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This excellent coinpuuini is lor sule by the proprietor'. Agen(3. MAYNAUÜS. 263-Iy Xi HOLMES & WIIÜLESALE AND RF.TAIL DEALERS IN STAI'JLB AvNÜ FANtY DRY GOODS, Brv Grocerirs, CMrpeliHg, und paper laatigiitp, Yo. 03 iVoodioard Aoeaue, Lamed s Jilodi, Detroit. s m H.II.MKÍ. Detroit S WE take thismethod ofjnfonninf9urfnend antí cuatómira tbrougíwút if.e Swio._ íhft iïïfÖSPilS .-ent.un of che „ubüc to n ve;v Svtrt öJired at whofótole ór rew 1 nt verv U Ï üriíei Our tacHUÍes lor ptirc ímím Good Uv pncu. w Concem ín tlifi Staia - SfÜfSSSSH ÍTSSow andfrh üoodron, W5OÍOOOlbs. WOOIi. JJ Wo.iíorwUiohthe bighest market sviübopaid. j HOLMES & CO. Detroit. MaySS, IS4Ö. ___JÜTO WOOL G3GWÍB8. TTTFbe„ leave 10 nform o..r WüoI W.-nttvveahaU b prepared tor the purcliaso of 100,000 lbSi mmmm mmmm an,l a Ifdáambta portion bcing unw A- fifly ieJ up witli proper wob (cos t0 ets per lb. ) hemp iwinë 3 Ke Sesr u ■' be fouml g.eaiiy to ih.' advant.iee or Wool trrow erato out up their wool in lhi '"!";v , ' Jr LbÚ wonl is not merchantable, nnd w.ll b rcjected by moat ifnotall o( the Wool büjcrs, M diltlL HOLMESS Co. WoOUWAKD AVKXOE, Laruerfls Bioch. Detroit, Mnrch 26846. g-7-" 1846. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A; M'FARREN, B90KSELLEB AM2 S . ATI0Í4SR. SMART'S ULOCK, 157 JEFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT. KFfc:iJá cnstan:ly lor salea complete nssor ment of MiscelUneous. Schooi andCInssil Uooiu, Letter and Ca Paper, pjain and rul ed Quilla, luk. Wax, Cuilerjr, Wrop piny l'aper, Prjnüt.g Papen ot all s.zcs; and S57k; Ncwsand Cmnister lnkf of varions kinds. BLK BUOKS, full and hall bound of ev ery variety of Rutó Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchanis, TenQhers, and others, in .i'iuniiies, n lurge discount made. l"Li school and Biblc Society Deposi.or.medical Notice 1 Washienaw a.ul the ndj mmg Cj vn ucs,. Íl uceo ■"ithic phyaicwn. would say, ihat aitt iav nTírac 'ced medicine on .he pnnc.plea a 23in tho oíd achoo!, and trca.ed disenae o Sust two years accordin lo mee imthr. - fSÍ& &&. Clrantr' J SSt n ha w sob?oi med.cine ; and bá the ...ost aufe, cermin and succeasful metliod o. CUD8eise8, hitherto Incurable, areno In moei caaes. ;,errinnt!y erad-caicd by Htóopatty aLcusoÍ l.o .d, uterus sto.nnch. Áe] &c. have po'W ifieit ceriam remedies. Ep 8Ep0 mama, pnralysís. rteürá fiiü, bfoftcliiUs ver and íu-ig tenses; sc-irlet fever. chute.,. or black tonque, croup, nílümmDt.ons oí ln h-a! Bto.nacf, bowels. &c &c. arconly a fe ot ihó n.any H, that have hcenampt of the tern.r,, - ; the tí.nely appücation of ho.nceopa.lm 111 wX'Üfír.hercMay.tba undorsignel svoui.: lciveiu thealllictedto sny, on mal of .he re..,cflies, wliethcrHomoíopa.hy ia whatii claims to '"iJïihl also átate 'hat he has just rcturned irom mté York and tW íJ{.-L& fgj „tete assortment of MLUJCAMKMb, n#) mporte.l f rom Leipsic, lo th.s place, wheía he w Uaaeiid to all cills,and medicaments. boia 'the lowest prices-, Fron, theclosf aiTd eiclulive attention he is g.vmg to .he study and Saéuee of Homoeopatl.y .o !e ab;e to v. aüaCn tothose wbnwy iavor tllti wilR S 01 ironie. Commanic.tions. post pud. íom Sítíems-atadistance, will receive promp. UTho8Íwh. moy w.s!, to place henclves underhis trwtmeht for anychron.c dijg obta.n íodgines ei.her at his house, or nx Dili; Er places-w Pñcc..KWOODf llomtcop:iihisr. Ypsilanii, 20th Nov. 1845 2 59-1yBETTERLATE THANNEVER.' THE Subscr tT h:.s ibe plcnsurc of nnnotinfrnm Nesv York, Dn] opcneda and wel! eslccied assoriment of NEW GOODS, consisting of Drj Goods, Grocerics, Crockenj, Hardware, Boots and Shocs, which he wiHseUai Very Low Pnces for Ready Pav in Cash, or Prodnce. ,,„.„, . Cash or Goodb wlll bepaid for WOOL in any quantuici. R0BERT DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor. June 10, 1H4Q' MEDJCAL BOOKS. A NEW lot of Medical Books. just opetid Jap 16. 270- fWTt. - - - ____!__ L.EATUER! LEATJHER! LEATHER! T LDR12D & CO., No. 123, Jefierson Avenue, "Eldrea's Block," Detroit, take .a A this opportunity lo iheir custoniers, and the public generally, ihat they slill continue to keep cm hand a l'ull assortment of Spanish Sj!c Lbntliér, Also, Lnsis and I'egs, Curricro' Tools, Sec. StSughtèred do Llorse and Collar LeaUier, Henilock tunned Upper Leatkcr, Coidcvan do Oak '; " Moiocco Skins, French tanned Calf Skina. goal do Oak and Iiemlock tanticd do Goal Binding, FÏÓrnlock tauncd liartifbs and Bridlo Lcnthcr, Uoer and Lurnb do Oak ÍÍ '; " " White and Colorcd Linings Bag and Top Lcatl)er, Printcd do Skirtiug. Philadelpliia and Ohio; Shoe llussei do . and Kit ol all kinds, As the Subscribers are now manufneturing their own Leather, they are prepared o sell ns low asean be purchased n tliiö market. Merchants and manufacturers will find it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. QrCash and Leather exchanged for Hides ancSkius. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1546. 