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Ax.v Arbor, Oct. 30, 1840. Noíwlihsianding the Enropcan advies, YVbeat huyera offer w-day only from 6 to G5 cenis.Iheseason aso faradvanced that it is difficult to make siue of geiting fl,ur mmedmtelv into niarket, wl e freïghte have Inrgely n,!v.,nced. Nkw o::k. Oer. 23. Genesee flour could be bonglu at $5,9 I, and $5,87 oflèrcd in eome ca3 altbough shippen, bid bu: ,?3.75. Market fluir, panty on account of the scarc.ty of iVei-hts Salea 2 1.000 buslfels Genesee went at Mi - oW mixed a:$, 15 ; nn.j JSOOredat $l,oo! BgAl, Oct. Sr.-Fr.ouR-Scvcraf lola, ín al! 1893 bUü Miclifghniroüght yesierday $-462i - 1 100 bbls mi.xe.! Michignn x4,50. 7000I,asbcls Wheat brought8G cents. The trade between the Uniied States and Grcat Bntain, in almost all kinds of eatables, is rap. idly on the increase. The exports to Great Britain. from New York alore, for the week ending October 17. nmoünted ro 30,724 U.!.-?. of Flour -597 bbls. Mcal- 47,751 buabels Corn- 1,8-10 biisbels Peas. We Jenrn that considerable pnrehasesof wool hnve been made here of late, for sl.ipment to Epgland, enya the X. Y. J01,rnal of Commcree. WeKnowofone merchant who for somo dnys past has been shipping at the ratc of 1000 a Jay.