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ÍVJEW COOKIfttt JSTOVE M i And Stoves of all kinds. The stilisenLier would cali ihe uiicnuon oí the' ittblic to Woolson's Hot Air Ccokiitg STOVEVhicli lie ünti coníidently rocomninrl pk boinj k"cidedly superior to nny Cooking Su ve 111 use. or eimplicity m ope'rntion - eqonólhy iñ fiu'l, d fot uiK-qii:illc(l and RoMSTttO quiillf)s, u ís unrivnlted, The ncw nnd imponnnt iniprovemrni inroduced in its c'onstructioti being BÚ?h ns to inure grent ndvantages over n'l oüièr kinds of Cooking Stoves. WTLLTAM R. NOYES, Jr. 76 Woodu'ard Avcnuu, Detroit. Dec. Í2. 1845. . i i. HOLMES & CO., " WHOLESALE ANI BÉTAIL DEALERS 17Í ?TapLe AND FANCTf DRY GOODS, &r Groccries, CnrpelinSi atul paper Iftnigiiigs, ■ Ho. 03 Woodward Avenue, Lamed' ' Blvch, Detroit. J HOLMrs, tfáe Vori: ) : t .M. Hor.vf s, Detroit'. riTE mko hisniotliod of informjngourríendé f V and cusioiners tlirougliout ihe Sta'fe, iha e nre still püreuing tíie even tenor ofnur i.ys, endcrivorng to do on; bQsïnesa upon , ir id honor.ible principies. would Iho teñir our ncknowledgments for tlic pntronr ■- nded lo 119 by our cusiomers. and would beg ave to cali (he a'ÜénTion otiho pubfic to n vciy ell selected assortment oí" etasonaMe Got.r, liicli nrc ofiered at wholesale or retail at verv ■■ pricep. Our laciliics íorpurchasinc Cooii e ahaurpaned by any conrern in the S,taie ne ot tho lirm. Mr. J. JIolmrs resides in tlm iiy of New Yurk.nnd from his Ipifg expetíepco i (he Jobbing trado in t.'ini ciiy. nd rom bis lorjjug kbowkdpeof ,ie ñ,nrkef, he h ennled to nvail lnmself or iJjc nncrions anJ nnV eclinein .pnces. Wc aíso pnrehese fron. th'e mporters JMnnurocturer'erren-s. nnd Aom tbe uct.ons, by rie pnckage, t)e .c;irne ns ,. Y. Jbbers purchoye. tbus ínvin? tlieir profliP.- Ifrth tnese fncilrurs wc enn saiely s.-,y thnt ■ i - .oodsnre eoid chkap for ibe evfdence" of wlucli e tnv.tö tho nttention of tbe ,nib!ic to om ètpek. Gebold to the gu-nt principie ol -t'.c redtest good tp the irh;lr némíer:" eo rf yóú éirtto byv Geocfg chiap, nnd boy n &r íy or a (c 7onr; Civc ua a triol. Our st as exiensive ns nny n the city. nnd we nre nstanUy recciving new and frcs'h Goodsfrom' ev York. 50,000 lbs. Ttooí. , a".""d: ''cabove quamify oí gpöd rijërèlionfile Uoollorwh'ich the bighest morket pricí ill be pard. ■ J. IIOLMCS & CO. Detroit, J]ny 2.9, ]?4G.' 2M-:f.lo il ooi Growcrs. T E bet' ieave w irrfófm oúr Wóol Grov.-inT frijnde, tliat we ehnll be prepared fvr tbe rcnnse of 100,000 Ibs. n cod clean mcrcnontable nrticlc. oa eoon' the setisnn poIIihü coinnieiices, as ve are nnected wuh Knstcrn v.ool déniers, vre slinll ! nble to pay the : liiu m pricn the Eastern mar vul aflord. Gre.