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Communications: Letter From Mr. Galpin

Communications: Letter From Mr. Galpin image
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Letter to the Editor
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Cork, Oct. 2, 1840. Brothbr Fosteh : At the time in wliich I wrote my last cpistle, I did not expecl to communicnte Bgain from this idcof the waters- but as circumstunccs have changed, it becomes nrcessary for me lo give liic reason for not returning at the lime ín which I mentioned in niy last. I startéd nt the limfi montioned. but have been ahipwreckcd nnd dnven back again, and have luadcd on the coast ot Ireland. We eet snil from Liverpool for Ncvr York on thollth of Sept.. on board the Pncket Sliip Meioka. She wns a fine ship, with a commodiou9 C3bin, and large state looms, which msde it preferable to many others. We had 12 cabin passengers, 260 steerage passengera nnd S00 tons of Iron. Wc rmdc six dnys snil wkta good succei-s. bul on the lóth, a storm commenced from the North and continned in direciion for two dcys, nntl then pnssed to ihc west anJ somh-west, coniinuing for 8 dnys in all. The storm was intense, the waves rose to mountain's heieht, and we were riding in tri- mph over tl;em.trui.iing w the strencth of our chip to carry us safely thrbugh, until Monday morningof the I8ih a sea siruck the bow of the Bhip with sitch power tbat it carried awny Uie bowsprit, tho lo remnst, a part ol the nmin mast. with nll the snila connected with ibetn, al?o ihe cook's gnlley wiih his stovc, and he himsell was badly wounded. The bowsprit was torn from its foundation, leaving all the cm's of t rupia nk exposed to the weather, and the ship was ieaking frecly through the breach that was made. In this conáition wc wcre dnven at the mercy of the wnve9 for two dnys without being ablo to manage the hip so as to turn her about, and expect:ng every momcni another sea would trike her and finish the work. I think the hope ol being saved was givcn up by all except inyseli, and the ground of my hope was in the arm of the Lord. But with 12 men at the pump, &, by lightenin,' the ship at the bow, we wore ab!e to turn her nbout nitor two daye, and attcmpied to mnko our way back, (being nbout one thousand miles from land) but the storm wasso intenso tliat we made but littlc advancc.Our condiiion on the wholc was truly distress ing, for nftcr our mental disircss wns clleviated OUrphysical wants bcgan to incrcti60 without the means of supplying them, Our steword was piek, our cook waslaid up- our cahin nwid was BÏck - our cook-stove wns gonc, nnd for a timo wo ere glad 10 got raw inent and sea biscuit. - For myaelf I could not eat tho biscui, nnd raw ment was nll my living, but 1 did not suffer much for food, for I was sensick most of tho timo. Out lot me return for a moment to our mental ptate, for t was a time thnt tried nien's hopeg. - For examplc, two young men woro cng.igcd most Of thcir time in playing carda and gambling, but ít this tryiag Úne they were found upon thcir kneea crying aloud for tnercy. A yoaog lady ileo left hor room in her nlghtdollies, and entcredo minisinr's room to solic' on interest in hls prnyers. I dont epeak of thi conduct by way of ridicule, but on the contrary I approve of it. I think they acted a rationa port, for their eternal all was ut stakc. I think they actedan inutional part by putting íf so important a 6ubjcct until a dying liour. - We had ihree deaths on board the ship, and one brrtb, all among the steerage passengers. I don' know the cause of their deaths ; the firet I knew of the cases they were dead. Twoof ihem were Irishmcn, and the oiher a chüd. We have arrived in Cork this day. and I om obligcd to eend ihis letter post haste in order to reach the next steamer. J catinos teil when I sha!l return to tiio States. I maspend the winter in Great Brit-.iin. Yours in Christinn fellowship.