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The Onklanci Gaz3tte, Whig, enumérales the posilions lliat we have tal;en in cur recent artic!es on the proper politica] course lor aitilavery men. It considera them "remarkable as revealing the strange perversity of visión of tlic liirney men," and adds : - 11 Here we liave a dcvelopment of the poücy of ihe Birney pnny : and it deininds the serious refieciion ol' tvery citizen. Theyarenot to ad cocate the dissoluion ntihe Union : but no man whu hnpj.cns lo hold s!aves hal i receive nny office whaicver, umier any eircumstances. TIiijis the general pluifnrm of ihe party, and ihe only principie tbey have hereiofore had. Hut now wc are to expect a liill creed, upun genernl suhjtcie. We símil wait patienily for the publication of the nest chapter in Demagjgueism." it scems to be mpossible for these Whig editors to bclieve but that thcslnveholdcrscomprisc at least half the nation, and that they have a preomption righl to the possess;oa of all the offices ihey may condescend to occupy. They can't imagine how the Union can hold together without having the slaveholdcrs to govern it. The Marshall Expounder, which calis itself Democratie, touches on the same arricies ofours. and discourses on lliis wise : "AB0LITI0N1SM- A NEW MOVEMENT. The nbulittomsis fe:m to be getting tircd of their one idea party orgunizauon, and various changes are proposed. One plan which has been imich talKed of, is to engraft now additionai principies upon the creed of the present Lib pny party. This, however, although it has liad 8trong advocates in the Liberty pai ly, does noi seem to vake very well ; for there are comprised in the pariy, os it naw existe, men of dilferent views on every po&sible question excepi Slavery. Wc lenrn by the last Signal ihat a new scheme hos been set on loot. which promises. we tliink. bcttcr resulta thnn have thus far attended their present organizando Itis proposed ihat an anti8lavery ' Union " or " League," be formed, on a plan somewhat like the anli-Corn Law League in England. and which has etfeeied such w'iatlen in that country in so short a period. - The Signal suggests ths entiro " exclusión oí all Slavoholders from National offices,1' and tho repenl of all national lawa which tena ta support Slavory." A league on ?ome such bnsis as this might effect these objecis iu ten years - yes. and less. The Signal ia mistaken in supposing ktatit would require a jnajoriiy (or even a verynumerous minoniy,) of the voters of the Free Stntes io nccomplish (his object. Did liie antiRcntcrs rcquiro n majority of the voiersin New York io libérate Bixj Thunder and his accomplices? VVith but half the tact and infegrity to principies which hos been e.xhrbited by the nntiRentera, the Abolitionists wotrfd before thts have obtoined the entire control of public opinión at the North on tiie subject af Sluvery. It is uiierly impossible thatany uch rcsult can follow from tlie present orgnnization. With the present orgnnization the Liberty party cnn eifuct nothing -without a majority. - And when, we aek, can n pnrty expect n mijori ty, which requires of cich of its mcniber n total sncriHce of all thnt he has hitherto regnrded as most important, and loved nnd cheriehed as most sound in politics - a total s.icrifice of all this at the hollow shrine of abstract aboliüonsm ? "