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Graduation Land Bill

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This bill in the form following has pnsïd the Sencite, and is epfected lo obin the concurrenco of tl o House. Sec. 1. Bo it onactcd, &c. That al aWïc lands which shall have been oflbrd for sale ten ycars or more on the first ay Of March, 1847 shall thereafier bo ubject to entry at one dollar per acre til the first day of 1850} all then renaining unsold shall bo subject lo entry it sevcuty-five cents per acre until the ïrst day of March, 185Ö, all ihon rcnainlng unsold, shall be subject to entry at filty cents per acre. until the first day oF March, 185G, wlien they shall bo subject to entry at twenty-five cents per acre until the first day of March, 1859. Sec. 2. And Ie it furthcr cnacled, That all public lands which, nftcr th llrst day of March, 1847 shall have bce oflered for s ilo ten years or moro on the first day of March, 1850, shall then be subject to gradualion, ontry nnd cossion in like mannor and al liko perjoda of of threo ycars; and that all public lands which shall have been ofiered for sale ten yeará or more at tbe next succeeding period, or any subsequent ono, shall be subject in liko nianner to graduation enIry; at like periods of threo ycars as they consecutively occur: Provided. That no ono person, under iho provisions of this act shull be authorized to purchaso niorethan ono section at tho tvvo lowcst rates of fifty and twenty-five cents por nero.Sec. 3. And be il further enaclcd, Fhat upon every roduction in the prices ■)( said lands which will tnke place by ,ho graduating process of this act, the accupants or 6:tllers upon nny of the said lands siinll have the right of preemption nt such graduated or reduced prices, which right shall exlend to a period of six months Irom iind nfter tho dates at whicli the respectivo graduations phall take place; and any land not entërod by the respective oceupants or set tlers within that period, shall bc liable to bc enlcred or purchased by nny olhcr person until the ïie.xt graduation or reduclion shall take place, whch it shall, if not purchased, be agnin subject to tho rig'nt of preemplion tbr six months, and so on from time lo time ns said reductipn shall tako place: Provided, that nothing in this act contained sbnll be construed to inleifero with nny right which has accrued or may accrue by virtuo ofany act granting preemption to actual seülers upon tho public lands. Skc. 4. Andhc il further cnacted,Thnl all RCts and paris of acts which provide for an exernption from tho imposilion of taxes upon land sold by the United States for five years from and after the day of sale, be, and the 6amo are hereby, repealed.