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Iflassacla CISC tlS.- The Massachuetts Ganeral Hospital, and the McLean unatic Institution, united in interes!, ave roceived tho following sums from inividuals named : John McLean, $119,000; Mary Belnap, 89,000; William Philips, $25,00 ; Thomas Oiiver, $22,000 ; Israel lunson, 21,000; Jose(,h Lep, $20, 00 ; Samuel Elliott, 810000 ; Abraham Toure, $10,000 ; Jeremiah Belknapj 10,000; Wm. Appleton, $12,000; D. ears, $7,000 ; Jame3 Perkins, 85,000 ; 3eza Tucker, $5,000 ; Mary Brimmer, 5,000 ; Thomas H. Perkins, 5,000. - 3 oston Medical Journah ËDITORS IN" THE LegISLATURE. Mr. uckingham of the Boston Courier, and Ir. Bryarit of the Barre Patriot, wil! be mem'oers of the Senate ; and Mr. Hayen of the Boston Atlas, Col. Schouler ftheLowell Courier, Mr. Hawley of ie Hampshird Gazette, Mr. Beebe of he Westficld Siaridard and Mr. Thurber f tho Plymouth Memorillare elected lo ie House of Representativos. We understand that tho " Communiy," of "Northampton Industrial Asoociaon," have given up sh'ip. They disolved last week by a formal vote, and nè oftheir numbsr, Mr. üill, it isstated, akës the property andassumes the debts. We have for a long time expecied such nn event. The company had dwindled down to a pretty small number. - NorthampLon Gaz. Löniïctticiit- Thö New London Morning News contains the following account of au accident to the daughter of Mr. Jacob Whelden at one of the faetones In Greenville, recently : " h appears that she was stat:ding nfear an upright shaft, combing her hair. In a gay and thoughtless frame ofmind, she stood thus Unoccupied and singing, when by somè sad fatality her hair was caüght in the revolving shaftj and her body sud denly thrown in tuch a position as to breuk her neckj causing instant deaih. The young lady was not an operative in the mili, bnt wáa working tiiere in theplace of a fïiend who had gone away on a visit. She went info thé mili, we are told at the earnest soHcitation of her mother, to allow her friend the opportunlty to leave, and had scarcely been thore tVo hours when the catasti'ophe occurred. The New Haven Register containsthe foüowing brief record of certain proceedings in ihe Süpréme Court of that city at ils October term. Thcy present the dark side of a Very hnndsome picture ; Divorces Grantcd t--' ïïlium Bassfbrd from Mary J Bassford - causo adultery. Huldah Churchill from Louis Churchill - cause, intolerable cruel.y. Thankful Pricefrom Thim3 Price - cause, odultery. Polly F. Foot from Andtew II. Foot - cause, three years' wilful desertion. Catharine A. Parmelee from Edwin Parmelee - cause, intolerable cruelty and habitual intèmperance. Elizabeth Totnlinson from V'm. Tomlinson - cause intolerable cruelty and iniemperance. - Mary Johnson from Isüac Johnson - cause, wilful desertion for more thnn threc years. Roíetta Hotchkiss from Milton Hotchkiss - cause, intolerable cruelty and habitual intèmperance. Francis Anthony from Sarah E. Anthony - cause, adultery. Eliza Ann Rose from Francis Rose - cause, three years wilful desertion. Polly Maria Hurlburt from Wm. D. Hurlburt - 'canse, habitual intèmperance and intolernblo ei uelty. At thö late terriï of the Fairfield Co. Court, in Conncclicut, a man was mulcted in 800 damages for not kecping hTs promisc of marriage to a lady. He had visited her every Sunday evening fur about l wo years : thus making his courtship cost about eight dollars an eveiv ing. The carpet weavers at Thompsonvillc. Ct., went to work last week. Tlreprices were compromised between them ani the employers, and fixedaí 15 per cent, reduction from the old prices.IVeW Yoi'k.- The number of prisoners in the prisort of this city and iis immediate vicinity's truïy apalling - not less thau 3000 ! Phüad.Ophia has only about one fifth of this n-umber, and Boston oae tentb.The Hon. John Young, thö newly elected Governor of the Empire Siate, in parjy life was thrown upon his own resources, - hisparents b?ingin very moderato pecuniary circumstoncts. He went to work and qualified bimself for a teacher in a common country school, vras subsequcntly a member of Congress, and is now the Governor elect ofthe largest and most pawerful Sta'e in the Union. Thinking of falsa pretenceyi genilernan ol this city recently married ö woman repuied lo bo rich, who not only turned out to bê poor, but somö sevèn hundred dollars in debt, which debt he had to liquídate I She assured him, howcver.that the debt Was contracted for dry goods, which she bought to captivate him. - Think of a fish paying for the hook, with which he is caught 1- Albany Knicker boeker. Pemisylvailia. - The Roman Catholic Advocate says that a colony of missionaries ofthe order of St. Benedict, starled from Munich on the 29th of July, for the United Slates of America, to furm at St. Joseph, in Pennsylvania, the firsi nionasiery of Penedictines. It is cpmposed ofRev. Father Boniface W immer, Prior,) F. Maximilian Goetner, two heologians, two cholastics, and several ay brothers. Delft ware. - There is but onedisillery in operation in the State of Delaware, says an exchange. Can it be so ? W e hope it is, and that the day is not far distam when the same may be said of every stato in tho Union. - Hagersoum News. Iflaryland.