246-1 yNEW GÖOBSf Chcap for Cash!! THE Subscribers beg Icave lo inl'orin ihcir old cuaioiners, and the public fcsnerolly. Int ihey are how rteeivinga lárge and flplrulid iss'iTimciu oí English, American and india, GOODS, Crockery, Shetf Hardware, Paints, Otls, Dyeslujfs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general aásortment of IROX. sniiable I or Ironing Wildons and Cufies, Nail Ro Is. lI.isc Slioes. and Hoie Nuils. Shtet I.-on, Tin Ware and Tin jPiaic - also a general aaortnent of BOOTS ft SHOES, h;ck and thin sale work. nnd custom work to snit purchnsers. All of which iliey will teil on he uweit pofsible lerms fur Cash or Bakteh. oeÜn" cotifideiu as we do, that we can inake r lor tlie interest of all ib'ööe wishing to purchase any of the abovo nuntioned Goods, e do most carnestly solicit at least au invesiigniiviii f our Gouda and pricts beibre purchasina clsewiiere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. JVo. 3. Excliange Mlock. Ann Arbúr, Luwcr Town, Sept. 14, 1846. 28'2-tf CLOCKS AND WATCIIES ! ! EoÍ npiIE Subscriberhas jusl 9. -v réceivcdj (and ís J't "9&$jJsl'lMÍy receiving) froni j (fe %éy -V(J-V Vork au e!e-atit at d i í fa "lè- w-ll 8clected aasortmen; Jewelry, Clocks, Tiratclics, Ác Lc. wincii bú inioiula to sell as loto is at nny otherestabiislnnent iliis side ol Buffalo for raulij pay oultf aiiiöng whicl may be Tound theiollow 111-5: a nood aísortntent oí Gold Fmger Rinrs.. Guldlirenst pins.Wristlels Gaard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea and Table Spoons (fïrst qiriitty.) Silverand Germán do Tongs, Silver S-ilt.Musiardiirid Cream epoons. Butfer Kníves, Gold and Silver iJencil Caees, Gold Pen?. '; ' Poncils, Silver and Germán Silver Thnnbles. Silver Spectacles, Gertuan and Steel do. Goggles, Cloilies. Ilair and Tor:h Brushes, Laiher Hrushes, Rnzjre and Pocket Knivcs. Fine Shears and Scissors. Katvtsand Forks, BrittanniaTea Potsaud Casiors. Platctl, Brass, nnd Brittania Candlesticks, SnuCcrs &, Trays, Slinviiiír boxea nnd Sonps, Chapniait's Best Ra.or Strop, Calfand Moroceo Wallets. Silk and Cotton purses, Violins and B.iws, Vïolin and Bass Viol Stringf-, Flutca, Fife-3. Clarionet?. Accordeons- Music Books ior the sanie. Motto Sen'.s. Stncl Pens and Tweezürs. Pon ca&es. Snuiraiul Tobaccu boxe?. (vory Dressing Combs. Stde and B.ick and Pocket CÖrnb. Needie cases. Steletiotp, VaterPain;s nnd Brushes, Toy Watciies. a yreat vnriety of üolls. in short trio greatest voriety of toys ever oronsht to llis ninrkei. Fancy wotk boxea, clnlImi's teasctis. Coi'.-ne ii;.ir Snielin S.ilte. Court Piasier, T;a Eèii. Thcrnion.etcrs; fiernian Pipes. Woorl Pencil. BRAÖS AM WOOD CLOCKS, fcc. in fact almost every ihing to please the fancy. Lodics and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yourselvee. Cioclt3. Watcliea nnd Jëwelry repaired and warrantcd on short noiice. Shop at his oíd -tand, opposite H. Becker'sbrick Slorc, in the Store occupied by M. VVh'VIN BrTSS JV B -Cash patd for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor.July su 13-16. 271-1 7FJ. B. CllANE v.ould r..,.c-ciful!y noiify tho ciiiztiis of Ann Arbor, and ihc surrpüpding eouutiy, that bc continúes to actas Airen of ihe I1RTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO M PAN Y , and wilt insnrc ijwperiy .innnst 'osses by Fire. a ihclowcs nüep, and whli dea'pafcb. onaaèéur-Acy. The Ilartloid ineiK-mce Coinpany 3 one )f ihe oUiest and most sinblc in the country, and ill losjes suBtaincd by ibein "1! lc - r.s il:ey evi-r have been- pkomi'tly v.n ! Fire ib . !angerous element nnd nol 10 le triilcd wi:h: -.lifireiore. ■ n-ikeup your mirid t goaid bgoinstj it on'd uün't tftt,kr t A íevv hout s deluy niay be your ruin. Mr. Ckank's Oñicc i in Crane's new Block. corner út the Public Square, Ann Albor. 280-t f LINSEED OILf THE Subscriber is manufucturin? Lineced Qil on nn extensive scale and he is ablo to a"PPMEllCHANTS AMD PAINTERS, on terina more fivrable for ihem than have ever !)eloro been oilired In this country, and he w prepáred i supply orders Pt large or sniull quaniitics at prices cxtremelif luw. ET Coniniuntcaiions by mail vill be promptlyattendedto. D L. LATOÜRETTE. Long Lake, Genesee Co. Mich. 283-1 y temperancfThöüse. PB. R1PLF.Y would soy to his friends and , the irienda of Tcrnpen.nce, iliat he has raken the Temperando Huuíc, l.-nely kppt by Win. Cc. Wlicaion. where he wouid be gïad to wriit upon thetn. Hay and Oaia iud Stabbiing to Tccommodate teams. Detroit, Jnnuary 1. 1S4S. IHATTEL MORTGAGES just prime! aüd far salo l ibia L& in wy qmwiity jJBnn Rrbor .'-' „i THR undersigned having Durchr.sed t!ic interestsofhis partner in 'lie Marble Husiness. woulJ infornuhc nhabitan's oí thisand uljoming cominea, ilint he continúes ihe business at tjie nld stand i.i Upper Town, near the Pre-!iy(eriau rintrch, where he will innnuiaciDro 1,0 ordr. Monument s, Grave Stoncs Paint Slonc, Talléis, $c. $c. Those wisliinfr lo obtain anyarticlo in hts lino of business will find by calliiig iliat he has an aasortrnent ut White and Varit-atei! Mirblft from the Enstern Marh'.e Qmrrie3, whicii wili be wrou!)t in Modern siylc.. and sold at enstern pii ees. dJiti! traiiípurtaüon only. Crtll and goj iheproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor. July 8, 1846. 