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Tli8 excellent compound is for sale by the proprietor's Agems. MAy:íARDS. 263-1 y J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL DEALERS 1N STAl'liB AKD KAiN'CY DRY GOODS, rv Groceries, Carpctiag, 'and paper HfíttgñiSSi JYb. 63 TKootiioariZ Avenue, LarnecTs Block, Detroit. j. ii'M.mj:. Nao York. ? s m. hoi.mks. Detroit. ) WE tnke thismethodol infurnnngour friends and customers tlirotishout the State. iIki we aro BiiH pursuing the even tenor ofour WiS. ende.ivorins o do ou; upon kir and honorable principies. Wo would also tender our acknöwWdfeuieïitS for the patronage ex tended to usby our customers, nnd would beg leave to caH the auention oí ihe puWit too very well selectcd assortmer.t o Btasonable Gooda, wbioh are oilered at wiu.lesale ur retuj at ver) low pnces. Our fociliues lor pi'rchaaing Good are onsarpussed by nny concern in the State - One ofthciinn. Mr. J. Holmes resides in the cuv of New Y.rk, and f rom hia long expenence in'the Jobbing trade i Uní eiiy. and froni his ihorouh knowlcdíe ol the niiuket, he ís enn bied to avail hïmaelfof the aueuons and any decline in prices. Wealso punchase írom the Importers. ManufacTurer's AgfeiïlB, ÉnH ftom the auctio:is. 'by the paskgeí the same as xV . Jobbers „parchase, thus ilieir prolus.- With these faciliticsweom sale y sny that our Goods are soid cheap for the evidence of which we invite che allention of the public foftrt stock. Vfe hold to the greai cardinal principie ol -tut greatest "ood to ihe wkole nuviber, so if you íihitó èuy Goods ckcap, and biiya g titu for a ííítíí "!'' g've us a trial. Our stock isas ex.cnsive as any in Üiftci, MdV constantly recciving ncw and fresh Goodílrom New York. 50,000 lbs. WOOL Waníed, theabove qüantityofgood inerchantable VVool for which the highest market pnce willbopaid. j HOLMES & CO. Detroit, May 28, 184(5. 2H-tFTO WOOL GROWEBSWE be" leave 10 inform our Wool Growing frieñds, that we shall bc preparcd tot the purchase of 100,000 Ibs. of a ooi clean merchantablc article, as soon na tbeteason for sellingcommenccs, os we : are connected with Eatcrn wool dealers, e shall beable 10 pay iho highesiprice ;the Eastern market WÜ1 afford. Greai complamt was mado last season mongst the Eáetern Dealers and Manufacturera, in reference to the poor cond. non o Michigan Wool-much of t benig in bad ordej and a considerable portion benig mmastiza. We would here take occasion to request thai the utmost pains should be taken to have th. sheep well washedbefore sbearina, that the Tag Loeks be out off. and that cach Flccce he carefullv lied up witS proper wool twihe, (cost UM to é ets per ) bêmp mine is the best: ,t v.,1 be found graaUf to the advamage of ooi Grmv ersto putuptheir wool in tb wanner Unwashed wool is not. mcrchantab.a, and will be rejected by most ifnot all of the Wool buyers, il """""TñoLMES&Co. WoODWAUD AVKNUF.. Larneids Biock . Detroil.Marchae, 1S46. 2ó7llf_ 1846. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. M'FARREN, BOOKSELLEBAHDSïATIQNIRc SM ARTS 13LOCK, 137 JEFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT. KEEl'S constantly for salea complete nssort mentof Miscellaneous. Schooi and Classical Books, Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Quills, ibk, Sealing Wax; Cutlery, Wrap Paper, Printing Paper, of all s.zes; and Book, News and Cannisteilnk. of vanons kipds. BLNK BOOKS, f all and half bound, of every variêty of Ruling, Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying in q-iantities, a large discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor. '24 4-u Medical Notico TIIEundersigned in oiFring bis services to Washtenaw and the a#imng CJ'inncs. a Homceopathic phyeician, would say, ihat alter having practiced medicine on the principies as taught in the old school, and treated disease for the last two years according to tho law oi Jiomceopathy, - (Simula simitibus curuntur, ) tauht in the new school of medicine ; and havin" compared the successof ihe two sysiems. he unhcaitatingly believes Homceopathy to bc the most safe, certain and successful rnetnod o! cure. Diseases, hitherto incurable, are now in most cases, pcrmanently eradicated by Ilomccopathy. AfTections of thespine, head. uterus, siomuch, &c. &c. have no.v their certain remedies. Kp ilepsy, nianïa, paralysis, neuralgia, bronchitis, liverand lung diseases; scarlet fcver, cholera, black measles, mallgnant sore throat. erysinelas or black tongue, croup, ïnflammations of the brain, stomach. bowels. &c. &c. areonly a few of the many ilís, that have been stript of ihen terrorsby the timely application of homoeopatliii; ujedicameno. . Withont further essay, the undersigned would leave it to the afllicted to say . on trial of the remedies, whether Homceopathy is whatit claims to be or not. ... . f Ie would also state thnt hc hasjust returned from New York and Philadelphia. with a comptete assortment of MEDfCAMENTS, jnst ; imponed from Leipsic, to this place, where he willactend to all calis, and furnish mcdioamcnts. books, fee. at the lowest pricee. From theclos and exclusive attention he is giving to the study and practice of Homceopathy to be ab!e to aive satisfaction to those who may tavor Iwm with their patronage. Communications, post paid. from patients at a distance, will receivc prompi attention. Those who may wish to place themsclvcs under his treatment for any chronic disease, enn , obtain lodgings cither at his house, or in othcr places, at low prices. THOS. BLACKWOOD, M. D. HomcDopathist. Ypsilanti, 20th Nov. 1B45 2:i9-ly LBETTERLATE THANNEVER THE Subscriber lias the plcasW of announA cin" to tha Public, that he has just received from New York, aod openeda choice and well es'.ected assortment of NEW GOODS, consisiing of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockcry, Hardware, Boots and 8hoes, which hc wl) sell al Very Low Prices for Rcady Pay in Caah, or Produce. Ch or Goods will bepaid for WOOLin anj quantiües. RQBERT DAV1DS0N. Ann Arbor. June 10, 1840. 