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Yes, Get Married

Yes, Get Married image
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Young man! f you have arrived al the righl point of lifo for it, let every othor consideration giv way to tliat of geuing marr cd. Don'i ihink of doing nny tln'ng else. Keep poking about nmong ihe r-ibbish oí iho world lili you have stirrcd un a gein wortri possessing in the shape of n wife. Never think of delaying the matter; for delnya are danceruus. A good wife ia the mist constant and faithful companion you con possilily have by your side. while performing thejourney ol'life- a dog isn'ra toueh to her.- She is of moro rervicc, too, than you may at first imagine. She enn smooth yfW linen and your cares íor you- mend your trowsers and perchanco your mmncre - 6weoton your sour moments as wel! os your tea and cofloe for you- ruffle, perhapj. your shirt bosoni, but not your icmper; and, instead of sowing ihe seeds of sorrow in your pnh, she wül sew Imttons on your shirts, and planl happiness ins ead of hairow tccih in yourbusom. Yes, and ifyou are too confoundd lazy, or too proud to do 6ch work yourrcir, the vvili cliop wood ond dig potatoes for dinner: her love for her husband is euch that she will do .tnything tJ picase him, ejjeet receive cumpany in her every day clothes. When a woman lovei, ahe lovee wnn a doiible distiUed devoteJness; and when f.hc hatt?, she hates on ihe high tirossure principie. Uct love J3 as deep ns the ocean, ns Ptrong ns a bempen halter, and ié irnrnuioble as the rock of nges. She won't change it axcam it Jn a sirona fil :)f jealousy; and oven ihen it lindero as if loilj to part, üke evonir:g tvWüght at 'he .virJow& of 'ho ve. Ger arriad by cl! means. ÁÍl '-he ercui8 yoo can fieü up egninst "doing ifce dïd" ain't w ortb. a opccnfnl of pigeon'e mi'.k. Markbis - if blet wiiU heatth und cmployment, you ore not nLle to support a wtfe, depend upon ii ,'ou are nct ccpable ol supponing yourself. - Thcrefoie, so tmicli ihe inore need oíanncxaiion. or in unioo, as well a& an inion,ibere nstréirctii. Get mnrried, I repcat, young man! Cunccnrate your affcciions upon ono tulj xt, r.tid noi üstribute thcm crnmb by cruinb, among a hoíl of Sufons, Marya. Loronr.p, Olives, Eüzns, Augustas, Beiiys, Peggies, Harrioia and Doroihies - allowing each scarcoly cnougli lo nibble a:. - Gct mnrried. and bnvc soniebody to clicer you as ou juurney ihrjugb tliia '"lowly vale of tcars" - omebody to sceur up your whole life, nnd w hntver linen you posses, ir. BOiue sort of go-toïeöting order. Young women! I need not tcll you tolc.ok out or a husband, for I know that you are Hxing conrivanccs to catcli one, and are as naturally on ie waich as a cat is for a tnousc. But one vord in your oar, if you piense, Don't baityour ook with an artificial beauty; if you do. the hances are ten to one thai you wil! catch a gudeon - aome silly fool of a fish that isn't worth lia weiglit in sawduet. Array the inner lady with the beautiful garmenta of virlue. modesty, truih, morality and nsophisticaicd lovo; and you will disposo oí rourself quicker, and 10 inuch betfr advnntagc ían yon would ifyou disployeil all the gewaw8, flipjigs, ful-de-rols, and fiddle-de-dfes in ie universe. Remomber that iiisan awful thing o live and die a scll'-mamfcctured oíd niaid. -