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Thia e.cYÜnt rompound ís for sale bt tli-: propneior's Agenis. MATEAROS. 2ftMy J, HOLMES & CO., "WHOLE8ALE AHD RÍTATL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FAifCY DRY GOUDS, SPry Grocericn, Cctrpellttg, anti pispe? ÉJtingin%H) No. 63 Woodicard Avenue, LarnccTs Block, Detroit. j Ncic Turk. ) s M. íror.MF.s. D'.troif. ( WC take thisrviethod oí 'informiru "r fricnrltand customers thrúuzhout tfr tocare. tr we are stil 1 puremng'tíie eren tfftor ofon wt.ys, èhdeavoring to do our btifine! upon Ui and honorable principies. We would al.o tender our acknowledgmsn'.s íor the pjtironege .t tended to us by our customcra, nr.d would heg leivc to cali the ottennon of the public to very vrell selected assortinent of ee&aonablè Goods which are offared at wholesnle or rtail at ren lov priecs. Our fnrilíiicg for pí'rchí Goor are unsurpassed by any concern in the Siate - One oftheurm. Mr. J. Holmes resides in tfce cuy of Xew York, and from his ionir experience in the Jobbing trade in tfiat city. and from his ihorough knowledge of the mnrket. he i enabled to avail himsclf of the auciions niJ anv decline in prices. We a!ao purcha.e from rhe Importers. Manufacturéis Aycnts, and ftom the auctions, by the a;kngo. the s-ime as .T. T. Jobberg purchase, thus aavinrr t!ie:'r proíif?. - With these t'acilitieswe can Biüely soy thnt onr Goodsare soid chkap for the evidence of whieh we invite the attention of thepuhlic toour s'ock. We hold to the great cnrdinaí principie oí "the grentest good lo the ichalc nwnèer." so if yon wnntto bny Goods cheap. and buy a largt qpitntitij for a litllt vioneij give us a trial. Öur stock is as extensivo as any Lp the city, and we unconstan tly recciving new and fresh Gooda from New Yoi-k. 5O,OO@ Ibs. WQOÏ f, Wantcd. theahove quantity ol'good mtrehnntable Wool for which the highest market price will be paid. J. HOLMES A CO. Detroit, May 23, 1846. 214-tf TiTwöÖL BBOWËB WE beg leavc to inform our Wool Growing frinnds, that we shall be prepared for the purchase of 100,000 Ibs. of a good clean merchantable article, ns eoon os the senson for sellingcommences, as re nrr connected with Eustern wool dealers, we ahal! be able to pay the highestpricn theEastern market wfll ailbrd. Great complnint was mnde ]usi senson amongst the Eaetern Dealers and Mnnufacturers. n reference to the poor condition c Michigan Woo! - much of it beïng in bnd ordei and a considerable portion bsing üracashsfL We would here take occisión to reqnest thathe utmost pains should be taken to have ihr sheep well waslicd before 9hcarinsr. that the Tap Locks be cut off. and thnt each Flcece be carefully tied np with proper wool twine. (coat 183 ïo 25 ets per lb. ; hemp twine is the hesr: it will fce found grcatly to thi'ndvaninceof Wonl Growersto put up their wool in this manner. Unwashcd wool is not merchnntnble, and will be rejected by most if not all of the Wool buyer9, it being difficult to clean. J. HOLMES & Co. WoomvARD Atfjici;, Larnerds Block. Petroii, March'2G, 1846. Q-)7-tf ■ 1846. WHOLESALE & RETAIL A. M' F AR REN, B90KSiLLSD3íATQjfLBc SMART'S DLOCK, 137 JEFFRRS0N AVENUE, DETltOIT. KEEI'S constnntly for salea complete assort ment of -Miscellaneons, Schooi and CinBsical Books. Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Quills, Ink. Seafing Wax, Cutlery, Wropping Paper. Printing Paper, of all gizeê; and Book, Newsand Cannister Ink. ofvarions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and hall bo-ind, of every variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books, Stc. To Merchants, Teachers, and others. buying in quantities, alarge discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor. 247-tf CAN'T BE BEAT ! THE subscribers would inform the Public, that they continue to supply the State ol iMichi gan with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT The large nu mors of these Machines that have beensold. and me steadily incrcasingdemand for them. is the bes-t evidence of thcir real valué and of thcir esiiinntion wi:b thosc who have become familiar with their merits. Walker' Smut Machine is superior to othera in the following particulars: 1. As it combines the Bcating. Scouring, anc Bloicing Principies, it cleans the srnuttiest r grain in the best manner, retaining all the fric tion of the wheat, and discharging the smut an dustas fast as separated from the wheat. 2. ït is simple in conslritction, and is therefore lessliable tobecome dcrangcd,and costsless or repairs. 3. It runs very lighl, and is perfectly secure from fire. 4. It isas durable as any other Machine in use. 5. It cosfs considerably less than othcr kinds. These important points ofdiflerence have giv en this Machine the preference with those who have fair'y tried t. Among a larao nunibcro Gentlemen in the Milling Business who migh be named, the following have used ;he Machines, an'i certiSed to their exceilency and superiority: H. N. Howaru, Pontiac, Alich. E. F. Cook. Rochestcr, do E. B. Dasforth. Mason; do M. F. Fkink, Branch, do H. H. Comstock. Comstock. do References may also be hid to John Bacon, Auburn, Alich. W. llvo.N. do do 1). C. ViiF.i.Nn, Rock, do John Phips, Monroe, do H. DoosMAJf, do do A. Beach, Waterloo. do Geo. Kktchuw, Marshall, do N. Hem en ivAY. Oakland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Address E. O. & A. CRITTENTON, Ann Arbor, (Lower Town) Co. Mich. Aug. 24. 