27 ly Chcap IZardJsro Store. npHE Swhticriber tnUes tliis meihod io infonn JL hia oíd customers and the public genernlly thni ho stiil conti nurs to keep a targeand general ussorlment i Fo'ceigñ aiul Uoint'stic HARDWARE, CÜTLERY, &c. AI8O. ápüie. Wroiiylu. Cut and Horte Shoc Síiiils. GlaM. Sheot Iron, Hoop Iion. Sheet and Bar Load. Zync, lïri;;ht anrl Aneaica Wire. Iolawes Gqtes and Fowefte, Mili Síw.Cro?8 í?ui tíuwa. Hand niid W'ood Savs, Back aud Key Hule Saws. Anvilí. Vicos. ü:!lowe,Adzes.Ciiiiper'a 1 ooK , Drnwi,ng Knivcs, Soke Shuves, Tap Búrefs, Cast Steel Augure, Conunon Auííurs. Augur liitt.s, [Jdüow AiujiíiH. Steel and Iron Squares. Grotind Piaster. Water Lime, GrindjStones, Potash.Caldronand StigorKéttlCB, Cable.' Log. Trace and Halter Chnins, Broad, Hitndond Narrovv A.ves. Spirit and Plumb Levéísi loeeiKèr ilh b pínéral bssofítifentoTfióllew Ware. whioh wtll n nold low íor Casli onpfirovod credit at 123, JeíTorson Avenue. ElJrcü1 Plock. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. 16th. 184(5. S48-jy__BL.ANKS. Warkanty Deeds, Quit-Claim Deeds, MoRTGAGES, CilATTEL MOUTGAGES, SüM.MONSES, SuilPCENAS, Attaciiments, ExECUTIONS, Leases, Masteks' Deeds, FoRECLOSURKS IN CïIANCERY, Marriaoe Certificates. The abovc aré printcd on good paper, after the most approvcd íbmis, and can be had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundrcd, 'at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. November 1, 1840. O YS TERS O YS TERS ! ! OYSTEESÜ ROWK & Co., having ihorouhly cotnplcted iheir arrnngciucnis. nre riow pfepared !■ unusli llie chizons of Udroii and vicimty with OÏSTERS! Of a superior qn.ility, at ilic lowcst pnces. Tiiry int end m'nÜing a regular butiiirss of if, and will reccive d.iilv. hv expres, nnH kevp constnntly on hnnd, S1IEI.L ;ind OI'ENED OYSTERS oi q qualiiyjthat ennnot be surpassed.- Tliey will be put i:i C.nis or Kciis thnt hold from nc quart to two gallons. We do nol winti you 10 take our word for the above, bul to ccll and tiy U8. Q'jr' All orders left at the Rail Road llolol, or 6cnt by mail will meet with imraediwe atten'tion, R0WE& Co. Uufiiil., WM.MATHEWS, Agt. Detroit. T. S. Oystcrs deliveicti to any part of the city 'ree of clnrge. Detroit, 1S4G. 2?5-3m C CLARK, Attorney and Counselor, and Jusiice of tko Pcaoe. - Office, Couri LIousc, Aon Arbor.. 29JtfHPHE preceding tigaro is given to represen ilie Insensible leü-piraiion. It 3 ilie grei cvacu.itiuii tor ilie iinpunties ot" the body. Jt will [ be (ïótiqevl that a ihioiv cloudy mist issues irom iallpoiius of the sutiace, wliicii indietUep ihui thu perspirntiön fiowu uninienuptedly wneri we j uc hl houlüi. btit ce-uses when wc ure sick. Li e ' earïnot bc susínmed without it. li is throwft il irom the blood and oilicr juicea of liie body, I aml dispose iy iliis meüns. oí ue.irly ail chs 111piiriliea witliia us. 'J'hc bluod, by ihisinoans ony, weeks ítékU puro. Ttiu langunyc oi' Scriu miéis, "ia i'ue Hlood ia :liu Life." il it ever bocomet) iin'pure, it rhay bu traced direcüy to the 3top:iye ol' the Inseneible l'crspiration. ltuovcr reijuiies any inlcnial nitdiciiics to cicansu it, as t always puiiücs iihelf by u.s own heat atidaction. aiid throws oiV a!l ilio otll-iidiny hninors, ihrough the lHíciiíüile Pefapiratioii; 'J'iiud we sl'ö all thai is nfccssury when the blood is stagiiant, or inlected, is to upen the pores, andit tvliovea iiself fröni oll imptirily inatuuily. lis own heat and vimlitv are sutiicient, without one particle of' mtdicino, exoegt to optn ihc pött igön tliesurfaix'. Th. is wc soe the loliy 01 laliing so innch iniernal ïemedma. All prac;ituno.rd, howijvcr, direct tiieir cíTmis 10 reütore tiie Insensible ierjirauoti, bilt il sueiiis lo be nol always the proper one. Thu Tnompsonian, lor msiaiice steains. ihc llydropnihisi sh'iblids nsin wèiblahlicía, t!ií Üoinepath Bt deals out inriiiuissinials, tht Ali.i[),uli8t blcedaand doses U3 with inercury,ind the blustering Quack yoryes us wiili piils, pills, pilla. To ivc 80111Ü idea of (iicnmiuini of ilielnscn siblo-tfirspiraltpn, we wiil hiaietliat tb.o Icanied Dr. LëwcHhock. and tiio gtëai lioeiliaave. uüccilained thai five-eighihsoi uil we rceeive imo tlie stomach. past.ed olf ly this incans. In oihoriVilrUS. II we C.H mu uinm ti;iii i'uuuuo iv-i "ƒ ; ve evacúate live pounda of u by (lio insensible L'erspiration. Tliia is nono other tliun ihc used up partióles f tiie bluod, nnd ütlier juiocis giving place to ihe loyt and fresh ones. To check tins. thaiefore, s to reiahi in the syslefli fiv -ciy Inlis ot All tho .inilent inatver Uut nature (iemands slioUUi Ihv.c :he tody. And even when tlus s thoqase, iho ibod ia of so active a principie, that il dererntnes t ose partióles to