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OUR ADVERTISERS. Under this head, we publish, free of charge, the name, residence, and business, of those who advertise in the SIGNAL OF LIBERTY.
A. McFARREN, Bookseller, Detroit. S. W. FOSTER, Threshing Machines, Scio.
W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Druggidia, Ann Arbor.
ELDRED & Co., Tannery, Detroit. J. HOLMES & Co., Dry Goods, Detroit. J. Gibson & Co., Merchants, Ann Arbor, W. R. Perry, Bookseller, Ann Arbor. C. CLARK, Law Office, Ann Arbor. G. F. Lewis, Broker, Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, Ann Arbor. R. Davidson, Merchant, Ann Arbor. C. B1.18s, Jeweler, Ann Arbor. F. J. B. CRANE, Insurance Office, Ann Arbor. D. L. LATOURLETT X, Linseed Oil, Long Lako. P. B. RIPLEY, Temperance House, Detroit. J. M. ROCKWELL, Marble Yard, Ann Arbor. R. MARTIN, Hardware, Detroit. KNAPP & HAVILAND, Machinists, Ann Arbor. W. MATHEWS, Oysters, Detroit. J. G. CRANE, Hat Store, Detroit, M. BARNEY, Temperance House, Detroit. A. C. McGraw & Co., Shoe Store, Detroit. W, R. Noyes, JR., Stoves, Detroit. F. WETMORE, Crockery, Detroit. Miss J. B. Smith, School, Ann Arbor. HD. Post, Land Agency, Mason.
Cook & Robinson, Harness Makers, Ann Arbor.
W. A. RAYMOND, Merchant, Detroit. J. M. BROWN, Stoves, Ypsilanti.