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Four negro men and boys,bclonging to Messrs. Cuere & Coddin, ran away on Snturday night. They ore supposed to have been pilotcd and peruadcd off by abolition influencc. Two or tbrec of the pólice atarted yesterday morning for Alton, llinois, in hot pursuit. Nearly every day slaves are leaving their masters, and the only proventveis to keep strict watch. Tho facilities afjrded here for their escape have the effect to lepreciate the value of thïs kind of property very nuch. - i$t. Louis Xno Era. Peaches ik New York asd Lovdo. - We re informed tliat ponchee were sold ín New York, Satuntay, at eight cents a basket. ln'July, 1843, wc saw peachea sold in London at ten s'tillings a p'uce. We daro not ask any body to bclieve his statement - and yet it is made upon tbc cvidence which our eyea and eai furniahed. - Alb. Ece. Journul. Things to be Rï.MK.Mnr.RED. - The English buahel of wheatweighs 70 pounds ; 8 bushels, equal to 500 pounds, beinga quarter of a ton 'veight. 9jj bushels Americnn wheat of 60 pounds to the bushei, cqual to tho English quarter. Lf Garrison vrritea home from England, - "The temperanco causo, in tuis kingdom has made very litile progrers, especially among the 'respectable' and 'good society' folks. Almost wlierever I go to partake of the hospuulities prof (ered to me, decanters of wine are on the table, and not to take a glass of tnis poiaon is an act oí aingularit which immediately excites notice and observation." Gknkral Chat by Lightniitc. - Atl o'clock P. M. precisely, the Telegraph line was connectcd through the whole distance from New York to Buffulo, passing through the following stations, viz: Troy, Albany, Uticn, Syratu t Auburn, Rochester. Cufíalo, boing a total di_- tancc of 507 miles. Upon turning he adjusting screw of the magnet by Prof. Morse, all things were found right; and Prof. Morse sent hiscompliments to all the operators on the line. The firsi to nnswer was Albany. The compliments of the Albany office to ProfMorse and Mr. Wood. Utica office wishes to be remsmbercd to Prof. Morse and Mr. Wood. Aitburn office 6enda complimenta to Prof Morse and Mr. Wood. Buffulo sends complimcnls to Prof. Morse and Mr. Wood and presenta Lake Erie to Ol I Ocean. Jlocfiester office send conipliments to Prof. Morse and Mr. Wood, and presenta Erie Canal lo Crotón Aqueduct. Auburn presents State Prison to the Tombs. Syraciisc senda cumplimenta to Prof. Morse and asks how are the Yorkers. Troy saya, now give me a chance. Compü nent8 to Prof. Morsoand Mr. Wood; and now or tusincES is thcre is any, Ulica asks. ncud we keep dark any longer ? Troij nnswers. No. Announce it to the four vinds lliat Buffulo and Nao York are no longer separate- they talk to cachother by Ugfit nxng. This entire dialogue oceupied somewhat lees hen fine minutes. Capital ui the Copper Busihess. - The num ier of conipnnied engnged in the copper business n actual operation is nbout 90. and the nomiïal capital is over 1 5,000, 0U0. Boston seems o have enteted the most exteneively nto this )usincs9. Good Aivicf,.- Dow, Jr. in his sermón of ast weck, gives the following very excellent ndvice to the young ladies of hisñock : The buxom, bright-eyed, rosy-checked, fullreastcd. bouncing lass - who can dam a stockng, mend trowsers, mako her own fiocks, comnand a regiment of pols and kettlcs, fced the pigs, chop wood, milk cowa. and be a lidy viihal in 'company,' is just ihesorl of a girl for mo, and for nny worthy man, to marry ; but ou, yo pining, moping, lolling, screwed-up; wasj-waisted, doll-dres9cd, putty-raced, con8umption-mortgagcd, ïmiaic-rnuidering, novcldcv.)Uring daughtcr8 of Fnshion and IJlenesi - you are no more fit for matrimony than a puU et s to look aftera family of fourtcen ckickens. The truth is, my dear girls, you won;, gene rally spcaking, more liberty, and less taohioneble restraint - more kitchen and less parlor - more egexercise and lees sofa - more pudding and less piano - more frankness and less mock modesty - nore comed beef and less corsets - more breakast anü less bishop. Loossn yoursolvcs a litile; more liberty and lesa restraint by fashion ; reathe the pure atmosphere of freedom, and become something nearly as lovoly and feeautiful as the God of nature designed. Bouino Square 1-Ioi.ks - 'A patent haa reconty been taken out, nccording to one of our cxchnnges, for an augur thnt bores siuare holes. - The inventor is undoubtedly entitled to a handsomc nntional reward íor a practical demonstraioh of ihe herctofore undemonstrable problem, amiliarly known as "squaringtho circle." The Pope's Wirx.- The lato Pope left a forune of seven milliona of francs, which after some religiouabcquests. is to bc divided among ïis relations, upon the singular condition tliat hey never contcst the will, and that they never take up their residence at Rome. Papal Missioxs. - It is said that the reccipts d'jring tho year 1845, of the great Roman Catholic society of Lyons, for the propagation of the faith, wero $693,000. This largo smn is made up chiefly of penny contributions.We remember having read some time ago tho excuse of a subscriber of a newspoper whowas cnlled upon to pay a bil! for the paper. He said, in the first place, he never ordered the paper j and if he did, he never got it ; and if he dkl, 'twas an agent ; and besides, ho paid long ago; and i f he did'nt, he has nothing to pay ; and if he had, he would plead the act of limitation. G&RAFTING THE ToMATO UPOX THE Potato. - At a meeting of the New York Farmer's Club, Mr. Meigs read from the "Annals of the Horticultual Society of Paris," an account of asuccessful experiment of grafting a stem of the tómalo upon the stalk of a potato, by which a erop of tomntos was raised