184522G-1y BETTERLATE THAN NE VER.' 'J'HE Subscriber h:is the plensure of announcing to tbs Public, thot he has just received from New York, nd openeda choice and well eilected assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of Dry Goorls, Grocerics, Crockcry, Hardware, Boots and Shocs, which he will sell at Very Low Prices for Rcady Pay in Cash, or Produce. Cash or Goods will bepaid for WOOL in any quantities. F.OBERT DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor, June JO. JS4C. -268' I i "-" - " - r ■ A LËATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDRED & CO., No. 123, Jefierson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, take i this opportunity lo nform their customers, and the public generally, that they still continue to keep on hand a full assórtment of fPrk 8-le Lenfher, Al". Laefs nnd FLn, Carriers' Tools, Ac. J'wTrrred do H.jrw md Coitar Lfather, ÍN n!ocK tnnn?d Upper L-ithrr, Coritean do Ojk " " M.rocco Skins, Trcnch tnnned Cnlf Skin. Seal do Oak rA llfmiock tnnned do Gint Binííins, líemtiiík tnnned liarnos and Bridle Lwther, Veer an-j Lmb do Ok 4 " " ÍÍ WUuenndColoredLinings, T- nri Tnp Lnthfr, Printed do Pktrtirt?. Phila'lpöia nnd Oliio; Shoe Runtet do minie, nd Kit of all kindB. Ai the Subscribers are now mnnufiicturir.g their own Leather, they are prpnred to sell as low nscnn be purchased in this market. Merchants and manufVicturers will find it to their ïidvantage to crII nnd examine our stock before pnrehasing elsewhere. {TrCash and Leather exchanged for Hides sncSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1816. 249-lyNEW GOÖDS! Choap for O a sla!! TUK Suiiscrib-rs beg leave to inform ihrir oíd cue o mera, and the public snerilly. thnt they are now receiviny u Isrg ana pplrnrlid nwrtmni of English, American and TF5 íutó, GOODS, Crocktry, Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dycstuffs, Drugs and Medicines. Alm a general asaortment of JR.ON. soitnbje for ironinjj Waartiona and Bucfgje, ifail RxJp. Horse Sho?. and Horse Ksife, iee: I.-cmi, Tin Ware and Tin JPlate - also a general arsortment of BOOTS 3r SHOE8, thicfc and thin Ie work, and cuatom work to iiit pnrcba&rre. All of whirh they will rel! on the Invreet powible terms for Cash or Barteu. Feeling confident na vre dn, that we cn mske it for the interest of nll thojm wishing to purchase any of the above mentioned GÓodf, we dn moit earnestk solicit at lenst nn inMtiition of onr Goods and prices before purchasmg elsewhere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. JVo. S. Exchange Uloek. Ann Arbor, JiOwer Town, Sept. 14, JP48. 22-tf 'CLOCKS AND WATCIIJ59 ! ! f&L rpHE SubBcriberhaa just 6=V JL receivcd. (and is con "ijkJ 8rant'y receiving) froni flf9 S íew York an eleynct ar.d tV i "wdö wcll selected aeaortment fcwelry, Cïocks, "Waiches, fcc. cc. wliicii he in'.endei to ell as futo a at any othcr establishment íhis síde oí Buffalo forreorfy iay only among wliich may be found theiollow jig: a cood assolmcnt o Gold ?'ingcr Rings. GoldL'renpt pins.Yristlets Guard Gbnfns and Eeys. fjilver Spoons, Germán Silvcr Tea and Table Spoons (firat quality,) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tongs, Silver Sali.Muetardand Creamapoon. Bntter Kisivea, Gold and Silver Pencil Catea. Gold Pens, " " Penci la, Silver and Germán S:lver Thimblea. Silvcr Spcctnclc8, Germán nnd Steel do. Gogele?, Clothes, Hair and Tooih Brushee, Laiher Jirushes, Rnzors and Pocket Knives, Fine ShcaVs and Scissors. Knive'aand Fnrks, Brittütniia Tca Potsnd Castor, Plated, Braee, anH Brittnnia Candlesticks. Snuffers &. Trays, Shavine boxes and Sonps, Chnnman's Be8t Razor Strop, Cnlfand Morocco WallctB. Silk and Cotton purecB. ViolinB and Bowm, Violin and Bnss Viol Stringí", Fintee Fif8. Clarionets, Accordeons - Music Books for the eamc, Motto Senls. Steel Pens anc Twcezre, Pen caeee. SniilFrinfl Tübncco hoxeí ívory Dressing Conibs. SkIc nnd Bnck and Pock et Combe. Neodlc cases. Stelcttoep. WaterPaints and lírushep. Toy Watchee, a grcat variety of 1)d1!b. in short :hc greatest variety of toya ever brought to tliis rnnrkct. Fancy work boxes, chüdren's tea setts. Coloene flair Oi'is. ?melling Hnlts, Court Piaster, Tea Bells. Thcrtnoineters. Germán Pipes, Wooil Pencik' BilASS AND WOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fnct olmost evcry thing to piense the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cnll and examine for yourEeivce. Ciocka. Watchea and Jcwelry repaired and warranted on short nolice. Shop at his old stand, oppoeitc H. Bocker'ebrick Store. CALVIN BLISS. Ñ. B.- Caeh paid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, Jnly Ist, 1846. 