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Hevdy jVIadk Clothingü HALLOCK & RAYMOND, WOÜLD respect fiilly c.-ill ihc n;tcn:ion of thcir friends nnd ihe citizsns of ihe State ei cally u i'neir ficsh Se extensivo aísortniciitoí Ready ?ade CIothiBig ust ninnufac'.ured in tlie latest styles, and brsi mssiblí! nianner, consisiing in part ol' Buperfine otíi Dress nnd Frock Coats, Fine Teed. ínslimareite. Croto Cnssimero Summer Cloili rid Merino. Bombazhjc, Chally, Woorstcd and larseiüea Vests. Blue. Black nti'l Fancv Cassi meto. Tweed, Dnip Je-tn, Merino, Woorslcd nd Drillinj Pnntaloons. toneilier wiih n very rrgé stock of Linen. Drülins. Cotton Sack and i weed Conts. Suinmer Pánidbona and Yes's. Shiris. Socks, Handkercliieís. Stock, ce. .;c. Also a very Inrse supply of fresh BronJcIoths, Cnsai Dieres and Vésiirtg, whicti by the nul ol" t xerienced cutters and first rato workmen they nre prepnred tp matuifocture in tlic latcststyle and best possib'.e nnnnrr. They are prepa:od tr as] e'uher at VVbolosalé r Rciail at prires wliicfa cannot fail lo givc sTiisction, and wouid respceifully soPcit a cnll l'-om ihnse viiting tlio city in wnntnf Readv M'idc Cloihinc or "cnu-elmente mudo to ordsr. at thcir "■FasfinabU Cluürnx Emporium.' corner ff JcíToraon and Woo!ward Avenues, Detroit. M.y í0. 1816. 26Ó-3in CIIEAP STOVESÏ" AT YPSILANTl! 19A COOKING PARLOH STOVES, JL ádtJ juat received. Ly ihe Subfctiber, (müstly f rom AlbjhnyJ mr.kire a eonrl assortment of the lntesf nnd best paiierns. %vhich will be sold ni Lok Piicis! not to be undersold this sida Lake Erie! Also, Copper Furnitaro, Cau'ornn Kct'.les. [Iollow Wore of all sizesj Stove Pipe, Sheet i ron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Miinufactured, nnd coi.stnn!1. Kop! on hnnd wliicli will nlso be solrl very lov. i S. - Purcliasers will do well to cali and examine for their own satisfacúon. J. M. EROWN. Ypsüanli, Jvine20, 1846. 271 tfBE TTER LA TE THANNE VER! TÍIE Subscriber luis the pleasure of announ1 ciña lo z Puhlio. iliat lio bas just received finm New York, und opened a choice and wcil cslected assortment of NEW GOODS, conslsting of Dry Goods, Groccrics, Crockcnj, Hardware, Boots und Shocs, which be wili seil ni Very Low Priccs for Ready Tav in Cash, or Producn. Ca5u or Goods wíl! be paid for VTOOL in any quaniíties. ROBERT DAVIDSON. Ann Albor. Jane 10, J tí4í. 5 Hats and Caps, IN all thcir varietios, aleo Cnras. Silk om UmürcUcs. Suspender, rich Si ricnlsaiid Cravais. Silk. Liaen and Kirl Gloves, with every arlicle o that une can be hnd at faii prices and warramed to suit by sendinj your wishes by ctier or by calling ni No 58. Wood wnrd Avcpuo, 3 doors norlh cf Doty'a Auction room. Du! N. I--. Ministers and Liberty men supplied at a small edvance frotn aisi. 26S-'ón JAMES G. GRANE.BOOTS AISO SISOES, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GUAW & CO., WIÏOLKSALR AM) HKTAIL DKALERS ÍN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDÍNGS, Corner of Jefferson and Woodtcaid Jlvcnues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. woald respect. 'uil. v inform the Merchnnts of Michignn. that tru-y have opened a WHOLESALE BOOT -N1 SI 10 E STORE, in the ro.-ms over tlieu Retnil Store. Smr.rt's Corner. Tlieir long acquaintnnce with'the Sime business, ond the Umds of slux-sihat iire neetlcd in tliiü Stnle, will ennbic inem 10 l'urnish mcrclinnts wijh such shoet ns tlipy need. on better tern llián 'hoy can büj n rhe New Y-rk market. os nll their goods are bought from fist lmiu's, n:u! particular attemion is piid to tbe selcction of sizes. Detroit, 1846. 