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ÏÖÖKS! BOOKSÜ I f'S.V: VIS Í At Ferry's Book Store. TÖ CGffJE PUBLIC! IM IK útidóísTgried havipg rcturned fro:n Néw , Vork wuli a ncw, Iaio and vulii.iblo stock l. foot-s Sléioiéry and Paper Ilangings, iiow reády tu scll lor Cnsli, :iny lliing 111 liis (, ne m hu" ncw fiaiid on Mtiin streef, ppoicll. Ceckcr's Brick Storo. J Ie will sny to !)k purcliaWra. that. by his cilVis lnst fa IJ on a tcMirn froni New York, ilie pricè ol nr nly yery iliïnt in hts line hos been sol tl i 168 iBan iprtioforo. mul lind it not lor liim. puicliaera would havo conti nuqd to puy the pri.ceahcfeofoic cTrtrgcdi , jlc can sny ilso. thnt lus snlcs havo leon leroiidliia mos! fiin-iuino (wpectnti.08. sjióving oncluRivcly that a public beiicfiiL-hir. althojJgh iver so email , will not go tinrowarduil in tliiöinilinhiencd eomnmnity. He 'm thankful Cr llie Tnvors nlrcarly bestowed, nul w.inW roapéctfuilyaplicitacbntinoaWcé oi the trnde: mui lic would s:iy t ihose who liever li;ive nuc'nJ Itopka ol liim. ibat lic will sliow iheni arucles and pnces witii plepsure ;v nny itio ihey niay cali wlietlier tliey wish lo pureliase or Cash orders from the country "i!l bc itiendrd to, and tbc books pocked ns well n if the pr-r sonsworeprcsoñuq altend lliepurchaM. üc will aleo faell to childreu as pheap as their pirent:'. . i i hirchn8Cra will do well to examine lus stock nnd irices hefore purclr.iFint' elaewherc. Don'! forsirt lirjifirr: lc surc yon culi aPERBYSJB.OOK ST.OJfcE, m Máín Slreet, feto doors South of the Pifbïic Square, in the same room wilh C. Jiliss, Walcli Maker and Jewcllcr. V, M. It, 1'EIIRY. Aun Arbor. June 27, 18IG. ÜO'J-tf TT1D RtKSÏSiaÏÏI ACBIIií B5S.rllK undersigned wonld intorrn ihe public ni lic manulnrturcs Horsc Powern nnd :i 'hreshing Machines nt Seio, ol'o superior kind Ui ïvcnied hy himself. Thesa PöVL'efa'nnd Machines nrö particular!) tlapted lo the uso of Farmers who wfch to us . ïem lor inrestjing thcir owb gr -in. The powr. ihrcsher nul nxtttfes can hll bc loaded inio n oninion w.ogqn box nml drawn wilh one á air of horscs. They are designed to be used i'ith fout horsea. nnd oro obnndnntly etrons ioi bat ni-mber. mid mny be pnfely uqed with six Oi islit nórscs wiih proper cora. They work wilh essslrcnpthof horses necording to U10 nmount otlusiness dono thítn nny oihor power, nnd will hresh gonernlly nbout 2f)Q bushela v heat per lay wjlh loiir hortes. In or.e in.tnnco I5S nishcU wheat were threshed in thrce hours ,viih (our liorees. Tliia I'ower nnd Mncliine coninin nll the nd irantogc8 necÊSaary to muke tliem prolitoblo tó bc puicli.isor. They nre stropg nnd durable.- Tliey nrc ensily movod From onc plnce to nnotlidt. The work of lbo horses is ensy an thjiw nowrrs in cónipnrison to oiliers, umi the price it LQWjKR tlinn niiv otlier power nnd maeliino. have óver been eold in tlie Stato. nccojding t tjie renl vnlue. The torrns of pnyraent wil! bc liberal for notes ihat oro ktiowa to bo absoluiely good. I havo n nunibcr of Powrrs nnd Machines now ready for pnle nnd persons wishing to bu ure invited to cali soon. CLEANERS. I expect to be prepnrfid wt:h'n a few daye !