27J-ly F2HS! F2RE!! FJ. B. CRANÊ would rcspcctfully notify the citizon8 of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that he continúes lo act as Agent of ihe HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ond will insurc Propeny aainst 'osses by Fire, at the -owcst rates. end with despatch and accuracy. The Hertford Insurance Company is one of the oldest and most stnblc in the country, nnd all loseeseustained by them wiJIbe - as thcy ever have been - pbomptlt paid I Fire 9 a dangerons element and not to be trifled wi:h: thercorc. make up your mind to guard against. it and hon't delav ! A few hours delay may be your ruin. Mr. Crane's Office is in Crane's ncw Block, corner ol the Public Square, Ann Arbor. SPO-tf LINSEED O1L! ! THE Subscriber is manufacluring Linsced Oil en an extensive scale and ho is abic to supp'y KERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS, on terms more favorable for them than have ever before leen oflered In this country, and he i prepared to èüpply orders for Inrge or small quantiiics at prices eztremcly low. [TJi Cominunicatione by mail vül be promptly attended to. D. L. LATOUItETTE. LongLake. Genesee Co. Mich. 283-Iy TEMPERAÑCE HOUSE. PB. R1PLEY would say to his friends and the iriends of Tempercnce, that he hns Li!:cn the Temperance House, lately kopt by Wm. G. Wheaton, where he would be glad to wait upon thetn. Hay and Oat ind Stabbling o accommodate teams.' Detroit, January 1, lS-lo. Chattcl 3 orí gas es, JUST printciand fr alc o: thiu office in any quantify. 'TíHC unilcrsignetl having Durchnsed tiie i:i!ercs(8 ofhio partner in ihe Mnrble Business. v:iuld infornt thc inhabitan'sof thisand adjoininc couniies, thaf fie continúes ihc bucinrí-ft ot ihc )ld stand ih Upper Town. nenr thc Prepbyteritin Chnrch, where he wil! manufacture to oHt. Monuments, Grave Slones Paint Slone, Tablcts, %c. $c. Thote wishiníí to óbtnia .iny ortiele in hie linf of business will tindby call'mg tlmt he hns an oesortcient of White and VarigaUMl Mirble from the Eastorn Mnrble Qunrrie, wül be wrought ín Slodcrn 8tyle. nm! snld al eif'èrn prices, Billing trnnsportction only. Cal) snd ge theproof. J. M. ROCKWRLL. Ann Arbor, Jtily e, 1810. 27á-Iy CENTRAL LAND AND TAX AGENCY, J.vcksos Michigan. Office Second Stort of ihe Bride Block adjoining American Hotel. THE aubscribers under the nnme oí Hur'.but & Trcadwell. havine eMnbliehtd nn office ni Jacks'in. for tlie purposeof traiisieting busi ness as General Rm1 Kstate Agenta, veitt give thcir personal attention to The parchase, nni salí of. Real Estáte, Faitncnls of Ttsr.s n Land, Rcdccmivfs Land solí for Tazes, Er.aminatton of Tilles, Conrttatirrs. and such mher baainess os pertains to a General Real Kstate Agoncy. imenuing pcrmancntly lo to continue the above Agency, nrrnnemems have been niao'e wilh cxt;nsivc Real ICötaic Oífices at the East, throuli which tho eno oí improved Ianda muy be matcrialiy facilitateil ; and dcsiring lo remlcr itaa b:in fijial n pueible, a register o! such real pj[Lpeny for ale, 8 m'iy be furnished us, witli pnces, terrns, pnriicular description, &c. will be kepí for the inspection of purebasere, and when a 8ile ís eflfected, a coinmission of 2 per cent is expected from the scller. A catalogue of Lands, Farms, or other real propcrly for sale will be piiblishcd and extenstvely circu!atcd by our o Hice, and ownera of such property, desirinjí to find owners. can evail theni eelvts oí (bis medium, by forvvarding to uso particular description oftíie proporty, wíth pri ees, terms. &c. and One Dollar forcach deecrip tion advertieed. Our charges for all 6erviccs, will ir. all ca8C6 be reo8onable. - O"" All letters must be poetpaid. H. HUULIiUT. J. M. TJIEADWELL. Jackeon, Sept. 164C. 2tí2-2m T!ie undereigned will continue to attend to thc praciico of his profes-jion, and will devote particular attention lo thc col lee t ton and 6ecuring of claims, ForccloBurc of Mortgagea, and draíting of Deeds, Mortgages, Contráete, &c. i. M. TREADWELL. Cheap Hardware Store. nnilE Sub3criber takes ths metliod lo inform JL hia oíd cu8tomcr8 and the public generally that lic stillcontinuc8 to keep a Inrgeand general assortment of Forcign and Domcstic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. Wrought. Cut and Ilorbe Slioe Xails, Glass, Sheet Iron, Hoop iron, Sheet and Bar Lead, Zync, Briht and Aneniea Wirc. Molasses Gates and Fascetts, IVlill Saws. Cross Cut Saws. Hand and Wood Saws, Hack and Kr-y ííole Saws, Anvils, Vicos, Be!lows,Adzes,Coip. er'8 looli-, Drawirig Knive3. Spoke Shaves, Tup Borers, Cnst Sieel Augurs, Coinmon Augura, Aiiur Uitts. IJollow Augurs. Siecl and fron Squares. Griund Piaster, Water Lime, GrindjStoncs, TotashjCaldronand SugarKettles. Cable,' Lo. 'J'rnce and Halter Chains, Broad, ííand and Narrow A.ves, Spirit nnd Plumb Levels, logether with a general assortment of IIoIew Ware, which will be sold low for Cash oapproved credit at J 23, Jefiersou Avenue. EIdred's Block. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. IGth, 184G. 248-]y CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Sepcmtors re made and sold by iliesubscribers,at thcir MaIjine Shop, ncar tho Paper Mili. Lower Town, Ann Arbor, KNAPP & HAVILAND, Jan. 19, 1846. 