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AT YPSILANTl! ) COOKING &-PARLOR STOVES, wr J just received, by the SubFCtiber, ces rom Alhany) ninking a goor) essortment of l'1( latest and best paitcrns. which will be eold ,ow Piices! not 10 be undersold tb ia sidc Lake " e! Jso, Copper Furniiurf, Cnuloron Kíles. y IIüw "Ware of all sizes, Siovo Pipe, Sheet i, Zink, fee; TIN WARE! ■Innufncturcd, and const.-intly kept on hand w icli will also be sold very low. ' S. - Purchasera wilPdo well to coll and iniine for their own satiafnction. iV J. M. BROWiV. Sfpsilanli, June 20, 1846. 271 if ETTER LATE THANNEVER! T 'IJ F. Subscriber h;ia the pleasure of announ Clhg io tho Public, that he hns just received w m New York, and opened a choice and well w oeled assortincnt of ar NEW GOODS, consisting of J 'n Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardj' ware, Bouts and Shoes, bich lic will se'il ai Very Low l'rices tor Ready v iy in Cash, or Produce. Caïh or Goous will be paid for WOOL in an a ïaiuiues. ( RODERT DAVIDSON. c Ann Albor. June 10. 140. 68 Hats and Caps, j "N" al! their yarietipg. aleo Carne. Silk nml a . Gingham Umhrcllas. Suspenderá, rich Sílk J caris and Cravnts. Silk, Linen and Kid Gloves, ith every article in thut line enn bc had at fair ( icos and warranied to snit by endinp your ishes by iettcr or by calling at No f)8. Wood} ard Avepue, 3 doors north cf Üoty'a Auction t mm. Detroit. jj N. B.. Ministers and Liberty méTl supplied t a 8inall advance Irom cost. 56-6m JAMES G. CRAiNE. ( . . ] ChASÏTk TTaPiinranA Q4ArH E Subscriber takes thia method 10 inform his old cusiomers and the public scnerally l laihestillconiiiiues lo keep a largeand general ' 3sorunent of Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. Wrought, Cut and llort-e Shoe 'mis, Gluss, Sheet Iron, lloop Iron, Sbect and (ar Lead, Zync. Bright and Anenlcd Wire, Moisses Gates and Fossetts. Mili Sows. Cross Cm nw3. Hand and Wood Saws, Back and Key 1 lole Raws. Anvila, Vices, Bellows.Adzes.Coopr's Tool?, Drawing Knives, Spoke Shnves. Pr.p Borers, Cast Sieel Angurs, Common Au;urs, Aiiifiir Bit!s. HolW Atigtirs. Steel and ron Squares, Ground Piaster, Water Linie. ïriddStone8, Poiash. Caldron and Sugar JCettles. able, Log. Trace and Halter C'haius, Broad. land and NarroW Axes. Spirit and PItimb LevIs, together with a general nssort men t nf Hol;w Ware. which will be sold low for Cash opproved Credit at J23, Jefferson Avenue. Elred's Biock. R; MARVIN. ! Detroit, Jan. ]ih. 1S-I6. 248-] y Xo Country .Merchante. rHE Subscriber haa constantly for salo good assortnient of heavy WOOLEN CLOTIIS, t'ell adapted to thecphntry market which ho wil! ell at wholesnle or retnilj vkky low. Cali and ee hom at the Mammttan Stork. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. COUXTY OUDERS. rfiHL higliest price paid in caéh by G. F. LewJL i?, Éxebanga Broker, opposite the Jnsurnice Bank, Detroit, for orders on ny of the .ountios in the State of Michigan; slspíÓrStaU íecurítioa ol all kinds and uneurrem f mida Cali 'lUllfiC.C. Deo 1. l?ló. 241-tf FOR SALE CU KAP for CASH, or every kind of country Produce, fSaddles, Bridlrf;,Harnes$, Trunks, Yalises, Trunk Vaiscs, Carpcl Bags, -c. Aleo a sooü a=soitT.ent of Whips .V LïsÜKS, which will bc sold very low, and no inistake, at COOK St ROBINSOWB. Ann Arbor, Augiwt 12, lc'4(). 'J77-if JLOOU MIEMTJ! THE Sulocriber ofiers to sell Forty Acres ol "gooiJ Land in tho Couniy of Liyingston - The land ís titnbered, and within iwo miles ol .f whcre a 6teani Saw mili is erecting. Ten icresare irleared, and there aro ten ncres ntortready for logging. There s a goóa log house Jiid some fruit trees on iho pretuises. The icrms will be liberal, and puymctu may be [nade in carpenter's work. lumber or a ood eain. Apply lo the subscriber in Ann Arbor. S. D. NOBÍ.R. Ann Arbor, July 18, 1846. 274 lüw A. OrM'GTlAW & CO., Are now receivingtheir Fall Stock of Boots Sc Shoes Which have been helected with niuch care lui ho Tl'holesalc Trado. TTflKY now reenecifully rpqiiflst the McrJL chnnta ofMtchigon ;n adjicerii Sinies, lo ?xainine ilifúr extenpive stock wuicii will be eold ït vcry low pricQp llr -riii or pprovad credit llaving for the last Uiteen J9n sl n.i' Goods at rotail rh-iti .my plher House in Mïchi;nn, tliry feel fully persuaded that ihcir MtectioB .B to price, tpialili, und sixt, willsuit the wants rf the peoplc. Th. ir stock of Leather and Findings is ulso complete. The retail trade continúes ns usual on the fiifi tlonr. Corxkr uF Ji.rrüR-O.s A3D WoODTCARS Av; vi 'ks. . C. McGRAW, ik CO. Detroit, Anff. 22, 1846. 21--ly "iT Aitin t f ft ■tfniMnn