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New Hninpshire. - A. disgraceful fight took place between the freshmen and medical students at Dartmouth College, last Sabbath week, a3 they were returning from Church. ït was finally quelled, after vigorous efforts, by the President and other officers of the Faculty. The offence arose from a freshman taking his seat at Church among the " Medicas." Iflassachusctf s.- The Ottoman Slave Case. - This cnse wns brought before the Grand Jury at its last session, but no bill was found against Captain Hannum, the evidence not having been suiïlcient, in the minds of the jury, to warrant them in finding a bill. - Boston Journal. Rev. Mr. Parker in a late sermón gave the following statistics of crime in Boston : In less than one year, namely, from the 9th of June, 1845, to the second of June, 1846, there were committed to your House of Correctïon, in this city, 1,228 persons, a little more than one out of every fifty-six in the whole population that is more than ten years oíd. Of these, 377 were women ; 851. men. Five were sentenced to an indefinite period, and forty-seven to an ndditional period of solitary imprisonment. In whatfollows, I make no account of that. But the whole remaining period of theic sentences, amounts to more than 544 years ; or 193,568 days. In addition to ihis, in the year ending with June 9th, 1846, we sent from Boston to the State Prison, thirty-five more, and for a period of 18,595 days, of which 205 were solitary. - Thus it appears that the Ilegal and convicted crime of Boston in year, was punished by imprisonment for 217,181 days. Nowas Boston containsbut 114,360 persons of all ages, and only 69,112 ihat are over ten years of age, it follows that the imprisonment of citizens of Boston for crime in one year amounts to more than one day and twenty-one hours for each man, woman, and child, or to more than three days and three hours, for each one over ten years of age.'IVew - Until very lately, American clocks, which excel all others for accuracy of movement, were made exclusively inConnecticut and Massachusetts. Within a short time past, Messrs. Sperry and Shaw have commenced the manufacture in the city of New York, where they have a considerable establishment, employmg twenty-tive men, and making complete in one day one hundred clocks, beautifully finished. The wheels are pressedout of sheet brass. In other words, a large sheet of brass is put into a heavy press, and. after a few twlstings, comes out in the shape of highly finished wheels, at the ï'ate of sixty per minute The press is worked by steam. The majority ogainst free suffrage in the State is aboUt 140,000. There were a little rising of 70,000 in favor of the measure in all. The folio w ing are the counties, with the majorities, that voted for ü. We hail them as briglit spois in the general darkness. Washington, 1107; Clinton, 1093 ; Essex, 952 ; Oswego, 805 ; Wyoming, 634 J Franklin, 347 ; Madison, 336 ; Cattaraugus, 240 ; Cort land, 166. - Free Citizen. The returns of the Chief of the Pólice in New York city, for one week, commencing on the 28th uit., show that 239 persons, 85 of whom were fcmales, were arrested for drunkenness. The Cayuga Tocsin has hoi3Bd thename of Silas Wright at its head, as a candidate for President in 1848. The quantity of flour inspected at New Orleans for the year ending September 1, 1846, was 414,846 barrels, The receipts from our State canalsat tide water brfourteen days were 436,956 barrels. - Buff. Pilot. Between forty and fifty illegal ramsellers plead guilty, at the late term of the circuit court, at Rocbester, and were each fined S5. At a late Convention' of American Geologists, at New York city, it was atated hat the only part of ttfY? country in which in has been found in any considerable quantity, was in .New Hampshire. Jinrylaild.- The Gratitudel.odge of Odd FellöwV, in Baltimore, puy 81200 o the heirs of Col Watson, Mr. Meeks. and Mr. Geo. A. Herring, of tho Baltimore Volunteers killed in Mexico, being S100 to their respective heirs. rVorlh Carolina.- The Whigs are rejoiced at their success in keeping up their reputation with the slaveholders - 4558 votes is the VVhig gain in North Carolina, and their majority for Governor 7,661. - Chronotype. South Carolina- His Excelency, the Governor, has commuted the unishment of Abraham, slavo of Alexander Robertson, Ksq., who was to have )een executed on Friday next, for stabbing a white man. The Governor has directed, ihat in place ofdeath he shail suffer solitary confinement for tliree months, receive one hundred lashe, and be sent out of the state. - Charleston News.Georgia.- The editor of the Georgia Christian Index ia quite alarmed at the movement of the Liberty Party to have a paper published in Washington city : and he publihes the names of the agents for the paper in the southern state, under the head of " lncendiarism at the South." ülississippi- We received from the clerk of the steamer Taima, this morning, says the Cincinnati Commercial, an extended account of the loss of the steamer Maria, by the Sultana, 8 miles below Natchez, on Saturday, 21st uit., at 2 o'clock in the moniing, by which 50 or 70 human beings were killed or wounded, principally the crew and officers of the Maria. The Maria sunk in three minutes after being struck. The Taima, which arrived a few minutes afier the accident, rendered all the assistance that was possible. The Taima carried up 22 of the sufferere rs and left them in the hospital at Natchez. The Sultana was very much mjured and appeared to be sinking when the Taima left. The Maria is sunk in 30 feet of water. Of those taken to Natchez it is thought but few will live. Loilisiana. - A talking match lately carne off at New Orleans for five dollars a side. It continued, according to the Advertiser, fur 13 hours ; the rivals being n Frenchman and a Kentuckinn. - The bystanders and judge3 were all talked to sleep, and when they waked up in the morning they found the Frenchman dead and the Kentuckian whispering in his e ar. Kerttlicky. - A Louisville paper says thatHenry Clay has again consented to represent Kentucky in the Senate of the United States. It is said ihat Cassius M. Clay's True American s to be revived early in the ensuing yearMis Louisa West, a girl at Georgetown, committed to memory accurately the whole New Testament in six week?, at the same time at'.ending to her oiher domestic duties. Ollio. - Oberlin - From the catalogue, it nppears that 492 have beGn connected with this Institution the past year. Twenty-five of these are in the Theological dajjartinent, 106 in the Coüegiate, 10 of whom are females. WisCOllSÏn. - The Wisconsin Convention have passed the followiny curious law against the collcction of small debts :- Sec. 1. There shall be no law imposed within this state for the collectionof any debts of a lessamount than on? hundred dollars, afier the adoption of this constitütion. Sec. 2. The Legislature shall have no power to enact any Jaw for the collection of dehts contracted within this State, of a less amount than one hundred dollars, after the adoption of this consti-" tution. The Conventicn has rejected, by a large vote, the proposition to make the negro politically equal to the white man.