and ns we claim to be "respeelable," t calis on us to "either furnish proof that ihc article strue, or make the amendc honorable by n retraction of the calutnny." - lts nómploint fillshalf a column. Now, we are disposcd to do the thing that is exactly right . Two questions Brise: 1. Did the Free Presa chango sevcral times in manner nnd form as set förth in the Advertiser'? 2. If so, did theso changes prove theFree Press to bo as "chnngable us ihe moon " ? We havo no files of the Freo Presi by which we can look up the articles : but doubtless the quotuüons are corree' as made by the Advertiser, and they art o denied by the Free Press, except ir one particular. Tho Free Press says : "The charge Ihat we said the terms o tho treaty were just and liberal, and 1 thereby giving our assent to il, is a íalse ' hood, base as it is cantPmptible. Wha - wo did say, and %vhich gave rise to thilalsehood, was mat ureat i-iniam never beforc ofiered terms sn just nmÜihcral as thosc made in lier l;;tt poposilioti. Before thnt, she had demarnicd more icrrilory, and demnnded too, the free navigation of the Colutnbia river ibr all her cit-; izens." With lliis varialion, with vhich wo regard as net a very essenfial one, ihc 'angiiage attribuled to the lree Press is tacitly odmitted. Theonly reniainingqueslion is, do these ehanges mako the Free Press to resemble the moon? Opinions may vary on this. We leavc t to our readers to judge. We have not {;taken up the cudgels in deience of the coon organ," as the Free Press alledges. We are not awarc of any reason why we síjoüld cherish a very special aflection forthe Adveriiser. W know ilscharactep wel!. Wequotedthe nrticle from that paper, supposing it to be at least subslantially true, as rather a happy illustration of the fact that most party papers will change as often and in as many directions as their interests may j díctate. We have thus made the "amende honorable" to the Free Press, allhdPfegh ihe , matter is not worth the words necessarily ; consumed in answering tne '-demand" upon U9.