208 WOODÜ WOODÜ! SÜBSCRIBERS who are topny ii Wood wil] pleasc cali immediately wiih a few loada at ibe Sixnnl Office. Sejjt. 26, 1846.- ■ " Vi -jFyi-:tvnyíi.-rirf'TT'' '■■■ ËjT'TT" - " M LEATHER! LEATHËR! LEATHER! ELDRED & CO., No. 123, Jefferson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, take this opportunity lo inform their customers, and ihe public generally, they still continue to keep on hand a full assortmentof Spanish Sulc Leather, AI30. Lnsts nnd Pe?8, Carriers' Tools, &c. SlaugbteVed do Ilorsc and Cüitar LeaUièr, HenJocli tatincd Upper Leather, Cordcvim do O;ik t: " " Mprocco Sluns, French tanncd Calf Skins, Seal do Onk and HetnlocU tanncd do Goat Binding, Hemlock tanned Ilarness and Bridle Leather, Deer und Ijatnb do OaU li " " " White and ColoredLinings, Bng and Top Leather, Printed do Skining. Philadelpliia and Ohio; Shoe Russet do ining-", and Kit oi nll kinds. A.sthe Subscribers are now manufacturing their own Leather, they are prepared to sell as low asean be purchased in this market. Merchants and manufacturéis will find it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock before pürchasYng clsewhere. ftjCash and Lealher exchanged for Hides andSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1S46. 248-lyNEW GÖÖDST Cheap for Cash!! THE Subscribers beg leavo lo nform tlieir old customers, and the public fcsnenilly. that they are now receivingu large and splenrlid nssortment of English, American and West India, GOODS, Crockery, Sliclf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dyeslujfs, Drugs and Medicines. AIso a general assurtinent of IRON. suitablc for Ironing Vag20ns and Buggies, NailRods. Hojsc Slioea. and Horse Naijs, Sheet l.-on, Tin Ware and Tin JPlate - also a general assortment of BOOTS fr SHOES, thick and thin sale work, and cuatom work to suit purchasers. All of which ihey will sel! on the luwest possible lerms fur Cash or Bautkr. FccHng confident as we do, tiiat we can make it for ihe interest of all ihose wishing to purchase any of the abuve mentioned Goodrj, ve do most earnestly solicit at least an investigation ofour Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. 'o. 3. Exchenige Slock. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Sept. 14. ld'6__ 282-tf CL0CK8 AND WATCHES ! ! C2 rjHE Subscriberhas jusi L?5'Lv -- received, (and is conVC 'AjiJ310111 receiving) from fr'V k cw Yrk an elegant and Vf É VVfc eelected assortment Jevelry, Clocks, Watchcs, ace. &c. v.hich Jio iiuends to sell as Uic as at any otRer estabüshinent ihis side of BufTaio for ready paj onlij among wl.icli may be found theollow iny: a cood assortment o Gold Finger Rings. GoldBreast pns,Wristlcis Guard Chainsand Keys, Silver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea and Table Spoons (first quality.) Silver and Gorman do Sugar Tongs, Silver Salt.Mustard and Cream spoonp. Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens, " ' Pencils, Silver and Germán Silver Tlnnibles. Silver Spcctacles, Germán and Sicel do. Goggles, Clothes. Hair and Tooth I'rushes, Lather Iirushe3. Rozors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shears and Scissors, Knives and Forks, Brittannia Tea Pots and Castors. Plated, Brass, and Brittania Candlesticks, Snufiers & Trays, Sliaving boxes and Soaps,Chapman's Best Ra.or Strop. Calfand Morocco Wallels. Silk and Cotton purses, Violins and Bóws, Violin and Bass Viol Strings, Fhites, Fifes'. Clarionct?, Accordeons - Music Books for the same, Motto Senis. Steel Pens and Tweeseis, Pen cases. Snufi and Tobacco boxes, Ivory Dressing Combs. Side and Back and Pocket Conibs, Nefidle cases. Stclcltor., WatcrPaints and BrosbeSj Toy Watches,. a grent varicty of Doils. in short the greatest variety of toys ever Orought to tliis market, Fancy work boxes, cliildren's ten setts. Cologne Hair Oils, Fmelling Salie, Court Piasier. Tea Bells. Thermometers. 