2-Í3. W- ■■ Chcap Hardware Store. rpili: Subacriber tnkrs llíis meíbod 10 iníorn JL hts oíd ciistomors and the public genoralty thni he siill continúes lo keep a lnrge and yeneni] assortmetu of Foreign and Domestiü HARDWARE, CÜTLERY, &c. AIso. Spike. Wrouht. Out nnd llore Shot Nails. Glass, Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Har Lencl. Zync, Bngtit nnd Ancoiea Wirc. Molasses Gates and Fnsscits. Mili Snws. Crois Cui Snwa, Hund and Wond Sawj Bílék and Key Hi!e Saws. Anvils, Vic, Bellows. Adz's.Coop. er's lools, Drnwinir Knivcs. Spoke Shavcs. I Tap Brers, Cast Sieel Augurs, Connnon ■T;irs. Augur Hitts. Hollow Auuis. Steel and Iron Squares. Ground Piaster. Water Lime. Gnn J.-ionefi, Ponsh.Caklrnn and Sng:ir Ketdcs. Cal. le. Trace and Halter Chait.s. Brosd. (nnd and píarrow Axes. Spirit and PJmt Jevels; foaéfiier with n erfèrai assortnient of Holl(w Waru. wliich will he snld low for Cnsh " ppmvpd credit at J'23. Jeficrso-t Avemi. RVdVedJs Bbck. MARVIN. Detr,)it. Jan. lfit;. 18-íP. 248-ly To Country ílercísanís T11K Sunsjvibcr hn eonstintly tur aúe good íissorimpnt of heavv WOOLEN CLOTHS, wel' n'inpted n tlicoutnry marl;ot whteli ho wífl s-!l -it whoí ile or rctntl. vbby t.o-.v. Gnll üri( í?7r-tf Detroit. COUiVTY ORERS% rriHK hiplu-stprice pmd ni eníb ly G. F. LCW X i?, ExcWanao Broker, opposiie tho Inrnronce Bank, Detroit, for orders on nny of the couñti in the Siate of Michigan; ölsóTor State 93curities of alt kinda hiid uiicurrent funda OaV n,c i, 1845, C41-itJ. HOLMES' & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAÏ'LK AND FANtY DRY GOODS, J8ry E&aGBirte8i Carpctingnd paper Xlangings, No. 63 Woodward Avenue, Lamed'1' Bloei:, Detroit. j uuvñt, ,n yIITj, i W_ , s "OLMES. Detroit, i E inke tl)i niethrd ..f informin;; du friendsan lüifcioineca liiroughout the, ili;.t wc are siill püréuing the even tci.or ofmir wi.ys. endeovorjog 10 do ou: bufiricss upon tür und !.nor!i!ilc! principies. VV would olso tenler mr acknowIedgnieDls for the patronage extended to iis our custoniera, and would bt-g ;i';ive to tqi.ll the r.itcntion of the public to h ery wR Mlecftd K-onmnirof Masonabto Gooo'í, wbtch nre otf'crod at wholt-sale or retail at very lih' priecs. OnrfncilitiesfurpLTclineirn; Good ure unstirpat-sed by nny concern n the Sote One of thcdrm. !1r. J. Holmes resides n the city of New Vork, and frorn hia long experience in the Jotling trntle jn ti:nt chy. and fróra hia ihoroiigh koowledge of the mnrket, he ie enbled 10 nvnil hiniEcif of the anciions ond ar;y decline in pricp?. We n!fo purchnse from il. Imponéis. Manufncturer'e Asen, and ftom the onctions, by the (jèckage, the same as W. Y. .lobbers purclios?. ihus saving their profits.- Wit!i tnese faciluics : can sncly sny thnt our Goods are eoid ckkp for iho eviclêncc of whic!i vc inviU' tl.e atieniion of the public toou stock. We hIl to the gfent cardinal principie of -tl.t SrcaUsl gaorl to the nlwhnvmbrr." so if vouvvantto hnv Goods cltcap. ;ind buy a large qvtmttij fbr a Vltlc viovey give us a triol. Onr srock is as Gjtunsivc as nny in the city, nnd we nto nonstanily rcccivmg new and frch Goode (torn New ïoiK. 50,000 ïb. Foof . ■SVnnied, theabovo qiuuiiity ol good m!rchnntablo W ooi for which tlie highest market prico wilt be jiaid. _ [m Í HOLMES & CO. Detroit, Mny2o,184'J. 214-tfMSelcct 'School. Ibb J. Jj. Smith. assiMcd by Miss P. Fikm, announces to the puhlic thai fhe 9 