- A Telegraph dispatch from Baltimore says Beaty'spowder mili, about 8 miles from that city, exploded yesterday, and fivo men were blown to atoms. It was stated that not less thati two tons of gunpowder were ín thö buildings, all of which exploded almost simultaneously. Thn concu-sion was tremendous - the whole surrounding country and the city of Baltimore were violenlly shaten, as if by an earthquake. Three largo buildings seventy yards apart, belonging to ihe mili, were scittered over the ground to the extent of ten acres. The houses, for a mile and a half 'n the country round, were more " or le-.s damaged. No idt-a can bé formed ofthe causo of the explosión, as all t!io witnesses wero instantly killed. Soiïlh Carolina.- WiHiom A. Powell has been tried in Darlington District. S. C. for stealing a slave boy, and entenced to bc hung the first Friday in January next Alabastiá- The Ëutnw Whig states thalBryant Himes, who in December last ran ofT wiih about sixty negroe= mortgaged to the State Bank of Alababa, has beën dáp.uréd in Florida, rind ioJgel ir, Green couiity jtiil to await his tri.l lor the penitentiary ofTence. Furty-two ofthe negroes wero found in his possession, and on the way back to Ala ín mi. Dr. Estes, of Montgomery, Alahnmr), ïasjust issner) a work, entitled 4;Defcnce of Negro Slavery.'ïjOïflïsianii.- Descripticn op a Gold Swokd presentcd by the Slate of Louisiana to Gen. Tayïor! - The scabbard is made of the finest metal, wiih richly engraved and wrought ornamento. Ön two divisions of the front side are scènes of the battle at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. The shield presents the following inscription : " Prescntëd by the Sta:e of Louisian? to Gen. Z. Taylor. in testimony of the high opinión held by the pcople of this st;tte, of the skill, conducit and judgement showñ by him durKg his military life, but particularly during the battlesof Palo Alto on the 8th, nnd at Reseca de la Pulma on the 9thofMny, 1846." Surmounting the battle scènes appears the coat of arms of Louisiana, and in the centre of the scabbnrd the American Ëagle richly engravcd. The grasp is composed of altérnate mother of pcarl and gold lacets, richly engraved and studded, and protected by a massive gold chain. The liead represents a rèvolutionary cap and plume, surrnounted bya precious cairaghorm stone. SroRT at the Soutm. - The N. Orleans Courier gives the fullowing inform.-ilion : " In consequence of repcated deprnda ions on their propeity, a number of the nliabitants of the lauxbourg Washington, n the 3d Municipality, assemblcd yesterday, and provided with proper authority o act, pene'raled into thé swa'mp. At the distanceof three miles from the. ogc of he woodsj on an elevatc'd spof, surrounded by murshes, ihcy found asmall village. whci'e the joyous inhílhitanís were sèated )eforefheir cabirrSjforming soveralgroups, coriversirig es famiïy circles; Tnken by surprise the citizens of this nevfr comnr.onweaïih,- fo the numbór of ihirty, could do nothing but takc their fcet in iheir hands and trut off as fact as thcy could. The whites sutnmonöd them three timés to sunender, without effect, and ihfrr when thtee of iho fugitives feil sévêrely Vounded - t!c ethers made their escape. to the fale oí the prisoneixonly one óf thosc w!.o fled csrried of his gun ; -the rost lef! their orms and baggage behind. The cabins were we! provided with provisión?, and bcuehok uiensils of all sorts "b'o'i bocamo the spoil of tlie invaders. Tho v.llago was burnt. Of the tbreo prisnners, onó btlongs to Mr. Coirón, another, q woman, to Mr. Hortaire, Andry, and tho ownor of tho third is not known. The New Orloanu Commercial Times of the 19(h instant says : - "A cciontific gentleman, yesierday, in our preseace, applied a magnified glass, or microscope, to a daguerreotype portrait, and the effect semed really miraculous. Tho features became almost instinct with life, the lu-tre, of iho eyevasv isible, one would say in all iis tremulousness, ond the hair on the head, ünd cyebfou-s, &a, assumed their real natural hue. We never fully appreciated the exquisite beauty of the inventiou until we witnossed thia oxperi ment." TcEmesec - An attempt was made on the nightof the 19ih uit. U asscsünate John H. Day, Esq., Mayor ofJnclcson, Tenn. HO was called to tho door about midnight, by the rapping of some persen, when a horseman's pisto], loaded with buck shot, was discharged at him. Fortunately, says the Jackson Republican, be had stepped aside to shield himself Trom the cold air, and thereby saved bis lifc. Slihaols.