'Germán Pipes, Wood Pencils,' BRASS AND WOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fact almost cvery ihing to pleaee the fancy. Ladics and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yourselves. Ciocks. Watches ond Jewelry repaired and warranted on short notice. Shop at his old stand, opposite H. Becker'sbrick Store. CALVJN BLISS. N. B. - Cash paid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July Ist, 184G. 27I-ly FJ. B. CRAiVE would respcctfully notif the citizena of Ann Arbor, and the eur rounding country, that he continúes lo act a Agenr of ihe HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ind will insure Propcrty against losses by Fire, itthclowcst rates, and with dcpatch and acenracy. The Hartford Insurance Cotnpany is one af the oldest and most stable in the country, and dl losses sustained by them yill be - as they ever liave been - promptly taid ! i'ire is u dangerous element and no! !o bc Irifled wi:h: thcrefore, niake up your mind to guard against, it and tjo.v't uelay 1 A few hours dclay may be your ruin. Mr. Ciiase's Office ia in Crane's ncw Bloei;. ;orner oí the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 260-tfLINSEED OIL! ! THE Subscriber is mnnufacturing Linseed Oil on on extensivo scale and he is able to supply MERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS, on tenns more favorable for theni tban have ever before been oflered In this country, and lic is prepared to eupply orders for large or smull quanlitics at prices cxtrcmcly loio. ET Communications by mail vill be prompt - ly attended to. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lake, Genesec Co. Mich. 283-ly TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. R1PLKY wouldsay to his fiicnda and tbc Iriends of Tcmperr.nce, iliat lie bas taken tbc Tcmperancu House, lalely kept by Wm. G. Wbeaton, where he would be glnd to wait upon them. Hay and Oat ind Stabbling to accominodatc teams. Detroit, January 1, lö'Jw. Chattel ITIorlgagrcs, JWST printe'l and for silc at this oftic in anj cjiianrity.c'Snn tlrhor Tilt undersigncd haring uurchased ihe intorcstsofhis partnerin Mie Marble Business, would infonr. ihe nhabiian's oí tiiisand adjoining couniies. ihat he continúes the business at tije old stand in Upper Town, near ihe Presbyterian f'huich, whcre he will innnuTuctnre to order, Monumento, Grave Stoncs Paint Sione, Tablets, #c. Lc. These vvishing tö obtain any arlicle in his line of business will find by ca'lins ihat he hos an assortrnent of White and Variegoted Mifble from the Eastern Alarblc Quirrics. which will bc wrought in Modern style. and soldat eastern prices, ñdding transportation only. C:ill and ge" theproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor. July 8, 1846. Iy CENTRAL LAND AND TAX AGENCY, JaCKSOS MlCHIOAS. Office Sec oud Story of the Brick Bloei: adjoining American Hotel. r I ïHE eubscribers under the name of [ïur'hut JL & Treadwell, haring csiablished un oiüce at Jackson, for ilio purpose of trans.iciing business as General Real luslate Agcnts, will givc thcir personal attemion to ï'hc ]u reliase aji'l sale pf Real Estola, Pay mente of Taxts on Lund, Rcdcimmg Land scil for Taxes, Examinution of Titlcs, C'ontcyances,and such o'.her business ns pcrtains to a General Real Eslate Agcncy. íiítendiñg permaneiitJy to to continue ilie nbovc Agency. arrangements have beun made with extensivo lleal Estáte Ofiices at the East. througii which tho salo ot im proved lands may be tnaterially fiicilitated ; and desiring to render itas bem filial as possible, a register ot such real property for sale, as may be fumished us, with prices, terms, particular description, &c. wjll be kep: for tho inspection of purebasers, and when a at]e is efiected, a comniission of 2 per cent is expectcd from the seller. A catalogue of Lnnds, Farms., or other real properly for sale will be publisiicd.sind e.xtenáivey circulated hy our office, and owners of such property, desiring to find owners, can avail them eelvcs of this medium, by fonvnrding to us a particular description of the propnny, with pri ces, terms. &c. and One Dollar forcacl} descrip tion advertised. Our chnrges for all services, vvill ia all cases be rcnsunable. IEJ All letters mustbepostpaid. II. HURLBÜT. J. M. TAEÁDWELL. Jackson. Sept. 1816. 282-2m Tlie undersigned will continue to altend to the praciice of his profession. and will devote particular attention to the collection and securinp of claims, Foreclofluro of Mortgages, and drafting of Deec's, Mortgages, Contracis, &c. J. Sí. TREADWELL.Chcap Hardware Store. THE Subácriber takes this melliod 10 nform his oíd customere and the public gencrally that he still continúes lo keep a largeand general assortrnent of Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c.' Also. Spike. Wrouglit, Cut and ííorbC Shoe Nails, Glass, Sheet Jron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Bar Lead, Zync, JJright and Ancoíoa Wire, Molasscs Gates and Fasseds, Mili Saws. Cross Cut Saws, Hand nnd Wood Sa'.v, Back and Kcy Hole Saws, Anvils. Vicos, Cellowe,Adzes,Cooper8 lool.-, Drnwing Knives. Spoke Shavcs, Tap Borers, Cast Sieel Augura, Common AuEfurs, Augur Biits, Hollow Augura, Steel and íron Squares. Ground Piaster, Water Lime, GrirulJSiones, Potaeh.Caldronand SugnrKettlcs, Cable, Lo. Trace and Halter Chains, Broad, Hand and ATarrow Axee, Spirit and Plumb Levels, together with a general nesortment of HolIcw Ware, which w i 1 1 bc sold low for Cash onpprovefl credit at J 23, Jcücrson Avenue. Eldred'sBlock. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lGth, 1846. 248-ly CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Seperators are made and sold by ihesub8cribers,at (heir Machine Shop, near the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor, KNAl'P & HAVILAND, Jan. 19, 1846. 2AT íTpIIE prcccding figuro is given to represen Uie insensible, l'erspiraüon. h is dn: gte;i evacutuion tor the iinpuritics of t!ie body. Jt wilt be noticed that a i'hick cloudy mist issues frorh all pointe of the suil;eo, vic!i indícales iliai this (icrspiration ilowa uninicrruptedly whèia we are in hcalth. butceases when wc are sicU. Lie eannot be sustniiied without it. Il is thrown off irom tlie biood nmJ olhcr juices ot the body, and disposes by this mcans, of ñearly ail t lic iniepuritics witliin us. 'J'hc blood, by ihis tncans 'wily, works itsell pure. The langunge of Scrip luie is, '"in the Bluod is :he JLito." ff it ever 'bccome3 impuie. t ïiiay bc traeed diiecily to the stopp:ige o! the Insensible l'erspiraüon. lt never irequfrea any inicrnal medicines to clcanee t, ais 'it always puriftes iiself by ils own heat nndaetion, nnd throws oJi' a!l iho ofluading hninoie, ih'röugh the Insensible Pcnspiratión. Thufi wc see all t tin t is neeessary wltuii the biood is sla'gnant, or iniceted. is to open t-ie poies, arulit relieves itsell" froni i:ll itnpnrity instantly. lts own heat and vilalitv are suilicient, without one partiële of medicine, exc'ept to open the pores upon thesurface. Th as wc sec ihe folly of taUing so mnch iniernal remedies. All pruciitionrs, howf.ver, direct iheir ciForts to ruslorc the Insensible pcrspiraiiou, bui it to bc nol always the proper one. The Thotnpsonian, tor insiance steams, ihe Iiydropathist shrouds ustn wei blankets, the Ilomopath si deals out infinitissimals, the Allopathist bleeds and doses us with niereuiy,and the blustering Quack gorges us w;ih piils, pills, pilla. To give somc idea of theamnunt of ihe Insen siblc l'erspiration, we wil! siate that tin Icarned Dr. Lewenhoek. and tiie great Boerhaave. ascertained that five-eighthsol all we receive into the stomach, passed ofi' by this uicans. In 'oiher words. if we eat and drink eight pounds per d:iy. wc evacúate five pounds of it by ihe Insensible Perspiration. This is none other than tho used up partidos uf the blood, and other juiees giving place to the new and fresh onea. To check this, therefore, is lo il!. mi in the system fiv.eighths of all ihe virulent inatier that naiure demande shouldleave the-faocly. Andeven when this is the case, the bl foú is of so active a principie, that it determines t'iose particles to tho skii, where they t'onn scabs, pimples, ulcers, and other spots. By a sudden irnnsition iïom lieat 10 cold, the pores are siopped, the pcrspiraiion ceases, and disease bcgins at once to developeitself. Ilence, a 8toppigo of this flow of the juices, originales so many compiaiuts. It is by stopping the pores, that overwhelms mankind wiih coughs, colds, and oonsumptions. Nine-tcnths of the world die froni oliscases in-duced by a stoppage ot the Insensible Perspira tion.It is casily scen, therefore, how neccssary is the flow óf this subtle humor to ilio surface, to preserve health. It cannot bc stopped; it caniiot be even checked, without i nducing discasc. Let me ask now, every candid niind, what course seerns tho most reasonable to pursue, to unstop the pores. af'ier they are closedi Would you give physic tounsiop the pores? Or would you .ipply something that would do iliis upon the surf.iee. whore the e-loggia actually is? Would not ihis bc common sense? And ycU I knowof no physician who makes any cxiernalapplication r. to effect it. The reasoa I assign is. that ao medicine within their knowledgc. is capable of doing it. Under these circumstances, I pressnt to physicians, and to all others, a preparation that hns this power in iis fullest e.:ent. It is Sic ALSTEK' S ALL HEALIXG OINTMEM or tlie WORLD' S SALVE! It has power to restore perspiration on the fect, on the head, around old sores, upon the chesl. in short, upon unypartoi the body, whether diseased tlightly or severely. It has power to cause all e.xtcr.ial seres, scrofulous humor8, skin disea?es, poisonous wounds, to discharge their putr.d matter, and then heals them. It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue of cutaneous diaorders, and restores the entire eutiele to itshealthy functions. It is a remedy that forbids tlie necessity of so many and deleterious drugs taken inio the stoniach. It is a remedy that neithcr sickens, gives inconvoniencc. or is dangerous to the intesiines. It preserves and dcfumls the surfacc from all deranyement of its lunctions, while it kceps open the channels fur the blood to void all its impurities and dispose of all its useless particlcs. The snriace is the outlet of five-ehhtha of the bile and used up matter within. It ia picreed v.ih millions ol openings to relieve the intcs.:ies. Slop up these pores, and death kuocks at your door. It is rightly ternied All-Hcaling, ior there is scnrcely a disease, external or iniernal, that it will not beuc-fit. I have used it for the last fourtetn years, lor all diseases of the chest, consumption. livor, involving the utmost dnnger and responsibility, and 1 declare before Heaven and man, that not ia one single case has it failod to benefit, when the patiënt was wkhin the rcach of mortal means. l have had physicians, learncd in the profession; 1 hnve had ministers of the Gospel, Judgeson the Iiench, Aldermen and Lawyers. gen tlemen of the highest erudition and multitudes of the poor, use it in every variety of way, and there has been but one voice, oae imited, universal voice, eaying, "RlcAlister, your üintment is goodi" CONSÜMPTION. It can hardly be credited that a salve can have any effect upon tho lungs, seated as thcy are within the system. Bat weeny once Cor all, that