-it ÓompUShi wïs itisdc íást nson amongat the Etófern Déniers nnd Manir-J ciiirers?in relirencc :o the.poor condilion m lich.gan W oei- much of h being in bod order rt a cönsjdèrnBfe portion Bèiug uvieathid. We would here mké occasion lo requeit ilint e utmost pnins ehould be takon 10 hare the eep well w.-,shed Lolore BhearW, thal lli Tac 'cfisbe cüt ófT.jjnd tlirt cnch Flcece he careHTtied tfp witB proprr wor.l iwiné, (cos '-o crpp.v II..; umpinine is tho ! tound greatlv ro ili-ndvmimpc of M 3!o putupiheyr; woor in ihis „,-,;-,.,. I ,,- islied won] )s nut metcbnniible, nnd will [a lected by most if' notall ofilie WujI buya il ing diiticuk to cJeon. J. HOLMES & Co. VYOOUWARD A VMT. ■ . . Larncrds j: Detroit, Mnr.cli2G, Ï846. 2".?-tl OR SALF. AT. LOW PRfCE A;ND EASY Tl-IiMS. rlIE SubjiSrifeéf offer lor s.ile n íarm. in tlio mwn of Dcxter. of 106 ncrei. bou; - ■ res improvc-a. AtíP" a Fnrm nt the roonjth pf oney Creck ín Srcio, ." niilea fn.m thia vi I teaceá, 90 acres n, ,.,-., . ,;. M.:i farii) mie froin iins vil.i;e ofl60 acíes, WO aerea proveí!. Ench oCtlicsp Farms nre desii nied or resldcncrs:. hove ?on-i büjldínga ntul NaU well wnrereif. Afeo two dwelluig bousvs i loi. iri tlii viiírtro. 3W0 v;?rice l-ir-s: 24ortT lotsor'iilio'uf ono ncrc 11. in (hè ;iiuiir!i;ile víciiiitv .f ihis vil!iic . ncrc-s timberecj land., nnd ñOacr.s jmproved f n nule Irotn this villnge. ilao f sil] iii the Presbytcri.Tii rnee'inghousc v oí the abovo mentioned príporty wrltbé il at fair prioos nnd on a credit oí ? fthf imruf money- Ti te Perfict. HttlfC(l-A SPAN OF GÓ0D IIOR3 IN r.VV.IKNT. WJLUAMS. MAYNARD. nn Arhor. !Tny II), 186. 264-6iuÏS'4ti. íí O L ESAL E & R E T A I L. A. M 'PARREN, OKSELLERANDSTATIONEB. SMARTS JBLÓCJC J R V F K R S O f AVKMIE, DHTIIOIÏ. 'EEHS consta ntfy íor salen complete atoórt . nieni f Misct-H.-innous. ScboOl -md CWdsí:15oi)!v-, Leiter.nird Cfcfl Pnpcr. ploin nnd ruV. Quills, Jnk. Srilüig, Wax. Cutlery, Wrap; I'.-iprr. JViunni: Paper, oi' all giZCt; nnd LAX JJÜOKS. mil and h,!j bí d, ofeí varuty of RuHnfr, Meniomncium Bookp &c g MercliBnts, Toncbtíre, aíid oftiere, buyina iiiuiiie.o. a larce discdnoi mude. !bbatli School niiü litblo Society Deposifor. p JJ7-II Ti:.MPKH.,,E IlülJSE.B. l!iri.!:' woilW s;iy (o liig iienrl.= llic lri-iifís oí" Tempen rice, ihat has n the Teñipcroneo fíouse, lately ktpt liy . (. Vvheaftit), hei-e he woulc! lio j;li(l 10 apon i'ipiii. ilny ar.J Oaus -inJ StabbliiigíCommodaie téanj. olrbjt, Jánuory I, ISi. JPa pc r lia iu;iias. LARGE lot of Paper Honging, and Bot'. . denucr, í.ir silu clieupor tlinn" ever ctíí;cd na village, nt . PERRY'S BOOKSTOR: J)-.70-if