prep;.red to rtceive laüies into her schoul n the basement room of the Epis.'oprt] Clnirch. Tekms. - Por quarter of J2 weeks, for English rnnchesfrom ,5: French and Lalin eoch :i extra' ïf 1 ursuotJ logeiher with :ho English lidies, or sepnralclv. $5 each. The school ill be furnished wi:h a Philosophical nppanus: nnH ocensional iecturea given on the Natrdl iScIpi ces. Mrs. ilufihs will jive ns.'ruciion to all wl,o esire it, in Music, Drawing, Püïr.tingand -Miss Smith rcförs to ihe followinggcniir mor.r Professors Williams. Ten Prouk, and Wheclon .f the UniverMty; Rev. W. S. CurliF. IUv. Mr. Simoo, Rev. C. :. Taylor, ïlor. E. Mmiily, Win. S. MnviKir'. Ktq, Ann ArboT. April 0, KsC. 2C2-tfrOR SALE AT LOVV PRICES AND EASY TER MS. THE Subscritor oíFeis forsi.le n Fnrm, in thelown o; Vcxirr. of Ifi6 ocres, jibout &) icres improvert. A!?o a Fnrm at the momh of Honey CreeU n S. i ,. ;;. miles Oom this vilinge, i I IG abré, 90 acrps rtnproved. Ateo a Farm no mi.e Ir.irn this viilage of ICO cros, IOD cerca improved. Ench of these Farms are desirably locatfd for ri-sldences: have good buldiis nnd nrc oll weil wntefed. Aleo two dwclling bou$cs nnd Iots ín ihis 200 Mllnselotp; 24 out lotso nhnm onc ncreeacn. n the immedinte vicinitv of this villnpc. 10 eres timben;.! Innri. ond SJacrts i m pro vod 3 of n nule from this villaje. AUo 5 slips In the Prë&yréri&i mccinglioiiPo. Anyof'lie above tnentioned propeny wll besold at fair pricos nnd on a credit ol 3 of the purohnso money- Tille Perfect. If iittEEl A SPAN OF GOOD HoRSES IN PAYÍIE.NT. WIUJAM í?. MAYPTARD. Ann Arbor. May I'J, 1846. 264-6m MICHI GAN LAND AÍVD TAX AGEICY. H. D. POST, Masón, Ingham Couniy, Michigan. WILT, ottend to the payment of Tnxes. nx av.iination ot Tules, purchase and sale of Lands. &c. &c. Any husiuess entrustcd tohim will be trunsncrod wi!h promptness and accaracv - Address Ly mail. References, ( 'Inj permisston. ) C. Hurí but, Detroit. J. C. Henm. Brother & Co. { _ fileer & Snow, Tr0VWoodbury. Avery & Co. ? „ v r G. WÍ1JÍ8BJS, l NcwWHOLESALE & RETAIL. y!. M' F AR REN, BOOKSELLEBANDSTATfONEP, 'SM ARTS BLOCK, 137 J K F F E n S 0 N AVENUE, DHTROIT. T"EE{S constantly for sale a complete assort Jtk. montof Misctllaneons. Schooi nnd CJnssical Kooks, Letter and Cap Paper, plain nnd rul ed, Quilla, luk, Seoling Wax, Cutlery. Wrapping Peper, Prihling Taprr. of all sízcí; and Book, News and Cannister luk. ofvaiions kinds. BLANK BOOKS. full and hall bonnd, oFev. ery varioty of Ruling, Memorandum Bookt, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and othera, buying in q'jantities. a ltirre discount jnado. Sabbath Schooi and JBible Society Dcpositor. 8-1 tf Paper Bïiing-flias. LAHGK lot if Paper Hnnginga, and Bura . rleriniT, for sile cheaper than ever ofiered in thiö Villagc. at PERRT'S BOOESTORE. June 13. í:?O-tf E. G. BURGER, Dentisf, FIItST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. V. ROOT's STORK, CKANE &C JEWF.TT's BLOCK, 261-if ANN ARBOR. TO LAWYERS. JÜST oppiiiní. a flrst rato lot of Law Books, for Bnc at tlie Qublfshrra piirrs. for caih at Ferry's Eookstobe. Junólo. I-4G. 270-tf1ÍO& ! í Wag UJ7 TH F. fpllowing n.or[r)(nt of Blakks. nearly printed on g-iod pnpt r. i constantïy for h nt tliis oilïcr, on rcasonablc terois: ' arr.inty Dced Qnirc'aim Deud-, Mort griffe Dfeiis, Chn:Te! Moiicnr-rp. Jusrice's CxeL-iitiontt, ' Plin!THï!)9. " Stibpoernfl. A'irrhiiipn'fi. Marrtaga Ccrtifieatea, uand LfDcs. All kinth of Blnnl.s printcd 10 or-dcr with accurncy and dcspnicli.