this Ointment will rench the lungs quicker than any medicine that can be given internally. Thus. t' placed upon the chest, it penetrales directly to the Iung3, separatC8 the poisonous particles that are consuming them, and expela them from the system. I nced not say that t is curing persons of Consumption coiititiually, although we are told it is (oolishncss. I cnre not what is said, so long as [ can cure sevcral thousand persons yearly. HKAD AC1IK. Thia Salve has curcd persons of the Head Achc of 12 ycars standing, and who had it rcgularly every weck, so that voniiting ofien took place. Deafne8s and Kar Ache are halped with the likc succcsB. as also Aguein the Face. COI.IJ KKKT.Consuinption. Livcr complam:, pains in tlic chest or side, fnlling of the hair one or the othe; nlwaysnccompanics cold feet. It is a sure sign of disease in the sysiem to have cold feer. The Salve will rcsiore the Insensible Perspiration and thus cure every enfo. In Scrofub, Erygipclas nnd Snit Rhcum, nnd olher diseasesof this nature, no iniernal remedy has yct been discovorcd thnt is so good. The same may bc eaid of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore Tliroat, Piles, Spinal Diseascs, Broken or Sore Breast, &c. And aa for the Cliest Diseases, sach as Asthma, Pain. Opprtssion and the like, it is tliemost wonderful antidote in the World. Fnr Livcr Ccmphiint it is equally ciTicacious: for Burna it has not has its equal in the World; also, ExcrcQcnces of every kind, suchas Warls, Tumors, Pimples. &c, it makes clean work 01 thum all. SORE EYE8. The inflammation and disease always Jieshack of the ball of theeye in the socket. Henee ihe virtue of any medicine must reach the seat o the inilnmation or it will do little pood. The Salve, if rubbed on the temples, will penétrate dircctly into the socket. The pores will bo opened, a proper perspiration will becreated and tho disease will soon pass off to the suriace. PIMPLES ON THE FACE, FKECKLES, TAV, MASCÜLIVZ 6K1N, CROSS SURPACE. lts first action iitoexuel all humor. It wil]not cease drawing till the face is frec froni any matter ihat nny bo lodged umler tlio skin any frequemly bieaking out to the sur face. lt then heals. Wlien thure is nothing but grossness, or du!l repulsivo surfuce, it begins to soften and sof ten until the ekin becomes assmooth and delicate as a child's. lt throws a freshness nnd blusliing color upon the now white, transparem skin. that is p'erfectly enchnnting. Sonie times in case-oi' Frecklcs it wiil first siart om thosc ihat have lain hiddon anti seen butseldom. l'urauu the Salve and all will soon disnppear. wou ms. Ifpnrcnts knew how fatal most medicines wcre to children taken inwardly, they would be slovv to resort to them. Espceially "mercurial lounges." called "mcdicated lozenges," pills, &c. The truth is, no one teil, invariably, when worm a aro present. New let me sny to pumita, thut this Salve will alw.iys teil il a ehild has worms. It will drive every vestige of them away. This is n simple and sale cure. Thcre is probably no medicino on the face of theearih at once so surcund so safe in the expulsión of worms. Jt would bc cruel, nay wiekcd, to givc interna!, o'oubtlul medicines, so long as a harinless, esternal onc could be liad. TOU.KT. Although I have said littlc about í as a hair restorativc, yet.i will aiake itagainst the World! They may bring their Oils (ar and ncnr, and mine will restore tlie hair two cases to their one. DM) SOR BS, MOriTlFICATIO.NS. ULCERS, ETC. That sumo Sores are an outlct to the impurjtie of the systcm, is becnuse they eaiinot pass olF tlmwjrh the natu: al channels of the Insensible Perspiration. If such sores are healed up, the impumies must havo sonio other outlet. or it will endungt-r lií'e. This is the roason why itis impolitic to use the cominon Salve of t'ic day in such coses. For they have no power to open other avenues, to let olí" tliis morbid matter, and the consequences nre always fatal. This Salve will always provide for sucïi enicrgcncies. UJSEASE8 OF CHILDRïh. How ihany thousandsarc swept ofl by giving intern.-il medicines, whsn thcir yonng bodics and tender frames are unable to bear up against thcni? Wholc armies are thue sent to their graves mcrely from pouring into their weak stomachs powerful drugs ond physics! It is to such that the All-Menlmg Oinnnent tenders so safe, plcasant, and harmless a cure Such can ees as Croup. Cholic. Cholera Jnfantum, Worms. and all Summier Complaints. by which so many children die, the Ointment will remove so speedily and surely, that a physician will never bu needed. INIoiliers! throughout all this land. we now solcmiily and socredly declare to you that the All-Hcaling Ointment will save your children from an early grave if you will use it. We are not now actuated by the least desire to gain; but knowingas we do that vast bodies of inlants and children die early; which is supposed to be inevitable and impossiblé to prevent, we hold up our warning voice, nnd declara in the face of the whole world, CHILDREN NEED OT DIE MORE TIIAN OTHERSü Uut it is from the want ef proper nourishment and the constant drugging they undergo which mows Uiein down as the rank grass falls before the scythe. Mothcrs! we repeat again, and if they wcre the last worus we were ever to utter, and ol course past the rcach of all