the ski 1, wliure liiey 'omt scalis. pimple, ulcois. and uthr spots. Dy a auddeü tronsition (rom heat to colJ, the nores are stoppcd, the pcrpii.tiion censes, and Jisoase bcgins at once to developeüèelf. IÍlulo. i stoppnge of this flow of the juicos, origuiaus o nuiny eompUiiuts. It ia by stopping tho pores, ihat ovcrwhelms mankind wiih cuúgfaá, colds, and oh nsumptïbïw: ine-tentli3 of the world die froin diae.sea inJaced by a stoppugc üt íhí IBÖÜSible l'orspira tion. It is casily soon, thereforc, hovv nccessary s the llow of this sulnle humor to the sttrl.ici'. :■ preserve health. Jt cannot bc stoppcd; it -;uiiiüt bc even ciieckcd, waltout indneing disèase. Let mo nsk now, cv3ry enndid nutid. wh.K couiso seems ihe most reaipnaMu to putsuc. u ufis'róp the jjórés, ófier iliey are closed? Woáld ou giya pli j aic tuunr.op t:.e prcs? Or uould yon ñpjilv BomelUing tlut would do tliia upan the tfUrfucë, vheie the clöi'n3 ctúñl!y isï W mmi ut this he comnioh sensei And yct l kniwoi no pliysician who maUes any externui appiicaiion to elFe;t it. Tliereason I assign is, ihnt hj tnedicuio wuhintheir luiowledyc. is capablfi of duin it. Undcr thsc circun;s;ances. 1 pres ui to nhys'daiip. and to nll others, a preparan. n l.hat 'h-k this liower in itf fullest :.!ent. it ts RtcAL STER'S ALL IIKALIXU OINTMENT.'e WORLD' S SALVE! U h;is power to restore persptration on the eet, on liie head, aronnd old sores, ufion iho chest. in short. up"n any part ol the body, whether discascd tliyhiiy or sevcrely. It has power to cause nll exremal snres, scrofulousliuniors, skin disenee, ppisunpus wounds, to discharge thuir putr.d inr.tter, and then hcála It ts a remedy that sweeps off the wholc entalogue of cutancous disordois. nnd restores the eiuire cuticiii '-■) is henlihy luneiions. It is a remedy iliat forbid? tl:e nocessity of so tnany and dcleterioue drugs laken imo the stoinuch. It is a remcdy that neither sickens, g:ves ïnconvenience, or i's dangeroua to' the iniea inca. It presorves nnd de!'en.!s the snrf-ice trom al! dérangeirtcnt of its functi')iiá. while it keeps open the chnnnela lor tlie blood to void all iid inipurities and dispose of all its useless particles The snrfacc is the outlet of (ive-eihths of the bïla and usod up matter within. It is pieroed .' h inilüons ol openings to velieve tl.e Slop up these pores. and dunth knoei. & ut your door. It is rlghtly termud Att-Heaïing. tor there is scnrcely a disoase, external or iuter nal, that it will nol beuefir. 1 have used it fbr he la&t finirtei;n years. for all discases of tin clu'St, consumption. livcr, involvinj; lbo titmosi danger and rosponibility. Ottd I declare bcíorc Heoven and m'iin, that notin one single cuse haï it fnilod to bencfir, when the patiënt was vvi;hin ihe ïeuch of murtal moans. I have had physicinns. learncd in the profession; 1 have had ministers üt the Gospel, Judg,-ioii the Bench. Aldcrmon and Lawyere.gen icnien ■Ctheliighestenuliiioii atul rnüUitueUs o thepoo,'. O?? üinev.ry V-ricy of wny ,..! ihcro hay been butono vojcfl, .,; 'wnteu, u.. -er sal voice, wyinfj, ''Mc A lis. ter, yuur Ohiimcni is good!" C0N5UMPTI0N. - ït can liardly be credited thai a salve can have any effect upóh the lüngsj vcated ns they art v.v.hiii ihe systeni. I;it wosiy once lor all, 'hal this Oiniment will rcacji the lunas q:iicl:er thiin any medicine ihatcnu Bè given itnernally. Thus. ■ f placed upon ihe chest, it penetrales dircctly u. ihe liirigs, sepárales the poisonous panicles thnt are consuming ihcm, and expela theni firooi tluaystsin I need not eay it is curing persons of ConSUhprion con'mually. oltHoógh we are told it is Ioolishnes8. I care not whot ie 6aid. so long as [ eau cure acvcrül thuusand persons yearly. 1IKAD ACJIK. This Snlve hascurcd persons of the Head Ache of 'i ycars staiKÍing. and who had it rogul.iriy 1,'very week, so Ihnt vomiiiug toók place. Deafnesa and Ear Athe are liolpcd with ihe like success. ns also Ague in the Face. CO LD KKET.Consumption. Livor complaiiit, pams in the chuel or side, LaUng of the Iiair, uneor tlio oiher ulwnys nccompánies coltl féet. It is a sute sign of diji'.-ise in tlie sysicui to have cold fc.eK Tho Salve wíll restore the Insensible Perspiration and thus cure every cate. In S ero fu la', Krysipelua and Snh Rheum, nnd odjer diaeases ofíliis in:urc, no iniernal ieinf:dy haayctbctn dlsc'óvorèd tuo f f ho goo'd. Thé same mav bo said of lJioncliiii?, Quincy, Sore Throat, l'ilcs, Spipal Diseascs, Urokcn or Soie Breast; íté. And as for the Chest Disenfios, 6iich as Asthma, Pain. Oppn.ssion und (lie like, il is the most wonderful antidoic in the World. F-r LiverCcnipl.iint it iscqtially efficadoQi Tor Bnrns it Ims not lias hacquoJ in the U'oríd: ■liso, Excfrroencea of every kind, surh na Warts. Tumors. Pimples, &c., ii makea clean work oí tliem all. SORE KYK8. The inflammation and disease alwoys lieétfaftc of the ball of the eyc in ihe socket. Henee thc virtiin of nny medicine nmst rench the eea'l o! ihe inílnamiion Dr it WÍlJ d lutle pood. Tho Silve. if rublied on the teniplf?. wi!l penétrate dircctly into theaocket. The poreawül be open ed, n proprr pcrppirotion will beereated and the disease will eoon pusa oífiothe sur'ace. on tiie face, vrecki-es, tan, iiasciLINE SKIN, CROSS 90RFACE. lts 6r8t action kio exoel n humor, It vyiljnt censo draw i. lili (lie luce : Iree Iroiii ;uiy 1 muer th.ii may be lJjdged under the sktn uny J -cqucuily bieuUmg uut lo ihe surlace. Il iIjch e.iU. Whcn theic is ïiütliinj! bul grossncsd. : uil repulsivo sutilice, u bcyins to söMen and jtion uiiül llie ekni hecmuc asáinooth iind ('tlibte as ,i child's. It tbrowü u Ircahness and lushing culor upon the now white, troiisimcm kin. thut is peneeily enchanting. Sóme limes ri case of Frecklea it wiii lirst sinrt out thosi liat have lain hiilden'átid eeöii bui stldotn. Puruu liiu Salve and all will souu disnppcar. WOÜJiS. Il'parenta kncw liow fatal niO8t medicines were f o childien taken inwaidly, tluy would be slow o resort to theiii. Especially 'mercurial lozeH, rt8," called "mcdicated lozcngca," pilla, .Vc. j L'he trut h is. ni) one can teil, invoriabiy, wlien vorms ate proáont. Now lei me suy to par;ni3. hat tliis Salve will alw.iys teil il a child lia ' vonns. It will dnvo every vestige of ihcm a vay. This is.t simple nnd safe cure. ' Tliere i probably no mcdicincj on the faee of lie earüi ut once so sure and so safe in the ex' misión of worms. li would be cruel, nay wioked, to give inier■' nal. (loulitful medicines, so long as u harmless, ! xicrnal one could bc iiatl. TOILKT. Altliouch I liavo saul Li C 1 1 g ntiout it as n hnir ' rBstoiativi, vet I will siakc itdgdih'st ihe World! 'l'Iiey may bring iheir OiU (ar and nenr, nid mine will restore ilie hnir iwo cases to i Ei ei r one. r.! SOUKS, MO!tT IFUATldNS. Ul.CKKS. j:TC. 'Duit soiue Sores aro an omlet to rtio impurities of the syeiem, is lieeause tliey c.'ninot pass olV tliroiiiih the imui nl ulianncls of the Insensible IVr.-piration. If such sores aio healed up, the impurities must hnve aortiè other outlet. or il will endanger lile. This is tho roasnn why il is iinpolitic to use tho common Salvo of the dny irf suc!) cuses. For thcy hnvo no poucr to open other avenues, to iet olV tlii.-s morbid majter. opd the consfiiuenci8 me always latnl. This Salvo will alwuys provide for such emerBencics. DisKAsr.s ok chu.uri:.n. tlóvr many ihousands are swe-pt ofT by civinp iutern:;l medicines, whon thcir young bodies nud tender frniiifá aro umiblo to bcar up ugainl tiiLin? Whulo armies are thu sent to tlu-ir graves mcreiy Ir.. in pouririg mlo iheir weuk bii)niaelis póyvorfuj drugs oud hysics! It is to such that the All-llealing Oinunent tenders so saie. pleasint. and liarmlees a curo Such can hs as Cruiii). Ciioüc. Cholera Infanuun. Worine, and all Stimmer i'on, plaints, by whieh so ninny chiUrui die, tlin Oiniment will remove so speedtly and surcly, ïhat a physician will ncver be nceded. Mother?! tlirOughoiil allthis land. wc now solenmly and eacrcdly declare to you ihnt the All-liealing Oinunent will stve your children Irom an carly ftrèvé f you vi!l ut,e it. We are not now aciuaied by tin leas' desiie to train; but knoiyiri'g vs we do thai vast builics üf hilante and childién dit carly; whieh is sUpposed to bc inevitable and iinpossible to prevent, wc holil ilp our warnins volee, niul deel ire in theíaceoí the whole world. CIlILDRExV NF.ED NOT DIE MORE T1IAN OTMERSÜ Tïut t ia from ihe want ef proper nourisl'mcnt and the constant drugging thcy undt-rgo whicli rnowa Uieiu down as the ïanL grnss iaüsbeforc tho scytlio. JVIolbersl wc repcat again. and f tliey wcre the I;tst wu'ds we were ever to utter. and ot couise past i tic reach ol all interest, we would aiy. liusctiie All-flcaüng Ointuient forsickners imoiig chiidreu." ÏUIEUAIATISM. It re.Tioves olniost immediately tho inílnniolion and swelltng, when the pain of cuursiqeaticfl. KEVKKS. [n enses of fever, tho diilïculiy lies in tho pores being locked up. so that the hcai and perspratíoñ cannói'paes oiR II ihe least imoiiuk oould be stnrttd. tho crisif. ia pnssed nnd iIk danm'r over. The All- J"f ealing Oiniment wiii ih all cuses of fevcra ylmost instandy unlock t lic skin and biinp iorih tlio per?piruion. IT.M.W.r. CO.Ul'l.A'N IS. Iuflamatii)n ut liio kidneys, of the wornn, anr1" itsfjulliog down. w -iikius. and irregulr.iiiy; in s;ini'. all thoMi dilliculties wlii.-h are freqúeni ..::!. ív.:;:;;Co, Snd reudyoiid peTman6rit('reilé. Wr have had "{jed. ludios tcü iis thoy eau ld nul live six montlis wiih.iiit t. I3u' to femalrs about u, heenme Kioihcis. f uscd ior sonic weeks aniecedtnt t iheir confinenioM. vry few oí thot-t pains and eonvuisions whic h altend treni at íhúi psriod will be feit. 