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Send Back The Money

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We cupy the following from the Glasgow Examiner of the 22d uit. Tho ollusion 6 t: the money cellecied in the Slaveholding gections of this country by the Dclegntion from tho Free Church of Scotlar.'d. The money in question has alroady caused far more troublo and difliculty to (he Churcli than ït can ever benefit it, and il yet threatens n scrioue división of the body. The subject of returning it was agitatcd in the Inst General Apecmbly of the Church. nul decitled in the negaiive by alrgo majoriiy. but so far fjs-5 t !i 15 been from eenling the micstion. that it haeratlier tendeJ 19 inepire with new life tljuc-c whe are opposed to keeping it. The Preebyte ry of Glasgow havo already taken encaeures to brin the subject before the next Aeaembly, and it is quite likely (hat in the end the motiey wiil be retuined. - Ez. Paper. Th6suhj?ct eeeme to b aa popular as ever.- " Send back tho money" mseta the cye f tbc trayeller in every part of the city. In order to diminctncEs, it seems to be quite faLhinable to couple the ''aend back' witb names of minieters ad eldiire. and even ladiee are not exempted from tho nnenviable notoriety, "eend back die money, John Thonieon," "6end back the monejr, Mrs. Jameeon," (t6end Iwck the money, Dr. Candisli," flourish atevcry corner. Notsatifficd with the usual places for billa, the eacreéuees oí private property is no protOction. Sume Frec Churchman is eurprieed every morning with the deinand to "eend back the money" inecribcd on lus door, with hie name attached in very Urge cheractere. Even gigfl, and carriagee, and vcs 6el of every kind have tobear ilieir eharcof the popular ''send bnck."