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Central Railroad

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Wc lcarn that Mr. Erook, ihc superintendent of the Central Railroad. has within a few ilays comracied for T Rail sufiicient to lay 100 miles. Half ol it is ntcnded ior ilic first filty nulcs nimediatcly west of Detroit, nnd the balance for the exieniion west of Kalaniazoo. It is their expectation to have tlie ürsi iifty milos !aid ancw within six months, and the whole finished within eighteeri momhs. They eay iliat they can then put the fare so low, that all thut class known as fitecrageor emigrant passengere, will be induced to tako this route. A few days since, an immensn locomotivo arI rived at Detroit on a schooner from Buffdo. ft was made at Boston, and its weigiu is said to be about 20 tona. It is very appropriatdy namcd 'Hercules.' The owners of the Schooner recoived$ii()0 nierely for 1ts freight. Tt worked iis ovfa passacc from Boston to Buflajo. k is the second of the kind olready arrived. It is part of the plan of the compnny to build a Depot in Detroit near the river, which in size, will be equal to any in the United States. The Albany Evening Journal says the Company have not yei determined Upan their western termination. Two routes are now beingsurveyed - one leading direct to St. Joseph and the other to New Buffalo. The dstance to the furmer Irom Detroitia 200 miles, lo the laiter 220. We understnnd írom Mr. Biooks. tfaat the general plans for warehouses, station houses, &c. &c., are in progresa of complciion, and that their warehouse at üetroit is to be irom o:ie-tljiid to onehalf' largor than the mammoth freight houee of th Western rond at Boston. The locatioii of the company's docks snot yet concludt-d upon; but, when built, they will be in keeping with the magnitifent eliaructer of the enterprise.llie Compar.y in inking iho road. have ma Je á fine bargain for themselves ; and iheir Jcl.-iy n accepting tlie ofier of the State, was not because they were not connnced t woulJ be profitable, but on account of noc bringiníj to a concIu.Mon. assooi) as they desirtd, negotiations with ihe Londün bondlioldars. They sent an agent to Enland to otier 70 cents on the $I,0J. Cut Baring & Brothers aslungSü, he returned without hope of buyin;.He went ognin and finally succecded in eetting tliern at the iirst ofier. He was cnabled to return to Boston only 7 or 8 days before the close of the ai.v months whieh the Legislatura had fixed as the :iine in wh'icn their ofler n?uet bc accepted- he reached Dotroit just in time to close the bargnin. Travel upon the road is nlready increasing. and new life has been imjiarted to business along iis line.