interest, we would sny. "use the All-üealing Ointment for sicknets aniöng children." RHKUJIATISM. It removes almost immediately the inflamatiori and ssvelling, when the pain of course CCÜbCS.KEVERS. In cases of fever, the difficulty lies in the pores being locked up. so that the heat and pcrspiraüon cannot pnss on'. ïf the least moisturccould be startcd, the crisis ia passed and the danser over. The All-Healing Ointment will in all cases of fevers almost inetantly unlock the skin and bnng forth the perspiration. KKMALE COMI'I.AINTS. Inflnmation of the kidneys, of the womh, and itsialling down, weakness, and irregulnrity; in short, all those diiKcultics whieh are frequent with females, find rcady and permanent relief. Wc have liad aged ladies teil us they could not live sixmonihs without it. tíiíf lo females about to bccomc mothers. f used for some weeks antecedent to thcir confinemcnt, very few of those pains and convulsione which attend tl:em at that period will be feit. Tlysfact ought to be known the world over. SCAI.D HF.AD. We have oured cases that actually deficdeverything known, as well as the ability of fifteen or twenty doctors. One man told us he had spent S'óOO on his children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the Ointment cuied them. CQRKS. People need never be troubled with jhem if they will uso it. Ás a FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can measurc íts valué: So long as the stars roli nlong over the Heavens - so long as man treads the earth. subject to all the infirmities of the flesh - so long as disease and sickness is known - just so long will thiR Ointment be used and estfonied. When mnn ceases from off the earth, Uien thedemand willcease, and not lili then. To nllny all npprehensionsfon account of its ingredients, in possessingsuch powerfulproperties, we will state that it is composed of somo of the most comroon and harmless hcrlis in existence Tlicre is no mercury init, asean be seen from the fact tliat itdoes not injure the skinonc partiële, while it will pnss tlirough and physic the bowels. JAMES McALISTEIi & CO. 1C8 South Street. N. York. Sole proprietor of the above Medicine, to whom all Communications must be addtessed (post paid). Price '5 cents and 50 cents. (CTCAUTION.rij As the Alt-Healing Ointment has been greatly counterfeitcd, we have given this caution to thcpublie, that "no Ointment will be genuine unless the nanica of James McAlister, or James McAlisii!r& Co., are written with a pen upon cvery Indcl." The label is a sieel engraving, with the figuro of "Insensible Perspiration" on the face. Now we hereby oíTcr a rcward of $500, to be paid on conviction, in any of the constituted courts of the United States, of any individual coiinterfeiiiní; ovr name and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arbor, Wholesale Agents; Smith & Tyrell, Clinton: Ketchum & Smith, Tecumseh: D. C. Whitwood, Dexter; H.t Bower, Manchesier; John O wen Sc Co., Deroit; Harman &. Cook, Brooklyn. Dcc. 18, 1845. 244- IyOYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERSÜ ROWE & Co., having horoughly completed iheir nrrangcmcnts, are now preparcd to furmsli (lic citizcns of Detroit and vicirmy witli OYSTERS! Of a superior qualiiy, at the lowest prices. Thcy intend mailing a regular business of it, and wil! rcccive daily. by express, and keep consinni!y on hand, SHELL and OI'ENEÜ OYSTEÊS.ol a quuliiy that cunnot be surpassed. - They will bc put in Cans or Kee tlint liold (rom one quart to two gallons. Wc do not wish you 10 takc our word lor the ubovc, bui to cali tind tiy us. O AI! orders lcft at tho Rail Road Hotel, or sent by mail will meet with irnmcdiaio attcntion. ROWE & Co. Buflalo, WM. MATIJEWS, Agt. Detroit. P. S. Oysters delivcrcd to any part of the city ree of charge. Detroit, 1846. 285.3m liats and Caps, IN all their varieties, also Cams, Silk and Gingham Umbrcllns. Suspendere, rich Silk ' Scarlsand Cravats. Silk, Linen and Kid Gloves, with every article in thai line can bo had at fair prices and warranted to suit by sending your ' wishes by Jctier or by calling at No 58, WoodI ward Avepue, 3 doois north cf Doty's Auction ' room, Detroit. í N. B. Ministers and Liberty men supplicd at a smal! advance from cost. I 2GG-G.-TI JAMES G. CRANE. c MEDICAL B00KS. , A NEW lot of Medical Books. juet opened i and for sale chenp for cash ai June 15. í70-tf Pêhry'sBOOKS! BOOKSÜ AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC THE undersigned having retumed from New York with a new, largc nnd valuablc stock of Boolcs, Stalionery and Paper Ilavgings, is now ready to sel! for Cash, any thing in liis line nt his hcw siand on Mum etrect, opposiic II. Beckcr's Brick Store. He will sny to Book purehasers. that. by his effirts lust l'ail on his rc'urn from New York. the price of nearly every thing in his line has been sold less tlian herctufore, aud had il not been for liim, purchaeers would have continucd to pay the prices herelofoie charged. Ue can say also, that his sales have been . boyond his most sanguine expectations. showing conclusively that a public benefactor, nlthouglt ever so small, will not go uniewarded in this enlighiened communily. He 3 thankful fr the favors alrcady bestowed. ond would rcspectfully solicita coniinuancc of the trade; andhe would say tii thoso who nevcr liave purcliased books of hini, that he will show them articles and prices with p'easure at any time ihoy may cali whether they wish to purchase or not. Cash orders from the country will bc attendcd to, nnd the booka packcd as well as if the persons were present to atiend the purchases. He wül also ícll to cbildren as cheap aa thcir parents. Purclinses will do well to examine his stock and prices bofore purchasing elsewhere. Don''!, forget the place; he sure youcail at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Street, a feto doors South of the Public Square. VM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Juno 27, 18 16. 