247 tf'T1 HE prcccdiug ligurc 13 givcn to repreen the Intendible Perepiratioñ. It ia ihe gita cvacu -tion Ftit the iinjurtlij of the body. It will that a tnkk .cloudy mist issues from .il! points of the suritcc, which indícate that thi (riiiraiiuii ftowrè when we ite in hc-iUir. butcoa#ci wlnn wc re ick. Lire cannot be susumed witlrom it. It ís thrown off Ironi the blood mul olfier jiiicea of the body, and diïposé ly t'.iis mem, ui itcarly all the imuiuitica wiüiin ib. The blootl. by llüi meane only, works ileH pure. The langunge of Scrip iuiei6, iEin tbc íílood íh :he LU'e." If it ever becorncs impur, il nxy be traced directly 10 the !i'i i1 '' of ttte liiciiKÍl)lc PcrFpjrHlion. It ncve requiia any internat medicines to clcanec it, as it alway ■ puiifie frtwlF by iImish heat and ac turn. niïd turowa off a!l the offciiding hnmors ihrpuitii the Insensible Perspiration. Thus we e all thtt is nccetiwry when tin: blood is stagnant, or infecte!, i to open the poyes, andit ro Revea rtcèiffrooi ill intpurity instautly. Iisown hem nJ viifcliiv re curucivnt, without oneparL-c'e of medicino, except to open the poref upon the Buriface. Thas wc -c the íóííy'al ta&ing'ec mnch in'ortnl remedies. Ail prBcñtioners, how over, dir.-ei tl-ir eff rtB to restore the insensible peu-i:-m, hut it teeris to bc uot always tht prbpi r 0110. T!e TiiompKonian. for instance M!!i h, the Hydr.ipathutshioudb itaio wet blank e, tlt U'MooMiii itdealüout mfiniiisfiinials, the Ali.Hrt(h:ftt Meed and duiieiu with mcrcury.nni ti:; biu'ering iaack gorges us with piiis, pills (vilo. To rí vc ome idea of the aranunt of the Insen ibie 1'erfpudtiot), we wilt state that tito leurnet Dr. Lewehtackj and the gieut Boerlisuvc, a6cer tain."l tbt fivc-iíjghthíiof all we reccive into the etoiuch, pncd olT by thi mcans. In othe word, if we ent and drink eight pounds per óny we vacíate five pound of it by the Insensible Perspinition. Thi6 je none other ihnn the used up pnrticle of the blood, and othcr jtiict-6 giving plnce to the new and freeh onea. To check thi6, therclore s to retnin in the eystem ilv-eichths of all the viru'wm matter that nature (cmundn shouldleavc the iody. And even when thie 16 tbecaée, 1I1 bhod ié f so active a principie, tbat it determine t' c parüclcs 10 the skis, where they ffirm ocilj6, pimples, ulcere, and other sputa. By a ewo'dea transition iroin heat to cold, tli pores are etopped, the perspiration cenBca, urn dtscae bcgins st once to dcvelope itself. Henee n stopp'iifeé f thie flow of tbc juicos, origínate eo rnany empiint8. It is by 6tppng the porce, 'kat overwhclm inatkind with coughs. colds, ond oontumptions 'me-temh of the world dio from difee;ieii induced by a toppagc oi the Insensible Pespir tion. It is casily oen. thoreforc, how ncccMnry i the flo of this subtle humor to the mrface. to prooervs hcilth. It c.nnnot bc toppcd; it cnnot bc even ehocked, without inducing dbease. Let me aek now, evcry carnlid mind, whn couree eetims tho most rcMonAble to pursue, t unstop the pores, aftrr thty are cloid? Woulc you cive pijyfitc touns'.op tr.e pores? Or woulc you apply smething that wou!d do thi upon th 8urfcw, where the clogsjing acr.u;illy ie? Woulc nol iht be eoinmpri 6ense? And yct I knowo no p!iyician who niakc6 any external applicatio t eflèjl it. The reason [ aesigri i, thnt nomedi cino within their knowledge. is capable of doinr, it. Uiider these circumslances, I prea?nt t physicians, and to all others, 1 preparation tha hs t'iií power in íir ful lest extent. ft ia Mc AL Tffí 'Si ALL UEALISG OINTMF.XT orthe WORLD' S 8ALV.ÈI It hns power t restore perepiration on the feet, on the hend, round o!d uores, upou the chc-Bt, in short, upon anypartoi the body, whether diseased tlightl or everely. It lias power to cnuse all external acres, scro fuloüH huniors, ikin dtBORfé, pomunous wounds to discharge their putrd matter, and then heal them. It ta n remedy thot sweepa off the wholc cato logue of ctitaneotifl disorder, nnd restores th entire eutielo to imhenlthy íuiíctíhs. It is a remedy thnt fbrbicb the nrecwity of ? tnany and deletcrious druge taken into the sto mach. It ia a remedy thnt neither sickena, gives in convcnlcnce. or is dnn.eroue to the intesn'nee. It preservéis and rieünntia the f.ïirfrsce from a deranenient of its l'unctions, while it keeps o pon the chaHnds for the blood to void all ite im pnrities nnd dixposo of all iu uaeiess particlea The snr(ace is tóe outlet of five-eiüifhs of th !i!e uid used up matter within. It ia piercei h millions o) openinps to relieve the intes ..its. Stop up tluee porea, and demh knock at your door. It is riiitiy termed AH-Heafing for there is acarcely a diñase, external or inter nal, thatit will not beui-fit. I have ueed it fo the last fourteen yenrs, for all diseases of th cueet. consiirnptton. liver, involvins the utmos danger and reaponsibiiity, aud I declare befor Heaven and man. that not in one single case lm it fdiled to benefit, when the patiënt was wi:hi the rench of mortal tncans. I hnve had phyicians, Iearncd in the profes sion; 1 have had ministers oí the Gospel. Judg es on the Jiench, Aldermen end Lawyers. gen tleme of the higlieeterurUtion and multitudes o the poor, use it in every variety of way, anc ihere has been but one voice, one united, univer salvoice, eaying, "RlcAlister, your Ointment i goodl" COSSt'MI'TIOX. It can hardly bc crcüitcd thnt .1 snlvc enn hov any effect ur-on the lnnga, catcd as thcy ar within tho System. B:U wesuy once for all, tha thti Ointnient will reaeh the lunas quicker tha any medicine tbat can bc given iniernally. Thus it' placed upon the chest, it penetrales dirrctly t tlie Iung3. separatea the poisonouu partióles tha are consuming them, and cxpcls theru frora th system. 