'I'hisi'act ought to be knowi. ihe world over. SC.I,D HKAD.We have cured cases tlmt uctunlly dcficd cverything known. ns well as the ubility oí" fifieei or tVrfenty doctoro. One man iold ue lic hai spentjüQp uu bis ciiildren wiihoutany benefit. when a few boxes of il.c Oinimcnt curcd ihcm. COKtS. Pcople need never bo iroubled with jhem 1 tlicy vyill use it. As a FA.MfLY MEDICINE, no non can mensure its valué. So iong as the atará rol .iloiii; over i lio Hcavens - so lonr "s man treadt the cartli. subject to all the infirnittrès oí th( llesh - uo long os discape and sickness is 'inowi just so lungwill t'iiti Üinimem ó e ueed nni esieemed. Wlu-n min censes from oíT tlieenrih. tliea tlie demand willeeose. and not lili (lien. To alluy all apprehensions'on account o f i I ■ ngredicnis. in possessinpsuch powerfu! proporties, we wiilsiate tliat it 6 composed oí' eomo oí the tnos' coinmon and liarmlt-ss lierls n existence Tliere is no mcreiiry init. necan be jeer froni tlie fact tliat tdoes notinjure tlie .kinon partiële, white il will pass tliroucli nnd physif thc bowels. JAMES íMcAJ.lSTEIl 6 CO. 1C8 South stieet. N. York. Solé proprictor of" tlie nbove Meiüfiine, ti whom all Communications musr be nddressec (posl paid). Trice "J5 cents and 50 cents. CFCAUTION.rn As tlie All Ilcnling Ointinent has been "rally counteríeited, we h.aye g:ven ibis camión te tius pubhe. that 'mío Ointmctit will be genulhe unless tbe nanies of Jatnes ïvicAlister, or James Me A usier & Co.. nre written wiih a pen upon every fÁbél." Tlie label is a sieel éngf'dVfng witli tlie figure of "Insensible Pcrspiration" or tbe lace. Now wc hereby oíTer a reward of $300. to lii paid on conviction. in any of the constitwteí oourts ol the Upited States, of any individua ■„';'' no o'ir nanie nnd Ointment. Aun Arbor, Wholeealo Arents; SnTith & tyreii, C!.':"l)n: ;" f Siiiiiii, Tccuinseh: D. C. Wliitwooa, jv.ï'ci H.t Bovver. Manehesier: John Owen & Co., Dcroit; Harman &, Cook, Brooklyn. Düc. 18, Ifcl5. 2-14- ly Om MaBïd AgrainS THE Subscriber would respectfuüy nöüfy tbc public, rtíbi he s located once more in tbe villageof Ann Arbor, nnd is prepared to nccomniorlatc the community wub a choice and wí'H ?lfectel nssortirient of consÍ6tiní.' óf Df.Y Goobs, Cíkockuiis. ILmdVI?K, IjOots AND Sh3, CrOCKFRT &C. &c whic-li'he will f 'A for 11EADY VAY as cheap os the same quality of Goods can be hud at any other store in town. Persone who wisb to mnkepurclinsesfor Casb. at Canil Trices, will do wc!l to cail boforepurchasing cUi'w Itere. By keepini; the first quaüiy of nrticles. ly sellr.í al emall proíiis, and by a iiir and honorable courée in búsiife'ss, he expect's lo inc:i u libciul sbarc of public piitronairf. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wül be t.ikon iit pnyiiieht for Goods. OJ" Don'l forget tli6 pliUL', - on tlie Ea3t Side ol Mam etrcdt, a iVw doors souih of the Public Square, in ihc same store with Hlias, Je-.vcler. M. W 11 LELE It. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 18-16. 292r.íf fTrTañd'Iíssolütion. NOTICE ís hereby given that the Copnrtners!,iip berctolore 'xis in' betweSa (he Sul ecribers, is th'8 day dissolvcd by mutual con sent All pemins indebted to aaid lirm; nre requested to cali Iptlbw'llh and setsle, as our osa by fire icndere it neeessnry thut immediaio payrïièiit ihoúld bo made. The accouniu are lof 1 with Sabin Fe'.ch. at the oll srnnrf. SABiN FELCW, KMANULL MANN. Ann Arbor, Nov. 14, 1816. N. B. S. Folch will continuo n the Bont, Shoe, & Lembcr Business, "as usual, wlirro h" hopes that all bis oíd patrtms. and the public generally will favor hin; with thrir paironago. 20l-3m ËABLN FELCH. 5BOOKS! BOOKS!! AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC ff Tl IF. undersigncd ÍWVfng retiirned from New York wiili a new, laigü and valuable stuok Books, Stalionery and Paper Hangings, s now leaüy to scll lor CjisIi, iny ihing in hitme al his ik.w stand 011 Mam sireet, oppoiic F!. Becker's Brict; Store. He will say to Uook purcliaseis. thul. by lus tffrrs last foll on lis re' urn lïom New York, ïlie price of ncarly jvcry lliing in his line Ims been sold , less thun lietetuforé. nud had it nol been for hiii:, pinchareis woitld liavè conuiïued lo pay the piiceehercofo;c chargid. He onn say ülso, tliat his sales Iiavc been bevond his most sanguine expeetations. slidwtng couclusively tlial a public benefactor, nhliouli ever è Bmall, wïll not go unrewarded in ihis enlightelled coinrnviniiy. He 3 ttinnkiul f'r ilie favors already hestowed. and would retspecifully ajltOil a continuance ol flfe uaiie: umi he would sy 10 those who never li:ivc purchased buoks of hun, t lint he will ;iov iheni anieles and piicfs wiili pleasure a' &ny tune llicy may eall wheiher ihey wish 10 purchasc or not. Cash orders froni the country wtll be attonded to, and the books packed well as if the persons weie present to attend the pucchnses. He will nlso seil to child.en as cheap u their parents. Purcha9P8 will do woll to examine his stock and p fices luifore purchnsina elsewlieie. Don1 forget the place; be sure you cali aPERRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Streel, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. FERRY. Ann Arbor, Juno 27, itílC. 