(■ moko Clcnners for those who mny wnnt tbeni. The ulility nnd advanin;e3 of (his Power nnd Machine wíil appeát evideül to nll 011 èxarninin hc recorninciHi.itions below. AH per5ons nro coutioned ngninst ninkinp i.hcso Powcrs nnd Macliint-s: the underaigried having mloptcd tho iiecessury tiicnsurea for secu rinRlettcra pntent for the sanie within the umt required by law. S. W. FOSTKR. Scio, Wnsbicnnw Co., Mich.. June IS, 1346 HKOO.M MKNDATION'S. Dnrins the yenr 184&, ench ol ilie undersigned piirehnsod and nscd éither individunlly or joinily with others, oi:e of S. W. Foster's newiy in vc.ntcd Horsc Powcrs nnd thjeshing ïnchiivr;. md lielicve tlioy are botter ndapted to the usc ol Fnimcrs who w;ini Powlms and Mftcliinee foi ihcir owii i'so tlini nny oiher power nnd lliffiiher wiibin ur knowledgrt, Tlicy nro ralculntcd 10 be used witli fout horeè? nnd are of ompii strengih ioj that nuiubftr. They ntponr tq b uons'trticted in sucha mnñncr na to reud;r ilietr vcry duinlile wilh linie linbiliiy of eiiini 0111 o' order. They are eisily tnovcd fruin on3 plocï to anoiher. They ennbe worked witli niiy liujn !er of hands froni foiir to ticlit. and will ih'resl nbort 2U0 bushela wlifnt ppr d;iy. J. A. POLrTEMüS, Sciój Wnshtcnaw co G. BLOOI). " T. RICUARDSON, " " SAMUEL JIKALY, " " 5. P. FOSTF.R, " fj N. A. Pil FA J'S, " " ADAM SMIT, " J. M. BOWEN, Lima. WM; WALKEfti Wobhter, THOS "WARRKN, ' " ]). SMALJ.KY, J.odi. " I threshed laat fall and winier w.'th ono of S. W. Fonter's horse powprs. more than fiftéèn thonsnml Imshels grain. The repnjra bestowcd iipon tlie power n'mbiintcd to onjy (. (.ents. nnd it was in t!od otder when I had done threshing. 1 invariably used six horses. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June (í, 131(5. I purchned one of S. W. Fosfer's horpt ) poweis last fall nnd have used it lor jobbintr. l . have used mnny difl'erent kinds of powers and believe ibis i& ilie best running power I have everscen. D. g. UENJN'ET. i Hnmtfurg. June, 1840. 5 We puiehaspd ono of S. W. Foeter's Mor.'.f j Powcrs inBi liill, and have uscd it and thiuh it ir . a iirst rate Power. ' JESSE Tl A LL. j).ii:i. s. HALL, HEUUICN tí. HALL. Hamburg. June, 1Ö4Ü. 269-tY p , !18A0. 1816. TEMPERANTE HOUSE. MILTON JJAHNEY OF TIIR icaml)oat Hotel, DETROIT, IS no w re dy lo accommodatc lis friends and ihc Travelling Public, widi ;ill iliosc conven iericcscnlculated to moko tlicm conilortabic, urn! with jiiits tsuit tkè'timisi M'.als liL-cnhj-jivc Cents. Tirst fort in ihc, ('iij J'or Ihc same Monei, Gever al Sttipr. Ojjicr. Stcamboals Icnv' Dr.troit for Jii'ff'tilo rry J'.rinhi'j. at ImlJ' ji'iïl (i u' clorli. ( Usiially.) The Jlailroads are vilhin fivc mijiuleé ridc of the Steaviboal Hotel. 272-tf L"YA Kegs of Eastcrn Nails, just receivcd LPJJ a,)(] fOf snp yy VVK.LIAM R. NOYRvS, .Tr 76, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1 3-14. L42 TÖ TUE FUBIilC. THE subscribe wishes to inibrtn the public, thnt he hiiR complëlcd liip new Jjrick uuildini in the Villogeof Howcll. and hflsfiued it up. togethcr with Barns mul other Buildings, for a permanent Tavrrn tand. Jle luis now oponed ilie snine lor tho Qccorncnodntiori of thn public, nnd wil oruleavor to rnrike hi hnnnofl quiet restinj plneo Air the travcllcr. The ÏTonse wil) he kept upon striotlv Tempcrnncc principies, at cjifirgen which wil] ooinpnro wiili the mos! rcasonaMo, '''tbojigh it should demarul eoni9 pecupinry sneriiice to enctain it." Tn t!ic frirnds o' lihcrty nrul crjual figlit. the "JJiriNK.v llni'sr." snow oilbred vou with ihe motto: iiLVi;rli ' Tcvipernner." E. F. GAY. I Howcll, Liv. Co. April 50, 184C. ÜGJ-tf I