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TAKE NO TIC E! npHAT tho late firm of R. Davidson, his thïa X daydisposed of his enure stock of Goods, and wishing to clot-c up the tinsettied occounis of R. Davidson, and of R. & J. L. Davidson, would request all indebted to the same to calí and setile without delay and save cost. AnnArbor; Dec. 16, 1846. 295-tf STORE. Sign of the Big Anvil. Third Store soulh of the Square, on Main Street. THE Subjcribcr, received his winter stock, would rcspectlully invito to its mspection Country Dealers, Mechanica, and Farmers, confident ihat they will find the ussorïment ns general and complete, nnd the prices as lor (with the ndditional charge for transportaron on heavy goodj) aa at any establishment of the kind in Detroit. His stuck is compr8ed in part of the following articles FOR BLACKSMITHS. Jnniatn. Swedes. and Oíd Sable Bar Iron ; Juniata ond Peru round ai.d 6quare Irpn, froiri Miiths to 3 inchea; Band, Hoop. Stake, and Morse Slioe Iron, nll sizes ; Norwcjjinn and Oíd Sable Nail Rods ; American. Swedea, F.nglish Bnster.Geunan, and Cast Steels. Albany Spring Steel, Albnny made Wagon and Sent Spring Wagon Boxe-s. Sleigh and Cntter Shoes, Malleablo Catines of every possiblo form, Uorso Nails, Borax, Horst ShoC Shapés, Busgy Bartán, Armitnge Mouse Hole nnd Wriglu's Ahvü Cottrel Keyed Vices, West's Bellows, Sledges and Hnnd Hanmiers, Hollöw Augers, Files and Raspe of every shape and size. FOR CARPRNTEftS, A full assortment of enstern Bench nnrl Mouiding Tools ; Planelrons ; MillWrigbt', Framífir; Corner. Duck Bill, Firmer, and Turnins Chisels ; MilKvrili[, Turning, and Firmcr Gouges ; Concave, Concave Nut, and Comnion Auuers ; Auyer-lipped. Centre, Spoon. Gonse. nnd Gimblöt Bitts ; Hnnd, Pnr.u!, Buck, Compasé, and Keyliole Saws ; Steel and Iron Squares ; Try Squares, and Bevels : Spirit Levéis ; 2 and 4 fold Rules ; Broad. Hand, and Narrow Axea ; Adzes, Hommert, Setis of Brnces and Bitte. FOR BüLDERS. Cut Nails from 21 to 60d, Wrought Nails, Bro:id head and Finishing Nails, Cut Brads, Dry and Mixed Lead, Linseed Oil ; ' Bellevernon" Glass from 7 by 9 to 10 by N ; American and Norfolk Lutches ; American and English Rim, Mortise, and Cottage Locks and Lntcbes, with Kosewood. Brase, Mineral, and Plnwd Knobs ; Cast, TariflT, and Wrouglu Buits; Screws. Bolt?, Door Btils and FLrniture, Brass Knockers, Cistern Pumps. THE FARMERS, will fi id cvery utensil tH?y ïeqnire. Axes. Manure nnd Pitch Forks. Iron and Cast Steel Shovels and Snades. Grnss and Cradle Sythes. Grain Scoop?, Hoes. Gruubing Hoes, Straw Kiitves, Crowbars. Peck A.xes. Wool and Horsc Cards, Horse Brushes and Curry Combê, Log, Trace. Coil, Wrapping. and Hnltr Chaina. HOUSEKEEPERS, enn srlect from the most splendid nssoriment of rtmerican and English Tablc Cutlery, Shears, Scissirs; Pen and Pocket Knives; Botter Knives, Iron. Bnttnnnia, Germán Silver, nnd Plated Ten and Tabla Spoons ; Brit:annia Tea and CofTeo Pols ; Bniss, Iron, and Brittaonra Cnndles;ick nnd Lnmps, Snuflcrs and Trays, Tea Traye, Brass nnd Irnn Andirons, Shovels, and Tong?. Brasa Keiilcs and Pails, Sud Irotii, &c. .te., togeibcr' with a large assortment of Albnny Cast COOK, PARLOR, fc BOX STOVES, all of which, haying pijrchased for Cash, he will utftír at most reasonable term: HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arhor, Dec. 3, I84G. 293-ly IN ATTACHMENT. Bcfore E. Thomson. Justice of the Penco. James Gibson, and Elnathan Botsford, vs. Jamca Mulhollnnd. State or Michiqaw.. Connty of Washtenav, ?! TVTOTTCE is herehy giyen thnt fln nt.achmenfc 11 agamst the goods. chattels, rights. cnL moneys. and eflf ets of the niime;, dufen(L hjit. James MulholUnd, nn abreondin dabior hr,s ocen taken oiu Irom before E. Thomson' q Justice of the Pcnce of the ú ol Washtenaw. at the snit of James Giben nJK.nathan Botsford P,!imtI SS ." thai the aaid Dendant nat ppearing on the re...rnd.ythcrcor ,1,0,0 i.conri. for fil the 6th dny of Mmch. 17, ni One oVlock in the afternoon, ai he offico of èflid Justice, ia the vtllage of Ann Aïhor, in snid Conntv. JVMKS GlBif.N. ) Emutíía-n BoTjroT,. ] Phinttffs Ann Arbor, Dei?-. 5, I?45