2CJ-if THRESHING MACHINES, THE underaigned would nfonn the public that he innnulactures Morse fowers nnd Ilhreofíiug Mnchiiieu at Seio, oí u superior kind nv'ented by hiinbcll'. TIiusj Povvers and atè particularly ndapted to the tae óf Farmers who wish to use ihciji lur thrBahing their uvii gr:n. Tle pnwer, tRreahér nnd fixtures can all be londcd mío a coinmon sized wnjpn box and drawu wiih onc fair of hurses. Tiiey are designed to be usec! vviiíí four horses. and are abundan:!y trong Ki iiiat nuinhcr, and moy bo sni'ely ueed witli si.x ói eiglit nores wiiii proper enre. They work wiih [ossstrenglh ol horaes according to the airioint oí i)usine&s dono than uny oiher power, and wil! thieeli geñerally about 00 buahe! heat per iloy with four hor-es. In one i?tnnce 158 bualiels whent werc threshed in three hours with tour horscd. This Power and Machine contnin all the ndvnntages neccasnry to innku thè'hi profiiublc to ih: )iirch.ïber. 'i'hey are sironf and dui.ihle. - They are eaeily inored froni on place to hnother. The work of the loraes is eay on tlit-pc powers in con parieon to owiers. nnd rite price is LOWKR ifion any oiher power nnd machine, h.iv; ever been Bóld in the State, nceorriing to bc real rnlue. The terms of pnyment will be lijtö ral tur notes ihat are known to be uksoluiely i;oi)d. I liavo a nuniber of Power nnd Machines now rendy for me nnd persons wiahïrig to buy are inTiied to uil aoon. CLjEANERS, I expect to he ed Wifhiin a ftw daya to innkc (JlenncM for ihose who may wn'it ihem. Tiie uiility and a'rfyii ninfea of ihis Power mid Machine will ap'pëar eviflent toall on exaniininy 'he reciiminendütions hëftw. All persons are cotidpned airainst makinc hese Powers nnd Mrfchintt;; ihe undersipnet: náVlng adopied the nccessury meaaurea lor eeeu rin cttefs patent for tlie sanie ?iihiti the time requiicd by law. S. V. FOflTER. Scio, V.'asbtrnaw Co., Mich.. June 18, I3-1G RECOMMRNDATIONS. Duriiiir the year (.W45. ettch of ;he undersigned ptirchiised and used eiiher iudividually or jirnl wiih oibera. one of S. W. Foatr's riêwty in ventad llorïo Powers and ihrcf.)ing vinchines. nnd hclieve they are beiter adnpted to ihe nee oí Farnieis who want Powers and Machines foi their own use trían any oiher power nu!:r wiiiiiii hui nnuwivoKOi J ncy are Culcuiiltei. (O Wc used wiili tour hoises and uro oí hrïiplf aii-mgih for tlmt mtmber. They appear to bt consiructed in sucli n niünner uu to render ilionvory dtirhbló witli I ï ■ tl r liabiliry óf geiiiii; out o! order. They are cisilynioved froni one pl;ic 10 onofhor. They can be ivorkcd wiih any nurn fier of Im.kÍs trom four to ugn, r.;-,d will threel; ab'ol'i '200 Imalifls whenï per ftay. J. A. POI.MOiUS, Scio," Wnshtsnaw co G. LOOD. T. RICflARDSON, " ' SAMUF.L HKALY, " =5. P. FOSTER, " ïi N. A. PUEMS, Í ADAM S.MlTlf, i J. xM. BOWEN. Limn, " WMi WALKER, Wobier " TIJ OS WARREN, ' D. SMALLEY, J.odi. I threshef] las! iiill knd winter w.'th one of f?. W. Fosior's horst! posvers, more ihan fifieen ihousiind luslie!s lain Tlie rejmirs besiowed upo liie povver iniounied to only G cents, nnd 11 vas in "ood order when I had done thrcfeliin J invaii;ibly Ubed si.v horgpsAARQi YOUNGLOVE. Manon, June G, 1846. I purertoefed onc of S. W. Fostcr's horsc po w ere last f;iil and have used it for jvbbinff. have used inany difieren t kinds of' powers und believe this is the beíDKinnírtg powrr I hnvi evereeen. D. S. UE.XMiT. Hamburg. Juno, ]$JC, We ono of' S. W. Fostcr's florrr Powors ii.öi lall, and lmve used it and tliink it i a first iixia Power. JESSE HALL, DANIELS. HALL, ftEUBCN S. IJ ALL. ííambtirg, Juné, 184u. 26i-tf TUSPERAWfCS HOUSli. DI1LTON ArNEY OK THE S TEAM BOA T HOTEL, DETROIT, ISnowrody to ncccmmodatc hls friends and theTiave ling Pubic. wiih all ihose conven lecoetícn'cuíaicd io niake them coniiortable, and w'ith prïi:c t mit tti&ïiwei. M'as hoenty-five Cents. Best fa re in lte Cilij fur tlie sama fAoney. General Slajè Office. Slcfimfwals leavc Detroil Jor B ffalu 'tirry Evaiing 'at ha 'f ptt ü ü'clock. (Umatty.) ■ The Railroads are wilhinfivc minutes ride of he Sieumboal Hotel. 272-tf A. C. M'GRAW & CO., Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Boots & Slioes Whicli have Leen 6elccied with niuch care for the Whoïesale Tradcï rpHEY now respectfully raqnest the MerX chants of Michigan nnil ai'jicent States, to examine their exiensive stock wiiich willbesold it very low pricea for ea.h or npproved credit tfavtng for the last fifieen y'ènrs sólrl n.f.rtGoods at reinil tlmn nny othor House in Mioln nn. llicy fcol fu'ly peisnaded ihnt their selection i;8 to pricc, quulilij, and aizes, will suit the wants ■ f the people. stock of Leather and Fiudings'is also complete! The rctnil tradc continúes as usual on the first floor. Coiinkr of Jkffeuson anij Woodward AvJiSUES. . C. McGRAW, & CO. Detroit, Aug. 22, 184& 4tí-JyNEW COOKING STOVE And Stoves of all kinds. The subseriber woulci cali the alieinion oí th0 public to Woolöön's Hot Air Cooldng STOVEWhich he enn conljutmly itoonjiK nd ís bein deciilcdly superior to anj Cm.king Stcve in me For oinipliciiy n opeinimn - ecorumy in hiel and lor uruqunllcd Bakg and IloASTt; quuh iéê. n is nnrivailed, Tlio ucw and important improvemcii) nroduccd in ia constiuction beiiig such as to hure great ndvuntagea over all other kinds of Coolung Sloves. W1LLIAM Ui KOYES, Jr. 70 Woodward Avenuu, De.roit Deo. 12. 