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Good And Bad Luck

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:í I may licro as vvell oa nny whuro import the secret cf goxl nnú bad ludí. There aro men. who suppoiing Providente to have an mplacaiilespiiR Qjjftínst thom, bemonn in the paverty ol a wrctrhsd olii ago tha misrüfuines üf líieir lives. Luck forevor rou ngninat tliem, niul for others. One wlih a good prolession. lost liia luc k in tho river, vlire hé idled away his time a lls.iing. when lio ehould have been in tho jITícc. Anplher, wiih a good tradc. porpelmüy hurnt up lúa lack by his hot temper, wbich proTjked hts cmployers to leavu lum. Anotlior. witb n lucí ativr business, losl lits luck by omozing diligence at every thing but Jus busmt-ss. Anoliiur. who üteadily followcd liia trade, a3 stsadily íollowefl bis boitle. Anoilier, who w;i9 .'iones' and constant to his work. erreü by perpetual misjudjments ; h Uokcd diucrttion. ilondreds lutlicir luck by endtrsing ; ly sanguine speculu[on3 ; by tiusiing fraudulent men ; and by dis lioncjt pains. A man ncver has good luck wlio hos a bad wife. I ncver kncw an enrly-rising hard-working, prudent man, careful of nis enrnings and sirictly honest, who coniplained of buc luck. A good character, good hubit? and iroi indusiry are imptegn.iblo ia ihc aasnults, of I the ill luck that fools ever drenmed of. Bui wlicri I see a tattcrdemaüon, creeping out of a yrocery late in ilio forenoon, with hia hands sluck thtd his pockets, the rim of lus hut turncd up, and the crown knockcd in, I know ho hus had bad luck, - ior tho worst of all luck is to be