in the air, and one of potatoes in the earth. A coriespondent of the Philadelphia Christian Observer in an article on Heaven thinks that its Happiness will consist in a "certain indescribable something." Beautiful Moral. - In LongfellowTs Hyperion, that casket of rare and sparkling gems, we have the following beautiful moral deduced from the story of the icro : " Look not mournfully into the past - it comes not back again. Wisely imarove the present - it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart." The original estímate of tho cost of constructing Girard College, with all its out buildings complete, was $900,000. - The actual cost so far has been $1,643,398. It will take to complete it $285,233, which, added to the above, will make only $1,928,683, over the original cost. How to stop a Paper. - Cali at the office and fork up arrearages, and order it stopped like a man ; and not refuse to take it out of the post office and sneak away like a puppy. Prize Money. - An advertisement appears m the New York papers, notifying the officers and crew of tho U. S. ship Yorktown to cali and recelve Iheir shares of prizemoney, on the bark Pons, lately captured on the coast of África. The Pons it will be remembered had on board several hundred negroes when taken. - The Prize money amounla to thirty thousand dollars.Jerry Phinney, a colored citizen of Ohio, who was kidnapped and carried into Kentucky some fivernonths since, has been released from bondage, upoa the payment of ƒ!? hundred dollars, and returned to his family and friends. The sum was contributed by the citizens ol Columbus. This paying S500 for liberty in a "tree country" is one of the pleasant incidents of the "peculiar institution." Indian Cork. - The importalion of In dian corn into England is increasing with rapidity almost incredible. During the month of August, 1845, the quanlity imporled frora Liverpool amounted to 9360 bushels, while in August of this year the importations reached 160,-146 busliels. To Make Hard Water Soft. - Add (o one bucket of warm water, one ounce of carbonate of soda, which renders it soft as rain water.Balancixg the shakes. - It is asserted that persons shaking with tho ngue, cao read first rate in a railroad car. - The two shakes neutral each other, and the body is perfectly stilh On the first of August last, the cholera made its nppearance in Teheran, in Persia. 40 deaihs occurred daily. The people were fleeing to the mountains, to escape its ravages. This fearful scourge sapproaching slo'vly hut surely. There are six sorts of people at whose hands you need not expect much kindness. The sordid and narrow-minded think of nobody but themselves ; the lazy will not take the trouble to help you ; the busy havo not time to think ; the overgrown rich man is above minding any one who needs his assistance ; the poor and unhnppy have neither spirit or ability ; and the good natured fooi, however willing, is not capable óf serving you. Foreiox N"obility. - The Chevalier F. de Tapies, in his recent work, "La France et '1 Angleterro," states that "in Russia there are 500,000 nobles ; that Austria numbers 239,000 ; that Spain, in 1700, reckoned 470,000; and that Franco bcforc 1790, had 360,000, of whom 4120 were of the ancicnnc no' blesse ; and that in England, Scoland and Ireland, on the contrary, there are only 1631 persous, from dukes to Baronets, ivho possess transmissable tites. Yankee Tactics. - The New York Ilerald says, that ';an American citizen can learn military tactics in twenty-four liours, when occasion may require." - Not a word about his learning to pay his debts, though those are tactics which it is rathcr necessary, which talks so much about going to war, should learn. If it takes a Philadelphian citizen four-andtwenty hoursto discharge a musket, we wonder how long it would take him before he could discharge a bilí I - Punch. An oldship, valucdat 80,000, that has been running fron New Orleans to Brazos for a few months has alreadyted to her owner $10,000, and is still picking up the money. She is owned by a Maine Yankee, and he is still as anxioua ns ever to have the war continue. The Chronotype must be thanked for the following receipt for preserving peaches. "Parethem nicely, take out thestones, and place them in glass jars. Then pour on as much of the finest powdered sugar as will shake down among them, and close the jars. They will thus keep without any scalding or trouble, preserving fully their flavor, as long as you can let them alone." Very nice, certainly ; but how is ono to get the peachea, the sugar and the jars ? - lnd Freeman. Most of our readers are probably aware that President Polk has the reputation of Jeinga very pious man. We never knew until recently how ho stood upon the subject oí Temperance, but the correspondent of the Baliimore Clipper tells the whole story : " There ars thousanda of persons who will insist that the President is a teetotaller. This is not so ; he drinks his brandy as regular as he does his coffee. Nobody cares, but it iswell forthepubüc to be disabused. During Mr. Tyler's ime, there was a species of wine called Black Warrior,' in the White House, which was exceedingly powerful, judging from the effect it never failed to produce." - Christian Citizen. At Gallashiels, a lown in Scolland, says a correspondent of tho People's Journal, the workmen of the different aranches of trade have established cooperativestoreSjSupplying themselves with food anc? clothing at wholesale prices, aud are doing very well indeed. Last year the provisión store announced a return of 50 per cent, upon the capital employed - and they also do great good to the town in preventing other shopkeepers from obtaining exorbitant prices for these a rticles.