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The American Board--colonization--yale College, &c.: Corresp...

The American Board--colonization--yale College, &c.: Corresp... image
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Letter to the Editor
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New Haven, Sept. 12, '46. Mr. F08TER - The present has boon a busy week in thisbeautiful city. The American Board of Commissioneri for Foreign Missions commenced its S683ions here on T'josday last. Thero must have been from abroad fiomi fourteen or fifteen hundred persons ia nttendance. The nnmes of eightv6oren corporate, and of near fivc hundred honorary metnbers, wsrc handed In. The business of this Board was a few years ago transacted in a private parlor, but on this occasion threo Inrge Churchcs were used, two of which woro filled to their utmost capacity at lhe same time. The grealer pnrt of tho sessions was occupied with the reading o reports bv tho Secretarios and Commitiee.. Thero appeared to have been more t het n the usual number of revivals, at the Mission stations during the past year. On Wednesday evening, memorialson the subjects of Slnvery and Polygnmy, were read by Mr. Greenc, one of the Secretarles. On Friday Morning,aCommitlee of which Chancellor VVahvorlh was Chnirman, reported in nnswer to them. The substance of the report was, that as the Board had expressed Is views al length in regard to Slavery during lhe Ia6t nunual meeting, it was unnecea6ary to add any thir.g to them at present, nol having seen any renson for changing them. As regarde Polygamy, it explained the circumstances of ono or two casas that had been specified as existing and asserted that the Board had not given any encourngoment to Missionnries to tolérate it, by ndmitting into Churches any that continucd in the praclice, but tnat Missionaries must be allow tlio liberty of determining individual cases ns they occurred, nnd that no iarther action needful at this time. The reading of the report was followecfby a very animated The floor tvas first obtnincd by Mr. Trask of Mnss. then by Mr. Perkins ol Meriden, Ct., Ihen by Mr. Patten of Hartford, all Abolitionists. Thoy contended that iho Board should state explicitly its opinión "when such fundamental quesuonsof morality were fairly brought before it, and not pursue a course guided chiefly by expediency : that the conununiiy wished to be satisfied and to know what to depend on; The same spirit of conservatism and of inaction was manifestcd by the officers nnd the older members of tho Board as heretofore, whenever slavery was int'roduced. Dr. Anderson said that if these question3 must come up anuu'ully, and disturb lhe hnrmony of iho meeting, thal he was in favor of giving up the meetings entirely. Dr. Bacon obtained the floor, and in one of the most eloquent and poworful speeches ho ever made, ho rèbuked tho spirit of inaction. He said that he would go ten times farther to attend a meeting to discuss nnd decido such questions, thnn' to attond one of mere sympathy and pleasing intelligenco. He told lhe Prudential Committee that a cause of thediminishod circulation of the Misslonary Herald; and the want of interest in it on the part of the religious community, was to be found in the factthat it blinked such subjects, nnd ihus failed to satisfy the demands of the age. The conservative D. D.'s pcrfectly ubhoi such discussions that require a standard to be raised against niquity in the Churches, or that in any way make the fallibility of the Prudential Cominittee appear, whicli they dclight so much in flattering and eommending. But such discussions do good. They show the advance of public sentiment. - This one, I think, was w.orth all the rest of the meetings. It showed that the religious community woukl not be satisHcd longer with silence in regard to the crying sins of the age. Several returned missionaries were present, and gave interesting addresses, when taking leave of their patrons for the last time. The Board adjourned, to meet at Buflalo, on the second Wednesday of September, 1847. Colonization has still lifc cnough in it, o make a faint cflbrt now and then, in his región. The Rev. Ex. Gov. Pinney, of Liberia, delivered an address in one of the churches of this city, a few Sabbath cvenings since. Among othcr hings, ho stated, that " in less than fiftyycars there would be no necd here of the colored population of this country." - Whut could bo better adapted than such a statement, to foster tho cruel prejudice thnt now exists against this class of people ? How can ho expect to gain the coniidencc or the gratitude of the three or ibur millions of Americans whom he thus proclaims to their fellow-countryrnen to be useless in their native land ? Who now perform more of valuable labor than they ? But this is the same spirit that has ever been manifesled by Colonization. - Tho speakor complained that there was too much disposition to despise the colored man, and deny him opportunities of uscfulncss. But I ascertained that he had a notico of his meeting given in all the churches of the city, but that of the colored peoplo. He, himself, their professed friend and advocate, neglected to extend to them an opportunity of usefulness, by contributing to aid the brethren to gain so delightful a home as is ofTered them on the sunny shores of África. The change that is taking place in public opinión by the discussion of Slavery, is very encournging and gratifying. You k'now that the New York Observer has been among the most ultra of proslavery journals in ,the country. It is a money-making concern, and therefore watches closely the weathercock of populnrity. But now, it finds its interest in taking anolher tack. A few days since, its Editor remnrked to a highly respected gentleman, of New York, that now he " must take up the subject of Slavery in earncst, and go for abolilion." He has made the discovery, that the circulation of his paper has been greatly diminishing, while that of which speak out fearlessly ngainst slavery, has been increasing. Slavery cannot long endure the light, that is pouring in upon it, froin all diroctions. The Commcncement of Yale College passed off with the usual excrcises. You have doubtless heard of the resignation of President Day. Prof. Woolsey has been elected his sucecssor. He has not yet formally accepfed, but it is supposed fhaf he wil]. While the merits of the d i fie rent candidatos were being cnnva3sed, it was amusing to notice the various opinionsadvanccd as to the fitness of ench. If one had conjmitted himself decide! 'y against any of the great sins that aillict the world, the doubt would be raised whether hc would be suífieiently popular. And espocially, if ho had ever had an opinión of lm own, in regord to slavcry, it was feared that the College would be injured by losing favor with the South. - Whcn will Nortlierners be freemen ?