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Mexican papers tnat mucn i nanimity and ardor of feeling prevaüs mong the people in their effor.s to opt ose the American arms. The ladies 1 f Jalapa havesought permission of the L Government of ihe State lo follow the s lattaüon of national militia, should it pro1 :eed to Vera Cruz, and remain with the I ear guard for the purpose of taking 1 :are of the wounded. This ia but one )f numeruus signs of enihusiasm. i A let:er dated Monterey, Sept. 30, L846, and published at Mexico in the yovernment journal, says : - " I reply to your short letter of the 28th, which reached me by the same linnds through which this will be delivered. 1 can communicate nothing now hich lias transpired in the few days since ie military occupation of this town bnt ie vandalisin of the volunteers who serve nder the banners of the United States. diereis nota house in the interior of ie town and centre of the city, which s not occupied by force - without any greetnent with the proprietors or their gents in regard tothe paymentof rent. Sothing has been respocted, notwihs'.andng that General Taylor and General Worth are prodigal of" assnrances to those ublic functionanes who have remained )ehind to be witnesse of the unnumberedutrages which are daily perpetrated upon inarmed citizens, that they have express )rders from their Government to respect , he property, laws, prevailing religión, xnd even the prejudices of the people. - Fhey repeat this to such ofllcers, public i r private, as apply to them to know what Bjuaranties families can have, vvhile ihey make preparations for their departure from this unhnppy capital, but the result is that nothing is respected, that the utmost insecurity prevoils, that no one is master of his own property or even of his own existence - thxeatened with perfect impunity by the unbridled volunteers, who let loose upon the whole city, commit excesses whieh decency and shame prevent me from specifying. - The force which has been introduced nto the city consisis of bet ween two and three thousand regulars - welldisciplined, subordínate and under excellent officers ; the remainder consists of a thousand or fifteen hundred unbridled volunteers,much like the Comanches in their appearance, ferocity and customs." A letter from Washington Nov. 26th says : - "Gen. Scott, with all his staff, left here by the 12 o'clock train. Itwasgiven out by his suite that he was going to N. York. New York or not, he is going to Tampico, thence to Vera Cruz, and thence to the halls of the Montezumas, if he can get thcre - unless a conquered peace arrest his progress. A fewdays ago the President and War Secretary sent Tor the General to consult with him and receive his plan of operations, under the present exigences of the war. He delailed them, they were accepted, and he wns given a curte blanche for their execution, in person, if he is not understood tbat he js to f ersede Gen. Taylor, thrnigh be would ( Dutrank hisseniority in the same field of ■ Dperation. He will lake all the nvailable orce that can be spared, from every ' quarter, take Tampico and Vera Cruz, and then, if Taylor has not by that time ] reduced San Luis Potosí, will si ] neously with him, attack that placH and ihen advance upon the capital. He may effect a junction with Taylor at San Luis Potosi from Tampico, before proceeding i Souih to Vera Cruz." The N. Y. Herald says that returns from the seat of war show that the army of occupation has sustained a groater loss from the climate, than from the cannon and musketry of the enemy. It is reporled that upwards of a thousand volunteers have died of sickness, the result of exposure in the swamps, and to hot climate, between Point Isabel, Matamoros and Monterey. A great portion of this lamentable mortality might have been averted, had the volunteersof last summer been retained in the United States, until steamers, baggage wagons and supplies had been carried down to the spot, for (he transportaron of troops at once from the pestilential country, near the mouth of the Rio Grande, up to Camargo, and the healthier regions about that quarter. But the troops were hurried down without tenis, wagons, or steamers, and were detained at Point Isabel, at Matimoras, and Burita, ond all along that región of malaria, until they were decimated by disease. The quantityof ammunition taken at Monterey is immense, as stated in the official report. There were 60,000 musket cartridges with ball, and cannon cartridges in proportion. Besides, large quantities of powder aad balls have since been found concealed. A correspondent of the Louisville Courier, writing from Monterey, under date of October 7tb, soys : - " While I was stationed with our left wing in one of the forts on the evening of the 21st, I saw a Mexican woman busily engaged in carrying bread and water to the wounded men of both armies. 