1 ncednot say thnt it is curing persons of Con ramptfon contiuaally, ahhough wc are told it i totilifihiieBB. I care not what is sVul, so long a I can cure sevcral thuueand persons yearly. BjCAD ACHE. Thie Salve hascurcd persons of the Hcad Ach of 12 years standing, and who had it regularl every week, 60 thnt voniiting ofien took place. Deafnoss and Ear Ache are helped with th likc euccess. as also Ague in the Face. COI.O FEF.T. Consumption. Liver complaini, pains in tli chest or aide, falling of the hair. one orthe othe always accompanics cold feet. It is a sure sign of' disenso in the syetetn to have cold foot. The Snlve wül restore the Insensible Perspi rat ion and thus cure every ente. Jn Scrofuln, Krytipela3 and Snit Rhcum, nm othcr disensos of this natue, no interna! remefiy has yet been discoveud tbat is so pood. Th same may lic said of Bronchitic. Quincy. Sor Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseascs, Urokcn or Sor Brcast, &c. And as for the Chest Discascp, sach ns Asth ma, Pain. Ojipri.ssion and tbc likc, it is the mos wonderful antidote in tho World. For Liver Ccmploint it is equnlly efiiencious for Durns it hns not has its equal in the World nlfio, Excréecnccs of cvery kind, suchasWnrts Tumors, Pimples, &c, it makce clean work o them all. SOUE EYE8. The inflnmmalion and discasc always licsbncl of the ball of tho cye in the socket. Heneo tlu virtne of any medicine mnst rench tho scat o the inflamation or it will do littlc good. The Salve, if rubbed on the templps, will penétrate dircctly into the socket. The pores will bo opencd, a propnr perspiration will becreatcd and tho discase will soon pnes offio the sur.'ace. PIMPI.KS ON THK FACK, KRECKLES, TAN, MASCUI.INK SKI.V, ;ROSS StirtKACE. lts first oction itto exnel uil humor. It wilot cease drnwing till the fiicc is frec froni nny " ïaticr thnt mny be lodgod under lbo skin nny . requently brenking out to the surfnee. It then ïeala. VVhen theni s nothing but gro6sncss, or uil repulsivo snrfnce, it begmé to poften and ofte uotil the skin becotnes aasmooth and c'el ï - ato as a chtld's. It throwa a freshness and lushing color upon ihenöw white. trinsparent kin. t lint is periectiy enchnnting. Some times n case oí FreckiCH it wiiJ h'rst start out thosc hat have lain hied n nntí sren butseldom. Purde the Salve and all will soon disnppear. wot.vs. Ifparenta knew how fatal most medicines wcre j o children taken inwnrdly, thy would be slow o resort to theni. Especiiilly 'mercurial ( ;e8.''called "medicated lozungcs," pill.-, Ac The trtith ia. no one can teil, invnriably, when ' fronna aro present. New lei rncsiy topáronte. ' hm ihis Salve will always teil il' a child has I woriv.s. It will drive every vestige of them ' way. This is a simple and safe cure. There is probnbly ro medicino on the face of the earlh at once so sure and so safe in the expulsión of worms. It would bo cruel, nay wickcd, to pive intcrnl. ('oubtlul medicines, so long as a iiar.-nlesy, exiernal one could bc hnd. TOILKT. Althimah I havo said little nbout it as n linir rfistorntive, yet Í will atake il ngninm the World! Thcy mny bring their Oils fnr and neur, and mine will restore the hairtwo cases to their one. Of.n 50RKS, MORTIVICATIONS, UÏ.CKRS. JETC. Thnt poïiie Sores are an outlet to the impuritie- of the system, is becnuse they ennnot pass off thronj;h the natunl channels of the Insensible Per.spiration. If such sores are healcd up, the impurhies musthnve aome other outlet. or it will endnnger life. This ia the renson why it is impolitic to use the common Snlve of the day in such cuses. For they hnve no power to open other avenues, to Iet ofT thi.i niorbid matter, and the consequences are always fatal. This Salve will always provide for such emergencies. DISKASKS or CHII.DRKN. How many thousands are swppt ofT by giving inlernnl medicines, whon their young bodies and tender frames are iinable to bear up igninst them? Whole a'miea are thus sent to their graves merely trom pouring into their wenk stomachs powerful drugs oud physics! It is to such that the All-Healing Ointment. tenders so saie, plensant, ond harmless a cure Such can es es Crö-iip, Cholic. Cholera Infantum, Worms, and all Summer Complaints. by which so many children die, the Ointmcnt will remove so speedily and surely, that a phyeician will never be needed. Mol Itera! throughout all this latid. ve now solemnly and sacredly declare to you that the All-Hcalinc Ointment will save your children froni an early grave if you v.ili ;ise it. We are not now actuated by the leas' desire to gain; but knowingíiswe do that vnst bodies of infants and children die early: which is fnipposed to be inevitable and impussible to prevent, we hold up our warning voice, nnd declaro in the face ot thc whole world. CHILDREN NKED NOT DIE A1CRE TÍ1AN OTIERSü But it is from the want ef proper nourishment and the conetnnt drugging they undergo whtch mows ihem down as the rank grass falls before the scythe. Mothers! we repent ngain. and if they were the hst words we were ever to utter, . and ol course pist the rench of all interest, we would siy, "ut-cthe líealing Ointment for ticknass among children." Kilf.l MATIJM. It remoTea al.Tot immodiotely th inrlamation and swelling, when the pain of cours ceaie. FF.TTftS. Tn cases of foyer, tho difHculty lies ii the port beintr lochtd up. bo thnt