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Romantic Incident

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At iilC ïaie lire in vueuei;, mu iuun:ng romantic incident occured.-Bcdtimorc Sun. "Whilo the devouring flamea were rapidly enveloping every portion of this noble structure, the doors being entirely jlockaded by thö mass of human bcings, rt-ho, ín their consternation, liad predpiMéd therrisclvés üpon tliem. in the vain -ïope of escaping to tli9 open air, a young ady, the beautiful and accomplishcd Miss St.Piere, as sheturned out in the sequél ,vas seen standing at an open window in :he third story of the buildings, whither ;he had ran, no doubt, Wth thö idea of jrecipitating herself on the pavcment beicath. There she stood- the bright glare Brom the approaching ilames displaying n holtl relief, the lovely contour of her ioblc.yetsylphlikeform. An expresson of agonizing despair was stamped on luit fair ihce, which but a few moments jefore, had been decked in radiantsmiles. File pallor of death had usurped the place )f the rose. The excited multitude : ïeath, at last that part of it beneath the ] vindow where she stood, remained silent ,nd motionless. To all human appearnce, no aid could rcach her. A few ( ninutes more and she must be lost jAt this moment, clasping her hands exclaitned in heart rending accents, ' r mother," and immariuitcly after, qi v word "William," feil from hor lips oltör toncs. Now a rush was heard ie extreniity of the crowd,and a young LA1 i, dressed in fatigue suil of a U. S. iddy," bounded forward and g'dzed for M onient with wild and haggard looks ous :he lovely visión before him. It was Mig for a moment. With ono bound, -nu, trhipí) he seeined to throw the of c cd cnergy of despair and hope, ifsuch 13en inion can take place, he reached a shoi idow in the building, somc íive feet as a n the street, from which, even then, Stat suioke and flames were bclchcd lbrth Nai itteinpts werc made to stop him but slav was gone. The anxicty and interest Asa 3W were intense. len n a moment he triade his appearance ' ide the lady, and grusping her round U1g waist again disappeared. In another M'L ment he appcared at a window in the - ond story, the lower one (hé cnveloped by the devouring element, eer liat was to bc done ; no ladder, and 1 : distance entirely too great to risk nping. Withthe rapidity of lightning laid down the lady, and took' oil' his U, which was a frock - tied the sleeves tight ashe could round his right foot, Mi :n swung himself from the window, Mi lding on with his hands, said a few rds to the lady, when she gotupon his ña. Duiders, and with a coolness and bul ce of mind which would have done co' edit toold Blucher, slippeddown to his ife s, then seized the coat, by which th; eans she camc ten feet from the ground, ül' lien she löt go and was the ei ms of sovcral of the spectators. VV1 The hero of the little romance was Sc en in the most imminent danger, w' g at a distance of some twenty feet from e ground, holding by his hands, and e flames already scorching them. - eathseerned to bc inevitable. He rexed his hold and feil to the pavement, su, feless, it is true, but more from the stun I" the fall than real injury. I3oth werc su irried to the house of Miss St. Piere's sU lOthor, and in a few hours were almost ïcovered. V hat gives the real romance I0 i this incident, is, that the "Williarn" of ac ie stor} had, some months before, seen, wi ivcd and been accepted, secretly, it is ue, by the rich and beautiful Kate St. r iere. The attachment, 'tis said, was fes, and is,) mutual, but owing to the c isparity in fortune, Mrs. St. Piere would ot listen to the proposals of young c 'Tis said that they are now to be mrried in a very short time, making ood the words of the poet - ec "None but the brave deaerve tho fair." C