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ÍOOKS! BÖOKS! ! A 1 LgL W. ■-, ■ StóTf $ . n Ai Pcrry's ESoote Store. I rq rkt; public i 1l! I1'. iuii!i-i-imi((l liQVJng rclurned frorn Nev . York wtih a new, Itiigö and valuablu stock l3j; qokSf ÜlatiüiKTij and Paper Haiigings, 11. iw iciiy to Bèll lor C'isli, nny iliing ni li pro; 10 ni iiiri iirw stand on M;iin street, oppbo I J. Uocku's IJrick Store, lio will o jok pu roh. 'i seis, ilnii. Iy !iia tíTrta lint full on s rt-uní I r?i n New York, the priee of nenrly ery líiing iri bis li ic has lcen eold .} let.3 tlian .retof-m and lind t not ln?cn for liim, pttreliars would continucd tu gay tho p rices icior foic t:h-r Hè au ;.;! nlso. ili.-it 'nis fnl.-a finvo been be'li;' jikI his nnt .!n_iiiine ahay&ÍD "" iñclusively lïal ! ublit; ücneluctpr, oltlipugh -!! or 6D titiiiil!. will not go diHévvardëd in ifiis'erj ''': phtened conmiiinay. ' vv. líela íliiinklui ir tho fn vofa alrcady l.cstowed. l''1 nd would respect fu I ly s ticít ti c.filn cl" lidti; Bill] Irt wnnl.J pay Ui lli,)Sü who novo; r.ivc ufchnáed tiooUs ■ h ib, liínl ho .ii súpw ;;.lmii :"' nicles ;i,id príeea wïui i'leisme n1 nny trftiÜ lüy muy caH wlicüior iluy nvísIi io purcli.isc oí "" Cash onliTs Oom ilto country "11 'o niioivlt-'d ''" i. Añil tho ii'i'iK.s packfed " wcll ns if tíb HU ons worr prc?c!ii lu :nend t'i" putbhowa. fifi 'JU ill ftlao bdl to :hild cu lis cJiCiiii a iheir pasn ents. Purelinaers v i 1 1 il wcll to cxninino liis stock lw nd prices bófore ;nirclj isiog i Kov. l:cio. '"1 I)ónrf foret ihc place) he siire yon cali ííPERilY'SBOOK STOHE, on Main ti, s'.'rr,, tt.féio áoofs South of the Public M r, í tlic same moni icilh C Bliss, Walch MaLcr and JowcUcr. ,r WiVl. íi PEflTlV. ;!r Ann Arl.ur, Juno 07, ISHJ. -i' fo raes 2-:s"m 8 lt M jlÍ fflN íes. ,;i TTIJHË utVUèVsignèd wouíá mirúi rba pufelíc ar JL tliai lie ii;unu!;.ciurrs Hors.e Powers ;i.)d tii l'hrejiliiiig M ücio, ui' i iup'-iior kind u uvr'ilt'l I)V llll.-.bC.II. :TÍiéij ÍWcrsaiid Machinas uro pnricu'firly ij: pii'd io ilie úse'óf FnChicra u'.o vish u use - lor ilue;!inr: Uicir ovvn goHjU VÜC pow r. tiic-li: an t'.'í'.ui-cs ,: ni nlJ be load'd ƒ ióitiintin sizd waoh box aml ürnivh wiili onc j.iir o( liíífSta. 'i'iity are d$8.igpul IP be used (-, vvii'li ftiui h.r.:.í'. nnd v.rc nbuuüntiy sliong ía h'( ;li;!t nunibsr. and inay lo srifeiy u'scd witb 8i oT Hlii n'r-rs wiii pi-tipiír c;iif. ïhey worjs W}lh rli:ssptr.n;rili I lioíoca á'occfrdníg lo tfie amóúrH o' p bqaínesa Sima ïhan a.ny oJher powcr. aifd "■ o; thresb cenernlly qboyi iMK) bualicla w U.e,it per ' doy with futir horres. Irí on6 n:i. tko 156 " !ushel.-. wie ut wcre ilucLhcd ui liirtc Ijüuí wjth fouT h'oi Tiits Power mul M.ichinc cofiiún áll ihé nd sQUtagC8 necesáaíy lo inake tifia t ihp p.vjfchar. 'i'liry :ns s'trörjg nnt) dnrnhle. - u Tiiey oré enstly ñíVd froti 6tíe placu to ti cr. Tlifl Nuik ut I he un. i-ri is tittiy on íh .- in cm p ifi.-on i" o!iris, un:} tl:e priee k LOVVi'.R tlian ntiy ólljer powor and in.iclúiic. (íave ever been eotii in ihSlüte. icim: m:; to tle rea! valué. Tho leniis of p'i;ut''il A"H1 be - ral fir notca ihat aro kriown lu be abjulutCly good. I linvc n nnmber cS PoweiB ind Maoliliie.")w ready Coi saie and pjrona wishíng tu buj c inviicd io cali soon. cí.r.ANniis. T rxpcct to bq piepared wííhtn n fcw diiys lo ïnke Clenucrs lor tiiose wlio inay wanl liioiv. The utility and ndvmiinou oí ihi Powor mu1 Machine w i Ï I appaa evjden.i to ull un eüiiiininy ho récuhitiiénáationa böfów. All ]-:--ns nui cuüónMÍ ifgaTnst ífiattfifc ilioso l' nüd Macliim s; llie iuh -uncu . liQvjng adopttd t lie nocessury tyoHsun a t bccu nn lotfcrs pnttrñt lor the ia file withm the , re'quired by ia'.v. s. vT. ros'i'r.a Scio, Va!urnnw Co., Alinh. . Jun J -', I34() iu-:-Om:.