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WE ff HiUdlb. IJY E. IV ES JUNIOR. f THE MOZART COLLECTION OF ,I] CRED MUSlC.a eolleciionof new Church li nusic, conaisting of Psalm and liymn lunes, j uithems, chants &c. adaplcd to the various nciros now in use, covtaining a nao milhod of f. nslructiqn in t! e rmlimenls of Music, designe! or Singing Schools. Musical Associaúons, j I'liurch Chriirs and private Insiiiutions. Bcing ' is the publishers believe, the best cullortion o j: jew Music ever publishad i.i this country. The Kook will be circul.ued in nlj the month f Sepieniher. Teachers who cannot cnll on hc Pubhsliers wlll lind copies Jjr exainination t the principal Buoksullcrs throughout ihe aJ ed States. " PAINE & BURGESS. P.ihlishers, 60 Johv Sï. New York. New York. Aug. 8, IÖ4G. 27d-lw IVES MUSICAL SERIES. The Musical ABC, a method for teaching he rudinicnts of Music. with songs lü eweeten itudy. Re'ail. $0,25 v The Musical SpulliiiK Bok for Schools, ■vu li Mum cal rucreaiion as u relief from íiufíy. . 50 Thti Musical Ronder, 1.0(1 The Belhoven Collrctinn. 1,00 The Mtinirt Colleotion of Church Music. L-onsistinii of ncw and ptéastng tunes udupiecl to ' the uso if Siniuo Schools umi Church Choirs For sale at Pekhy's BomkötoKf., Anu Arbi-r. ' Michigan. NOTICÉ. Washtjbiaw Cjekrks Órnele, ss' Til E onnual meeting of the Board of Super visois, for tliis Courny. will be held ai the C.url House in Ann Arbor on Wednesduy the 12ih day ol Ociober noxt. B. K1NG, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4, 1846. DISSOLUTION. " THE Co-pnrinership hcretoforo cxislins: under the name and fqB of I). &, E. Lesuer, is hv mutual consent thifay di&olved. All thoso who are indebted to stlid fitn by note or otherw.ise are requested to cali and sel tic the same without delay with E. Lesuer, wfabM au'thori.tid to adjusl the husmeas. DAVJI) LESUER. ERASTUtí LESÜER. Ann Arl.or, Au?, 13. )46. 2786w TAKE NOTICE! IT LESÜEK will coiiiiuuo business nt Mik , Jé old stand, where he will hold hnnelfin readihcBa to waft on his cusiomeis in the hes' style and at ihe ehortést nouce. Gnodil plenty - pnces low - cali and scu for yourelv. MEDICAL BOOKS. A NEW lot of Medical Booke. just opened nnd for s.ih' chèap for cash at June 15. 270-tf PK.rnv's. TOFARMERSÍ ASCREW suitable for a Cider Prew. for ' sale very low t tle Machino Shop of H. &R. PARTRI DGE. Ann Arbor. Au?. 10. 1846. 277-tf THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE HUNDRED COPIES of the íifil, tion of ihis hililv popular wijrk are or snlr nt the Sicnal office nt 50 conin pinc;l. or Ji-1.50 per n'ozrn. Terma Cash. Now is the time foi Lihflrty choirB to themselves. "pranklW co ld Water house.' BaThs Stíif.f.t. ove 1nnr North of Jf.ffkrson Avr-NtK, DETROIT. 26.1-1 y s. FINNEY. Chattel lïoriase, JUST printod and for sale at thia office in anjquantiiy. [