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1 D, T3ILL woutd n-spectfulJy inform (Vio Z ciuene of Aun Aiiior and vjciniiy that . 1 i i ut (.'. ]). Ifit! & ("o., h i vi n rr dissolverij wii! continue thn btie'ness at the nldsinnd tri jwkins' Block, n itic oíd and estahlished prinses of i!i( house s,-.i mi. p.k'ofits ami pp om pi y.'! he wjlJ be ahle toófTer 10 lus customers oa Fthóui ttie 20ih day of Mny. SPLENDID ASSORTIMENT" OF SPRING GOODS ihe lowesl possible rutes for Cn?h, Wlir-iit 'ooi. and aÜ othör kinda ( product'. A!l persons wamini; to luy roods will find i: their advantagc lo hoid on iheir Olil Clotliist iiil thé above npmèd nssortmeni is reèeived, ag i-v wül .ild nt very JoW mies. The Subscriber vvill ntso ph'y i(i! Mtrlipst mar:i pri'ce ior 10'Ü.OÜO POUNDS ÖF VVOOL. G. d. inu,. Ann Arhor. Mny II, I8!0. 264-lf "ËXCHANGB H0TEL Directhj opposile 'ihe Cataract Hotel.) BY CYRUSF. SMITIJ, NTAGARA FALLS, '. V. TKÍ8 rioueo is not tlio iflrgcsl c!.-.r,8, !.ui u cl! krp!. npon tlir enmplnn i'iat i( has been for iyern] yenrs pnat, ntid nflbids Tmplo ond vcry (mförtoble accohimo'dations lor iliose B!o)pinj ! the Fn'.ls, ThJ8 floicl qsitunted io the plenRntest pnrt f the Vü on Main Street, and but o few litmtet! wolk iïo.m the Caturnct, Goat Islund or ie ferry. Niagorñ Fallsj 1810. 2()2-0m "Crockery at Wholesale." PRKÓÈRICK WETMORE. hbs constantly on hánd, ihe lar; I iock in thi V. -i ni Jxncl.rní, Ch'uirt, Claustrare, Lóoki ing C.-issrs üvd Vla I es, Britannia Vore 7V.S-, Lapips and M' chin g, 'Plátcd War?, China Toys, ? -r Ili? Biock ficluHca dH ihe vuneties of (,'rockry ntid CIiiüm, IVon; tb_e (inert Clnn;i I)itim:r :i. '' Set tij to iuo niosi conimon and luw iteed - froin thó.nchcst cut pl;iss lo ihe laineat. t'tn?s wirc. Tintünnin CnstorsoCevery ind. Britn.ripia 'i'ca Soits, Cólico l'ots, Tea 'o:s. Lampa. Cntidlèsticks, i&c. Sor.An L.vnn Jjamts of evcry descriplion frorn he most costly cut Purlor Lamp to the cheapest ïiorv Inrhp. All the aboye arricies nro imponed ly himsfrf lircctly from the nianuf8cjurcra nnd ij be old it V!io!cB'i!r, ns low n nt any Wholecule House, ixpenfs ffqrri senböord ndiled pnly. A llbernl discount .'iveu for c-ili, Mefchonts md oüiers ne imiied [h eall nnd ixamine the nbove arlicIeR aj the o!d stand, No%J5, Jofierson Avenue (Eldtcd's Bloek.) Deroil. 248-1 y Select Sc li ooi. MISS .7. B. S.vrrn. nsisted by Miss S. Fivt.v, nn'nounces to the public that she is reprfred to reeene young Indias uto hrr srhool n thebast-ment room uf the Episcopal Church. Tkhms. - For quarteroi 12 week?, fnr Epglisn tranches from B,to .: French nnd Latin i 'each $:$ extra if pureued togeiher "wilh ihe Knclish rntply., KS ík!i. 'l'lio sehool Krill bó rurnifihed wnh n PhüoBophïcal npparaus; nnd oceaaional lectures givCTi on the Natjral Sciences. Mrs. Iliiihs will aivo nslrneiinn to nll wjo iesire it, in JMusic, Drawing, Painting and Noellcwnrk. ■ 36 Smith r(fers to the following genltemen: Profe.pors VVilliamp, Ten Prook, and V'hee](i!i of tin: University; Rev. W. S. Curtís, Rev. Mr. Simons, Rev. C. O. Tnylor, ilon. E. MunJy, Win. S. Maynard Eeq, Ann ArboV, ypril 29. 1846. 2f,2-tf MICHIGAN LANÖA!N!ÖTAX AQENCY. II. D. POST, Mason, Ingham County, Michigan. WÍLL otíónd to t'ie pnyment of Táxea, exriniiriniion ol Tules, purchase and ealc of Lnirls. Sc. &o.Aïtybusinees entruated tohini will bc transnetcd witli promptneGfl and occurucy - Addrcsa by ma.l. Rrfvrcriccs, (Lij permistión. ) C. Efu'rlbuf, Detroit, J. C. Heartt, iiroihcr & Co. ) Wilder & Siiow, ] roy' Wnodbiirv. Avery & Co. } ,r w , R. G. Williams, } Ne" YorL ".ícain Foundry?? THE undorsic;ned havinfr hought the enlirö interest of H. & R. Partridge and Geo. F. Kent in tho "Ste;'ni Foundry," Ann Arbor, will manufacture nll kinds of Casrings to order, and wül bo hnppy to fyrnieh nny kind ofCnstingn f') ihe old custorncre ol Harria, Partridge & Co., H. fc R. Partridge. fe Co.? and l'nrtridgc. Kent & Co., and io all others wlio may favor them vvilK a cali. II. R. ITARRIS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 56, 1846. 2H-tf To Sportsmcn. AGENEft.ALnssortmentofCasteeiandlron Rnrrel Riilee, doublo nnd single barrel Shot Gims, PípioIb, Guff Locks, Gome Baga, Shot Pouchcs, Pcwder Flasks. for sale by WM. R. NOYES, 21C-1y 76, Woodward Avenue, Detrpi{.