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To Liberty Friends

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Applications have been mado to 'hc Central 'ommilico to pcrmit somoof the towns to apply " ie contriuulions which wcre promisod to the a late fund, to be divcrted to town lectnrers. A lomonts rcflection will convince fnenda thnt lis diversión would not bo just towards us, nor '; ght in iteclf. C At much expense we stnrted the Agcncy cl :m. lts object was to créate n futid, whereby a enable us to aiipply every pnrt of the Stato with icturers and documcnts. We laid the proposal nfnrfi iricnds bv onr agcnts Treadwell and Kibb. . %he Towns responded by a plodge to suetain us y a specified amount. On i is faith we hnvo jrredcertain ongngcmcnts, for lecturorp, I lonts, extra Signáis, printing &c. Ifíhotown i inde do not come lo our hands, how nrc we to lotthobill? Aro wo to pny it ourselves 7 It , ■as incurredon a epccific - nny a legal engageicnt with ub. It would not bo just to have thue 'brought 8 ínto expense, and now lenvc us in t,e gapBcsidcs. if one town diverta its promiscd cn tribution to nnothor object or person, wUy no. another Town do the snme 7 In tlns wny the wliole fund mny be uscd up, without ever coming to us: whot is to prevent an active lecturer iravei-sinj; n great part of iheSvatc,and receiving fundí mr ïTincliinery and rncans have accumula. tod ? Il íb weil known, that under the ottraction of our lecturers, Bibb and Treadwcll, grulierincs ofpcoplo were got, tliat could nototherwiso hav been collected: and many wero excited to contribute. wlio would not otherwisc havo boen accesjible. It would not be jus: that tho fruits of theso mensures should pasa toother objects especially aftor we had inenrred rosposibility and expenso on the failli of their pledge to ua. We would gladly encourngo friends to mako every domestic cfl'ort, and would rrjoicethat they did so. But they otight to provide mcans for tiiis. distinct from their contribuiion to the Stats lund. This (umi vraa designed to enable us to supply the whole State, as wc deemed most judicious for our commo cause. In the Stale aro raany lociiütios remóte from. ordinary travel, nnj destituto of antislavery figb't, yet anxiously Jcsiring if. Fricnds thore, ore too few to raiso mnans to pay lecturors. and thoy look to ilie moro fiivorod part of the State for asaistance. Tho State fund win designed partly to tliia ol.j -et. Should not friends do in rclation to tbis causo what they do for the suppor of the Gospel- provide for themselvos n home Minister, and alao cbntribvitfl for the destltute ? Friends must not supposo that we desiie to interfcre wilh iheir domest'c measuros. Fr from it. We would only point their alteniion to the position wc must be lcA in, if the promised fund are tnken from us. If these como to ua, and como in season. we wil! da the best wo can for tli whols Stnte.' and if wo fnfl we nmtrt clarh the considcrniion of friends. ana ihoy wi1 duly allow for our limitod trieán'v, and tho limited time, wo can paro from tiro ortíinnry duties of life.