- The Anti-Mormon ladies (?) through n commitiee of ten of their sex, on last Saturday waited upon Gov. Ford at the Temple, in Nauvoo, for the purpose of personnlly insulting him. - But hisExcellency refused to see them ; they left a paciente for him, however, containing n pellicoat. The volunteera and the Officors, under Gov. Ford, held a meeting expressive of their contempt f the cowardly ruffians who had thus persuaded thoir wives and daughiers to'disgrace their sex by a mo?t vulgar and unladylike procöedlng. The whole offair was bui in keéping with their former actions, and we ai e not surprised that the vio.'ationsof ldw, and the plunderers of the Mormonsjshould pfostitule their females by mak ing them thus forget themselves. Tho female trophy was carried outside - and to the windwardofthe city - where three negroes, hircd for tho service, burned it, as a shimeful ovidence o Anti-Mormoa insul:.- Si. Louis Republican. A Sister of Mercy took the bluck veil at the Cfithedral Church, on Saturday morning lasf. The ceremonies, we undeistood, were impcs:íg. The vows taken on this occasioa were of perpetual obligition. The Sisters of M-jrcy, sinci thèir af. rival in this city, havo ostnblished two flourisiiing schools for yuung ladios. - Chicago Citizen.OSliO- Wo.v't Síísmit.- The Syiicid of Cinciniiati, (Xew Sclioo!) some liiTiesincfc, suspended the min.'sloriui functions of Rev. Wm. Graham, a memboi of that body, for heresy, in tkchiDg tha! Shvery is in acordance with tl, o Bible. The cnsewent up to the General Assem bly on an appeal, and that body pronounced theactionof the Synod incgular and unconstitutioual and sent dwn its mjuncüon accordingly: The case came up again ata recent meeting of the Synod, but the body refused by a vota of36 to 11 to comply with tlic roquisition of the Assembïy and asked the Iatler to re consider their action. The groünd of this refusal is ú rule lately adoptad by which, according to the opinión of the majority, theSynods and not te Assemb!y are the courts of ultímate appeal and final authoritative jurisdiction. The Synod at the same lime censured the Rfpley Presbytery for having adopted resolutions disrespectful to the Assembly on the subject of Slavery, Whereupon that Presbytery seceded from the Chutch. In Ohio, a black or mulatto person is not allowed to be a witne-s in any case wlierè a white person is a party. In o recent case, a hand employed on boárd a canal boat, brought a su 't ogainst ihe boat for wage's. The witness ïelied on wns a colored man, and llie nttirney for the dëfence objected to bis tÓNtifyng. - But the Justice decieed that a canal boat was not a white person in the meaning of the law } the testimony of witnesa vas heard, and a verdict rendered for the" jilantiiT n aHachment. A new Lcct of fánátics hns áppeared in Cineinnali. There ars about sixty of them, more than half the number Leing and the'y are followeis, says ihe Co.nmere'al öf ihat city, of a big, bir;ïy, half índian, hnlf Negro.' formerly á Mormon,' who has proclaimed Winseif Jesus (Jhrist 5 He showed liis disc'ii)les, one dny last week, the sc'ars ai wounds in lus lïands and received on the cross! He does iuiracles with a golden rod, and píofeses that he was the cause of the destruction of Natchcz by a whirlwind. He has already organizedsevernl departments to his kingdohï; a nev Pe er. Paul, &c. The' nrrmbers of this now religión are solemnly enjoyad to secresy, andhold ïnetinga niglitly. Mïc'higaiiï. - At tho neït eíeotn, instead of YQtipg for Gavefhór, tA$9of tho Legisl ature and county offices on thrce different slips of paper, os is now íhe practico, nccording to ihe revised staiutes, all will bovoted for on the same slip, tbus dispensing with tho uso of q]1 b,tono ballot box, and with agreatdeal of unnecossary by il.o clerks of o'octioD. Tho rofrrm is a (pod onc Most of the statcs haveadoptod thia plan of plnc;ng tho of tho officers to bo votod for on a single slip of paper, and when once odopied, has nover beon altercd in favor of the plan heretoforo pursuod in this state. A volé thus cast, is to all intenta and purposes a secret one. for whon íblded, no onc, except tho voter himself can teil whethor it is a democratie or a whig ticicet, and heneo every man votes bis unbiassed sentiments, unawcd by influense. VVoconsider tljO reform in the mode ofvoting, one of tho best that could )Q adoptad. - Frce Press. Tlio tjcv Presbyterian church ot Battle Creek was entirely consumod by fire, jn Sunday night last. The fire Í9 supjóse I to havo been coramunicated to the woodwork from tho stovo pipe. Great 'ears were entertained, during the fire, .hat it would not stop at the church, but ïweep the whole of Main st , and thia waa ïnly averted by the timely cid of the iew fire engino. The Church cost about $3,000, and he la-t pny ment had just been made. - Marshall Ex. Texas.- At Coñeo'a Bond, Texas, he5;hof October, Holland (Joflee and Charles Galloway had a street flght, and, joth being arraed, as seems to Ie the cus lomof that country, of course there was a death. Coffee shot at Galloway, in effectuallvj anH Galloway stabled CoITee so that ho died in a few minutes. Boih "highly respectabloj' ósc, as usual.