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Eaton Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

Eaton Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Th i s Convemion nssembleii n Charluile on ;he 2?d inst. and was organizad by the nppointncntof J. Montgomery, Chairman, and C. M. Cady, Sccretary. Cunvention opencd wiih prayer. A nominatingcommittee of bve, chosenbythe chnir, reponed (lie following ticket, which was unanimously adopted. For Representativo - T T. Stebbina. 11 County Treasurer- W. C. Edsell. ' Registor of Deeds - Oiis Dye. u Sheriff- J. Montgomery. " Countj Clerk- E. S. Ingersoll. )st i Judge - H. M. Munson. 21 " " -Thomas B. Lamb. For Surveyor- L. S. Noyes. ForCoroners - R.R. ttlaxoa, A. L. Armstrong. The Coinmiitee on resolutions. rp.iointed by tl e chair, con3img ol V. C. Edsell and C RJ. Cady, reponed the following which, ofler some Jiscussion, we-e unanimously adopted. Resolved, That the Liberty party ij founded upon tha principies of Jusiice and Equality as :iJvocated by our Revoluiionary forefallicrs. Resolved, That we bolicre that the two great poli t cal parties of the day. ns national parties. ire ilioroughly proslavory in their characlcr and policy. Resolved, That vo regard slavery as a greai moral and jo!iucal evil, contravcning the fundameniul principies oí the Gospel and of a Repubücan Government, which, as c pecuniary evil overall. idows all the question9 of Banks, Tariils, &c. ut issue Letweea the two gteut political parues of the djy. Resolved, That rBgarding as we do tli6 qnesion of Liberty or Slavery as the paramount qvesdon, we cannot consistently sustain at the ballot 'jox pro?Iavery men or partios. A commiitee of one for each town was apaointod :o distribute tickets, and raise funds for 'he support of C. M. Cady, as alecturor throngh ihe county. H. M. Munson was aprpointod commhtee to iitcnd to ntlend to the prirtting of tha tickets and ihcir distfibuiian to the Towti Commitieo. Tho Correepotiding Committee for the ensuing yar was sppointed by the Chnir, consistinK ■f T. T. Stebbins, H.M. Munson, ond C. M. Cndy. Voied, that thr proccoding of thia Convcnton lie published in the Eaton Bugle, and Signal oí Liberty. Af er Liberty songs by C. M. Cady, on motion, the Convention ndjjurned.