269-ií THRESHING MACHINES, THE undeisigned would inform the public that he mnniilncturcs Horee Powers and Tlireshing Mochines at öcio, of a superior kind inverited by hiniself. Thesa Powers and Machines are particularly adapted to the use of Farmers who wish to use them lor threshing their own grsin. The power, thresherand tixtures can ull be looded into a conimon sized wagon box and drawn with one pair of horses. Tliey are designcd to be used with four horses. and are ahundnntly strong for that number, nnd may be safuly used with six or eight norses with proper care. They work with lessstrength of horses according totheamount of business dono than nny oiher power, and will thresh generally nbout yOO bushcla vheat per day with four horsetf. In or.c instance 158 bushels wheat werc threshed in threo hours with lour horses. This Power and Machine contnin all the advantagea nece3sary to rnake thcin proiitable to the purchaser. Tliey are strong nnd durable. - They are eoaily moved from one place to another. The work of the horses ia easy on thoso powers in comparison to others, and the prico is LOWER thnn nny other power nnd machine, have ever been sold in the State, nccording to the re;sl value. The terms of pnyment will be liberal for noles that are known to be absolutely good. I -have a number of Powers nnd Machines now ready for sale and persons wishing to buy are invited to cali soon. CLEANERS. I expect to be prepared wiihin a few c?ays to make Cleaners for those who may want them. The utility and advaniages of this Power and Machine will oppear cvidt-nt to all on examinin the recommendations below. All persons are cautioncd ngainst making these Powers nnd Machines: the undersigned having adoptcd the necessary measnres for securing letters pntent for the same within the time required by law. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. June 13, 134G KECOMMENDAT1OXS.íjuiuie. me jcur ivio, eacnoi ;ne undersigncd piirchiised and used either iiulividually or jointly with others. op.e of S. W. Foster's' newly in vented Horse Powers and ihreshing viachines, and bclieve they are beticr adnpied to the use of Farmers who want Powers and Machines for their own use thaji any other power and iliresher wiihin our knowledgo. They are cnlculated to be used with four horecs and are oí ampie strengih íor that number. They appear to b; consiructed in such n manner as to render them very durable with liule Jinbility of getting out ol order. They nre eisily moved from o ríe place to another. They can be worked wiih any number oí hands from four to tight, and wiil ihresh aboul 200 bushels whent per da'y J. A. rOLHEMUS, Scio, Washtcnaw co G. BLOOD, ' T. RICHARDSON, " SAMUEL H.EALY, " 3. P. FOSTER, " N. A. PHELPS, " " ADAM SMITfJ, ' J. M. BOVVEN. Umn, WM. WALKER, Webster, " THOS WARREN, . " D. SMALLEY, rLodi. I tlireshed last fall and winter w."th one of S. W. Fosier's horse powers, more than fií'teen ihousand bushels rain. The repairs bestowed upon tíie power amounted to only 6.J cents, and it was in good oider when I liad done threshin. 1 invariably used si.t horses. „ . A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Manon, June G. 1S46. I purchased one of S. W. Foster's horet powers last fail and have used it for jobbing. ] have used many different kinds of powers" and believe this is the best running power I have everseen. D. S. BENNET. Hamburg. June, 18 IC. Wc purchased one of S. W. Foster's Morse Powers last tiill, and have used it and think it is a first rale Power. JESSE HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, June, 1846. 269-if 1846. 1846. TEMPEKAWCE HOUSE!.JIJLTON BARXEY OF THE ST E AMBO AT HOTEL, DETROIT, IS now rcndy to accommodate his friends and the Trave'.ling Public, wiili all ihose conveniericcscnlculoted to muke them comfortablc, and whhpiiccs t suit Üiettmts. Meas twenly-five Cents. Best f are in the City 'for the same Moncy. General Stage Office. Stramboats leuve Detroit for Buffalo ertry Errnhiff. at huif past Ü o'cloclc. (Usnally.) The Raüroads are withinfivc minuics ride of the Sfeamboul Hotel. 272-tf A. C. M'GRAW & CO., Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Boots & fioes Which have been selcctcd witli much care for the Wholesale Tra de! T I ïfJEY now respectfully request the MerX chant8 of Michigan nnd adjicent Siates, to examino their extensive stock which wi] bcsokl at very low prices for ensh or opproved credit, {laving for t lic last fif'ieen years sold more Goods at rctnil than any other House in Michigan, they fcel fully persuaded that their selection f.8 to iriccy (fuality, and sizes, will suit the wants of tli: people. Their stock of Leather nnd Findings is also complete. The rctail trado continúes as usual on the first floor, CoKNKn ov Jefferson and WooDWAnu AVENUKS. . C. MtGRAW, & CO. Detroit, Aug. 22, 1846. 