18-15. il "Crockery at Wholesale." FREDERICK YVETAJOKE. hns con.i;.ntly on liandj ibjö l.-irgc&l siuck in the Wn of Croclerry, China, Gtaswqre, Looking' Classes and Piales, jBriannia Ware 7T.V, Lomps ovd ÏViccing; Plated Ware, China Tots, Sfc. $c Hia stock incudes al! the vanerics óf Crockcry and Ohini!, frum I he finest China Dinner njJ Ten fcjett. to (he most comrnon and lov priced ware - Trom the richcsi cut glnss lo iho laincst gliiss ware. Bruaiinia Catiiorsofwvery ;iml. Britnnniii Tea ficits, Coffee Pota, Tea [oís, Líuiíps. Caniilesticks. Ac. Soí.ar LAitu Laüi's ol every desojiption fronj he motil costly cut Puilor Lamp tu tke clicnpest diore lanip. All the above ar(ic!c-L; me importad l.y hirnself iirectly ffbiñ the miinuincruicrs ntul vi le fo!d at WJ)olewle, as low a ai any Wholeeale Hokso, expensen ('rom seahontd nddr-d only. A liberal disco uní i ven fbf cns-h. Merchtin{8 ;inl oihtrs me irtvited to rail nnd examine the nhovo anidi s ni ihr oíd stand. Ito125, Jefierson Avenue (Eldied's Block.) Dtroii. 24B-ly SELECT SCHOOL. MISS J. li. SmiTH. nsaisted by Mits S. FiKr, nnaounces to ihe public iliat ht ii prepared to rcceivc younr lártiotí into Ik r school in thel).:aem?nt rooui oí the Episcopal Church. Tk.y!s. - Foi quarícrof IS,.weekSf lor EuylisU branches fróm jfíS,tofc&': reñeh and Lnrin each j:i exira rpuisued logether wiih ;he JLnplih a: lidies, or sepafhlely, j)5 each. The schuol íviJI be l'iiiiiishfiJ wnh a Philo6ophicl appnroiu; and occasional leclurts gi.ven on ihu Katurl Scierces. Mis. Hul!8 will ive nstrutirn to al I wbo dcsire ii. iu ftlubic, Draw ing, Pajnuji and Ncadle'óik. Miss Smith refers to the followii.r; enlif-mon: l'roícssvjis Vil!i.,::ia. Tn i rook, nd WheoiliVn 'f the Uriiversiry,; Rt-v. W. S. Curtís, Rev. Mr. Simons, R.'v. C. (;. Taylor, flon. E. Munil, VV'cn. S. M,ivn;ir.l Ff-q. Aun Arbot. Ápnl í.;f), ]6. 2P2-if LM.'CHIGAN LAND ANO 7AX AGEINCY. H. D. POST, Masón, 'Ingham Counfy, Michigan. WILFi attend to ihe pnyment of Tnxcs. ex nminaiion ot TuIcj, purchase and üale f L;md8. Ac. &c. Any Inisiiieeseiitrusted tohim will be trneacted with promptness and accurücy - Addrcsa lv mail. Re. f er enees, (bu vcrmixsion. ) C. Dtheil, 3. C. Fféiifit, tfróthér & Co. ) „. W:lJcr:A Snow, i rroV' R. G. Williams, } Neto Yrk.AT YrSILANTl! 195 COOKIKG &&XHLQR STOVES, M.éVJ jus, receivt'd. by the Subiciiber, (niostly fmm Albany) miiking a goud ssorttneni of the IntcM ntitl lest pmterns. which will bc sold nt Low Plica! not to be undersold ihis side Lnke Krie! Also, Ccippcr Furnittire, Cauloron Kr:iee; HolU.w Ware of all sizcs, Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnufncturcrl. nnd constantly kept on hand wliich will rilso be sold vory low. S.- rurchnsers will' do ve!l to cali tcd examine for their own satibfactión. J. M. BROWN. xpsilanti, J.Mio 20. 1816. 71 1 FOR SALE CÍ1F.AP fok CASH, or evcry kind ofcouKtry Produce. "Saddlcs, BTidhsJIarncss, Trunks, Valiscs, Trunk Valiscs, Carpct Bags, $c. Aleo a üoou assortiment oí V n;ps L Laíht.b, which will be sold vcry low, nnd no mi-tHke, ot COOK & ROJUUNSON'S. Ann Arbor. Aujíusi Ï2. 184C. ï77-tf JUSTARRIVED B Y EXPRESS. TUF. Mozarc Colleciion of Sacríd Mupíc, by E. Ivi's Jon - coninining the colcbmtedl Cluis;usniid Miserere by 2iÓarWK willï English orus. TcDcaeré of Music will jalease cali aud examine Ui e wóik at Octohcr 7. 7S4f. 2Sf-tf ■uTrVTJED, at Ferry's Booltslore, y f Toir.1 cl;in Cono ud Linea Rag, J Ton JBecswnrf. nnd 3500 D.lla"is in casll ioT, tle Inroest asawtinent ol Books nnd St..;o..e".v evtr ".rud in thts Viliiige. nnd at hia ueubl Iwv (..-crs. Aun Albur, Upper VilJagd, Uct. 7, 1846. THE LIBERTY Ml NS ff EL OfiE HUiSDRKl) COPIES of the iifih edl lion oí litis hígfily populnr wlírk aro for mlá ni t!ic Sifcqal oííioe }t 50 cems single, or 4,50 per dozen. Ternis Cnsh. Now is thc tiniu lor Liberty choirs to uupply thomsdves. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber has constantly for salo good assortnicnt of hcaw WOOLEN CLOTIIS, well adapteü to i.. e country mnrkei which ho will seil nt wholes.ilc or, vkiiy i.ovv. Culi and see thcni at ihc Mimíattan Storí. VV. A. RAYAIO.VD, 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. rffI?E highest príc'6 paid in cash l.y G. F. Lew. X ie, Exchnngo Iiroker, opposilo the Jnsuranco Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the countiosjn the Saieof íílichigan; nlsoforStnHs senritios of uil kindBand uncurientiunds Cali umi svn. Dcc 1, 1845 241 -ij E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER G. M. 6i T. W. ROOT5 STORE, CRANE & JEWKTt's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR.