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Ann Akbor, Aug. 7, 1845. The weathcr for sometimc hns bcon very hot . nd dry. Wlicat commands r0 cis. but linie is , rought in. Good Butler is acaree. Apples nukc their appcarancc daily and a good ariicle iringsGO c.s. n bushel. Bukkalo. Awg. 4, Michigan TMour brought 'esterday $3.25 to $3,40. and Vheat, from 67 o72cenis. Holders oí Flour anticípate an i ■anee. The Piiot says: "Jt is probable that the wheal erop of the ] ■nt yenr has been overrated. In all soctions hero has been a great growth of straw, but the U8t has caused the Whcaito shrink very much -more so than farmers were aware of baforo ïarvesting. Ia the south the destruction has ten groatest. All tho samples wo have seen ïave boen more ot less shninken. Slill. there san nbunctance in the country, to prevent prices rom going vory high." VVool of modium quality brings from 15 to 25 cents. Salt, 1,00 a barrel. The average price of flour Jor the month of Jnnuary, in New York for foriy-two yeirs, from 1796 to 1837, inclusive, was $7 51' per barrel. The N. Y. Express says of the repeal of the English Com Liws - 'That it will promote the interest of the country is most corinin : nlthougli we tnay not alwnys be abl to ship br'id stuffe, yet il is quite certain that whenever ilour seltle down to the present prices, Ettstand will take our surplus nnd relieve mir market of the excefs we may luve (n hand." A late writer romnrks wiih great justico thnt tlie iüiportanco of inacots to commerce is -enreely ever treattdof. Great Brilain does not pay lees (han million oi dollars annii'illy for the driei) carcasses of n tiny insect - ihe Cochineol. Gum Shellac, anotlitjr insect product from India, s of scu cely less peculiar valué. A million and h half huuinn beina derive their sole support from the culture and manufacturo of silk. and the si'-lt-wonn alone creates an annual circulating medium of beiweca one hundred and fiftyand two hnndred millions of dollirs. Huif a million of dolíais is onnunlly spent in England alone for Ibreign honoy ; 1 0.000 hundred tvcight of wax is importod into 'linf country each ear. Then tliere are the gull-nuts ol commerce, U5ed for dying, and in the manufacture of ink, fcc, whilst the cantharades, or Ppaniih fly, is an important insect to lbo medical practitioner. In tbis way, we see tho importnnce of certain classes of the insect race, whiUt in ar.othcy view,ttio rest clear the air of obnoxious vnpors. and aro severally designedby natuie for useful purposes, ihough we in our blindness. ïnny not underatand thcin."