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UI E iindcrfiigned tyoving purclmscd iho inforestsofhis parmcr in the Marble Business, uld inforrn (he inlinliiian's of tnisond adjoining ii)tic9, ilüit Ik; continuos ilio business ut th? ond in Upper Town, néar the Prcsbytcrian tirch. where hft will rpnnfactcrr o order, onumcnls, Grixc Stones Paint Sloncf Talléis Sfc. $c. Pilóse wishinv to obtain nny nrticlo in liis line busincos will lind by cal) ing thnt lie has on aartinent of Whiie and Variegatcd Mnrble from 2 Iastern Marblo Qaarries. which will bc ousht ui Modern stylc. and sold at caatern pria, bdtling transponation only. Cali ond gi eproof. J. ]J. UOCKVFIJ. Ann Arbor, July 8, 184G. 272-IyJ. nUJLiiVlIiö üL KJ., HOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS II STAPiB AND FACY DRY GOODS, )ry Groceries, Carpeiwg and pit per Hatighigs, o. 03 Woodicard Avenue, LurnecTü Block, Detroit. j. holmes, Nao York. 5 M. B0LMM3, Dttroit. X7"E take thiemeiliod of informingour hienda t and customers throughont liie State, iba i are still pursuing the even tenor of. mr .ys, enden voring to do business upon kir I honorable principies. We wouid also tenr our ccknowledgnienta for the patronage exnded to us by our custoiners, and wouid beg ave to cali the niti-ntion of the public to a ery cH selected Hssorinicnt of stasonaLle Goode hielt are oliercd at wholeaale or fetaii at very } pnces. Ourlüciliiitsíorpurehasing Good re unsurpass-d by any concern in the State ne of iJju lirni. Mr. .i. 0Jnies resides n the tv of New Rrk, and from iiis long eperiencc i the Joo trade fn t,at city. and from bis lorougli knowjedgeof the niarket, ie e enaled to avajl himself of the nuctions and ny ecline ,n pnces. We also purchase from the mporter, Manufaciurer'a AKcnta, and flom the ucttons, by tiie paekage, the san-e e N. Y obbers purchase. Ihus sa ving rhir profns- Vith tnese rocilities we can ealcly ay that our roods are okJ ch;Ap for the evidenco of which re invito the attcmion of the public tooi stock. Ve held to the great cardinal principie o "tlie rentest good to ll,a vholcnumbcr," ao f you rantto b.iy Goode chcap, and buy largc aunnty lor a liltfe mono givo us a trial. Our afock i as extensivo a any in the city, and we are onstantly reccivjng ncw and fresh Goods irom iew ïork. 50,000 lbs. Wool. i ïl , 'heabove quantity olgood merchnntble Wool Tor which tüe highosi markot pric r-ill bc paid. J. HOLMES A CO. Detroit, Moy 28, 1846. 2I4-tf To Wool Crroircrs. ptTE beg leave to inform our Wool Growing T T friends, that we ehull be prepared for the 'urchase of 100,000 Ibs. )f a gcod clean merchantable ariicle, as eooir ís the season for sclling cummences. aa we are ;onnecied with Eastern wool dealers, we aliall se oblo ;o pay the highesipricothe Eastern niartet will atfbrd. Great complaint was made last ;eason amongat the Eastern Deolers and Manuac.urers, in rolerence to the poor condition of Vlichigan Wool- much of it being in bad order ini a considerable portion bci:ig vmcathed. We would here tako occasion o request that he utmost pains ahould bo taken to havo ihe heep well washed bel o re eht'armr. that (he Tag Loeks be cut orl'. and ihat each Fleeco be careully tied üp with proper wool twine, (coat 161 o '25 ds per tb. ) heinp iwine is the best: it will )e found greatly to thüadvuntageof Wool Growïrsto put up their wool in this manner. Univnshcd wool i not mercbfuitabte', and will ba rejected by most f not all ofiho Wool buyor, it licing diliiculi to dein. J. I10LMKS & Co. VoOlWARD AVEMJE, Larncrds Block. Dctroii, MarcliSG. 1S46. 257-tf FOR sat.r a'p rnw pptht? ArrEASY TERMS. npHE Snb&crider oilbrs tor sale a Farm, in the JL leun o.(" Ucxter, of IG6 acres, ibout 80 icies intproved. Also n Farm at the muuih of iloney Creek ín Scio. 3 miles front this village, i)f 14üncro6. 90 acrrs improved. Also n Farm diiu tnüo from thís yïlia'ge oH60 acres, 100 aerea miproved. .Lach of these Farms ore dcsirably locatéd lor reeldencea; have good buildings and ïrc all wcll waicred. Also twu u'wellnig bousea and !! in this village. 200 vitlaga lots; 24 out Jotsol nlmut ono acre each, in the imrhediatti viclnilv ofthis tillage. - lOncrcs (imbered land. nd 3J ncr.s iinpioved '] of a unie from this viHagë. Also 5 slips in tlie Prc!iyicri;m mce'ing house. Any of 'ho dbovs mentioned property wiD ba sold ai fair pricos nnd on a rrcdii ol J of tho puruhaso money - Ti'lc Perfect. Vianted - a of good Hordes IX PAY.MKNT. WIJ. LI AM S. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. May 11), IS lü. L'G-1-Giu 1846. WHOLESALE & RE TA IL. A. M'FARREX BOOKSELLERÁNOSTATIQNER. SAIART'S BLOCK, 1.17 JEFFKRSON AVKNUK, DBTHOIT. ITT.l.I'S' conatantly for salen complete afort L ment of iMisctll.uuoii.v. SchOOI :md CJassicnl BookSj Letter mul Cup J'npcr, plein and ruleil, Qiiills, Jok, !.Seal)iig U;i.. Cutlpxy, Winpping Paper, i'niiimu: l'apor. uf all sizes; nnd Bo.k. Nimvs:i;i:I CniniiMer 1 1; k . of varions kinda. BLANK BOOKS, foll apd hall boubd, ofevcry vaiioiy of Ruling. Mcrnorondurn Booka, c. T.v Merchante, Tèodhers. ?md others, buymg in q'innuiics. alarge discount inadeu Sabbaih School and Bible Society Dnpnsitor. 'J-17-tf TE M P E R ANCE HOUSK. PB. K1PLKY would sny to his frionHs nnd the friends of Tempen nee, that he has 'nk-ii the Teniperanco floiise. laiely kcin by Wni. G. Whnton. whcre he would be glad to wait uppn thetn. Hny anti üais and Stabbling to accumtnod.ue teams. Detroit, Jaoúary I, 146. 2-1."if Pnpei' Kniigiiijiü. A LARGK lot of Papfr Hanginga, and Bor-■ - dering, for sale cheaper than ever cfTeied in thie Village. ai FERRY'S BOOKSTORE. June 15. 270-tf