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WOOX.' WOOt! CLOTH! CLOTH!! Til E undcrsigncd woald inrorm the public ihat lliey continue to manufacture FULLEO CLOTH AND FLANNELS, JU their mauuljciory, two and a halfmile wi-i )f Ann Arbor, on tho Iluron Rivcr, near t'u ElaiiroacJ. terMs. The price uf manufneturing White Flannrl vvill be 20 cents, Fulled Cloth 37 cents and Cassi mure -14 cents per yard. or íalf the cfolh ih Wool will rnake. Wc will aleo excbuDge Cloili or Wool on rensonoble (er ma The colors will be gray, black or brown. The Wool bplonging to each individual will be workcd by itsclf when there is cnough of onc quality to inake $0 yards of cloth; when ibis is not the case, aeveral parjels of the sume quaUt) will bc worked together, and the cloth dividci) itnong the scveral owners. Wool sent by R'iil road, markedS VV. Koster & Co., Ann Arbor. wiih directions, will bc attended to in tho same innnneras if the owncr vere to come with it. - The Wool will be munuf'irturcd in turn n ii comes in, as near as m ly be consistent witli the different qiu.lities of Wool. We have been engaged in this bnsiuess sevcral years, nnd (rom the very general satisfaetion we have given lo our numcrous cusioiiiers for he last two years, we aro induced to ak a iarge sharc of patronage with contliicnce that we shall meet the just expectations oí citstomers. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Koster fc Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April G, 184G. 'JGO-iy CLOCKS AND WATCJIES ! ! ?9 nnHE Subscriberha8 juet jrT - rct;eived, (and is con_ jff roLfS 8ITantly. receiving) froni KuQ AaL w "or'c an elegant ai J rsiV 1 "sfÉitï Wcl' bclu(Jlcd assortment Jcwclry, CIocUs, Watchcs, c. fcc. which hü intends lo sell as loto as at any other establishment this side of Buffalo for rtady pay only aniong whieh may be found theioJlow ing: a good assortinent ol Gold Finger Rings. Gold Ureast pinsVristlcu Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea nnd Table Spoons (first quality.) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tongs. Silver Salt.Mustardand Crcani ipoonp. Butler Knivea, Gold and Silver Pencil' Cases Gold Pens, ' iet)cl l8 bilver and Germán Silver Thimbles. Silver Spectacles, Germán nnd Steel do. Goggles, Clothes, Hair and Tooth I'.rushcs, Lathor Brushes, Razors and Pocket Knives. Fine Shears and Sciasors, Knives and Forks, BrittanniaTea Totsand ;is(ors, Plated, Brass, nnd Brittania Caridlesticks, Snutlbrs &. Trays, Shaving boxes and Sonps, Ciinpmaii's Best Razor Strop, Calfant? Morocco Wallettj. Silk and Cotton purses. V'iolins and Bows, Violin and Bass Viol Strings, Flutes, Pifes, Clarionets, Accordeons- Music Books ior the same, Motto Seals. Steei Pens and Tweezere, Pen cases, Snufi'and Tobacco boxes, [vory Dressing Combs, Side and B.iek and Pocket Comba, Ncodle cases, Steletioea, Water Paints and Urushes, Toy Watches, a great variety of Dolls. in short :he greatest variety of toys ever brought to this market, F'ancy work boxes. chüdren's tea setts. Colocne Hair Oila, niellinj; Salts, Court PJasier, Tea Bells. Thermometers. Germán Pipes. Wood Penci!, BRASS AND WOOÜ CLOCKS, &c. in fact almost every thing to pleose the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yourselves. Ciocks. Watchcs and Jewelry repaired and svarranted on short notice. Shop at his old stand, opposite H. Becker'sbrick Store. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold & Silver. Also Pcrrifs Book Slorc in the same room. Ann Arbor, July lat, 131G. 27I-lyNEW MUSIC. BY E. IV ES JUNIOR. HHHE MOZART COLLECTION OF SAX CRED MUSIC.a collection of new Church music, consisiing of Psalm and Hytnn tunes. ui thema, chants &c., adapted to ihe various meiros now in use, contuining n new mithod of iustruction in tl e rndiments of Music, designeJ lor Singing Schools, Musical Associau'ons, Cliurch Choirs and prívale Insutútion Being as the publishers believc, the best collection ot new Music ever publishod in thia country. The Kook will be eirculdted in all the month of Septembor. Teachers who ciunut cali on the Publishers wlll find copies íjr examination at the principal Bookscllers throughuut the United States. PAIxE & BÜRGESS, Publishers, (0 John St. Nkw Yurk. New York, Aug. 8, 146. 278-4w IVES MUSICAL SKRIES. The Musical A B C, a mcihod lor teaching the ruiJitneni8 of f.iusic, with songs to sweeten study. Re-ail. $0,25 The Musical Spelling Bonk for Schools, with Musical recreation aa a relicl ïxom study, 5() The Musical Realcr, i,00 The Bothoven Collection, 1.00 The Moirt Collection of Churcli Music. consistin of new and plensiri" tunes ndapied to the uso of Singins Schools and Church ('lioir? For sale at Ptnisy's BooKSitiKK, Anti Arber. Michigan. NOTICE. Washtk.vaw County, ) CtKISKS Ot KICK. ) SS' THE nhnnal meeting of the Bonrd of Super visors, for ibis County. will bc held at the Cour' House m Arm Arbor on WcJncaday the 12ih day of Octobernext. B. KING, CIcrk. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4, 1846. D1SS0LÜTÍOÑT' THE Co-partnership hcretofore existing tinder the name and fian of D. & E. Lesuer, is b y mutual consent thiiuay dissolved. All those who are indebted to enid firm by note or other'ise aro requesterf to cali and settle the same without cíelay with E. Lesuer, who i& nuthoricd ter adjust iho business. DAVID LESUER, ERASTUS LESUER. Anri Arbor, Aug, 13, 1840. 27tMw TAKE NUTICE ! Ir LKSUER will continuo business nt the Li ulil starvd, where he w.Il hold himself in roadiness to walton liis custonicrs in thel'is styie and nt ihe shortest nDtico. Goods plenty - pnces low - cafl nd see for yoiirselves, 278-Hw MEDICAL B00KS. A NEW lot of Medical Books. just opened and for salo clieap for cash ai Juno 15. 270-tf Perry's. THE LIBERTY MINSTRÍL ONE HUNDRED COPIES of the fifth cdition of tiis bighly popular work are for sale at the Sisnal odke at 50 cents sitigie, or $4.50 per dozen. Torms Cash. Now is the time for Liberty choirs to supply themselvca.