thc heat and perspirntion r;mnot pni off. Il' the least moioture could be ftnrtcd. the crisis ia pn?Bcd and the danser over. The All-Henling Ointment will in all cneiof fevers nlrnot instantly unlcck the skin and bring forih the pcrepiration. rr.XM.r. complai.nts. ïnflnmatiön of the kidneys, of the womh, and itsfalling down, wriiknecB. and irregulnrity; in ahort. uil thoee difficult es whiih are frenuent wjth fernalee, find rendy nnd permanent relief. U'i luiTe had iiged liidies teil un they could not live sixinonths without it. But to femaleenboiit to become mothers. if used for some weeks antecedent to their confinement. very few of'thofic pains and corivuïsions which attend them at that priod wiil be feit. Thisfactought to beknown the world over. SCAI.D HF.AD. Wc liave cured cappa that actnnlly defjed evcrything known, as well ne the ability of fifteen or twenty doctors. One mnn told us he had spent fjOO on his children without nny benefit, when a few boxea of the Ointment cured them. C0RS9. Pcople need never be troubled with jhem il thcy will xipo it. Ao a FAMÍLY MEDICINE, no man can mensure ii Valttè: So long a the stars rolt alone over the Heavens - bo long ns mon tresde the enrth. fubject to all the infirniities of the fleh - so long a dseaíe and sicknes ie known - j!i5t so long will thia Ointment be ueed aru cstfetned. VVhfn mnn ceases from ofTtheearth, then thedemnnd willceoge. and not lili then. To ailay all npprehensiona?on account of ifs ingreditnts. in possessingsuch powerful propertiee, we will state that it is composed of some ol the most cornmon and harmless herbsin existence There is no tnercury ín it, asean be icen from the fnct that itdoes not injure the skin one partiële, while it will pas through nnd physic the bowels. JAxMF.S McALISTER & CO. 168 South street. N. York. Sole proprietor of the above Medicine, to whom nY communientions must he nddressec (pust paid). Price '5 cents and 50 cents. Au the AIl-Healing Ointment hns been irreally coiinterfeited, we hnve given this caution to thepublie, that "no Ointment will be genuine unk-ps the narnes of James McAlister, or Jamcfc McAlisteriV Co., are writfen with n pen upon every label." The label is a steel engraving. with the figure of "Insensible Perspiration" on tin; face; Now we horeby oíTer a reward of $500. to be paid on conviction. in any of the constituterl coiirts of thc United States, of any individual counterfeitinr ovr name and Ointment. MAYNARD'S, Ann Arbor, Wholepalo Agents; Sniith A. Tyrcll, Chnron: Ketchum & Smith, Tecnmseh: D. C. Whitwood, Dexter; II. t Bower, Manchesier; John Owcn & Co., Deroit; Ilnrmnn & Cook, Brooklyn. Dee. 18, 1845. 244- ly "EXCilANGE HOTEL TERPERANCE HOUSE. (Dircctly ojiposile the Cataract Hotel.) BY CYRUSF. SMITH, NIÁGARA FALLS, N. Y. This House is not of tho largest close, lut h wel! kept. upon the same plan that it has been for 6everal yenrs past, and nfibrds nmple nnd very comfortable ccommodations for lliose stopping' at the Falls. Thia Hotel is situntcd in the plca?antest pnn of the Vilirige. on Main Street, nnd but a few minutes walk from the Cataract, Goat Ialand or the Ferry. Niágara Faüs, 1840. 2C2-6m Hats and Caps, i IN all thc'i'r varietics, also Cnms, Silk and Gingham Umbrcllas. Suspenderá, rich Silk Scarlsand Cravnts, Silk, Linen nnd Kid Gloves, with every artielo in that line can be hnd at fair prices and warrnnted to snit by ending yonr wishes by letter or by calling at No 58, Woodward Avepne, 3 doors north cf Doty's Auction room. Detroit. N. B. Ministers nnd Liberty men supplied nt a small advance from cost. 266-6m JAMES G. CRANE. FOR SALE CMEAP for CASH, or every kind of country Produce, SaddJes, BridlcsJIarness, TVunks, ValU ses, Trunlc Valises, Carpet Bags, fyc. Aleo a gooü assortinent of Whips & Lasmfs. whicli will be sold very low, nnd no mistako. nt COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 184C, ü77-ifBOOKS! BOOKSü 1 i AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO TLTE PUBLIC npITE undersigoed hoving roturni'd from New JL York with a nciv, largo and vuluable stock l Books Siationery and Paper Ilangings, ia now reruly to scll tor Casli, any ihing in his line nj !iia ncw stond on Main streef, opposite H. Becker'8 Erick Store. He will sny to Book purchasors. by his cffjris last fall on his rcuirn from New York. the price of nearly evcry tbing in his line has been eold less ihan herotofore. nud liad it no; been for liim, purchasers would have continucd to pay the pricesruyetofoic cliarged. He can say also. that his sales hove been beyonH bis most sanguine expectations. Blmwinj conclusively thot :i public lienefactor. nlthousih ever so pmall. wül not go tinrewarded in ibiaenlightened comrtmnity. He a thnnkfu! fr the favor alronrfy bestowed. and would rcspectfully solicita continu;nc of the. trnde: and he wnulii say t those who never havr pnichnsed books of him, thnt he wiM show iheni anieles and prices with pl-.sire a any time they may cali whether they wiah to purchas or not. Cash orders from the country will be attended to, a ml Mi bools pfic'-nl na wr!l s if th yrrpoii ere pe?nt to ffttend th parchaw-s. He will nlso heil to children as chcap aa thair parent f. Ptirchasers will do well Jo examina his stock and price before purchawnR elsowhere. DorCtforgettheplace; be sur e yov cali at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June 37, 1846. 