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flCA letter from the Rio Grand of Aug 20, snys. - "One conipany has been reporting from thirty-five to forty-five on the sick list each day, and some days reported as high as fifly-three unfit for duty. In a tent next to me, four have died within seven days. As 1 laid down each night to take my rest, I could see bv the moonlight, one of these poor felïows, away from home and friends, laid out on the ground on one single blanket - tho noxl day he is carried to his giave, there put in without ;i coffin, and covered up. Not a day hns passed for ten or fifteen days, but whnt we have had a burial in camp." - Alabama Journal. Why not GrE Slaves the Bible? At the meeting of the Bible Society in Paris, one of the speakers is said by the correspondent of the N. Y. Observer, to have exclaimed -What a striking fact ! If the religión of Rome was n ihe Bible, w!iy does not Rome distribute this divine book ? Why have we alone Bible Sodeties % Rome condemns herself, when she obstructs as inuch as she can, the study of the scriptures, for she proves thus that is impossible for her lo stand on the ground of the wrilten Revelation. How applicable to the slaveholders ! If they believeïhe Bible allows of slaveery, they will be glad to have the slaves furnished with Bibles. The fact that they withhold the Bible from the slaves proves that they hwio its influence to be subversive of slavery, and their 6criptural reasonings from the Bible are mere false pretenses. - Emancipator.M. Soyer, the Reform Club cook, in a work recenily published, called the 11 Gastronomic Regenerator," says : - " During the last ten tnonths I had to furnish 25,000 dinners for the gentlemen of the Reform Club, and 38 dinner parties of importance, comprising about 70,000 dishes, and to provide daily for 60 servants of the establishment, independent of 15,000 visilors who have seen the kitchen department in that lapse of time."The whole dcficiency for the year in ihe Post Office revenue, will be only $540,000 - much less than has been anticipated. That is about what the North pays the South annually to convey its mails. Were it not for Slavery we could have 2 ets postage for all distances. A pretty thing it is, in the eye of the philanlhropist, the philosopher and the Christian, that each of the four "great powers" has a war upon its hands. - Russia sends her regimentsto shoot and be shot down by the Circassians ; Francepillages, bayoneta and smothers the Arabs; England keeps her hand in by a little by-play with the New Zealanders, taking the chance now and then for a wider field of exercise among the warlike aboriginals of Asia, Chínese, Sikhs, Scindians, Aftghans or Burmans, as the case may be ; and the United States play out the ir share of the game against the Mexicans. Pleasant is'nt it ? And consolating to the friends of humanity. - Very. - JV. Y. Spectator. Frknch Smoke. - The French governmcnt derivcd a nctt rovenue fiom tobáceo in 1844, ol more thon 15 000,000. On iho average each inhabitant of Franco smoked in that )-ear thirtcen ounces ; but tho greater consumpiion in this form was in the depariment ofNord, being aixtynino ounces to each individual; in the departmeni of the Seine, but thirty ounces; and in that of Loire unly two ounces. Pertinent. - Greeley says of Lawyer Licensing - "the restriction of legal advocacy to aselect, exclusive body, is not needed by good lawyers, and not doserved by }oor ones." Exactly so - and as true to other professions. An English writer states the timber of the bridge across the Danube, built bv the Emperor Trajan, was found to be sound when taken up, though immersed in the water sixieen hundred years. - The piles of the London bridge were also found sound after six hundred years use.