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NEW" OOOKljSifc} STöVJS, And Sjtpvés of áll hiads. The subscribir vrotild pall tiré újreu.uonol ü.c put)ic ia Wolsosi's Hot Air (Sccking W$ di ho citi cn:ifi;; rftlj Lcc'rrIiBínd ns liti-ii; !-■(! kik su : ' ;'i Foi pi'mpltCivy .au- o-onr.i.-v in hiel, :m foe . UKG :i:iil ?io.v;ii l'.v. 11 s :i:,: - The new ar.J important .- improeïnem intr'j paced i;i 's c ►nstmciwn beiiig euci: r.s iq inréaj advfataaee over ni ii Cuolang ÍSujvee. - 'A'ILLTAM R. NOYES, Jr. 70 WooÜwtii Avenuu, Deiioit. Dcc. 12. 7 - ' Tril-. vv; .;- :.:: . i ra ió Cjiiilnj Terrk:;lh', ': tflccfCil S'oclc. i: lic most favoraíi.o temió, a.'id at t'ic lozccsl maihcl -. J60 c:r?6 tr.-.s- r.S3ortt(J packícs, -10 IíIiJe. suiíara, 180 í).-ii;s c 22 Illldá. i:ulaSCS7 20 bn:s ioppcr, )5 do sgíce, 150 cío ];.i"-::s. : I do. lnr.lf. . l(!í) do . l-'O d; L::r soap, L0ft do herring, 3" barre's spérin uil, 5'.) quiniols c ufi 1), 5 tíefces rici--. l.'l Ueg3 güiiTiT. 35 Lags D - Víccl'. - Ai.S'J- oOi barreas dyje waJ, ' eaai 2 barrels coiptorf K' Ir.ircís i'i'ODin tul:?, 20 rio 30P U-gs v. in ;e 1 . !. 40 barrels ''■ '■ oil, 15 du aj)ri"B iu'rpcntihc. Tüí.O. Jf. E.TO., ■'. - ' , .:■! Grroccri 8, l.8'3and 1Ü0 J nuo. Maj ü7-J0-, Oats and Gapi, IX r,!l their vnrieü's'. neo CaTns. Sil!; ánd Gin ' ; ender; licíi Síft Scarf6 mid Graváis. SAk, Linen u'. Kíi Giovcfi, witli cvciv aójele iu iTiat enri be Imd ni f.iir ;rcoR nnd uTür.mtfd to smit !y íféodb yonr wisiícs by it'ttcr or by cnlüríg nt fío 5S; V5 ■! ward Avepue, 3 dours north cf Doty's Auciion room. Dcir'it. N. 13. Minisifrs and Liberty men supplicd at a smal! from cm:i 266-föi JaMÍES G. CRA.Ví:. Ready Madk Clotíií:g!! IIALLOCK & RAYMOND, WOUÍ.l) rospoctfully cali tlic nitemion oí ihíiir friendd nud ilie citjzëris of tíio State ct e uliy to iheirfrcsh & eximsíve a.-;sor;nieiHOÍ just rpauufncinred i" the l.itcst srylcs, und brsi poé&bfe manricr, consuting in f:irt oi soperfine clotíi Drcss fnd Frock Ctiats, Fine 'JVeed. Cflsbrrtarcue. Crotón Cflasinicre Smnnicr Cloth and JV'icryio, ComJ3Z!C, Chally, VVoorctetl :md Murseilirs Vests. Bluc. B!ac' ;i;;.J Gnssi more, Tweedi Djíiu !e i-i, Miiino, Woorsied ind DriMii;'; f'anialoons. togeiber wiih a very i'Trr ó: .x k f I.irn.n. Drillii.v, Cóttoh .Snck and I wéed'GpátB, Suminér Pnmnloona nuil Vets. Sb:ri8, Sock, Ff andkei chteís-. Stocks, tic Sc. Alai) a very nrae suppiy of fre-sh Broodcróths, V?inerí, whicli fy the níd oí experienced cutte'rg onfl íirst rale vnkiiicn thej are prepnred to manufacture ín tbe látese t-iylc and bci'. pussible nianner. Thcy are prepared lo s II eiiher ni Wholesulc or ítct.iil at prices wliicli cannot fail to g-ve atibiiiciion, nnd would resleciíully solicit a cali iVorn tiloso visitíng thr city n wntitof Refldy M-:'' Cloihingor pen'ecl gnr ríen te mnde to order, at tlicir ' '.' t malle l'.mporhim." córner cf Jeífcrson and Wnodw.Tíl A i -diics, Detroit. Muy 20, 18J6. 265-3m Paper lïungïngs. A LARGE lol of Pajitír Hanings. and Bor. derin. for sile chcapr thon ever ofíered n thie Villagc. ot PERïll'S I5OOKSTORE. June 15. 270-íf