26Mf THRESHING MACHINES. THE underignrd wouWJ inform the public ttm he manulactnre9 Horse Pow#r and Thresliing Wchinf at Scio, of a superior Kind inventad br himself. Thej Fower and M.Tchinea are pfirtietlrly adapted to the of Ftrmrs who with to use them for threjini thir own grnin. Tb power, thresher nd ít.Ttnre can aM bt lorfd tnto m common eized wagon box and drawn wi?h one poir of horses. They we dfsisned to be uín-d with four horses. and ar abundnmly tron (or thai number. and may be wfdy usl with tx or eight norees wiih proper care. Th-y vork witb lewstrength ot' horres a:eording to tn? amount of buainesw done thn any othar wh, d will tbreith nernüy bom Wrt bnHa whst p?r day with four hprrèa. In dm in."nc 15 bushrls wheat were thrtsiwd ia thre houre with four horses. This foww nd Mnehine cowtnin a4I the 4vantags necewory to mokf thfin prifib!e lo the purehaner. Thy are Mróng nfrt rfnfnble. - They re easily moed from on pl;e tr anther. The work of the artriw ia e.iy fi fhf(.' power in có'nrparimn to oihrr. ar! t? piee IiOWKR than out orhr power aH ifeiin, have ever ben sold i the Stuff, nrer1? i the reil alue. The term of pnyMCTit vitl K liberal for notes that ar knovn to be aS;?vln:elgood. I hare a nnmher of Powft nnt Mnbr.p now refidy for mr and persona vfisfting to buy are infited to cafl &yon. CLlAIER8i I e.tpect to be prpnrrd wiifcin jj few ójb to make Cleaners for thore vho tny w.-nt thn;. The utilrty nnd ncinntaga of rhis Pdt wd Machine will appear evident to all on e.itninin(i he reeommendationa below. All persons are crutiond agnioet mnkhrig these Powers ond Machines: the undwwirnri hnvin adopfid the necewury rnentxiros (tr è-euTiny, ltfrs p.T.eni for the same vrilhin the time required by law. S. W. POSTER. Scio, Wasbtennw Co., Mich.. Jan? 13, 1346 RECOMMBNDATIONS. Dtiring the year fr?45, enchot the undereigned purch.ied and used either individnally or jointly with othfra. one of S. V. FoMer'a nely in vented Horae Powers and threehing stirchint, and hclieve they are bettsr adapted ro the use if Farmers who wunt Powers and MaeniWcs for their own ie thnn any other power and threéher within onr knovrledgo. They are clcnlatf:(! to be uoed with four horsoï nnd nrr oi ampie etrength for that niimber. Thry anar H) bt conatructed in such a marnier as fo rrntler them very durable with liitle linbitity ttf gftting onr o( order. They are eifnly mowd from orte plncf to another. They oan le wnrfeed y num ber of bands from four to tight, and will thresb about 201) bns'irN whpju per d.iy J. A. POLHEMÜS, Scio,' WaeVtsraw-co G. BLOOD. ' T. RICHARDSON, M " SAMUEL HKALT, " ?. P. FOSTKR, " N. A. PHELPS, ADAM SMITH, " " J. M. BOWEN. ' Limn. " WM. WALKER. Webber, ' THOS WARREN, " 1). SMALLEY, Lodi. I threshed last fall and winter w!th one of S. W. Foster'a horste powra. more than fifteen thousnndbushels ;rrain. The repairs beotowed upon the power amounted to only 6} en, and it was in good order when I hnd "done threshing. 1 invariably used si.x horsos. . AARON YOUNGLOVE. Manon, June G, 1S16. I purchnped one of S. W. Foster's horet poweis lust fait and have ufc;1 it lor jbhifi;. ] have iiseti many different kinds of powera and believe thia is the béstruhriïng power I have everseen. Ü. S. ÜENxNET. Hamburg. June, IS IC. We puréhösed one of S. W. Fostor'a Hor.xe Powers last all, and have used it and think t is a first xate Power. JESSE HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, June, 1846. 269-tf 1846. 18-46. MILTON BARNEY OP THE GS9 S TE AMBO AT HOTEL, DETROIT, IS now rc.dy to accommodate his friends and the Travelling Public, with all those conveniancèfl calóulirtéd to make them comibrtablc, and wiih jniixs t svit thr.timcs. Meals Iwenty-five Cents. Best farc in Üic City for Ihc sume Monty. General Sltt'e Office. Ütc.umboals leave De truit for linffalo cerry Eraiinfr, ut half ■puU G o' doek. (Usually.) Tte Railroads are wilh'mfivc minute ridc of the Sleamboat Hotel. 272-tf A. C. M'GRAW & CO., Are now receiving thcir Fall Stock of I3öOt & @hoe-s Which have been selccted with much care for the Wholesale Trade! rriHEY now respect In !ly request the MerX chfints of Michigan nnl ndjicent States, to examine their extensivo stock wiiicii will bc sold at vcry low prices for cash or öpproved credit. Having for the last fifteen years sold more Goods at retail than any other House in Michigan, they feel ftilly porsuadod thnt thcir soléclion i'.8 to pricc, (ualiiij, and sizes, will suit the wants of the pcople. Thcir stock of Leather nnd Findinga s also cotuploto. Tlie rotail trade continúes ns usual on the first floor, Corner ' of Jkkferson and Woodwarij AVKNUKS. V. C. McGRAW, & CO. Detroit, Aug. 22, 184G iw-lyNEW COOKING STOFJE. f 1 And Stoves of all kinds. The subscribor would cali ihe attention of ihs MlbÜC 10 Woolson's Hot Air Cooking STOVE iVhich he eau confidemly lecommrnd ag bein ecidedly superior to any Cooking Stcye n use 'or nimplicity in operación - eeonomy in htol ind for uncqnaller! Bakimg and Roastiko quoli es, ït is unriralled, The new and imporiant improvcmenj inrodnced in itp eonsrruciion heng such 8 to iniure re.n mÍTantagcs over all other kind of ooktng Stoves. WILLIAMR. NOYES, Jr. 76 Woodward Avenuo, Detroit. Dec. 12. 