íend.tions. Duríng tilt ycar Ijí45, eacb ol ího,unda liurclií-S'u) and ued eillier imliviilualiy oí ciüilSv wn!) nihi r.i. qao ol' á. W. Fuüster.8 ücvviy m vc-.itfl íl.;!se I'owers ijtmI ihTësJiing incltines, md l'c'i't.vt! t!iry aro l.üitcr nd.ipicd to ihë usó o! Farmers wlio v. ui !'■ ■ ; ' Mrtcliiñcs-írii íheir owii i thdn nny oihisr power nuil íi rcfilíer-wíitiin ojirj ■ 'i'in-v .me (;.-.l(jiiii)i;d lo be lis.! v.lih Imir lime m :: u i níc oí;. mtrnmh tor liiat niínrbcr. Tiicy uppcir to lx consirncii d :i í.in;li a mnimcr ai lo rCijJcr tliem wiy di..!:!c witri irll (i ' ■ ■ ;' "' .nlcr. Tl-.ovfire o isíly niovi-ii Imuí a0 plíOi t onoilier. Thfey caá I e workeJ wiih nuy huiti her ol'hn.-.ds fróríi Üíur lo Ugíit, áhd i!i llireWl abtift ÜOü bnshels whent per div. .1. A. l'OUü.Yw'.S, Scio, Wáslrtpnaw co G. BLOOI). ' T. RlCílAHDSniV. " SAMUEL I1KA1.V, u 5. P. POST'GR, . ' ;i N. A. riIKL! S, ' " " ADA.M á'M'ITfí, " J. M. l'.OVvMN. himn. ;i VYM. VA LKKJÍ. Wfl.sicr, " T1IOS WAKULN, " (i ]). SMALLKY, Iiod'r, " I chrctíOed Inai fali índ witin: wiili onc oí S. W. Fo-ici'r horaö pèwera, inore íhau filiecu tlioii-an;í bu!.L'!s gron The :p:ir.s brstówèd UpOil ifie power .iMiüiiiiied lo oiAy (i] ctfnts. mu! ii was hgutd onlor vrhn J bad cio:io ttneshiiig 1 avarrubly useJ six Mifsè.s. AAKON YOU.NGLOE. Marión, June G, 1SH. 1 purchásbf] one of S. W. Fosier's noreí powers insilhlland h:t-. o u-ed ii f.T j-.hhin. 1 Live upen rnany düi-reui kilds ol powers and holeve th3 idilio bes i untiiiij: power I liaví evf-rt(.e:i. D. S. J3C.N.CT. Híiujüufg. June, 1810. We purchi'.sed one of tí. W. Foter's fíorr. Powere Inut ridl. and have used ii and tliink it í a lirst tato Power. jessí: h;.l. } nm:l s. Hall, ni. i &RN y. H.M.i.. n.-.mbiirir. .Tune, ISÍ46. 209 ll TSMPEMNCS HOUSS. MILTÓJS ISARNKV OF TIIP. Sí c asnboat BSotcI, JJi.TkUlT, ÍS now re (!y to' hccórtiinódalo )■ fiit-tids tin tln: Ti i ve 'liiif.' PmIjIíc. wiili ail tliusc conven i 'iicc.ic ili.-ulatcil lo niokje tlicin coniloriablc, am witli ji i .;.■■ 1 1 tuit Uu: iiv.e-. M'-ais twenlij-Jhe Ceñís. Dcxt fili'c ín he ',fi; J'ur !.'■■ -.■ Nunrlj. Geiiírul .:i.".r. Ojjicit &teainbc?$ lnv-. De íroit for f ato tonj fiícníúgí t half puil ij o'r.lark. ( UsuuHy. ) The are wiliinjicc ñpintttes ride afilie Sicariboal Hotel. M)UÍSE AND LOTS FOR SALE QR EXCJIANGE. HOUSK ihíeVloia uniteJ, situ.'ited 30 rods S. E. of ihe Acnderny. Sold Tur b.l pay dowi), oreAchánged i"i a forni ,ia:li(!i!us, ubó.iM i n.iío lioni ñ villrige, beíwíéi !,is. '10 and h'.'j áor. n Vi w Englund, New Yoik or Alichigon, wiiere a High School niny bc o!tained 3 or 0 inonth, yo.irly. Enquire of tlu owner 11. U. Grií.'in, CralieLuiry, Vi., OT Lo rin Mili, and K. Moore, Ann Arbor. SCSóh íHsfcoluíiüsi. THE Partnership nnder ihe ñamo and firm o Cr. 1). llilUt (.'o. liuvitiií tíisáolvcd by lim iiation, all persons indebled to thc concern b note or account, art nonfied that unlees thry cal and pny oréenle ihc sanio wi:h G. D. Jlil! pre vious to tlio J rt h day of June nc.vt, ;hcy will linc ihe sflia notes nnd accountb in "the hands oía Justicc ol ihc Fcacu for collociion. G. D. H1LL & Co. Ad;j Arbor, Muy ]J 1840. l-'i