248-lyI NEW COOKING STOVE And Stoves of all kinds. The subscriber would cali tho attemion oí th public to Woolson's Hot Air Cookin STOVE Which he can confidently recommpnd as bein dccidcdly superior to any Cooking Stcve m uso Por Bimpliciiy ín opcratioii- economy in fucl and for uiiequalled Baking and Roastjng quali ies, it ís unrivallcd, The new and imporinnt fmprovemenj introduced in its construction being such ss to in9ure great advantagca over all oiher kind of Cooktng StDVC8. WILLIAMR. NOYES, Jr. 76 Woodward Avenuu, Detroit Dec. 12, 1845. .jg "Crockery at Wholesale pUEDERICK WETMORE. has cons.antly X on hand. the Inreest stock in the West of Crockery, China, Glassware, Looking Glasses and Piales, Britannia Ware Trays, Lamps and Wickivg-, Plaled Ware, China Toys, $r. c, His stock includes all ihe varieties oí Crock cry and China, from the finest China Dinner and Tea Setts to tho most cominon and low priced ware - from the richest cut gloss to the plnincst glnss ware. Hritunnia Castor of every kind. Britunnia Tea Seiis, Coflee Pote Tea Pois, Lamps, Cnntllesticks, &c. Solau Lard Lamps of every descríption from the most coatly cut ParlorLanip to the chcape! Store Inmp. v All the ubove anieles nre imported by himself dircctly from the manufacturéis and will be fold at holesale, as low ns at any Wholesale Homo expenses trom seaboard ndded onlv. A liberal discount given for caíli. Merchnnts and otheis are invited to cali und examine the above articiiH at the oíd stand No 125, Jefferson Avenue (Eldied's Block.) Detroil- 248-1 y selpctTchITl MISS J. B. Smith. assisted by Miga 8. FtKr.r,announces to the public tnat she ia prepared to rcceive youn-i ladies into her school in thebosfment room of tho Episoopol Church. '1'r.KMs.- For quarterof 12 weeks, for Engliih brtochosfröm $2,to $5; French and Latin each $3 extra if pursued togetlier with :he Enelish simies, or separntcly, $5 each. The schooi will be furnished with a Philosophical appnratus; and occasional lectures given on the Natural Sciences. Mrs. Huh8 will gire nstruciion to all wlio desire it, in Music, Drawing, Paintingand Ndlework. Miss Smith refers to the foHowinggen!temenProfessors Williams, Ten Erook, and Whecdon of the Univcrsity; Rev. W. S. Cortis Rev Mr. Simons, Uev. C. C. Taylor, Hon. E. Mun' dy, Win. b. iMaynard Eeq. Ann Arbor. April 29, Ití46. 2fi2-tf LMICHIGAN LAND AND TAX AGENCV. H. D. POST, Mason, Inghavi County, Michigan. WILL at:cnd tn the payment of Taxes, examination oí Tules, purchasc and aalc of Lands. &c. &c. Any business entrusted rohim will bc transacted with promptness and accuracy- Addres hj mail. licfcrcnccs, (by pcrviission.) C. Hurlbut, Detroit, J. C. Henrif, Brother & Co. ) .„ Wilder & Snow, Troy. Woodbury, Avcry & Co. ) L R. G. Williams, Nao York.CHSAP STOVES AT YPSILANTl! 19r% COOKING &PARLOR STOVES. x idJ just receivcd, by the Suteciiber. (mostly from Albany) makifog a good assoriment or the latesr and best patterns, which will be soM at L7 Pnces! not to be undersold iliis eide Lnke Ene! Also, Copper Furniiarp, Cnnloron Kettle. Hollow Ware of alJ sizes, Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnufncturcd, and constantly Xept on hand wliich will also bc sold very )ov. P. S.- Purchasers will" do well to cali and examine for their own satisfnotion. v .. . _ J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti, June 20, 1846. g7it FOR SALE CHE AP ron CASH, or every kind of country Produce, Saddles, Bridles,Harncss, Tmnks, Valú ses, Trunk Valises, Carpet Bugs, Sfc. Also a .good assortnient of Winps & Lasheb, which will be sold very low, and no mistake, at COOK&JIOUINSOIVS. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846. 277-tf JUSTARRIVED B Y EXPRESS. TOE Mozart Collection of Sacred Music, by E. les Jun - contnining the eelebrated Christus and Miserere by Zingarelli with Eng - lisli words. Teachers of Music will piense cali and cxam ine the work at Pekry's Bookstore. Octobcr 7, I8-1G. 286-tfWANTJGD, at Ferry's Booksioro, 5 Tona clean Cotton nnd Lincn Raga, 1 Ton Becuwax, nnd, 3500 Dollars in cash, for the largcstnssortment ol" Books and Stntionery ever offered in ihia Village, and ai tiis usual low jiricce. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7, 1846. 2ö6-tf JE. G. BURGER, Denlist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT STORE, CRANE & JEWKTT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR, THE LIBERTY MINST REL ONE HUNDRED COPIES of the fiftli edi tion of thia highly popular work ore fbr sala at the Signnl office at 50 cents single, or $4,50 per dozen. Tcrnia Cash. Now is tho timo for Liberty choirs to supply thomsclves. TO COUNTRY MJ3RCHANTS, TTIE Subscriber hns constamly for sala good ossortment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, well adapted lo tliecouniry niarket which hft will sell at wholesaJe or retail, viuiy low. Cali oud see them at the M ínattan Stokk. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. TFIIIE highestpricepaid in cashby G. F. ' X is, Exchnngo Broker, oppoitp the Insurance Bqnk, Detroit, for orders on any of tha conmina in the State of Michigan; aleo for Sta securitie8 of all kinds and uncurrent funda öatt and see. Dec 1, 1845 241-