1815. ais GD. HILL would ri'spectfully inform tb citiaens of Arm Arbor and vicinily that the firm of G. D. Hill k Co., having disaolred, ie will continue the busmess at the old stond in Hnwkins' Block, on the old and established principies of the house "sm all pkofits akd nowrr rY," he will be able to offer to his cu8tomre on or abont the 20th day of May, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SPRIN8 IOODS at the lowent posible rates for Cash, Wheat VVool, and all othor kinds of produce. All persons waming to ruy goods will find i: to their ndvantnge to hold on thcir Old Clithts, until thu abure narned iissortmenl is receicd, aa th(v wülbe sold at ver low rates. The Subscribir will nlno pay the highest market pric for 106,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. G. D. HILL, Ann Arbor, May II, 1846. 264-tf "Crockery at Wholesale." FREDERICK WETMORE. has conetantly on hand, the larsest stock in the West of Crocherjf, CM ia, Glas ware, Lookiftsr Glasses and Plates, Britannia Ware Trays, Lamps and Wieking, Piated Ware, China Toys, tyc. Sfc. Hi stock includee all the vwieliea of Crockery and Chia, from ihe finest China mnor and Tea Setta to tbo most common and low priced ware - frani th richest cut glass to the piainest glaae vflre. Briiannia Casrorf every kind. Britanaia Tea Sti, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Lampe. Cnndleafieba, &c. Solar La LamfsoF every desrptton from the mout costly cut Purlor Lamp to the ehresp#t Stor Irp. AJÍ tbs atove arricies aro imponed by limJf directly from the mamifarturpr and wil) be c!d nt Wholesflle, as low n3 at any Wholesale Houw, expenws froni se;.board nddêd only. A liberal discount given f'or cash. IY7enhant; and others are invited to cali nnd exnmine the nbove orticle at old ptnnë, Pfo125, Jefferson Areniie (Eldred's Block.) Detroit. 24í?-ly SELECT SCHOOL. " MISS .1. B. Smítii. assistcd by Miss S. FiKr.n, announres to the public that ehe is prepared to rt-ceivc young lartics into her school in thebawment room of the Episcopal Church. Tkrms. - For quarterof 12 weeks, for EnglisU branches from $2,to A5; Frencli and Latin each 8 extra ifpursued together with the English studies, or separatcly, 515 each. The school will bc furnished wiih a Philosophical appaeatup; and oceaaional leclures given on the Halural Scier'c8. Mra. Hughs will ive nstrucrinn to all -who desire it, in Mubíc, Drnwing, Painting and ïleedlework. Miw Smith refers to the foHowinggenltemen: Proft-ssora Willinma. Ten rook, and Wheedon of thfi üniversity; Rev. V. S. CurüP Ry. Mr. Simons, Rpv. C. C. Tnylor, Hon. E. Mundy, Wm. S. Maynnnl F.tq, ' Ann Arbor. April '0. 1HÍ6. 2fi8-tf MICHIGAN LA NDAND TAX A6EINCY. II. D. POST, Mason, Ingmm Counly, Michigan. WILL aucnd to the payment of Taxcu, xnrninntron of Tules, purchase and sale of Lnnds, Src. &c. Any business entrusted tohim will he tranwicted with promptness and accumcy - Addrea by mail. ïilfcrcncrs, (by permission.) C. Ilurlbui. Dttim', J. C. Uenrtt, rJrother & Co. ) Wilder Si Snow, J TrmJ' Woodbury, Avery &. Co. ) ,T _ , R. G. Williams, J Neu TorkStcam Fouadry. THK un;lersíínod havmg boushr the entire interest of H. & R. Partridge and Gep. F. Kent in iho '-Steam Foundry," Ann Arbor, will manufacture all kinds of Castins to order, aml willbe happy to funiishany kind of Casting t the old customers ot Harris. Partridpe & Co., IL &. R. Pnnridge, &. Co., and Partridge. Ken &. Co., and to all oihcrs who may favor the a cali. H. B. HARRIS, E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2G, 1816. 244-t. FÖirrËrATLÖ"w"PRÏCES AND EASY TER MS. THE Subscriber offers for 6ale a Farm, in the town of Dexter, of l(6 acres, bout 80 acres improvcd. Also a Farm at the mouth of Honey Crcek in Scio, 3 miles from thie yillage, of 146 seres, 90 aerrs iütproved. Alsoafarm one mile from tliis villnfre of 160 acres, 100 ncres improved. Each of these Farme nre desirably located for resklcnccs; have good buildiners ond are all well wntered. Also two dwelling houss and Iot8 in this villace. 200 villago lots; 24 out lotsof about onc acr each, in the immediate vicinity of this villagc. - 10 acres timbered land. nnd 30 acres improved i} of a mile from this village. Also 5 slips in the Preabyteriati mecing honre. Any of the abovo mentionol prouerty willbe sold at fair pricos nnd on n credit ol 3 of the purcliai"1 roonoy - Tille Perfect. Wantcd - a span of good Hor-. SE8 IN PAYMENT. WILLIAM S. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. May 19, 1846. 264-fitu CHEAP STOVJCS ' AT YPSILANTl! 1 O COOKING &PARLÖR STOVES, JL Jij just received. by the Subpciiber, (mo?tly from Albony) making a good assortment of the latestand beat paiterns. which wi!l be sold at Lmo Pricesl not to be undersold thia side Lake Eric! Also, Coppcr Furnituro, Cauluron Keitlo, flollow Ware of all sizes, Stove Pipe Sheet Iron, Ziuk, S:.c. TIN WARE! Mnnufacturcd, and constantly Kept on hand wlii:h will nlso be sold very low. P. S. - Purchnsers will do well to cali and examine for their own satisfaotion. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. 20, 184G. 27it MEDICAL BOOKS. A NEW lot of Medical Books. just operved and for sale cheap for cash at June 16. 270-tf Píbrt'


Signal of Liberty
Old News