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JTho public cxnmination of tho Clnsaes in the Jnivcrsiry of Michigan will commonce on Phursday, tho "Oth inst. nt 8 o'clock A. M. md close on Tueeduy following. The tinnunl cummencomcnt of the Institutioh -iIl occuron Wedncsday, the 5ih of August ïext. 'I'lio proccssion wi!l bo formcd ut tho LJnicrsiiy at 8J o'cIocU, A. M. Tho public sorvicos will coininnnct itt 9 o'clock. ANDRKW TEN BIIOOK, President of tho Fsculiy. The Annivorsnry of tho Litorary Societies ol llio Universily wil! occur on Tucedny Kvoniiig, :'nu -l'.h ei( Atigiibt, ou which occasion nnaddross is rxpected from Hon. Lowie Cues, of the United Sloi es Sc nato. The first Annivursnry of tho Association uf Alumni wjll occur on Comnicnconiont day.' A neeting of tho Association will bc helJ at 4 o'clock on tljru dny. nt which on orn.ion i expectcd from Rov. John il. Atterburj", of this Smte; and n Poern frotn Williani Pilt Pnhncr, of ífow YorU city. The subacriber tnkes tho reaponsibility to eugge3t thal the Gradu;itc3 of Colleges, wishing to bocome members of this Asöouiation, bo on hand, o as to huid a meeting for business, on Tuesday afleinoon, or Wednesday moruing. ANDJIEW TEN BROOK, Onoof tho Commiltec.