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Locomotive Battle Creek

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Th is new Locomotivo, whwh has been ately placed upon the Central Rnilrond, :ame f rom ihe west ttie olhor mornir.g, Jragging ilong with ifs i ron sinews and luilmg blood, if we counted Kghtly, the snormous train of 53 lojrled froight car. Four of these cont.iined UI barrels of flöur eacli, n nurriber of others 62 barrels cacli, and uone we suppose less ihnn 31. No'w we. atippose the nverngeto be 40 barrels, which wo believe to be too li'.ile, il;e load would nmount to 2120 barrels. Calling 10 b'rrelá a wagon load, tliis kVould require 212 teams :o cany it. - The Lócombtive requires only two hands ind a smallquantity of vood. It makes x trip ffbm Kalamnz. o to Jackson, and back .-ignin eaohd:iy,which would ivquire a team four c'mys to accomplish. Consejaently the Locotnotiye perforaw the lajor of 848 teams, or 1696 horses, and 843 leamsters. To keep t.em in vvügons nnnufactured and repaired, and hor-es shod, would require a considerable number of wagon makers nnd Wacksmiths ; and each of the leanistra would rpquire clothing ar.d board, and e;ch of the uorses hny and oais. Tliis wnuld rehuiré a la-ge uiunbor of public houses, wliich mu"t likewise have their help, .and t:e production of hay and oats would give employmetU to severa! farmers. The reaier may calcúlate the exact number for himself. Allthfse (krmers, tavernkeeptrs and Kirëd help would require la be clothed and shod ; and this would give euiploN mem to a large number of ploth mauufncturërs nd lailbrs, tanner?, anc shoe-makers. Now it will be seen at a glance, that the Locomotiva turns many tkousands out of emplovment, compelling ihem to seck a living by oiher kinds o labor; therehy iiicrensing the nuinber of coielitors in these kinils, nnd thus les.ening wagps ; and fncireas?rigth'e nroóunt priiducfd, nnd lliusdimiiushiug thfi prices. The ctfect is this ; the tini and expensa of these tcamsters, wagon makers blacksnuths, manufu'-turers, talors, shue-makers, nn keepers, farmers, &c, are in a great degree saved to the en pit nlisls and serves to mnke them richer while the effect upon a!l other classes isto makethem poorer, by lesséntng wagesand dimiuishing prices. - Tocsin.Tliis is a very good nccounl of the bpncfiis of a Locomolive, ns a substilute for te.ims. It doos a vast amount of work at a small expense, and ihereby enrichcs communit?. But our reformator y netghbor is afra iel thnt it will "opérate ag.iinst tho interest of t!e mass by diminshing prices by over production, and in consequence lcsen the demand Por labor more aud more." Now the position that ilo loboring pari of eommuniU', on the vvhole, sulfer in their interests from the use of machinery, is not susiainablc by facts, or :he lessons of history. The wprking miltions of England even, are beiter led and clutfied, an-.i more comf rtably lodged i!ian were their anceiors a thousand years ago, when machinery was al most uuknown to the lordly barons and ihoir needy dependente. So all over the eanh. Human wealth and comfort are vast! y ncreased by machinery, and all classes are the better for it, altliDUgh the laborers do not nlways get their full jiroportionfite share of its benefits. But the argument, f good ngainsl the use of a locomotive, is good against every kind of machinery which diminisKCs the labor of men. Our philosophical neighbor, it seeme, ldoks witli sorrow on tSieoperatiunsol our railroad. The more successfúl the wurking of its machinrrv, ihe greater his regret. Me looks back with longing eyes to the daysoi teamitig wagons and ox-'-arts. Well, why nol go back stil! funher ? Is not n wagon a labor-saving niacliinc ? With n team and one man, does it not do the work of iwelve men, nnd thereby tlirow eleven men out of employ 1 Is not a plow a labor-saving machine? Why nol tnrow away plows, and set every body to spading il'.ceorth? Al)andon the factories, and go to making cloth by hand. looms. Siop the priniing press, and let the printers writcout the anieles, as in lbo tirnes (f old. Wjll our neighbor seriously ar gue that il would be beiter for our coun iry if the railroads were all abanduned and teams used entirely for transporta ïion ? The Tocsin has valuable articles on re form : but surely the ed;tor,in his waroi labor savin machinery, i.s prnposing t( work hackwards at a fearful rate. Wil he stand by the result of his nwr. princi plc, and go for sbolfebing (he use of al machinery thal tends to lessen the amouu pf human labor ? The very rcason why men in al! nges have used machinery - bccouse it enables them iodo more work with less labor - is the very reason why ihe Tocsiu would discard il from use !