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Anti-slavery: National Liberty Paper At Washington: Report O...

Anti-slavery: National Liberty Paper At Washington: Report O... image
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At the general Anti-Slavery Convention held at Chicago on the 2-lth 25th, and 26th of June 1846, the friendsof the slavo then assembled, acting upon suggestions of gentlemen in difierent párts of Union, appointed the undersigned as a committee, to take into consideration the subject of establishing an Anti-Slavery paper at Washington, and to take such preliminary action as would result in the establishment of sucha press, should it be deemd expedient. The committee at that time reported in favor of the propriety nnd practicabilijy of the measure, and asked the privilege of further action, with permission to report through the columns of the Western Citizen. The commiltee are happy to be able atthis time to make a favorable report of the undertaking, and the successful pro gressofall the preliminary arrangements the complete success of the enterprise only now awaiting the will and the suppor of the friends of the slave and of univer sal liberty, throughout the Union. The committee with one exception, were liv ing at a distance from each other, anc therefore the principal correspondence has been done by the chairman. After free communication with many fnends in different State?, and also with one or two individuals at Washigton, and with a committee of gentlemen acting for the same purpose in New York, the undersigned are prepared to report the following propositions : 1. That the advancement of the AntiSlavcry cause imperatively requires the establishment of xzn Anti-Slavery paper in Washington, which may be regarded as the organ of the Anti-Slavery people of this nation. 2. That the expenses of such a paper will necessarily be great - more than will be met for a j'ear or two from the income tf the establishment ; and that it may bc enabled to move on with energy and without pecuniary embarrassments, the comm'ttee recommended the raising of $5.000 by voluntary contributions from all partsofthe country, which aura shall be placed in the hands of Lewis Tappan, Esq. of New York, as Trustee, subject to the order of the editor and proprietor of the said paper, ns his necessilies may require, any time within three years from the first of December next, after which time, if there should remain nny fuods uncalled for, that the balance be expended in the free circulation of said paper among the non slaveholders in the slave States. 3. That it is advisable that the paper be placed in the hands of an efficiënt and competent person, as his individual property, trusting for its final succes in the energy of private enterprise; and thatso much of the above sum as may be rcquired for tho establishment of the paper, be considored as a gratm'ty tosustain the burden of publication at its oinmencement. 4. That Dr. G. Bailey, of Cincinnati, the editor of the Philanthropist and Mornmg He raid, hns consented to take the responsibilityof the establishment, as editor and proprietor, on these term?, and with the subscription list of the Philanthropist, if therequired amonnt is raised in season, will commence the publication of a National Liberty paper at Washington, in the District of Columbio, on the first of December nexL 5. That John G. Whittier of Maas,, and Rev. Amos A. Phelps of New York, have given encouragement that they will act as assistant editor?, íhe Tormer in the Literary and the latter in the Religieus department of the paper.G. That snbscriptions of the amount of k'S and upward, be soliciteci from friends in every part of the country, to mnke up the sum of $5,000, and that the following individuals are appointed as agents for their respective states, to receive, collect, and forward to ihe Trustee, Mr Tappan. at New York, whatever may be paid, for tliïs purposo ; and that Mr. Tappan )erequested to acknowledge the amounts received weekly in the Emancipator, until he firèt of December, and after that time monthly, until the full amount be made up, and that other Anti-Slavery papers be requested to copy. STATE AGENTS. Mainc- Austin Willey, Hallowell. New Hampshire-Won. Joseph Cilley. Vermont - Rodney V. Marsh Brandon. Massachusells - Jas. G. Carter, Lancaster. Rhode Island - Wilünm Alpin, ; 'ence. ( Connedicut - Francis Gillet. Eastern N Y - Lewis Tappan, New York. Western N. York- E. O. Sheppard, Arcade. Neto Jersey - John Grimes, Boonton. Eastern Pcnnsyïvania - Wm. Eider, Phildelphia. Western Penn. - John A. Vills,Pittsburg. Northern Ohio - L. L. Rice, Cleveland. Southern Ohio - Thomas Heaton. Northern Indiana, - E. B. Crocker, South Bend. Souliiern Ia.- II. W. De Puy, Indianopolis.Illinois - Orlando Davidson, Chicago. Michigan - Chas. II. Stewart, Detroit. Wisconsin - E. D. Holton, Mihvaukie. " B. Brown, Beloit. lotea - Aaron Street, Salem, Henry County. Dist. of Coïumlia, - J. Bigelow, Washington. Maryland - J. E. Snodgrass, Baltimore. Kcnlucky - Henry Needham, Louisville. Eastcrn Tennessee - John Aiken, Cloyd's Creek, Blount Co. Western Teennessee - Wm. Wyatt, Fayetteville, Lincoln Co. North Carolina. South Carolina - Hugh M. Nisbet, Torbii's Store. Alabama - J. Caskey, Gaston, Sumpter Co. Missouri - Henry Smith, St. Louis. Georgia - John R. Dow, Augusta. Mississippi - John Cnughey, Storkville. 7. That the Anti-Slavery papers throughout the country are requested to eopy ihis report, and keep the subject before their reader?, nnd urge the imporlance of liberal action and prompt payment, until the requisito sum be obtained. And that the State agents attend promptly to this business, and take upon themselves the responsibility of appointing subagents, aud using the best rneasures imtnediately toenlist the liberality and the energy of their respective states in behalf of this subject. It should be remembered, that if our paper is to be issued on tho first of December, the funds should all be ia by the lOih of November, and at latestby the first of December.i he committee would add thnt the well known cha ráete r of Dr. Bniley as editor of the Philanthropist ; his well tried services as a friends of the slave ; his integrity as ihe exponent of the poliey. measures, and principies of the Liberty party ; his candor and clear-sightedness as a delineator of the stirring events of the times ; his talant and tactos the conductor of a public journal ; are qualificationsso well known lo the nation, thnt ihey feel that th selection which has been made for editor, will meet with a hearty and unanimous concurrenco throughout the country. The gentlemen who have given ossurance of their willingness to act as assistani editors, are equally well known, one as an accomplished theological scholar, with much experience as an editor, and aulhor ; a faithful reprover of ecclesiastical abuses anddepo-l tism, and corruption in high places - the other, the Quaker poet, as one of the most talented and accompilshed literary men ofourday, whose name is enrolled high on the table of fame, as the sweetest aiid truest of our native poets. With such men at the helm, the committee feel assured that thiá enterpríse will receive the confidence of all tliose who are interested in tliis subject, that the subscript!on to the gratuitousfund will bespeedily filled, that when the publication shall appear it will be patronized by thousands in every State ; for in this array of talent enlisted in this management, we have assurance that the NaUorl Ijiberty press at Washington ■wllï b worthy ofour conntry,nnd the interesting age in which we live.