1 saw this ministering angel raise the head of a wounded man, give him water and food, and then carefully bind up his ghastly wound with a handkerchief which she took from her own head. After hoving exhausted her supplies, she went back to her house to get more bread and water for others. As she was returning on her mission of mercy, to comfort other wound0 persons, 1 heard the report of a gun, and saw the poor innocent creature fall dead ! I think it was an accidental shot that struck her. It made me sick nt heart, andig from the scenc, I involuntary raisedl ij eyes " towards heaven, and thought, reat God l ond is Ihis war ? Passing ie spot next dny, I savr her body still 'ing there, with the bread by her side, tid the brokcn gourd, with a few drops 11 in it - emblems of her errand. We uried lier, and while we were digging er grave, cannon balls flew around U3 ke hail l" A correspondent of the Picayune thus escribes Arista's palace at Monterey : 41 1 rode to Arista's Palace, which is irectly under the hill upon which the 3ishoprs is situated - it ís a long, low, vhite building, eleganOy finished, but of 10 particular order of architecture - flat oof of course, omamented by a succesiion of piaster urns. Back of the house s a pórtico 20 fcet wide, and a garden hat rivals oriental magnificenü Öoublty ,valls of white masonary about three feet ligh, filled with earth, laid out in fancifu! figures, with fountains in the centre, roses ind a thousand oiher plants apparently growing out of the walls, and also in the enclosed space - flower pots with various ilanls arranged around them ; a bold stream running through a piaster race way leads to a stone bathing house covered with trellis-work, over which the grape and other vines clamber j in the rear are beautiful groves of orange trees and pomegranates, and a fine vegetable garden ; imagine the whole tastefullyaidout, and kept in the neatest order, and you have some idea of one of the retreats af this Mexican nabob. It has been turned into a hospital, where our poor wounded fellows are lying. I saw Capt. . Catlin of the 7tl, Lieut. Wainright of the 8th, and Lieut. Poner of the7th, who were wounded in VVorth's División, they were doing very well and so were most of the men - the. .oranges in the garden are kept for the wounded, but outside there was a wilderness of them, where every one went and picked what they , pleased. Some of the houses the officers are occupying are very well furnished, haviug stone or piaster floors, the walls hung with mirrors and some with ex quisite paintings. Thelr furniture is quite simple whcn comparcd with ours. A voluntecr in the Kentucky regiment fRowan Hardin) writing to his father, after the battle of Monterey, gives an account of the three days' fighting. He says : " On Monday night, the Mexicans were n high spirits. They had lost but few men. All night they threw up sky-rockets. At night the fïring ceased. The left wingofthe Kentucky regiment, to which 1 am attached, were marched into the fort taken by us, to hold it dunng the night. As we moved in, we were injoint blank shot of one battery, and rakïd on our right by another. They both Delched fire the whole time we were marchingin, a distance of one mile. - 3uch a night as I spent that night, I hope never to spend again. We had eaten nothing since day-light. We had no shelter, nofood, no fire. We laid down in the mire nnd blood, among dead men and hors-es, and a cold rain feil on us all night. I had no coat on. having gone into the fight in my shirt-sleeves. I never heard balls whistle before.' - Two cannon balls passed within two feet of me, and many more within a short distance. As we left the fort on Tuesday evenlng, whioh we had occupied as stated before through Mondny night, we were ordered to scatter, as the best means of protection against the two batteries which raked our line. I had got away from the company about fifty yards by myself, when a whole load of grape shot were discharged at me alone. I heard the shot and stopped in the bushes, when ou both skles and above me the shot feil like hail. We lost three of our men with the fires this tnorning. The dead men were awful sights to look upon, some shot with cannon balls, and some with smallshot, some with their headsshot off, some with their bowels scattered on the ground. We had no time until yesterday, to bury the dead. - The hcavens were full of carrion birds, and the air with stench. I have nottime to wrile at large, am in fine health, un-. hurt, without a scratch, for which I arm truly thankful." Capt. Stadden, of the Ohio volunteers,. thus describes that portion of Mexicoabout Camargo. "This is the prettiest country and finest climate I ever saw ; it is the plaee for me, and if this of Mexico fallsto our government, I wilt Kve in Camargo the balance of my ; as for health, no part of the world can excel it. They raise two crops of every in oneseason. I have seei os finecom as was raised in Ohio ; it is now in good roast ears of the second erop. They do nothing but plant it - they have no plows or hoes - they take a sharp stick and make a hole in the ground, put in theseeH, and that is all they do to it, and I assure you it grows as lnrge as any you ever saw. They only plant their cotton once in four years, and it grows for that time with the one planting. I am not a judge of cotton, but the soldiers from the southern states say they never saw as good as grows here. Cattle are raised here without lft bor - horses are caught wild from the.